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32GB Micro SDHC $19 Delivered

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32GB Micro SD HC® Memory Card with SD Sized Adapter - One ($19), Two ($34) or Four ($59), Includes Nationwide Delivery.

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Groupon Australia
Groupon Australia

closed Comments

  • No class listed though.



    This Class 10 32GB MicroSDHC flash memory card offer blazing performance for mobile devices and meets the latest SD Association specifications whilst providing a minimum sustained write speed of 10MB/s.

    • …. just saw ur ammended comment. :)

    • +2

      the site said class 10, but no manufacturer info provided

  • +2

    nice find. no brand though.

  • +1

    Would be an awesome deal if it is SanDisk instead of generic brand. Any idea if Buy Now Direct is a reliable online store for warranty or refund for dead on arrival? Does anyone knows if Samsung Galaxy S2 supports class 10 or only S3 supports class 10?

    • +1

      yes it does support! but sure if it can utilize class 10 performance….

  • +1

    hm.. no brand/speed specs?…

  • +2

    Not risking my data on a no brand microsd :x

    • -2

      youll find that theyre made in the same factory.

  • -3

    Four ($59), Includes Nationwide Delivery.

    can you price match please but w/One (15— )

    • Why neg, you never know til you ask! :)

  • +1

    Looks abit like roger federer

  • hmm class 10? really? good deal if so

    • +2

      SNIGGER! - 5 weeks??? what is this the 1980's?
      I agree…..No thanks!

  • +1

    i wouldnt trust a non branded card, as cheap as it is, dont risk your money.

    • +2

      I think more importantly, don't risk your data.

  • -3

    Fantastic price. Bring on the 64's next :)

  • +1

    There is something 'wrong'' somewhere.

    Even at $19 each, and allowing for 'no brand', and for a delivery cost of under $1. Groupon take 30%, leaving the supplier/importer (a Mr Matthew Ng) with less than $13. Mr Ng, a Sole Trader, would need to be paying their Chinese exporter around $5 each - if he intends to pay taxes and to stay in business.

    • +1

      I have been burned with no name microSD cards before. Test OK but then in use come up with random errors. Would not risk unless you can afford to lose your files etc on card.

    • +1

      How did you find the link to Matthew Ng BTW?

      • +1

        Domain Name:                     buynowdirect.com.au
        Last Modified:                   24-Feb-2012 05:16:44 UTC
        Registrar ID:                    Crazy Domains
        Registrar Name:                  Crazy Domains
        Status:                          ok
        Registrant:                      NG, MATTHEW
        Registrant ID:                   ABN 60170857590
        Eligibility Type:                Sole Trader

  • The supplier, Mr Matthew Ng, is not registered for GST and appears to have no rights to the buynowdirect domain name (obviously why he used CrazyDomains as his registrar - they are one of the few registrars who do not check).

    The buynowdirect trading name was registered by J Bean Apparel Pty. Ltd.

    • -1

      I'd say he's their tech contact, the company's name is fairly conspicuous:


      • Yes, the ACN on the site traces to J Bean Apparel P/L. However, they do not own the domain.

        In any case, I believe that this deal will disappear - with buyers quietly refunded. (Like so many other scam/counterfeit so called 'deals' in the past). It could be that Mr Ng and/or J Bean Apparel are being scammed by their supplier. It appears that they have no stock and are planning to place an order after collecting all the Groupon sales orders.

        • +1

          Your last sentence would explain a large portion of the long wait for delivery.

  • +2

    While forcing cameras to watch hours of horror movies is one way to shock-proof digital devices, such scare tactics ensure jumpy images when developed.

    WTF? Who writes this kind of ad copy? :)

  • +1

    this seems very dodgy

  • -2

    Strange. Mr. Ng is the domain owner, but the site has J Bean Apparel P/L as the business running the site.

    Still, it appears 'dodgy' base on pricing alone.

  • Do a search on the ABN and it comes up with this -


    I guess it's his other site.

  • +1

    Product will be shipped to you in approx. 5 weeks
    ouch !!!

  • Is it Smart Buy brand?

  • I'm not sure the price is really that far outside the norm. The key points are.

    • offering is one month ahead of 'time' - see the notice about it not actually shipping until "5 weeks" from now/late-July.

    • it goes without the premium of a 'brand' name, and is expected to carry the attached risk of potentially lower quality (pointed out in above posts).

    Just rummaging through various 'bargains' over the past 180days, prices today look 1/2-to-1/3rd what they were previously in January; Consider the movement /month to month/ of Sandisk cards has been as follow:

    32GB: $40 -> $37 -> $28 -> $23 -> $21 -> $17(two pcs)
    16GB: $37 -> $15 -> $12 -> $10 -> $10 -> $8

    Best buy over all, it appears had been the $10 / 16GB SanDisk from May: being 'class 6' while not the very fastest, sufficient to record Full HD-video. - I suggest good enough for most 'non photographers' anyway, i.e. one probably does not actually need the 10MB/s write performance day-to-day.

    Generally, prices we all pleasantly can note have been continuing their way down: ~ a few dollars off of your typical Sandisk card each month most months.

    Sellers are, as always, with the immediate goal of selling to you 'today'. However, one only need follow the recent pattern and you can see e.g. 15AUD appears indicated for a 32GB card cost(class 6 perf.), come either August / July.

