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[NSW, VIC, Prime] Free One Day Delivery for Orders with No Minimum Spend (Select SYD & MEL Postcodes) @ Amazon AU

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Similar deal to this one.


Online marketplace giant Amazon Australia has launched free next-day delivery for Prime members living in Sydney and Melbourne, but has kept its membership fee steady as it seeks to lure more shoppers to its platform.

Prime members within the majority of postcodes of the two cities will get free one-day delivery on eligible items, with no minimum spend.

Eligible postcodes-


2007 > 2011
2015 > 2019
2021 > 2050
2060 > 2077
2079 > 2080
2085 > 2090
2092 > 2097
2099 > 2106
2110 > 2122
2125 > 2128
2130 > 2138
2140 > 2148
2151 > 2156
2160 > 2168
2170 > 2173
2175 > 2179
2190 > 2200
2203 > 2214
2216 > 2229
2231 > 2234
2564 > 2565
2747 > 2750
2759 > 2763
2765 > 2770

Melbourne -

3002 > 3003
3011 > 3013
3015 > 3016
3018 > 3034
3036 > 3049
3051 > 3061
3063 > 3068
3070 > 3076
3078 > 3079
3081 > 3085
3087 > 3091
3093 > 3097
3101 > 3109
3113 > 3116
3121 > 3138
3140 > 3156
3158 > 3163
3165 > 3175
3177 > 3202
3204 > 3207
3337 > 3338
3427 > 3432
3437 > 3438
3750 > 3754
3756 > 3757
3765 > 3767
3785 > 3789
3785 > 3789
3791 > 3793
3795 > 3796
3802 > 3810
3910 > 3911
3975 > 3978

Related Stores

Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +45

    Did I not already have that?

    • +14

      You did, if you live in these lucky postcodes.

      The plan is to spin & dilute all the benefits before they raise the annual fee, then everything goes back to normal.

      • So you admit, "You did, if you live in these lucky postcodes." it's something that was already a deal.

    • -6

      This is not next day, it’s same day by 9PM. Without having to spend $49. So you if your in the postcodes above should be able to order anything before lunch time today (12PM) and get it today by 9PM.

      • +5

        Then the title should be change to same day delivery.

      • +6

        Except it is next day.

        I'm in the eligible post code, lots of items say One-Day delivery and says to "order within 16 hours to receive delivery tomorrow."

        • +23

          Then this is something we already have. No deal here.

        • No, it's not, items that are same day not one day delivery is already free for Prime orders over $60

  • +31

    I love Amazon, My issue is we seem to be moving from full time drivers who did their job properly to part time Amazon Flex drivers (that’s code for Uber like part time drivers) with a care factor of zero and an attitude to match.

    • +15

      Those freelance guys (and girls) can be shocking. I had one who asked me to come meet him a block away to collect my package. Others just dump the package on the street outside the door, they don't even ring. Bad enough Auspost was doing it

      • +9

        Same experience here, some bloke in a sedan calls me says there is no parking you need to meet me on the street or I’ll return the parcel with attitude. This has happened several times now, or they don’t even show up at all and it comes the following day

        • +1

          I guess it depends on where you live. I had item delivered once to another house probably to save time stopping at my place.

        • +1

          Interesting that they'd do that as I understand they can be penalised for too many returned/missed deliveries.

      • +1

        meet him a block away

        and you did, right? If so, you reinforced an acceptable behaviour - that’s how ML works.

        Renewing Prime does same.

        • -3

          I did the first time, and lodged a complaint. The second time, I told him he could get free parking in the shopping centre under my apartment and I told Amazon CS the same. But I'm pretty sure the Amazon communication with those flex guys is poor, as they keep doing the same thing eg dropping packages on the street where they can get stolen - even though I've told CS.

          • +23

            @y2k: Drive into local shopping centre car park, wait for ticket or rego scan in, find parking, carry box up to the apartment, return to car and exit, ticket or rego scan to exit… doesn’t sound like fun for $3.

