Costco have reduced their price for the combo by $40. Can't find a whole heap of info for any of the products in the combo but JB Hifi is selling the keyboard combo for $44 and Officeworks is selling the Webcam for $108. Could be worth a flutter if you need something cheap that you use occasionally? Costco have a pretty good refund policy if something should go wrong.
Need to work from home or complete your school assignments? The IT and Webcam combo provides the perfect setup to optimise your productivity throughout the day. The wireless keyboard and mouse features a styling design and allows for a clean workspace. The combo also includes a webcam with a built-in light and integrated microphone, allowing you to optimally carry out your tasks.
Edit: There is a possibility that this might be in-store. Unfortunately Costco is really far away so I can't pop in and check. Maybe someone else can let us know.
OnlyFans combo