Parma or Parmi?

Choose Parma or Parmi and explain why you are wrong, because it's a Parmi

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  • 270
  • 480


  • +40

    If I eat too much of that I will look like Palmer

    • +2

      I Palmer Bet you would.

    • -4

      look like Palmer

      Justin case you don't know who he is…

  • -5

    Chicken parm. No end vowel.

    • +36

      Some men just want to watch the world burn

    • +5


      • +5

        Still waiting for SPAM to be half price again…

    • +1


    • it's Parma…

      ..but if it were the other one it would be Parmy not Parmi.

  • +32


  • -1

    Forgot the both option.

    • +4

      If you call them both interchangeably then you're worse than Hybroid

      • +1

        No no hear me out. One is used to describe a good one and the other is used to describe a bad one ;)

  • +3


    • Thats my girlfriends name ✋

      • +1

        Username checks out.

  • +3

    Parmy mate.

  • +7

    Chicken PARMIgiana
    Pronounced (paar·muh·jaa·nuh)

    • +10


      Didn't know this had an ee sound

      • If you imagine and mispronounce words enough it will!

    • +2

      chicky chicky parm parm

    • +3

      Chicken PARMigianA

    • (paar·muh·jaa·nuh)

      ma·ruh·waa·nuh - I'm on to you, leftie scum!

    • +1

      Chicken parmIGUANA.

  • +5

    Parmy and a pint phanks

    • +2

      phicken parmy and a pint of pale phanks

    • +2

      You're absolutely right, but I thought Melbourne did it the other way around?

      • +5

        You don't get a vote mate, judging by your username, you are way too invested in this.

    • +14

      No one from Melbourne says "Parmi".

  • +6

    Spell it out, shorten it, say it…Parmi

    Only people that don’t sell beer in correct quantities and think it’s normal to order a pot of beer say Parma…

    • +14

      Yes that's why a sandwich turns into a sanga and a service station is a servo. Great logic you got there.

      • +1

        Thanks! I was very worried it may be flawed logic based on emotion rather than rational thinking for a second there.

    • +1

      Say it aloud, not in your head.

      Parma ("Parmuh") is accurate.

      • +4

        I will not be reasoned with. 😂

    • Spell it out, shorten it, say it…

      I think that's the point.

      Parmigana - shortens to parmi by spelling, but parma by pronunciation.

      Disclosure: I say parmi. [QLD]

  • Parma… Cause that's what Dr Karl calls them and he is not often wrong.

    • +1

      Well in this instance he is

      • +3

        Username checks out.. and is wrong.

        • +1

          Yeah whatever you smarta- hmmmm yours checks out as well

    • -1

      Hasn't he also admitted to only eating one in his life at one point on his jjj show?
      Not exactly an expert :)

  • +3

    'Parmi' sounds like something you'd say with a floppy wrist!

  • +2

    Pot and parmi
    Pint and parmi
    A parmi by itself

    Parma is weird.

    • +2

      No schooey? no middy?

      • Pint or piss off, (profanity) /s

    • +1

      If parma is weird, parmi is downright dreadful.

  • +3

    whoever thinks cheese goes with chicken is a monster.


    • +2

      Exactly! And not a fan of tomato with chicken either.

      The only valid topping I see is a sauce, like gravy, pepper or mushroom.

    • Next poll. Schnitzel or schniddy?

      • +6


      • Next poll (after that) - Snapper or Schnapper?

        • Schnapper

      • Party Pie or Nibble Pie?

        • potato cake or potato scallop?

        • +4

          Nibble pie? Wth?

          • +1

            @kiitos: Yep, in the Western Districts of Victoria it's a Nibble Pie!

  • +3

    Only heathens say Parma.

  • +8

    Yes it's spelt parmigiana ( Italian ) but it's always been pronounced parma in Regional Victoria so I'm going with Australian traditional take on the name and I'm not going to change.

  • +10

    Where in Australia do people say parmi? I've never heard of this in all my years. Always been parma.

    • Yeah, over 70 people voting for parmi? Who are they?

      • +4

        Everywhere except Victoria.

        Us South Australians fight you over it too.

        • +1

          Yeah but they do things differently in SA don't they…

          • +2

            @smartazz104: They sure do, I had the most incredible parma at a place in Mt Gambier. I'll never forget it.

          • @smartazz104: They stay things like "put it in your port" instead of "put it in your school bag"

    • +3

      Lived in Victoria and always called it a Parma.

      Now I live in Tassie, with a Queenlander and a NS Welshman and I'm slowly understanding that everyone else calls a parmi.

      Understandably, everyone is wrong. You are, however, entitled to your opinions no matter how wrong they are.

      • Incorrect.
        You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant." - Harlan Ellison

    • Sydney. Parmi.

  • +8

    Meant to reply to ^

    Basically everywhere except Victoria it's parmi/parmy
    At least Victorians know it's a potato cake, not a potato scallop/fritter.

    • +3

      Potato cake? Seriously?

      Back to lockdowns with you. Clearly you've not learned your lesson yet!

    • +1

      I moved from Sydney to Melbourne before and found it so weird when I asked for a 'Potato Scallop' at a fish and chip shop and they didn't know what I was talking about!

    • Queensland: Potato Scallop

      Oh, and… Parma, ya Philistine!🤭

    • +5

      At least in Vic you don't try to order delicious battered seafood and get given a crap slice of potato.

  • +8
  • +30

    Found this comment on reddit that adequately describes this and should put this debate to rest.

    “Of course it’s Parma. In Melbourne (with our large Italian immigrant population) we know that the meaning of ‘parmigiana’ is ‘from or of the city of Parma’. The dish is supposed to contain ‘Parma’ ham, as that’s what defines the dish, and that’s the reason we’re correct. It’s not a shortening or abbreviation. Anybody who says ‘parmi’ or ‘parmy’ is obviously wrong, delusional, obtuse and deficient in their knowledge of food culture and language. I am not a pedant, merely correct. So there! (Aka ‘suffer in your jocks’!)”

  • +2

    Anybody who says ‘parmi’ or ‘parmy’ is obviously wrong, delusional, obtuse and deficient in their knowledge of food culture and language.

    Or just an average Australian …

  • +9

    It's Parma. Parma! Say it right Frenchie!

  • +11

    Not happy with those results

    Take it from me

    • +2

      You gonna change your username?

      • +8


        • +2

          Bake him away, toys!

  • ….

  • +3


    • +2

      I prefer this to Parma

    • +1

      Have a parmo and then a smoko.

      • In Sydney they have a parmi then a smoki

    • Would rather say this over parmi

  • +1


  • The city it's named after is Parma, Italy.

    • +2

      Do you also spell it parmagiana?

      • +1

        The cheese it’s named after is called parmigiano-raggiano

        While the cheese is from Parma, it’s name is parmigiano which an Italian adjective for Parma

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