House of the Dragon - Full Episode 1 now available in Australia on YouTube.
VPN and workarounds are not required. Enjoy! It's amazing.
House of the Dragon - Full Episode 1 now available in Australia on YouTube.
VPN and workarounds are not required. Enjoy! It's amazing.
Surely there's a free trial of the streaming service that shows it
Or you can just download it
If you want to go that route specifically for the show, best to wait until all episodes are out. So this is a good one to watch while you wait for that
I think the only way to pay for it in Australia is with Binge or Foxtel, and I'm pretty sure on Binge you only get 1080p, not in 4k which is ridiculous in 2022. Literally every other major streaming service offers 4k streaming except Binge.
Unfortunately, Foxtel is using 4K as a method to get people to sign up to their cable service. It’s a bit ridiculous.
@ducksmad: Yeah - Kayo & Binge only 1080p (free trials sometimes available with Telstra). Not paying the extra $ for Fox.
Only netflix's highest plan does 4k as well.
1080p. I'll continue with RARBG thanks
Same here haha
It’s only available in 1080p in Australia. That’s all Foxtel can manage.
even on their 4k drama channel with a traditional foxtel box?
It is 4K on Foxtel with an iQ4 or iQ5.
I've just compared the YouTube 1080p stream, and the Binge 1080p stream. The Binge stream quality is quite good in comparison to YouTube. YouTube is quite muddy, over-compressed and missing detail and has poor saturation.
It's in 4K on satellite for those with access to the linear 4K channel. Just nowhere legally to stream in 4K.
Pretty sure it's 4k on Foxtel app on Google TV. I just did the free 10 day trial, it looks great! Way better than binge's grainy stream
Foxtel on iQ5 box has this streaming in 4K ultra HD. And no need to watch it when it airs you can just record it and save it to the hard drive. So not sure where you think it’s only coming in at 1080p in australia
Edit. Just saw the other comment binge is only 1080 I thought binge would have had 4K to.. how strange
Yep, that's the annoying thing about it. HBO Max releases the show in 4K on their streaming service and provides it that way to others. In Australia, Foxtel takes it, keeps the 4K exclusive to the iQ5 Box, and then limit it to1080p for Binge.
How did a blatantly wrong comment like this get 9 upvotes? I know Foxtel isn't popular here but come on.
Rarbg has it in 4k?
Edit: it is too! Binge can get stuffed now
ikr, i always torrent my movies/shows and was surprised to see how bad the quality was for the officially available stream
free and still not worth watching, to think people pay for this is crazy
thats why piracy rocks, streaming services expect us to pay for half assed content at no where the price of what others get it overseas that is if you can even find it yet complain about piracy.. smh.
i have to say, it turned out better then expected
cnnot say the same thing about ROP
Funny in my house we all think that it the best tv series we have ever watched, especially as it is kids friendly.
Is it better than GoT?
I would say No but it is one of best shows airing right now.
Kid friendly with sex scenes and the guts hanging out a half body while being dragged out?
I think we are starting to confuse which shows people are referring to. I think Gusper is referring to Rings of Power
I agree. At this early stage I'm preferring LOTR. The Targaryens just aren't that likeable.
I don't understand the hate associated with ROP. I think it is doing a pretty good job of honouring the LOTR franchise. Good story line, good characters, good sets, good special effects (except for that horse riding scene).
It's just quite slow and some of the plot points are "wtf did they do that stupid thing" headscratchers, but overall it's decent, PG material.
Why Binge doesn't do 4k still baffles me
Because Murdoch still doesn't accept that the internet is a good thing.
He basically single handedly crippled the NBN so that he could maintain market share with Foxtel.
Any this is why I try to avoid giving Murdoch any money or clicks, still salty about what they did to the NBN.
servers cost money.
Yeah but Binge costs money also lol. $18 for their premium service capped at 1080p, what a joke
They want you to upgrade to Foxtel
They're single handedly keeping channel BT alive….!!
It's nice to have 4k but standard 1080 HD is perfectly fine as long as it has been encoded and streamed at a highish bitrate. I laugh whenever I see Yify torrents with HD movies just 1 GB in size with 2 channel audio. On a telephone they may look ok, but not a decent sized TV or monitor. Only losers watch film on phones.
Public libraries here in Brisbane are terrible because all of their TV and film content is on antiquated lowres DVDs. Blurays have been around since mid 2006. If video stores were still around they would be renting out 4k Blurays.
Screw 4k - i got the whole series in VHS
Free but with a massive Binge watermark. Made it 15 minutes before crying "arr".
Whole show is free if you sail the high seas.
Ironically, Foxtel are the main reason for Australia's high piracy rate. They used to be unbearably expensive (for very little return) and early days, most shows used to be months and months behind… classic Rupert Murdoch.
up until recently, i didnt even know that I could use the foxtel port to watch Free to Air TV without buying a foxtel box or antenna.
All these years, just used an antenna and watched F2A with unreliable dish.
Bought a F-59 plug to PAL socket from Jaycar and it is smooth reliable direct connection.
So the cabling serves as an antenna?
@samojed: The foxtel port on the wall has two signals, one for F2A and one for Foxtel but they cannot be directly connected to TV without an adaptor like the one from jaycar/Bunnings.
Can you expand on that please? The only reason I've got Foxtel cheapest plan is because the F2A reception is pretty bad and I want to watch it sometimes. What do you mean by Foxtel port?
@evolution-flip: You've replaced your FTA aerial though?
