Foster's Lager Beer Case 24 x 375mL Cans
I don't drink, not sure about them
Foster's Lager Beer Case 24 x 375mL Cans
I don't drink, not sure about them
To be fair not drinking is the only way to enjoy fosters
Good for putting out fires.
A bit harsh. I used VB instead. lol
That's coopers.
You’ve found the worst beer on eBay, congratulations.
found the worst beer on eBay, congratulations.
Cheap for a reason 😉
It's still to expensive for me to buy. If it was $20 and free delivery I would give it a go, since I last tried it so long ago.
actually, Emu lager ranks alongside fosters, yukkkkk
How dare you. The Bush Chooks are the absolute best of the worst
The beer drank everywhere but here!
I literally thought this beer was exported out of production in Aus, I can't believe it still exists.
I've had it once in my life.
In some dodgy show in Fremont St in Vegas many years ago.
It was the only beer available.
It was a good drop cause it was cold and I was in old Vegas.
It’s banned in the excluded states 🤣
Never heard of this brand before
I think it's a craft brew
Mainly export beer
If it's not made in Australia, can it be called export?
When I was in another country around 17 yrs ago, the tagline was " Foster, Australian for beer".
Coming here, realised that Foster was not popular here!
Still it’s $39 delivered which is a good deal in my book .At least it’s Aussie brewed rather than the uk swill.I’d only consider buying it if it was at this price but I e already used up my eBay plus signup and cancelled.
Rubbish price IMO. The Crown Lager for $29 delivered last week was a decent deal.
Yep $29 from cub is new rate, great delivered. (anything less use shopping cash back site)
That’s a bummer I missed that one
aussie brewed, Japanese owned
The beer everyone pretends to hate because the Brits drink it lol
Agree. It is not any worse than a bunch of cheap euro lagers, like Carling or 1664.
You could hardly stand proud with a XXXX gold or Great Northern and diss it.
That said, it is truly from the old school of brewing, where everything tastes identical, and the difference was the TV ad campaign or team the brewery sponsored.
Not worth $39 to me, but I’m sure it would go down fine after mowing on a hot day.
Carling or 1664 are 100 times better than Fosters.
Hell, VB is 100 times better than Fosters
The carlsberg brewed by coopers is far worse.
Nah they're definitely 1000 times better
Fosters us just as atrocious as 1664 or Carlsbad imo. VB slightly better but usually much cheaper.
You absolutely cannot compare 1664 to Fosters. Completely inappropriate.
All of them are macro-produced inoffensive lagers brewed worldwide under license at the largest volume brewers. Probably should add Heineken to the list too.
In my opinion, it is splitting hairs.
Its literally the only thing worse than VB. 🤢
Yep this is the original 5% brew, not the 4% they sell in stores now.
Also, I like beers that taste like Beer (rather than sour fermented fruits) and this one certainly does. Thanks for the heads up I will purchase.
Yep, the 4% is called 'Fosters Classic'
This is the ridgey didge stuff. Highly recommend Reschs Dinner Ale for another beer that tastes like beer
Foster's is good anyway. When someone says it sucks, I ask them when they last had it. Usually its never. Thanks OP, tagged one.
I last had one 22 years ago, it was pretty trash.
About 8 years ago, overseas, god awful piss.
Carlton draught is much better and about the same price.
*they sell in store at BWS and Dans(any other store in the country with fosters is selling this fosters).
Cracking price though.
Where do they mention the alcohol content, I couldn't see it written anywhere
Product details
Sure it's crap but then so is VB, XXXX, Great Northern, Emu etc.
We do a lot of really great things in this country but mass produced beer ain't one of them.
Damn, I thought Vb was good or atleast Upto the standard, definitely not crap.
I am still young, how does one discern that a particular beer is crap ?
It's down to individual taste - just drink what you like. My opinion means stuff all basically!
When I was younger, I'd drink any old crap and didn't really know any different. As I got older my tastes changed but it doesn't make me right or wrong.
I get it, I was only querying your personal experience on why you think Vb is crap ?
Is it because it’s too bitter or is it something else?
I am curious about learning the metrics that other people use to judge what’s a good beer..
I heard that this is basically Crown Lager? Is that true?
That’s correct I knew people at CUB they changed it to a fancier bottle and it sold through the roof
I heard crown is from the top of the vat, fosters from the middle and VB is from the bottom. Probably just an old wives tale…
That’s totally garbage and makes no sense haha
Fosters from the waste trough.
It’s slightly different
More like Budweiser but without the flavour .
If i was on a desert island and this washed up , I'd be like ' really '
Crown is terrible compared to similar priced options. I've never understood it's popularity.
Marketing and the fact the human mind is easily tricked. This was targeted at the mass beer drinking public as a premium beer and making people think they're getting something special is 90% of the battle. The whole bullshit marketing history (that it was a limited beer made for dignitaries and royalty - completely made up), the rumours it's some special part of the beer, the huge push they had in the 50's related to the queens coronation, even the fact it's a gold label, the whole "the fifth element is time" (the fifth element is actually cane sugar), you can convince people anything is good.