    • An interesting, and informative post.

      I agree with you, prices are dropping.

      However, you failed to take into account the 'heavy' Groupon commission on each sale/order.

      It is generally agreed that Groupon do not charge less than 30% (usually more).

      At $15 each (x4) this would leave the supplier with about $10 each after packing/delivery/handling costs of say $1. ($59 - $17.70 for Groupon = $41.30 - $1 P&H = $40.30 / 4 = $10.07)

      At $19 each the supplier would do better, say $12 each.

      Still, in order to stay in business, an importer selling at $10-$12 each needs to buy Ex. Factory at say $4-$5.

      If this supplier is selling at $10-$12 each and only making $1 or $2 per item (even allowing for not paying GST or Company/Income Tax), they will not be in business for long.

  • Brought a couple for the Galaxy S3 upgrade, either way its going to a hell of a lot cheaper than letting my Telco upcharge me more for the 32gig S3.

    • and how long did they take to arrive?

  • i see a lot of mixed reviews, just wondering what overall thoughts are. Is it worth the $19? I too saw that there was no brand so Im a little sceptical. But if its worth the 19 bucks i dont mind

  • I dunno if this of any 'consolation', however, the original price online is $79, after their $10 'discount'.


    Playing the proverbial devil's advocate here… maybe the chap can afford to make such an offer, if he's sold a fair amount on his own site, or has made a heap of profit elsewhere, and is using this item as advertisement/lure for his business?

    Just a guess.

  • Still havent received these yet, hopefully by the end of the week there should be something in my mailbox or I will have to chase them up.

  • So, has anyone received their purchase?

    I think not - but if anyone has, please let us know.

  • Still waiting.. I believe it has already been five weeks

  • its states "Product will be shipped to you in approx. 5 weeks" i think ill wait another 2 weeks before calling Groupon. has anyone received it yet?

    • yes but it has already been five weeks..and that is way too long even if its delivered from China.

  • So, has anyone received their purchase yet? i think it might be time to call Groupon?

  • Still waiting..Ridiculous service.
    Sent an email about 4 days ago to Buynowdirect - No response
    Sent an email to Groupon couple of days ago - No response

    Will wait until Monday before raising a dispute through Paypal - as Paypal gives you 45 days to raise a dispute from the date of purchase - I bought on 16th and wont be waiting anymore.

    All these group buying sites have a very dodgy way of doing business. This was my third purchase from Groupon - each time it has taken more than a month.

    Edit: - Actually, will just raise a dispute now, no point mucking around.

  • i had paid for it since 13 june 2012 , seven week already still not received the product , email sent to them,

    no reply ,

  • Not waiting for these anymore, already raised and escsalated a dispute through Paypal

  • Quite a pity this one went sour. I was looking forward someone report on how fast their generic write / receive data.

    $19/32GB would have been reasonable cost in July, now being August I am reminded it is a good thing I waited, as my budget is capped at 15.00AU, therefore I am checking on eBay (China) at the weekend. - Hoping these card will prove genuine SanDisk / Sasmsung, however, not all local sellers are all that credible either as buyers in this case discovered ( kay-sera ).

  • People who have forgotten about their order will most probably lose their money.
    Contacted Groupon and got a generic reply saying the supplier has backlog, No apology No Sorry. Nor did they even care to contact the customers about the delay in shipment, they are just hoping that it will somehow workout or people will just forget.

    This particular deal was on their site for atleast another couple of weeks after I ordered, so the backlog issue is complete BS. Even items ordered from Chinese sellers on Ebay arrive in 3 weeks. Nevertheless, I have also escalated it with Paypal. Had also sent a polite email to Buynowdirect about 10 days ago, but the douchebags ignored my email.

    $19 short won't matter to me, but I am appalled by their service and will recover the money anyhow!!!

  • still nothing, what a bunch of stealing liers

  • I too purchased this item on 13 June 2012. I wrote to them about two weeks ago and got this reply:
    Hi Luke,
    We are truly sorry for the delivery delay of your product. Please be assured that this is not the kind of experience we wish our customers to have.
    We understand your frustration and are truly sorry. Please note that we are working hard on making sure that this does not happen again.
    We always strive to provide our customers with the best possible service.
    We have been in contact with the merchant and they have confirmed that all items have now been dispatched. Your product is on its way and will arrive in approximately 1-2 weeks.
    If your product has not arrived in this time, I will therefore issue you a refund for this delivery delay.
    We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
    Kind regards,

    Two weeks later - still no item and no refund.

    Have contacted Groupon again and I am still hoping to receive my item! But perhaps I should give up and just seek a refund.

  • I bought a similar thing from Ourdeal - $29 for two 32gb microSD cards. I've lodged a paypal dispute as they still haven't arrived either. I reckon that half the people who bought them will probably forget about it until it's too late to do anything. Paypal have a 45 day dispute cut-off so it's best to lodge before it's too late.
    Bloody con-artist sellers - so easy for them to rip people off :(

    edit: The parent company is TEMZELL PTY LTD http://www.clevergadgets.com.au/about-us/

  • i finally got mine a couple of days ago from groupon. now i just need to test it. it comes up as 30.6 gb free space. im going to fill it up with dvd videos and play it on the dvd player sd slot. can anyone confirm the speed and capacity?

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