I live in a bit of a black hole and we got a 3m or so high thing that worked great. We've recently replaced it with some new modern box that works heaps better but basically we had no hope trying to get reception without an external unit.
@evolution-flip: this thread helped me identify what i needed to use the foxtel port
i have antenna on the roof, the signal from that comes to the house through the foxtel port. previously I was using an external indoor antenna directly with the TV to get F2A
Oh (profanity) ahaha, I lived in a house where the landlord refused to fix his own shit roof antenna, I had fox free for 2 years with a old plan and a free sat install and then when the deal stopped it just sat there. I thought it would be more involved in getting a box that supported VAST. For background, a standard rabbit ears doesn’t work where I reside
And in 4k with hdr and dolby atmos audio
It's also in stereo and the sound quality is pretty poor IMO. Can anyone tell me if it's in Dolby Atmos on Binge?
Binge only does Dolby Digital, just like the original DVD format. Be grateful for what Rupert provides.
Can't wait for the old mate to drop dead.
you pay with your time wasted
Days of our lives with dragons
^this. Not even in the same realm as GOT. I've tried to persist, and even 5 eps in it's underwhelming to say the least.
I don't even think GOT was that good after the first few seasons. Just my opinion.
Nobody of significance has DIED yet ..
Whereas in GOT major players die EVERY EPISODE….
Different tagline maybe?
@Royale with cheese: The only reason I watched GOT was to see which of our favourite characters would DIE and how…..
Not so here….
@sachz: What I meant was this
Fire Will Reign v All Men Must Die
Hence no one dying yet although I have not seen much dragon action yet either.
Personally I am struggling to watch the episodes which feel rather long and slow.
GoT had the big bad White Walkers serving as the big shadow over the quibbling in the Seven Kingdoms.
This is literally who is marrying who and who is sleeping with who, with no overarching threat or anything.
They need to start the war asap.
The human drama was always the core of what made game of thrones interesting and entertaining I think, not the white walkers. And season 1 of thrones had a LOT of setup and character development. You need that for the war to matter and make sense. Personally I'm really enjoying what is being served up so far and where it seems to be headed (haven't read the book).
The difference was that there was something at stake in GoT, well right uptil they screw it all up. There is nothing here beside bickering, politicking and plotting, and we already know the Targaryens survives til GoT so one of the handful of lines will win through. Aka Days of Our Lives with dragons, or as you put it human drama with dragons.
As with Game of Thrones, George R R Martin hasn't finished writing this book series either.
are you sure about that? isn't it based on a few chapters of Fire and Blood from 2017?
It's so wildly boring. Other than the occasional murder, every scene is in a throne room, or parlour, or council chambers and it's nonstop politics and bitching about each other.
Sounds about as interesting as trade disputes…
yep, yawn fest
Missed the orgry and ultraviolence
Really good show so far
Was pleasantly surprised after the end of GOT
HBO Max guys.
4K Dolby Atmos every Monday 11am.
Is there a way to legally watch HBO Max in Aus?
What's this show about?
Its about the mafia running a casino but in the end they get done by the feds because of all the money laundering and murders etc
The Royal family.
I was made to watch it when it first came out.
Impressions? They will have to pay me to watch it.
People actually sub to watch this?
Not a good sign for them!
People forgiving GoT so easily after that mess. Do you apply that to everything?
I hope you don't have children!
GoT was pretty good until they ran out of source material around season 5, then it went off the rails. That can't really happen with house of the dragon as the story is already complete. It's a good story with plenty more source material to draw from, so hopefully we see something more like the first four seasons of GoT rather than that shit-show that occurred when screenwriters tried to close out the story on their own
God damn that was much better than I thought it was going to be!
No closed captioning, shame.
It's starting to get good. Episode 5 (the latest) was the best so far.
Gonna get a lot of hate for this…. But Rings of power is more interesting with more happening. 5 Episodes in and HotD has been quite dull
Dull? Are we watching the same show?
Yes. And if the reviews are anything to go by, its the general opinion
Really? IMDB ratings says different.
Rings of Power : Rating: 6.9/10 · ‎170,335 votes
House of the Dragon :Rating: 8.7/10 · ‎130,368 votes
Watching both as I am a big LOTR fan but I think the votes reflect the shows. Find house of the dragon more exciting than Rings of Power.
@R3XNebular: Well I guess everybody has different tastes. So not arguing. This is my personal opinion. RoP suffered a lot from review bombing even before the first episode finished streaming.
I find the scope, look and plot of RoP much better. I feel like I'm watching a more talky GoT while watching HotD.
@0FoxGiven: Oh no definitely I was just responding as you mentioned the general opinion. Both score 85% on rotten tomatoes which is good. I'm into the LoTR lore more than the game of thrones though. The battle scenes in LoTR are epic… I suppose as soon as RoP has an epic battle like the one at the start of the fellow ship or at the end of Return to King my opinion might change.
Really? IMDB ratings says different.
Rings of Power : Rating: 6.9/10 · ‎170,335 votes
The ratings for this look botted though with 22.7% of people voting 1 star.
@R3XNebular: IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes aren't trustworthy anymore with all the "corrections" due to "bots" and "fake reviews" and obvious huge opposite ratings by critics and audience (and another cherry of modern age is hidden dislike results on youtube)
Pretty sure Amazon owns IMDB and have been removing negative reviews.
Great find! đź‘Ť Just enough to get you hooked so you end up paying for the rest of the season.