• expired

BYOD $1000 off Any iPhone 14 Model with Vodafone $69 150GB 2-Year Plan @ Vodafone/Apple Store

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Min cost: $1656


  1. Head to an Apple retail store

  2. Speak to an Apple Specialist (Select the iPhone of your choice and speak to an Apple Specialist about signing up to a Vodafone 24 month BYOD Plan.)

  3. Purchase the iPhone instore (When purchasing the iPhone and signing up to a Vodafone BYOD plan instore, the discount will be applied to your purchase.)

Referral Links

Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +22

    Thanks OP but personally I would only do those deals again if im with an employer who expenses monthly phone bills like what my previous company does, as those plan and device deals are becoming less charming. Hard to justify the extra 300 ish per year on the phone plan itself by locking with one provider just to get a 1000 dollars financing for your phone. Maybe from tax deductions perspective yes.

  • So essentially you are buying the phone at full price and getting 150gb a month for ~27.33 a month for 2 years. What happens if you cancel the plan/port out during that time?

    • +67

      I used my magical clicking powers to find an answer for you;

      What happens if I leave my BYOD Plan early?

      Early Exit Fees (EEF) apply to your plan as it is a 24 month contract. Your EEF will be calculated at 50% of your monthly plan fee x months left on your contract. Plus, if you signed up to a 24 month BYOD Plan from 20 September 2021, there will also be an Early Exit Fee on the $1000 or $650 credit, based on the full credit amount divided by the 24 month contract term and multiplied by the months remaining on your contract term.

  • +15

    69 x 24=1656
    656/24=$27.33/month for 150GB looks ok to me for the plan

    • +3

      You can do Telstra $69 with a $400 gift card (deal on website says expired but they extended it annd know cause I called JB) and it’s only 12 months and even better Telstra reception. Furthermore you can use their chat to get an extra $10-20 off per month. Even then there’s a 24 month $1000 gift card and I’d rather go Telstra than Vodafone.

      • How do you get this deal ?

        • JbHiFi in store

      • +12

        The whole "use their chat to get an extra $10-20 off" thing is pretty sketchy though. So many people say they just won't do it for them no matter how many times they ask (like really, what's Telstra's incentive once they've already got you to sign a contract).

        • +1

          I agree but it works out similar to Vodafone at $35 per month which id take over $27 with Vodafone. I talked and my first agent said $5 pm off and that’s not even trying.. so it works out better with Telstra either way

          • @v7dal: How did you get an extra $5 off a month? Was it just a signon bonus for porting over?

              • +14

                @v7dal: so you never actually got $20 a month off but you know it would happen?

              • +12

                @v7dal: Can you spread information like this only if you actually get the deal please 😴

                • +1

                  @kostaslala: About 2 years ago I joined Telstra through the jbhifi deal + gift card. It was $69/month. I jumped onto the chat and managed to get $20 off per month. Payed $49/month for 80gb for what must have been 2 years now. They recently emailed saying my deals were expiring so next month I jump back up to 69/month.

      • just ask can I get $20 discount each month and Telstra says YES OF COURSE?

        • but YES is from Optus… XD

        • Yep, exactly, I find is hard to believe with absolutely zero incentive for Telstra to knock $20/mth off.

          • @SimAus007: Can confirm that without hesitation the Telstra rep knocked off $20/m. First guy no problem.

            • @SlifSlif: Screen shot just on the plan with discount by any chance?

      • It’s $1200 gift card for $99 pm for 24 months - port over offer ends 21st sept. I spoke with Telstra* chat the next day and knocked off an additional $20 pm.

        • So $20 discount/month for 24 months?

    • This assumes you can't get the phone cheaper elsewhere, such as 10% off gift cards and so on.
      You can always buy the phone cheaper than retail price if it isn't paid monthly.

