This was posted 2 years 7 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[SUBS] Thor: Love and Thunder to Be Added to Disney+ on September 8


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Thor: Love and Thunder will be a part of this year’s "Disney+ Day", so you’ll be able to watch the latest entry of the Marvel Cinematic Universe from September 8th.

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  • +56

    If you don't like deal posts about additions to subscription services, these are the instructions so that you never have to see them again. Setting up your deal customisation could be faster than complaining about the deal and more effective since these posts are likely not going anywhere.

    Users who wish to block "Additions to Subscription Services" can do so by adding SUBS to their deals customisation.

    Xbox Game Pass, Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus etc. are considered additions to subscription services. You can also block seeing deals from certain stores or users by hitting the hide button. Discussion Thread

    • +1

      Why is this getting negged?

      • -4

        Yeah lol wtf

    • +5

      You know what would be even easier?
      Ignoring anything posted that you're not interested in.

      Oh but nooo, gotta put my 2c in…

    • This whole time I thought [SUBS] referred to subtitles. I was thinking why it was a deal!

    • -1

      Surely this is backwards? The site should just hide all subscription “deals” unless you opt into seeing posts for that particular service.

      • +1

        Why only subscription deals? Why not apply that to any other kind of deal? Should everyone's home page be blank until they opt in to seeing posts for a particular category?

        Opt in wouldn't work because people who may want to see it but not realise that it is posted would never know to opt in. Opt out works because you can see it, decide you don't want to see it again and then not have to.

        Or be given the tools to fix the "problem" but just continue to complain about it because people need something to do

  • +38

    Can't wait to miss this

  • +5

    Who wouldn’t want to be hammered by Thor?

    • +3

      Sounds uncomfortable.

      • +3

        A little at first, but after the first 30 seconds or so the discomfort fades and it feels really good.

    • +5

      For those old enough to remember the Ita Buttrose joke.

      Ita takes home this guy from a bar and they have a vigorous night of the lovemaking
      In the morning he announces “I am Thor”
      She replies “You’re Thor, I can hardly pith”.

    • Isn't there a female version of Thor holding the hammer? Maybe the more sensitive people would want her to hammer them ….

  • +1

    Where does this rank in Marvel movies?

    • +2

      Below the recent D+ Marvel series, which are quite good. But purely movies: above Multiverse of Madness and below No Way Home (IMO).

    • +7

      If you enjoyed Ragnarok, then you may like this. I didn't enjoy Ragnarock but have enjoyed all the D+ series so far to varying degrees, and I'd say it's worse than them. It tries too hard to be funny and still has the issue of injecting comedy in to scenes that don't need it. It felt very self serving from Taika too, always inserting his character when not needed.

  • +7

    Wow.. didn’t that just come out in cinemas early July?

  • +5

    It was ok wasn't worth watching at the cinemas as it just felt like a tv episode

  • +17

    The worst marvel movie ever and they did it to my fav Thor. Every scene is an opportunity for a joke and they're not even funny 90% of the time.

    • +5

      Gorr was the highlight of the movie imo. Too bad all the god-butchering happened off screen

      • +7

        Which Gorr? I mean of the 4 totally different personalities that appeared each time he came on screen?

        Bale was actually good but, but wow what a crap shoot.

  • +12

    Fancy a subscription service adding something new. Wonders will never cease.

    • +5

      What a time to be alive

  • -1

    Surely can't be as bad as eternals and shang shi? Those were terrible.

    • Tie with Shang Shi, better than eternals.

    • +8

      Shang Chi was a great time, and I thoroughly enjoyed Eternals.

      So yes, this is much worse than them.

    • +1

      Shang Chi was awesome. Eternals and Dr Strange were garbage.

      • +3

        Shang Chi and Dr Strange were awesome. Eternals was garbage.

