This was posted 2 years 5 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Breville The Oracle Coffee Machine (Sesame Black) $1779 (via Online Price Comparison) + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ The Good Guys


What else can be said - the Breville Oracle coffee machine at a great price. It’s a $900 difference between the stainless steel and matte black one (which both cost $2669). This one is a gloss black one … however, it’s not that glossy in my opinion.

It is $1799 on the site but if you click the price check option, you get another $20 off (hence the $1779 price tag).

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The Good Guys

closed Comments

  • Link is to one at $2669. This seems to be right?…

    • Whoops - that might help putting up the right URL. Thanks for that :)

  • -1

    Mong question, but if I make a cappuccino with this can I put it in a thermos and take it to work. Does the taste change?

    • +4

      Depends on whether the thermos is really clean :)
      But it will lose texture in the milk. Oh and the chocolate on top will dissolve.

    • Sure do it all the time, wash thermos with hot water, do shot into cup pour into thermos, froth milk and pour in, done. Tastes the same.

    • As previously said, the milk loses texture and also doesn't taste exactly the same. Imo the quality is still amazing and you may actually prefer it to a freshly brewed coffee.

    • +3

      It doesn't matter what machine it's made from, anything not enjoyed straight away will taste not as nice.

      Get this:

    • +1

      If you are taking it in a Thermos, heat the milk in the microwave or stovetop (without boiling) instead of steaming it. It won't keep the texture of steamed milk and you can't fit as much in the cup if it is steamed.

    • I did it when I was working form the office. You do need to invest in good coffee and at the start it's good to try different coffee to see which works bets for you.

    • I do this every day. 2x double shots into a 710ml Thermos Poppy top thing from this machine. Then heat up 420ml milk and your away! Sippy coffee that does me till midday personally.

    • +5

      As a bit of a coffee wank, these comments disgust me.

  • I wouldn't mind upgrading from the stainless BDB with the seperate grinder Pro…
    …to this Oracle Black, ideally the Oracle Black with the digital display, for more posh/wank factor.

    • +22

      This is not an upgrade from the BDB. Getting a nicer grinder is a better use of your money.

      • +2

        agree 100%

      • Open to suggestions for a better grinder for sure.

        • +7

          Eureka Mignon Specialita


          I have this. Bought through this website. Takes a bit of time to dial in as it is stepless but if you stick with one style of bean it puts out a very consistent quantity and grind. I take the hopper out and vacuum it between fill ups.

        • +1

          It depends on your workflow. Do you single dose (grind exactly enough beans each time), or fill the hopper and grind for multiple drinks back to back?

          Single dosing is what most coffee enthusiasts do these days because you get the same coffee out by weight vs what you put in. This means you can use different beans each time, and store the rest in air tight containers. However doing it this way requires a grinder which has low retention, otherwise old grinds may hang around in the grind chamber.

          If you care about single dosing, look at: Niche Zero (expensive), Eureka Single Dose (moderate), DF64 (budget)

          If you don't care about single dosing (or happy to mod your grinder): Eureka Specialita (budget)

          • @Cyb3rGlitch: DF64: $899 on sale….are you sure that's "budget"?

          • @Cyb3rGlitch: I do two double coffee's each morning (or afternoon/night) before work.
            I work shift work, days or evenings or nights.

            I generally make a double shot, flat white style. With steamed milk. Then another double shot, the twin handle, with more steamed milk. After that. So two cups.
            If I'm at home morning or days off, I'll have another coffee mid morning. Or if on night shift, I'll have another just before heading to work.
            Always fill the 58mm porta filter and then the 30 seconds double button on the BDB

          • @Cyb3rGlitch: Can't you just do that with a normal grinder? I don't really care about using different beans throughout the day, but is it a big difference in taste/freshness using this approach?

            • @scepticpsych: Single dosing? You can, but many grinders will retain grind in their chamber/chute. So if you want 18g of grind, you may get just 16g out. Or, you may get the full 18g, but 2g of that is old grind from last time, and 2g of your fresh beans are now stuck in the chamber. For people chasing the best shots, low retention grinders are popular. Of course, cafes don't have this problem because they're making coffee back to back with the same beans in the hopper.

          • +2

            @Cyb3rGlitch: There’s also nothing stopping you single dosing with the Specialita (which is what I do) - retention still quite low in my experience. Getting one of those at ~500AUD from espressocoffeeshop was a much better option than buying locally too.

      • This is not an upgrade at all. You’re just changing to get more automation over the bdb. The grinders in these are just as good as the breville barista express grinders or the breville smart grinder pro, you’re better off keeping the bdb and buying a new grinder or getting a grinder if you don’t already have one ( if so what do you currently own?)

        • The grinder I have is the Breville Grinder (Pro?) The one that usually comes with the BDB?

          • @Spending2Much: Yep, sounds about right! Yeah I would personally upgrade the grinder and keep the dual boiler. You’re only changing to the oracle if you don’t want to manually do a lot of the stuff for yourself. You’re getting no benefits from going to this machine from a bdb, apart from automation on everything

      • Having had both I would say it's a definite upgrade. Auto grind dosing and tamping saves a lot of wasted coffee beans. It's more automatic. The grinder is about the same. Milk frother is more automated for temperature, but can't stretch milk as good for texture as a manual steaming wand.