      • +1

        Had 15% on 13 Pro max with Flybuys last November

    • +9

      To compare. Assume you want Iphone 14 Pro Max 128 Gb

      Apple + Vodafone: (1,899 + 1,656 -1,000)/24 = 106.45/month
      Optus plan: Same phone + $69 plan (24mth,220GB) = 148.11/month
      Telstra plan: Same phone + $68 plan (24mth, 180GB) = 147.12/month

      • I’m not sure about maths on Telstra . Did you factor in $1000 jb gift card with 24 month plan (even without asking them for $10-20 off per month it seems the best deal)

        • No. I quoted the plan from Telstra website. If you sign up with JBHiFi Telstra plan, $99/mth, 300Gb + 1200 Gift card. Then it would be $128.12/mth.

        • Telstra/JB has $1200 Giftcard until 21-Sep-2022

        • what's the JB gift card? is there a deal for buying JB gift cards?

    • You are incorrect. Yes, its $1,000 off $1,656 but you have to pay the outstanding amount which is $656 upfront then go on the $69 per month for 24 months. Just went in stores to try and get this deal however all iphone 14 pro and max are sold out. Only available are the Iphone 14.

      • Any quoted ETA for an available phone? and which store?

    • Plus the difference in price between the $1,000 discount and the actual cost of the phone you select. e.g. $1,899 for Pro Max add another $37.45 p. month.

  • +1

    Can I insert the sim into a 4G Router and use it as Wifi for my house? I know many complaints about Vodafone speed, but is it really a bad idea?

    • +1

      Yes it works. Vodafone was much slower than NBN in my experience but depends on your area.

    • +2

      I had to switch away from Vodafone because it doesn't provide coverage inside my house lol

      Wasn't just our devices. Anyone who visited could receive calls either. That's how we narrowed it down.

      I'd try it out with a cheap prepaid SIM before committing.

    • +10

      I'd test drive a cheap Vodafone prepaid sim before locking myself into a potentially crap experience for 2 years.

      • Yeah definitely. Try felix Esim for free for a month. It’s unlimited. No lock in and Vodafone. Takes 10 minutes to do. No waiting for a sim. That’s the free way to test Vodafone coverage at 20/20mbps. You’ll find out full speeds if you change to full Vodafone after.

        • Is it different to Kogan? I know they use Vodafone. But I'm hoping Vodafone itself would be a bit better.
          Used Kogan for a month. Couldn't stand how slow it was.

    • +1

      Depends on area.

      Voda actually own MORE 4G spectrum than the others thanks to their acquisition of "3Mobile".

      If you're in a place with good reception, you wont get peak slowdowns like on optus and telstra.

      However, as is known, their reception area is smaller.

      Good news is, they tower share with Telstra now, so thats rapidly improving.

      • +1

        They MIGHT have a deal with Telstra. Depends the ACCC.

  • +14


    • +1

      With the change from Huawei to nokia/Ericsson for all new 4G/5G Vodafone is doing a complete network change. They’re ripping out old networking gear.

      We will see if it stays as Vodafail. I haven’t noticed an issue yet in my usage of Felix. But I know it has a pretty bad past. I do notice Optus is slightly better in remote areas.

      • -1

        YMMV. In my area vodafail is crapola. Missing SMS and sometimes calls dropping out. TPG hasn't improve the coverage yet

        • +1

          Do you have 5G in your area? I think it depends if 5G is in the area. Then there will be new hardware. Time will tell.

      • They already ripped out their entire network, replaced it with Huawei, and have now had to rip it all out again and go with Nokia (plus their core network upgrades).

        The days of vodafail are a long time behind them (12 years).

        Once the Telstra deal goes through, their network is going to be a serious contender.

        • If the Telstra/Vodafone network sharing goes through. Will know in November.
          In saying that I've have used Vodafone for 2 years and never had any coverage or speed issues, all depends on your location, of course.

  • Strange they would partner up with Vodafone

    • Not at all.

      Voda ran a campaign to tower anywhere that was a true blackspot.

      They just dumped money to secure the extremely rural market.

      Telstra dont want to 'waste' shareholder money doing the same.

      Voda has something they need.

      And Voda, needs semi-rural coverage.

      They both already easily cover metro areas, so no additional competition there.

  • not much value here

  • +11

    I would not lock myself into Vodafone service for two years.