        • +4

          Can't understand all the love for Shang Chi. Shang Chi was good until they went to that fantasy magic island and it became a generic chinese mystical kung fu flick complete with training montage

          Maybe it was just me but 10 rings is supposed to be a terrorist organisation so I was expecting something more along the lines of James Bond/Mission Impossible but with Shang Chi

          • +2

            @illusion99: 100% agree. I was enjoying the movie until they went to fantasy avatar land. It then became a snoozefest for me.

            Multiverse of Madness actually surprised me. I really enjoyed it. It was a little weird and had the directors own unique flavour. Similar to Thor Ragnarok.

            Thor Love and Thunder was ok. Just very forgetable. No where near as bad as Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

            • @Commander Shepard: Madness turned into abit of a horror movie half way through. Didn't enjoy it watching with kids.

    • I agree and I enjoyed this Thor film as much I as I did the latest Dr Strange film. As long as you aren't a diehard Marvel fan and just want to watch a fun, light-hearted, silly adventure then Thor is a great time. Definitely doesn't need to be seen on the big screen though.

  • +2

    No thanks

  • +4

    National lampoon for super heroes.

    At least NL has better jokes

  • +17

    When someone thinks its a good idea to take the funny 10mins from Ragnarok and try and turn it into an entire movie…… this is what you get
    A prime example of "just because you can doesn't mean you should"

  • +4

    Definitely the worst Thor movie yet.

    • Worse than Dark World?

      • +13

        I think that's what worst means

    • Worse than Thor: God of Thunder?

  • +2

    Big news for 8yo boys/dudes who start every sentence with ‘well, acthually’ and collect funko pops.

    • +3

      So basically Redditors?

  • +1

    It’s as bad as Multiverse of Madness, if not worse.

    Fortunately Wakanda Forever is coming to save the day.

    • +8

      Don't get your hopes up. Expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised.

      • +5

        Don't get your hopes up. Expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised.

        Hey, thats my Tinder profile line….

    • I heard Wakanda Forever is much more realistic this time and features a war between two armies wearing blue and red in the streets of Detroit and Baltimore. My friend told me that was BS though and it was actually set in an alternative reality in which modern day Zimbabwe is a cool and prosperous place to live. I don't like trailers in case there are any spoilers, so I hope they are pulling my leg. They probably think I am that gullible.

  • +1

    Marvel pumping moves out too fast

  • +2

    Terrible movie, too many unnecessary jokes! Took the piss out of Zeus and played him like a modern day fruit shop owner..

    • I was hoping Russell Crowe would be as funny as he was in "The Nice Guys".

      Unfortunately the jokes just fell flat

  • +2

    Its a pity. After Endgame, was looking forward to the adventures of Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy. Would have been great to see an epic battle with a cosmic villain.
    Instead we got a kid-ish Love and Thunder with lazy writing.

    Multiverse of Madness idea was alright, but they needed another movie to flesh out Scarlet Witch's motivations.
    Even after watching “Vision And The Scarlet Witch”, her character didn't make any sense. Stupid writing really.

    • Imo her character made sense knowing the dark hold basically undid all the progress she made in WandaVision by corrupting her. It was a bit jarring at first but it still makes sense.

    • If you feel that the writing and the directing isn't as good as the movies in the infinity saga, you are right. The pandemic hurt Hollywood more than they would like to admit.
      Many behind the scene talents left.

      Look at USA in 2021, 2022: it is declining.
      So many high talents jumped ship and left the country. It is easy for them to find job in another country.
      This has double impact on Hollywood and those who stayed. If they cannot find stable employment, they have no choice but to find another job.
      Hence a big drop in quality control and quality content.
      garbage in, garbage out. There are only so much the actors can do to save a badly written plot.
      It is a vicious cycle.

      we are witnessing the early signs of a dying Hollywood.

      The future is in the East.
      One may find Korean movies/TV show feels more Western recently, feels more American than in the past for some reasons. All this happened in the last 2 years.
      Japan began to have better live action TV shows and movies.
      India begin to have more variety of movies/shows.
      etc. etc, etc.

