Pretty good price…..Not sure how long free shipping going to last
As per their Facebook page- Thanks for the Support - You can apply coupon code "FP20120613" and get the Samsung Galaxy SIII Smart Phone @ $699.95 Delivered* - Remote area surcharge may apply.
Samsung Galaxy S III White for $699 Shipped from Shopping Square

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get over it :P
That was because it was a pricing error, which they decided to honour.
But then didn't ship for 2 months and claimed to have no stock, while taking on MORE orders and simultaneously shipping out their ebay orders.
Because they decided to honour a thousand orders made in error.
They took on more orders to recuperate costs. (The eBay orders were not as cheap.)
They allowed people to cancel/refund at any time.
Yes I was a customer at the time, I had to wait 2 months, and I didn't care because I paid ~$150 less than it was anywhere else at the time.
The real problem was the lack of communication. (If you didn't contact them they would have had not said anything to you for 2 months.)
In my opinion they should have just cancelled all the orders, but they probably would have copped a lot of processing fees from CC vendors.
Remote surcharge will apply
good deal for people who live in the city thoughBah.. tried to see if the code would work on the Galaxy Nexus.. from this:
Didn't work. :(
I really wish SS would get over the ridiculous shipping charges. Increase the cost of items if you have too, people aren't stupid.
"people aren't stupid" I would challenge that declaration.
Good price for the moment
Rather pay $48 extra for local stock, 2 year warranty and SD card at DSE.
+1. This is a good deal, but yeah local 2yr wrty and SD for just 48 more = win.
especially if u can get 5% off wish gift cards, 5% off staff discount and 3.5% moneybackco =D
plus 1% or 2% more if you buy the wish gift cards using your everyday money credit card
wow im so confused right now … lol
plus 1% or 2% for using the most discounts anyone has ever managed to receive.
Cheapest I've seen yet. It's still outside of my budget though. These are iPhone prices still.
Yeah Mine too……I will be interested once it reaches around $550 Mark……..Till then i am happy with my S2……but this is best price for someone who wants it now
This phone is a lot more functional than an iPhone 4S, not to mention 8 months newer. If you're going to compare it an iPhone, then the S3 has much better value.
sure it does nabeel, but iphones retain their value and there are millions of sheep who will buy it no matter what. android is constantly changing with new phones every few months and the prices drop drastically.
Geez this model like all samsung is dropping fast, wont be long before its sub $500 mark, maybe i will wait till then, good price thou
Everyone else is still selling the S3 for $750++ though.
It looks like S3 is dropping $10 per week until it reaches $500 ?
They will probably have a set goal to get it to at a certain price and after that they'll meet supplier requirements and better deals will come out quite quickly, so the faster it sells the cheaper it gets.
I may be wrong but that's how jbhifi works, if they can shift stock quickly suppliers generally will give them more at a better price. But samsung will have "happy" figure in mind and once they hit it, it'll drop to the 500 mark… which is what i'm waiting for, i can hold out the 3-4 more months.
wish my bills will drop $10 per week. lol.
Some providers would have to pay ME to use their services. :D
Posted the same comment in another Galaxy S3 deal.
Better deal for Australian Stock. 24 Months Manufacturer Warranty - $699 Delivered.
Link:…Get it quick if you can - they have a reputation of running out of stock quick.
Cheapest for sure…but i still remember the last time the S2 came out and they had a similar deal that quickly went sour.