    • +2

      I switched to Vodafone for a month to get the Telstra new customer deal at jb and that was too long.

  • +3

    For a second I thought that pyramid from the office was real! Much disappointment.

  • +3

    If you were to trade in an older iPhone, would you be eligible to save further? Or is the offer not valid with trade-ins?

    • When I asked this to the salesperson in store ( for the iPhone 13 pro at that time, couple months ago) he said yes I can trade in my older iPhone 11 pro ( which I think was $400 or $500) in the same transaction. I would assume it's the same thing with the iPhone 14. I didn't go with that deal anyways.

  • +5

    Better than the jb $69 x 24m i think?

    • -3

      No with jb you get 69 + $400 voucher and it’s only 12 months. Or $99 for 24 months and $1000 gift voucher.
      Telstra is better considering you don’t have to heal with Vodafone and can get $10-20 discount by messaging their chat

      • +4

        It’s pretty widely known that the port in monthly discounting doesn’t work anymore. Go checkout the lasted JBHIFI deal threads.

        Telstra have moved all their customers over to a new CRM, and all the JBHIFI plans are in the legacy CRM, so the barrier is now a technical one.

        • Actually I just did this last week via the Jb hifi deal. Took 3 tries to get the right agent (the first 2 calls got dropped by the agent not sure if it was a technical issue or they just cbf).

          Me: “Hi I signed up this deal at JB hifi during the weekend and the JB staff told me to contact Telstra for the port-in bonus AFTER the line has been activated.”

          Agent: “The JB hifi staff should have done it for you at the store, we generally do not the port in credit because this is a JB specific deal”

          Me: “oh well it took a while for it the line to be activated and this is the instruction given to me. Can you help me out? I don’t have time to go back to the JB shop”

          agent: “let me see what I can do”.

          I asked for $20 but they gave me $10.

          • +1

            @ctan7: Are you able to provide a screenshot or your plan or anything like that? I would also like to hop onto this if i get 10 or 20$ off per month

            • @kostaslala: upon reading the other comments in the other thread, I reached out to Telstra today to ask for $20 instead of $10. They gave me $20 for 6 months and said I could reach out again in 6m to ask for exemptions.

              Let me post a screenshot later (when I have access to a desktop).

    • Looks like it

  • +3

    Give Vodafone a try, if you have 5G outdoor or indoor. This is the best deal you can get for an iPhone.

  • +3

    For those of you crapping on Vodafone (vodafail, I’d never lock in for two years etc.)

    Vodafone are about to do a deal with Telstra where Vodafone can broadcast their signal and spectrum from the vast majority of towers in regional areas.

    This is effectively going to give them coverage equivalent to Telstra wholesale, so that “as soon as you get of the city problem will go away”.

    Also the amount of spectrum they have in low band 5G… not to mention mid band 5G, means their 5G experience is very very good.

    Once they nail down 5G stand-alone, their network will easily be better than Optus in metro + they will have the MOCN deal with Telstra.

    When you look at $5 Roaming (which includes 5G access in other countries) too, I think this is a pretty good value deal.

    • Does anyone know when this is rolling out?

      • +2

        Optus are trying to block at the moment with the ACCC (because it will bring about intense competition for them).

        The decision is due in October and is almost certainly going to get up.

        After it’s approved it’s essentially some network configuration required to get it up and running, so not far away.

        • If I was Singtel or Optus and this deal went through. I would give up on remote investments because I’ll never catch up. You’re now competing with two major players (TPG/Telstra) instead of 1 (Telstra) which was gifted immense infrastructure for nothing.

          • @checkingthisout: Why? Optus will still have a bigger regional network than Vodafone when this deal goes through.

            This just lights a fire under them and provides competition.

            If anything, this will just push them to invest more to close the gap between them and Telstra.

            • @bargaineer: The agreement is to use Telstra’s regional infrastructure and spectrum and give Telstra more of the TPGs city based spectrum in return.

              Meaning that TPG and Vodafone will have much more coverage. Whilst it might be good on paper. The merging of Vodafone and TPG also took away the need for TPG to be ultra competitive. The ACCC has already said plans have gone up by 30% as providers all banned together to change to 28 day billing. Now the ACCC says they want complete reform of their powers over telcos after that court order that overturned their decision of the merger.