If you usually drink whatever other swill CUB put out, when it's a fancy event you drink Crownies. The fact that it's an event makes the beer taste better to our monkey brains, what you drink when you're already having a good time tastes better. We've all had moments where something doesn't taste as good as we remember, that's usually because we were having a good time when we tasted it.
Not unique to Crown though. Getting a gold, stainless steel apple watch costs you an extra $470 for something barely any different. Anything marketed as "premium" or "luxury" is generally bullshit.
I believe Crown and Carlton are 99% the same basic formula. Wouldn’t be surprised if Fosters were in the mix too. Are they all originally from the same brewer?
Definitely not. Just an old wives tale.
We tested it by back to back tasting. Double-blind etc. Although their are remote similarities the difference is massive. Neither of us could finish the fosters. Absolutely disgusting. Up there with america's bud.
100% made in toilets after the grand final.
Were you really that thirsty?
Yeah Na, but I helped during the production, probably 0.0000001% of me in it :)
by Parramatta Eels fans
Rhey are real aussie beer
It would have been easier to list the two states they do deliver to.
It would be more accurate to list the two states + the one territory they do deliver to.
UK view, now living in Aus past 20 years but with regular pre-Covid trips back. Wife likes real ales etc but I still like colder beers. We have a wine fridge at about 12C for her beers whereas mine go in the normal one.
Fosters Export is okay, approx 5% alcohol, that version comparable to 1664, Stella (aka wife-beater) etc. Not common but you do see it in UK pubs. Personally prefer 1664 or the European version of Peroni.
Fosters (~4%) though along with VB etc is just not worth mentioning when it comes to a beer discussion.
We now tend to converge on "Amber Ales" as they actually taste of something but are increasingly hard to get. Been to many craft breweries and they tend to be really hoppy which I like but also too sweet. Wife agrees with sweetness comment but also much prefers a malty taste so not many make the grade.
Each to their own but in summary if it's the 5% Foster then it's probably a step above VB etc.
Even if it's $1, it's still too much. It's light beer at its worse.
Perfect for slug/snail traps in the garden.
That's coopers pale ale, or carlsberg.
+100 u WIN
Just so I'm clear, Fosters pays me $39 to drink this stuff, right?
Picked up a can of Fosters in a supermarket in Southern Ireland, read the back of the can and it was positively cringeworthy but it did give me a good laugh.
"Let's thank the top blokes and bonzer Shelia's for making this great drop, but if you have drama's just hop on the blower and call XXXXXXXXX we'll sort you out".
Pay me $39 and I might drink one.
Back in the day, didn't Australians like Fosters, then Fosters went ahead and change the recipe to suit the British market? Because of this, Australians no longer liked the new taste and stopped drinking it ?
What did they even change?
Not sure. But I read it lead to the taste changing which people in Aus didn't like.
Fosters was an export lager. A different budget recipe for the Australian market and the real version for export.
I've known one person - ever - who liked fosters. And this is going back 40 years.
Gets 3.9 out of 5 from 78 reviews on Dans. That's pretty good so I'm trying it thanks.
Also 5% alcohol so qualifies on the brain damage.
The dans review is the classic, different product. Dans one is worse than this though, so all good!
I came here for the comments and you havent disappointed. Ah Foster Lager, It's got the flavor.
Remember the ads but forgot about the taste. It would be nearly 40 years since I had one.
"Fosters - Australian for horse p—-."
So when did you drink it last?
It's been a while, to be honest. It was so bad the last time I tried it I've never even considered it again. Has it improved?
This is the first time I have been glad they won't deliver to Tas.
Never get any of the good beer deals here.
Ahhh bugger, thanks for rubbing my nose in it. Edit: wait that's more than a year old haha. Maybe we're due for one!
If you're into lager fosters is pretty good.
Barely see this in the bottle shot now. But back in the 80s, this stuff was big. Was on every tap in every pub in Australia. Was on the short list to buy when going to the drive through.
But then something changed. Perhaps is was the recipe as mentioned above. I last had a can of it in the early 90s and swore never to drink it again. It was terrible. I was not alone in my opinion.
However, about 18 months ago, I saw story on A Current Affair where I was under the impression that the brewers were going to change the recipe again and re-launch it in Australia. Never seemed to happen though. Perhaps is the start of the re-launch?
Edit. Here is the link to the article….…
No mention of a recipe change though.
Wholesale cost is high 50s/low 60s, we cant stock it because its ridiculously priced!
Thanks OP! I used to be a massive snob thinking nobody drinks Foster's in Australia. But you could say the same of Australian Wagyu.. it all goes overseas… Foster's is better than NEW! but still sits below VB! People only hate it here because of the marketing.
And the taste. It's disgusting.
Sux you cannot get more than one box, I wanted half a dozen!
Is there any other decent beer that uses this code?
I don't think so, this is the eBay Plus Tuesday special.
People drink this stuff???
Ships to America?