            • +1

              @DevGuy: I wouldn’t want to be a flex driver for what they earn, but they don’t get paid per parcel they get paid in hour blocks based on car size (after fuel I don’t know how they make any money) so I guess if they get done in 2 hours being dodgy they can go home. Somehow I suspect it works the other way and they get rorted. Whichever it is the model promotes bad behaviour .

          • +1

            @y2k: Once Amazon loses sufficient money in replacements then delivery practice will change. It’s a matter of numbers.

            • +2

              @AlexF: exactly. The trick is to make Amazon keep wearing the cost of replacements.

            • @AlexF: I agree with what you're saying, but Amazon just seems to warn & ban accounts that request too many replacements (although I don't request that many, I've received a few warnings, and their customer service/willingness to discuss is appalling - and I have a feeling the warnings are more likely to come up for items more commonly scammed, as opposed to orders replaced vs total ordered).
              Its a concerning practice, especially because they don't discuss - just copy paste scripts repeatedly.

      • +5

        My Auspost guy will ring the doorbell; Amazon drivers seem content to just dump the parcel on the doorstep; I had one leave it near the mailbox.

        • +2

          Yeah had a few leave next to mail box at front of house in full view of the street. How it wasn't taken is a miracle.

      • ha. same thing happened to me. i just hang up on him

        • +1

          What did he do? Dump it outside your door on the street (we are in an apartment on a busy street so if they dunp it under the letterboxes rather than ringing to get into our more secure foyer, it's just a buffet for opportunistic thieves ).

          It's tolerable because Prime will give a full refund for stolen items, and you can order again and it comes fairly quick - and the second time you might get a driver who does ring door bell or drops package in lobby rather than dumping.

      • I've had the opposite experience, only recently have they started ringing the doorbell, previously it was usually not until I saw an email telling me that there was a parcel at the door, sometimes a while after it had been delivered

        • +5

          Flex driver here - actually that were Amazon's guidelines for whole 2021 and part of 2022. App instructions were specifically to NOT ring a bell or knock on the door due to COVID and just to leave parcel out of the street and in the safe from the weather place.
          That changed only recently. Still, 100% of deliveries do not require presence of the recepient. Only exception would be age-verified deliveries starting 15 Aug.

          So, all the negativity towards Flex drivers in this thread are basically few bad apples + Amazon policies. And maybe those policies are not ideal, but just good enough - from about 2500 parcels I delivered only 2 were reported not received. And as an Amazon customer, I had only 1 package missing from maybe 100-150 delivered by Flex

          • +1

            @interlocal: Thanks for letting us know, that's good intel - and a stupid policy from Amazon. Ringing the doorbell or knocking and leaving something on my front step is no more covid risk than just leaving it, but dramatically increases the risk of theft.

            I suspect different drivers would have wildly different stats based on the area. My local Facebook group often has reports of people wandering the streets looking for parcels or unlocked car doors - inner west Melbourne for the win.

            It annoys me more when it's an expensive parcel, I wouldn't be as upset if someone stole my toilet paper compared to lights or a keyboard or similar. I've certainly had a few who make an effort to put it out of site, while others just fling it down anywhere so there is definitely a range.

            • +1

              @Domingo: Yes it totally depends on the suburb. Inner suburbs are the worst both in terms of time it takes to deliver, in percent of packages I need to return to warehouse as noone's at home and that's multi storey building with no safe place to leave, and in percentage of missing packages. Both of my missing packages were in st kilda east.

      • +2

        Mine just dumps it on the local freeway and shoots me a pic of the closest off ramp I need to go to and do my "treasure hunt". Luckily I have some great torches to find my parcels (bought them off Amazon!)

      • My experience too. I've reduced my shopping on Amazon because of this. I prefer a seller that can deliver to parcel lockers or some other form of 24/7 collection.

        • Amazon have parcel lockers in my area. They are similar to the Aus Post ones but blue. You should check if you have any around you.

    • +4

      All the drivers I get have been fine.