              Regional infrastructure is really only something the government can provide. Which is why FTTP to the regions is only something the NBN would/is doing. Otherwise what we know from a balance sheet is that providers cherry pick cities. As that’s where the money is.

              I don’t think merging all remote infrastructure to Telstra is a good idea. We already know how much they overcharge for peering, backhaul and other things Telstra has a monopoly in.

              When Telstra has a monopoly they always make sure to up the margin they can make.

              • @checkingthisout: This actually increases competition in regional areas. Optus will still have a good chunk of spectrum to play with and will still have more coverage than Vodafone.

                I’m not sure what Vodafone gaining some additional coverage in regional areas has to do with government funding regional infrastructure investments NBN fixed internet.

                Government mandated monopolies are not really the answer here. Running mobile telecommunications networks is definitely not a good use of government resources.

                The NBN can easily exist as a seperate entity.

                • @bargaineer: The nbn is already a mobile telecommunications provider in the regions. All regions. It’s call fixed wireless. The nbn is already a backhaul provider to all remote regions. Far more extensive than Telstra. It’s called nbn domestic transmission capacity service. And Vodafone was one of the users.

                  Telstra never signed up as it prefers to hold a monopoly on all things and charges obscene amounts for its backhaul.

                  This is why superloop and Aussie broadband built their own fixed lines to all 141 POI. Spending millions instead of paying Telstra.

                  Optus shareholders won’t pay to increase regional investment. Regional investment for Telstra comes in subsidies from the government and high prices.

                  Regions subsidise Telstra through the worlds highest charges.

                  The ACCC will block this.

                  • @checkingthisout: No it's not. It provides a supplement for fixed line internet access. Yes it's fibre assets are in the area and provide backhaul for providers to tap into, but it's in not position to just start providing mobile phone service in rural areas.

                    The NBN towers are strategically placed to provide fixed internet access to residential houses, not mobile phones. Whilst some towers have been piggy backed off by mobile providers, there are many more that just wouldn't make sense in the use case of a mobile network.

                    I'd agree that NBN should go aggressively out there to extend their fibre network to provide backhaul to these providers to cut Telstra out of the game, but not take on the task of building and managing towers for a mobile network, that's not in their wheel house of expertise.

                    What it comes down to is, Vodafone, even with the support of NBN backhaul, would be crazy to go out and duplicate their network infrastructure in these rural areas. The costs would be huge.

                    What they're doing makes business sense, and they have invested a lot of money in the spectrum that has given them the leverage to make this deal. The balance of power here is as good as it can be.

                    • @bargaineer: Why not force the sale or repatriation of the remote region infrastructure than. Considering the mobile black spot and subsidies has paid for that network. Plus the original infrastructure was provided for free by the tax payer. Plus on going subsidies.

                      Should be given back to the NBN. And then also the pits. Which was something the liberals gifted.

                      Telstra gets gifts. Such as the png digicel network. Then rakes in the rewards.

                      I use Vodafone, for now, on paper it sounds fine for consumers. But the ACCC has never liked Telstra. Has never like the idea of the TPG Vodafone merger, after all they blocked it originally. And the ACCC has flagged they want much more power over telecoms in the coming years. Including a complete overhaul of their powers.

                      Personally. I reckon they’ll block this.

    • +1

      That’s if it passes the ACCC. And tbh I hope it doesn’t. Instead it would be better if the government did serious reform and had NBN act as the remote infrastructure provider or the government act as the remote infrastructure provider. And then have all three networks have access to the roaming agreements.

      As the nbn is already built out remote.

      Because NONE of these companies is going to really invest in remote networking ever. As it just doesn’t make sense.

      Hopefully starlink can provide a backhaul to a remote tower to make that even more viable.

      Also Vodafone is completely removing all previous Huawei gear in 4G and 5G. It’s getting some seriously good hardware in Ericsson and Nokia.