    • +4


    • +1

      When they ask for feedback after you unsubscribe, you know what to say.

    • +2

      OK Noobmaster69.

  • -7

    Is it ay good? Everyone keeps telling me it's crap and there's a lot of gay scenes in there or references?

  • +1

    This movie was a bit of a disappointment. It was fine, but nowhere near as good as Ragnarok (my favorite MCU film).

  • +10

    Endgame was literally that, endgame for MCU.

    • +3

      Agree. I effectively tapped out after that. Watched Wanda vision which was well done for something different. Started but couldn't finish any other d+ Marvel shows.
      Far from home was ok but a bit too heavy on the fan service. Rest of the movies since end game haven't seen. I used to be an opening week at the cinema for all the Marvel releases

  • -2

    Wow, lotta pissbabies in the comments today huh?

  • +4

    The movie was so different than the normal marvel series. They threw in jokes that are not even funny. Super heroes becomes comedian. Super lack of serious scenes worth to watch. For comparison, this is aiming for audience that like to watch spykids. How much different is the content, screen play, acting etc compared to avengers heroes series? 360 degree difference. After watching, I google to look for reasons why it was so bad.

    • +19

      You do realise that a 360 degree difference gets you back where you started from.

  • It was a fun movie. It is in the same vein as Ragnarok which is one of my favourite Marvel movies. If you didn’t like Ragnarok you probably won’t like this one. If you are triggered by gay scenes maybe you need to have a good look at yourself. Sounds like some issues you haven’t dealt with yet.

    • +6

      Ngl Ragnarok was a million times better. This movie was just hot garbage

      • +2

        Your opinion, mine differed. that is how life works.

    • +3

      Gee.. I came here to see a neg about why this isn't a bargain or something and instead it's some review on character development! How disappointing!

      • +1

        A character review too of someone that only watched a trailer or half the movie.

    • +1

      How about you try to be a strong male character and get on with your life

      Because if your sense of masculinity relies on the standards presented by imaginary characters created for children you're already beyond hope

  • +5

    Pretty mediocre movie. The humour was quite childish and the plot was lazy. Gorr was great but didn't fit in. He was really serious but the movie was goofy

    • +1

      Exactly the problem with a 'Super Hero' movie that is playing for laughs.

      How do you have a monumental consequence for failure, while the main character is making fart jokes?

  • +1

    Found it OK. Humour is more average and pervasive than Ragnarok (Not as good as Ragnarok's good bits, but better than the lows). Jane Foster, while annoying, makes the movie watchable. Zeus is pointless 20 minutes. Overall I liked it more than Ragnarok, but not by much.

    Better than Eternals, Multiverse of confusion, a teenager making more poor decisions being helped by a wizard (No way home).

    So far behind the real stars of the MCU; Winter Soldier, Black Panther and Endgame, it seems like a different universe.

  • +1

    I hada a good time with this one. I didn't have huge expectations, but it was a fine way to spend a couple of hours.

    Can't say that about multiverse of madness, real let down. Overall Phase 4 (or is 5 now?) seems fairly rudderless, no cohesive thread pulling it all together. Shang Chi was good, No Way Home was sweet cheesy fan service done well, Loki was cool and Ms Marvel worked on it's own terms. I feel most everything else has been rather mediocre (not counting She Hulk as I'd need to see more episodes).

  • -3

    Has been free on Prime Video for over a month. We watched it and it was enjoyable light entertainment.

    • Uuuh….

  • +2

    Watched it in the cinemas, and all I can say is the first 30 minutes of Thor love& thunders absolutely epic, but after that I'll leave that with you.

  • +3

    Nice, saves the family a trip to the cinema. Thanks OP!

  • +2

    I like these posts. It saves me from considering if I need to go to the cinema or wait it out.
    Saved me a trip the cinema, and thats a deal in my eyes

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