Parma or Parmi?

Choose Parma or Parmi and explain why you are wrong, because it's a Parmi

Poll Options

  • 270
  • 480


  • +2
  • +5

    I can't be friends with people who pronounce it 'parma'.

    • -2


      • +2

        Blocked you on Facebook

    • +1

      Bold to assume we’d want to be friends with you to start with, clearly a person of poor taste and ill-repute.

  • It's parma ya bogans

  • +2

    Parma - I had never heard Parmi until I was early 30s and was in SA for work, walked to the local pub and was surprised that they didn't do a Parma and ended up going elsewhere, mentioned it to someone the next day and they said in SA they call it a Parmi? What the!?

    Potato Scallop is another one, didn't hear that until my late 20s either.

    • Only VIC and TAS say potato cake lol

    • walked to the local pub and was surprised that they didn't do a Parma and ended up going elsewhere,

      Did you drive back to Victoria?

  • STEAK!!!

  • +5

    So the poll is really just a count of the number of Victorians vs non-Vic on OzB…

    • There' at least one Melburnian who claims it's called a Parmi…

      • +4

        We are currently holding a referendum to send that person to SA.

  • +3

    It's Chowduh…

  • Incidentally, what's the weirdest topping you've seen on a parma/i/y?

    Few years ago this joint was selling a parma/i/y with baked beans and egg and I threw up in my mouth a little.
    I am partial to a Mexican parma/i/y though.

  • +1

    From Melbourne and only heard it as Parma. I'm guessing the other options are from other states?

  • -1

    Your poll should be Parmy or Parma


    • +1

      I regret not having parmi/parmy as the option

  • -8

    (profanity) off attention seeker. This is posted too often

    • +1

      I searched and it had never been asked here.


    • Where? Let’s have a look at the results from last time it was posted

      • He's lying.

        • +1

          Maybe he’s confused?
          Dare we correct him?

  • +1

    Can I have the lunch special pls

    • One parma coming right up!

  • +2

    Before COVID came along there was a pub fundraising initiative for farmers in rural QLD and NSW. Had a catchy name too. Unless you said it wrong.

    • Interestingly, in that article, the bar manager near Mildura said this

      We sell about 1,000 to 1,500 parmies every month, but it will increase with this promotion going

      I rest my case

      • You have no case to rest.

        • Touché

  • +2

    "Parmigiana" in your best Mario impression.

    • Luigi impression for those from Sydney and SA

      • (That’s Luiga for the ppl in Vic)

  • Moon over Parma, bring my love to me tonight

  • +1

    don't try to parmi off with that nonsense -

    '45 per cent of Australians prefer to use the word 'parmi', over 34 per cent who say 'parma'' -…

    • -1

      "Parmi is what we use here. The full word is parmigiana, so it makes sense."

      Yeah well that's not what determines how to shorten the name in this instance. Those who know, call it parma; everybody else just drops off part of the word and says "tHaT's HoW iT's SaId".

  • "The usual" or at least it seems that way for many of my mates and family. Some I have never seen order anything else…

  • Parma

  • For some reason i always call it "parmigiana" like some sort of barely literate heathen

    • +1

      Do you slur it out like "parmejarnayah"? Only us knuckle draggers can really murder it like that

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