Beko BDP710W 7kg Sensor Controlled Heat Pump Dryer
$699 click and collect pickup from their distribution centres
$55 delivery
5yr warranty on registration
Beko BDP710W 7kg Sensor Controlled Heat Pump Dryer
$699 click and collect pickup from their distribution centres
$55 delivery
5yr warranty on registration
Excellent price for very reliable brand & product
Yes they're great. I've had a 7kg dryer for about 6 years and still going strong and dries beautifully.
Where are their distribution centres?
Go to the deal
Punch in your postcode for availability
Click on hours for the distribution centre and it tells you where it is
Sydney is marsden park
In the market to buy a dryer thanks to the weather! Any reviews/feedback from existing users on this machine? The price looks better than any brand out there.
In my opinion, the cheapest heat pump dryer still outperforms an expensive conventional dryer. Reliability-wise, Beko has been out for a while and has been improving in their whitegoods. I haven't heard of horror stories like Samsung and their washing machines / rusting fridges.
I bought this for $833 (price match, incl. delivery) 4 months ago. Its a good dryer, and being a heat pump, it does take longer to dry clothes. But overall a well priced machine with a lot of versatility. I chose this based off cheaper price/good features and the fact that it was a smaller dryer (dimension-wise). It does have a lot more plastic (e.g. hinges and door) than other dryers though, but the 5 year warranty is appealing.
Bought one about 6 months ago, very happy with it andhad no issues with it, but coming from a traditional tumble dryer, drying takes almost twice as long. It also has an anti-crease function that tumbles for a short time once a minute or so after the main drive cycle is finished. I find it a bit annoying and haven't figured out how to turn it off yet. Finally, I'd hoped the be less condensation in the laundry room but I am still using it with the window open to keep the room dryer.
That's not right, there should be zero condensation from the machine, it should all be collected in its internal condensor.
That's normal for me using an Esatto EHDP7, draining to sink
Mine is plumbed into the drain. When running, the window/door still fogs up and the air feels slightly humid. It's less than 10% of what the old tumble dryer did.
We have this and use it every night over winter for kids school uniforms.
It runs for about 2 hours, clothes sometimes feel a little damp and requires an extra 20 minutes.
Cycles take a lot longer but we just set and forget overnight.
Great that you don’t need to leave a door open too.
So considering it runs for a lot longer than a traditional dryer, what are the cost savings when running compared to a more traditional dryer?
Measured at the point uses about half the amount of kwH of power per load.
$668 top deal
Now just need to schlep it home
Aren’t some of the TCN/Ultimate gift cards at 10% equivalent value off at Coles/Woolies this week? Or if not it definitely was recently. That would take another $69 dollars off making it $600?
Thanks for the review, bagged this one and now the wait for the delivery. It says delivery from 26th September so will see how that goes!
Thanks! Plus the 1.5% cash rewards that's a total savings of $37.50. happy days.
Its more exxy
Its bigger
It gives you the option of standard heat which will be a little quicker but more exxy to run
What's the regular price?
Edit: most other places have it for ~$1100.
Title… is… making… me… twitch…
Must…. say… something…
I'm considering buying Beko washing machine and dryer:……
More expensive yes, but I think the features would be worth it
The price is now $699.
Price jacking
$1 jack, no deal :(
Great price. We've had the previous model for a few years and it's been rock solid. There's a couple of parts you can see they cut costs but overall very happy. And it's so nice not needing ventilation on when using (unless it's a humid day)
Got one delivered for $687.80 after $30 off and 5% gift vouchers. Scheduled for tomorrow. Thanks OP!
Don't forget about the $310 rebate for SA residents…
Basically works out to $388 after cashback
In case anyone else was interested, I attempted to go down this path, however, the dryer is at least 3 weeks on backorder. The rebate can only be claimed after delivery and will end September 30th. I have cancelled my order now and will wait for the new round in Jan 2023.
Fair enough, I'd just dodge up the delivery docket to show an earlier date but that's me
… I like your thinking. Thanks for the reminder about the rebate regardless. Having been keeping an eye out for a good heat pump offer.
Very good price for a heatpump dryer and beko gives 5yr warranty i think. 4yrs ago i bought Bosch top of the line Home professinal heathpump dryer for around $1800, it worked fine and now it doesn't dry well if put 3/4 of the capacity in cotton setting.
Called Bosch and negotiating in repair it as its out of warranty.
I think i paid too much for the dryer and beko dryer should do the jobs well too.
check the condensor is clean at the front left hand corner
Brilliant!! $724 delivered after $30 code 92JBGET30; plus 5% gift cards bought so grand total delivered = $687.80 - very pleased with that…delivery is Monday
Was terrified it was going to be out of stock after buying non-refundable 5% off gift card worth $724, that i'd be stuck with a gift card and no dryer….phew.
Where do you buy gift cards at 5% discount?
Wall mount option??!
Heat pump dryers dont have wall mount option
Your only option is to build a shelf capable of holding the 40+kg weights
way too heavy, no wall mount avail :)
Unavailable to my postcode, great!
Got mine delivered today, very surprised by the speed and service of jb hifi and couriers- impressed
Picked mine up today from marsden park
Top job on jb hifi for not giving you the correct street address
Not having the address directions link working in their email
Not having jb hifi signs visible when you drive nearby
Not answering the phone
Aside from that the dryer appears to work ok
Very good price from jb if you can get discount or bonus everyday/flybuy points gift card