Here we go again. Not a bundle. Good stuff
[Preorder] PlayStation 5 Disc Console $799.95 + Delivery @ EB
credit to PS5AlertsAU PS5 Twitter Alert
Here we go again. Not a bundle. Good stuff
[Preorder] PlayStation 5 Disc Console $799.95 + Delivery @ EB
credit to PS5AlertsAU PS5 Twitter Alert
You think increasing the price on a two year old console is 'fair'? Hilarious.
Sony fans are next level apologists.
@eepykate: I like your taste in jokes.
When i hear someone say Im not a fan of it.
I will ask them are you an air conditioner of it?
ps. i was expecting the negs. bring it on, i embrace the neg votes !
@SpeedRunnerLink: Thanks :)
I didn't personally downvote but I would assume the reason isn't inherently your ranking of them, but the implication that some company fanatics are good (or at least, not inherently bad) - I believe that simping for any company (Yes, even the ones owned by a human such as EVGA) is a terrible move, and that all it does is make the products worse.
@eepykate: I did it on purpose because i knew it would cause drama.
I have nothing against PS/Xbox consoles and i own most of them.
@PainToad: What they say is true of supply & demand.
As a sony playstation fan I'm waiting til <$600 and more games
@abuch47: I ended up getting an xbox (which I've never had before) because the game pass was so much better.
I was expecting a good game (like gta 6) to be a release title, but still waiting for something to wow me with next gen brilliance
@abuch47: Honestly if you already have a ps4 it’s still not worth getting. Theres hardly any games that fully require it. I recently got my kids ps5s to upgrade their ps4 pros and both are less than happy as their old hdds don’t work the same for extra space and more than 2tb ssds cost more than I can afford. I’ve noticed they load faster, better frame rate etc etc but all in all my kids would go back to ps4 pros for the extra storage space that’s easily used, they don’t Care about the higher frame rate or better graphics. We are kinda rural though, 4 day download for ghost of Tsushima for example
@PainToad: I've noticed there are always 'weird' comments in these ps5 deals. I haven't seen them in the Nintendo switch or xbox deals
Talking purely in terms of market forces, couldn't care less about Sony's profits.
The consoles are sold at a loss. Still bullshit with this price increase and the new tiered PSN system.
@Caped Baldy: Sony was selling the ps5 at a profit. They just got greedy. The only country they didn't increase the price is the USA because Xbox is really competitive there.
@nomoneynoproblems: Nah, Sony saw what people are paying scalpers and decided to cash in. They've reduced the cost of producing the consoles and price increased in every country where it's dominating Microsoft. Sony is making a nice profit on each console. Microsoft and Sony are almost a 1:1 ratio in the USA so they couldn't afford to increase the price.
I think if I was making something that was always selling out in minutes that I would raise the price too and I probably wouldn't care if it were fair or not.
its a two year console based from a nine year old console lol.
Just Sheeps justifying price increases to feel better lol
Wow, that's a great word! Did your herd teach you to say it over and over again just like they all do? You're quite the independent thinker, aren't you!
PlayStation 5 Disc Console $799.95
Isn't that fool price ?
let's ask marketing guru, why they are pricing like this.
Good stuff
How so?
If you want a PS5 it's probably good?
I'm sure some people appreciate the heads up. But you keep fighting the good fight mate.
People get an iPhone every year, do sheep people know what they want?
There it is again! "Sheep!" Ha ha ha ha! That's great, I've literally never heard anybody else say that!
I'm after a disc PS5. It launched at $750 close to 2yrs ago but has been out of stock instantly / scalped everywhere and then they kept trying to bundle it with crap digital codes for games or extra controllers for $800 and over.
Sony has reduced production costs on the PS5 by introducing a new model of the console, good news is the power draw is lower on it too. For some reason they have jacked up the price to $800 for just the console by itself even though it's getting older and cheaper to make.
Since this console is 2yrs old this is normally when we begin to see the price cuts, waiting for it to be slashed from $750 down to around $700 or under. Hopefully they do some aggressive sales on it around christmas/new years.
For some reason
It's almost like there was some sort of multi-year global supply chain crisis and rising global inflation or something
I wonder what it could have been *shrug*
At least it's not the rip off bundle Sony has been pushing recently.
Just $50 more for the new revision that costs them less to manufacture. Is this the part where we’re meant to kiss Jim Ryan’s ass for this lucky honour?
I agree $50 price increase is a rip off but at least the stock situation has much improved and if you really want one, $50 isn't a dealbreaker. You can easily offset that by using giftcard etc.
Have been chasing this since launch. It should be $50 price decrease sales by this point, it's 2yrs into the console lifespan when we normally see the good deals begin. Waiting for ~$700 or under for disc version to jump on it.