      Most even hide it behind one of the pillars on my front porch; but I’ve never had a parcel stolen before

      • -4

        Since You live in a quite street house. Image You live in a tall building at the corner of two main roads. Or at the mountain the drive way could be 500m long and off road.

        • +2

          I'm sure that does happen; especially in apartment living. I'm just bringing up a positive instead of all the negative experiences that usually get brought up.

        • -1

          Yeah my driver won't deliver to the summit of Everest either, what gives?

    • +1

      I have to say it feels half and half for me. Sometimes they really dont care, but it has always boggled my mind as to why posties cant just give us a buzz and say yo got your package here what do you want me to do with it. Would save both parties so much time and its nice to see amazon doing it. I had a bloke deliver a package on sunday(yeah wtf), obviously the work gates were closed so I was able to tell him to just throw the (profanity) over the fence where theres shelter. That was really best case scenario for me, but equally I can see how things can go wrong too.

      • Did he toss it 30 meters until the air?

        • Nah just enough it landed in the back of a work truck inside the compound, it was a good throw I won’t lie.

    • +1

      I'm ordering less from Amazon for exactly this reason. I've had to walk the streets to find stuff a few times lately, and one package went missing entirely because it was placed god-knows-where. I preferred slower, but more accurate, delivery to this crap shoot.

    • +1

      I haven't had any delivery issues, but there's no issue with access to my property and we have an alcove with the view blocked from the street. They just pop them in there and are on their way. No idea if they knock, I never hear the door from the other end of the house. I just grab it when I get the Amazon notification if I'm excited about it, or at some time before midnight usually if it's TP or something.

      When my housemate and I ordered 4 boxes of drinks, we kept an eye out and got the trolley out for the driver to use. She was lovely though and really appreciated the trolley, even though it was a lot of work still.

    • I’ve never had a delivery problem either - very lucky


      I receive deliveries everyday so I leave my gate like this. Most delivery drivers understand the assignment and place it inside the gate and no signature is required (for Auspost/other couriers) for this purpose, but quite a few do still just chuck it outside the gate in plain view, with no doorbell ring. Only thing notifying me is the Amazon delivery notification or my security camera

    • In Au, there is no dsp driver only Flex. Van delivery is also flex. Every route is randomly assigned to some driver randomly every day.
      No driver wants to deliver to apartments or mountain areas. If He already has an undelivered package and need to return to the depot, He will not care return more. That's why some drivers don't even go out and just mark undeliverable for Hard parking apartments.

      • they are paid by number of delivery they deliver which raises a lot of these issues.

        • That's not true, flex drivers are paid by delivery blocks. Payment depends on the length of the block plus could be surge pricing if there are shortage of drivers, and at least VIC has "penalty rates" for Sat and Sun.
          4hr block with 45 parcels in outer suburb is paid the same as 4hr block with 20 parcels in non-metro area. And if you haven't finished all deliveries in that 4hr block, you can return what is lef to the warehouse without any penalties (at least if you don't return 50% of packages every run, i think)

          So no, there is no direct financial incentive to skip deliveries, the only benefit could be if you have some non-delivered packages and you need to return to warehouse anyway, then you can save some time by not delivering.

          However the app flags deliveries that are marked as "cannot deliver" too far from delivery location, and app sends TONS of telemetry back to amazon (I spent some time reverse engineering it). Amazon have all the means to stop cheeky drivers from cheating.

  • +4

    I feel like they already had this, maybe its official now? I am in 2100 and its been next day delivery for at least the last 6 months

  • 3930 but no 3931? Ah well. Next day is cool enough.

    • +1

      Next day is all this is.

  • There’s next day delivery in Brisbane too for certain areas.

  • Had this for years. Have they added a couple of postcodes or products or something? I have noticed a few times over the years that it was two days, so maybe they're just going to do it better.

    • Might be that the cut off is midnight now. I think that's only a few months old, for my area anyway, I think the cut off used to be a few hours earlier.