  • +2

    I have been using Felix which is Vodafone. No lock in unlimited 20/20mbps, Esim, I can’t tell the difference between 500mbps and 20mbps on my phone. I do notice latency, latency with felix is around 17ms, which is excellent. I tether to my Pc and tv to watch Netflix and YouTube. $17.5 for 3 months. Or 1 month free.

    Unlimited 20mbps vs this? Felix is actually really good. And I don’t think at all about my usage anymore. The good thing about felix is that because it’s 20/20 if I get 15-17mbps I don’t mind. And I know I’m not going to get 100mbps or 200mbps or 500mbps. Which always varies wildly. Felix is just nearly always 17-20mbps.

    I find I don’t use that much so soon I’ll switch to circle life (I know OzB hates it) but 100gb for $20 a month 😎

    These phone plans are dumb now. Tbh most companies should just set a mbps limit and make it unlimited. Like the UK does.

    Esim + 20mbps+ unlimited = sure but $35 means = hmm, $25 and I’d be sold to just stay forever.

    • So it's $35 a month….?

      • Yeah 20/20mbps unlimited first month free or 3 months 50% off otherwise $35 a month. You can use 500gb+ and it won’t break any conditions. But tethering full time is a no no. Aka. It’s not the NBN. Honestly don’t even notice 20mbps because on mobile 720p is standard for YouTube and websites are practically latency dependant.

        Here is a Speedtest in Brisbane. But pretty much was the same up and down QLD. It’s the future of data. Unlimited data at certain speeds.

    • Whereabouts is the 100GB for $20 offer from Circles?

      • +2

        use code doordash100 for 100gb 6 months for $20 a month

        Use code finder120 for 120gb at 12 months for $25

        The reason people hate them is because it’s post paid.

        1. Don’t use over 120gb. Ever. Or you pay a lot.
        2. Don’t leave porting out to the last minute of the last month.
        • +1

          Nice. Thanks for sharing.

        • +1

          any other deals that's cheaper that u know of?
          Don't need 100gb per month…

          • @vongz: wocirclesfrenzy40 is 40gb for $14 a month for 6 months.

            Be very careful to not go over. They’re one of the shitty post paid providers that really make their money on people going over and getting surprise bills.

          • @vongz: DOORDASH50 for 50GB @ $10 pm for 6 months

            • @Mates Rates: thanks! whats happens after 6 months? can reapply code?

              • @vongz: Unfortunately existing customers aren't able to do so. My promo expired, I'm just going to port out to another provider for a month and then return to apply the promo code.

            • @Mates Rates: this gets to $20 a month? couldnt get it to $10


  • +5

    Yeah but its Vodafone…Their service is next to none. Horrible reception.
    Feels like just throwing money away. lol

  • +2

    Voda reception is horrible btw. Test before committing

  • Do other carriers match these kind of deals? I.e. Would Telstra match the $1000 discount for a similar plan of theirs?

    • Why not give it a go

    • I doubt it. Because they run completely different networks. And Telstra is a premium network. In terms of their infrastructure being pretty much the best.

    • Yes, all carriers at certain times have offered carrier deals for signing up via Apple.
      Keep an eye on https://www.apple.com/au/iphone/carrier-offers/ for carrier offers as they rotate.

      Optus previously ran Get $650/$450 off a New iPhone 13 with $85/$65 24-Month Optus BYOD Plan via Apple Store earlier this year. Here it is, advertised in March 2022 on the Apple website.

      Telstra previously offered a $300 Apple Gift Card for signing up for a $65 and above plan in an Apple Store (which ended on iPhone 14 launch day - it was mentioned to me when I was signing up as they didn't realise it had already ended)
      (covered at WhistleOut for iPhone 13 launch;

      There are no extra discounts, but if you buy upfront through Apple and sign up to a Telstra plan valued at $65 or greater while you’re at it, you’ll get a $300 Apple Gift Card.

      Looks like it was advertised back in November 2021, ending November 31 2021, but I suppose it was extended but not advertised.

  • -7

    This is scam LOL

  • +2

    Vodafone is the worst carrier I've dealt with in the past, all they know is charging me no matter what happened.

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