You know you can just ignore these posts right. No need to whinge every single time one gets posted.
Not scalper prices either.
I suspect there's more chips around due to the crypto crash. Fingers crossed nvidia stops being jackasses.
Been after one of these since launch but won’t be copping the $50 price increase. Good luck to everyone
Been happy with the Series X. Other than the shitty Xbox controller which I can’t stand, it’s been great
Plenty of opportunity to pick one up before the price increase if you really wanted one. Had some friends and family manage to get one by following that twitter page. Just needed to be a little proactive and it wasn't so hard.
As if you haven't got a controller adapt to use PS4/ps5 controller?
You can do that? Any recommendations?
And any issues using a PS5 controller on Xbox consoles?
Yeah I've been using Xbox controllers on PlayStation for years.
Look up Brook Wingman XB and I think the chronus zen can do it.
$50 to deny yourself something you really want
You sure showed them
I have a ps5 and a Xbox series X for almost 2 years now and I play my Xbox series X 80% of the time compared to to my ps5 20% because I love Xbox gamepass and controller. Each to their own
What's the firmware by default on those?
I have no clue mate.
are you trying to do a "good" stuff?
They're the brand new revision so would be the newest, or one or two before.
The new exploit won't work on these as they will have the latest firmware. You need version 4 for this to work and the new ones will have firmware 5.x
Is it a home brew/firmware to play downloaded games? I have a launch day one, interesting…
I have a launch day one, interesting…
That you've never updated? Otherwise when it was brought it is irrelevant.
@PainToad: May be in this instance, but old Playstation models had to be certain revisions to be certain homebrews. So it isnt entirely irrelevant.
@JMxoxo: Doesn't need any particular model since it's a software exploit not a hardware one. You need to have the system software on a certain version to use it.
Thanks, how do you see if it's the new revision or not? Can't find the info on the page.
Firmware, not revision.
I already paid for a year of the top tier SonyPass so I don't know if I would jailbreak if it meant I couldn't update. Then again it sure would be swell to not have to pay for me games…
Seems like there will be plenty of stock for xmas shopping.
Good to know.
Hope you're right, but God of War hype begins in a month.
remember people might be getting a $3000 bonus in a few months so a lot of people are going to be buying PS5's soon.
government money printer go brrr?
$3000?? Where do i sign up?
oh whoops can't delete my comment, turns out it's only for WA public sector workers
No date expected for them?
October 21st.
Can we pay the rest with discounted EB gaift cards? And where to get them?
Yep. I've done so in the past.
How'd you go about doing it? It cuts off the option to pay with gift card, either when you choose to pay in full or put down a deposit
Put down deposit, pay remainder at pick up with gift cards.
Edit- unless delivery only? But should still work when paying remainder?
@JL1: Ah cheers, that kind of sucks because it's a beefy $200 deposit too, so you're losing the 6% on that. Thanks anyways
@Bohlin: When you go in store to pickup the console, you can ask to cancel the $200 deposit and get a refund, and then pay the full price using gift cards…
I have done that a few times
@XedeX: yep, I called up and someone confirmed for me. Thanks guys, at least the 6% macquarie discount on the remaining $600 almost brings it down to pre-price hike? that's what I'll tell myself to cope anyway lol
@Bohlin: Hope you can get the deposit refunded like @XedeX mentioned! Then gift card on that! Didnt know you could do that before!
Shopback for digital cards?
Sorry according table shopback not listed for eb games now.
See if you have access to one of these platforms
Every Ozbargainer should know about this Gift Card page /wiki!
5 Disc Console
A multi-disc changer would be great for the lazy couch gamer.
Or if they figure a way to play games without discs… hmmmm
Has a console ever been 'out of stock' this often two years into the generation? And then have a price increase as well?
I've never seen a console go out of stock for any significant amount of time.
New consoles have generally been very expensive, this is the first generation where consoles are significantly more affordable than a PC on release - people were saying a ps5 under $1000 was crazy based on the hardware, it's essentially an AMD pc with something close to a 3700x and a 5700xt gpu.
Even without the exorbitant GPU pricing, it is still a subsidised price on the hardware
I very much doubt that. Sony said last year that PS5 was profitable with the hardware alone.
Never. Being played to a certain extent for sure.
Thanks.. Finally ordered one for a Christmas present.
Good on ya mate.
I hope you won't open it after 2 days upon receiving the box.
Haha naah will be hidden away for the day.
You'd wanna open it up before then and set it up, otherwise you'll be waiting for updates etc on the day 😛
On mobile, I don’t see an option to pay with gift cards?
I dont think you can use GC for pre-order, at least for the deposit.
but I think when you pick it up, you can use GC to pay the remaining balance
Seems PS5 supply has improved after the price increase…..Worse price but better availability.