  • +4

    We already have this.
    It seems more of an fyi than a deal. Have had next day delivery at least for a year

  • +1

    Existing deal

  • +1

    It's been like this for years, minus some of the pandemic, this is just them formalising it to a point where it is advertised. The main difference is you can now complain when it isn't delivered the day after ordering.

    • +1

      I was just thinking this, as some "next day delivery" items I've ordered didn't make it but they earlier have a huge disclaimer that global logistic issues mean there may be delays. Good to know you can complain, though I doubt much comes of it. They don't give compensatory credit.

      • They do if you make enough of a fuss.

  • I think for my area this announcement resulted in same day delivery becoming more widely offered.

  • -1

    Been ordering some Cocobella Coconut Water and despite clicking the option to put in Amazon packaging as to not reveal the contents they still deliver it as is. Not only is that unsanitary, but imagine coming home to a bunch of drinks dumped on the side of street. Brilliant…

    Good thing I didn’t purchase ‘sexy’ things on Amazon

    But the Amazon drivers in my area are generally decent and better than Auspost who literally just dump my parcel on the floor as I can hear it make a big thud. Amazon drivers even take a picture before they leave which you can see when you track. YMMV I guess

  • -1

    Just a heads up for those getting delivered to business addresses/workplaces - I've found that lately the delivery instructions are being ignored (I have instructions that my workplace closes at 4pm) and despite also contacting the support team to get them to make sure the instructions are added, my packages are being delivered after 5:30pm and being left outside overnight.

    • -3

      Amazon aren't using professional drivers much anymore, they have an app based gig-work system where they only accept temp drivers, explicitly without experience or a proper van.

  • +1

    slightly off topic but we are currently living at home with family and are planning to move out to an apartment soon - wondering how/if amazon delivery services work for units and apartments? do they ring the door bell and bring your parcel upstairs once you grant them access to the building or do they just leave it at the common area? Does anyone have experience with this?

    • +1

      We are in apartment. They're meant to call you,
      and then they leave it inside the front door in your lobby when you answer and let them in. Some, however, don't call - they either dump it outside the lobby doors or they wait till a resident etc opens the front door and they follow them in and drop it (without calling you).

    • +1

      I've had Amazon delivered to multiple apartments, it's better than I would have expected, but you that's if you will be there to accept. Otherwise it's very hit and miss depending on the mailbox access/size.

    • +2

      Last time I lived in an apartment, building manager accepted all the deliveries and then sent out an email to collect from his office.

      • Does said building manager sample all Uber Eats deliveries
        and confirm they are still warm enough to eat ? hah

    • +1

      Depends on the courier and what your exact apartment situation is. Some apartment buildings have a concierge that'll accept deliveries for you.

      Otherwise you might have an intercom where they can ring your apartment number and you can then meet them at the bottom, though if they have a lot of deliveries for the same apartment block they might not do that at all. If the parcel requires a signature, that's a whole other story (but not a thing to worry about on Amazon, usually).

      All in all, you'll have to see what the situation is in the apartment building you're moving into.

      • Yep in my apartment usually they just ring one of the units, and once they can get into the secure foyer they drop the parcels for all units in my apartment. Some couriers are smart enough that even if it's just for one parcel and the person is not home, they would ring ANY other units just get into the foyer. I sometimes get a call to unlock the door even if it's not for my unit.

    • +1

      Have had a mix. Have had a few just follow someone else into the lobby and leave it under the mailboxes, some will ring the intercom and ask you to open to door so they can leave it. Had one who was kind enough to bring it up to our apartment while we were isolating, but I feel this was the exception rather than the rule.

  • +1

    Already have this

  • -1

    Thanks OP dealbot for that nice list of postcodes.

    Now, where's that list of 'eligible items' ??

  • Shame that CBD postcodes aren't included; I'm within walking distance of an eligible postcode (literally right on the edge of the CBD) yet I miss out :(

  • -6

    Worst deal in history. Everyone with prime already has this. If it's not next day, but same day delivery, then the OP needs to change the title.

  • Expired? Back to $49 for free delivery.

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