    • +2

      I wouldn't mind upgrading from the stainless BDB

      This would be a downgrade.

    • You have to decide whether you like making coffee, or like drinking coffee.
      All the coffee snobs tell you it's not an upgrade, but it would be for me.

      I have never owned any other coffee machine than the Oracle. I have zero interest in learning how to make coffee.

      The Oracle is the best thing since sliced bread.
      (Bread snobs don't buy sliced bread, so they'd say that's not a good thing.)

      • OP already knows how to use their machine, and literally said they wanted the black Oracle for the "posh/wank" factor. Yet somehow the people convincing them to save the money, on OZB no less, are the "snobs" here. 😄

  • +2

    3 left on eBay for $1714 delivered after applying code HOMSNS -

    • It is $1799 minus the code $120 for me?
      Edit: nvm there is $35 postage.

      • Can also click & collect if there’s one nearby.

        Either way, mega price

  • -2

    Wow. How much better are espressos with this than a mocha pot?

    Surely not $1,700 better?

    • -1

      Read it again youre saving $900

    • +8

      Not really apples to apples comparison. Espresso machines can hit much higher pressures, so they can extract more coffee per unit of water. Good if you want a strong espresso/ristretto. They also have steam wands for stretching milk based drinks.

      Personally I believe the Breville Dual Boiler on sale is much better value.

      • -1

        I have the Barista touch and personally if you're not prepared to learn how to froth milk then the touch or the Oracle is a better choice… The extra cost is worth it for automatic milk frothing IMHO.

        • +1

          There are much cheaper machines that will auto stretch milk, like the Breville Bambino Plus.

          • +5

            @Cyb3rGlitch: Stop trying to make stretch happen

            • @Arigato: The technique is called 'stretching', I didn't make it up. Quick Google might help you there

              • @Cyb3rGlitch: Do you know how much better the dual boiler would be for stretching milk vs the barista express(what I currently have)?

          • @Cyb3rGlitch: Didn't know this one existed… It's a big price jump in the Breville range, however I'd assume the coffee would taste the same…

    • +3

      Not disagreeing that a mocha pot is cheaper (obviously), but if you think about the cost per cup, these machines are not too bad.

      At 2 cups per day, for 5 years (roughly the lifetime for this machine), you get 3,650 cups which makes it around 50c per cup. That's on par with the cost of decent beans - $30/kg works out to 54c for an 18g dose.

      That said I agree with Cyb3rGlitch that you're better off with a Dual Boiler, and spend the rest on a decent grinder elsewhere. Or if you want a budget option, get an aeropress - they're a step up from a mocha pot in my opinion (although slightly different profile again).

    • Don't get an all in one, just get a simple machine and a separate grinder

  • +7

    Nice. Bought none.

  • +1

    I've been using one for 5 years now, it's a fantastic machine!

    • Agree, very happy with mine (coming from a Rancilio)

    • +1

      we bought one 5 years ago for our office for a small business - has been great.
      It's a good balance between automatic set and forget functions / auto steaming but without terribleness of a full auto

      • I have a BDB and my friend has an Oracle which I couldn’t justify given I got my BDB for $799 with extra breville bonuses, and our end result coffee seems on par but mine requires more hands on approach and steps which I personally prefer, but I can definitely see how the Oracle works well for an office/workplace. The BDB wouldn’t work well in such an environment

  • +2

    Good machine. Makes it easy for even the basic operator.

  • You can't go wrong with this

  • I am using the touch version. Fantastic machine the Oracle touch.

    • How much was your Oracle touch. (Digital display)

      • +1

        You will be Spending2Much if you buy it..

        • Correct.
          3800 is definitely 2MuchSpending

      • I got mine for 3800 .

        • Sorry I meant $2800 on ebay brand new. Someone was selling an unwanted present

          • @jamba: I need to find people to give me more 4K$ presents I don't want.

  • +2

    Bought ours from good guys previous for $1.5k. changed my bdb for this to save counter space

    • +4

      On the other hand, we've added another counter for the BDB + Niche Zero + DF64 + V60.

      I reckon a few more years and somehow we're a small coffee shop on the street corner.

      • +1

        How do you find the niche v df64 for espresso? Is there much of a difference with the lighter roasted, fruitier coffees in particular?

      • I nearly went down that route and realised that making 1-2 coffees 3-4 days a week when wfh wasn't worth the effort/time and money. Also my bdb had gone through 2 services and it was getting a bit old and happened to find the oracle on sale.

        And then there's me also looking at the niche zero to pair with the oracle so I can use different beans….

  • +1

    I've had one for 7 years…. brilliant….one of the things you look forward to. Don't underestimate the auto milk frothing because it's the auto shut off temp control that lets you walk away and do something else while it does its thing. The adjustable tamping is also another nifty feature.

    • +1

      Did you repair it during these 7 yrs?

  • +1

    It's a great machine - I've used one for a few years
    But I've gone back to my basic Gaggia - as I just prefer to 'make' a coffee, it's part of the deal for me.

  • Probably old specs from Goodguys website, supposed to be 2400watts power. Worth checking, in case they are an older revision.

  • The oracle doesn't make great coffee in comparison to the BDB. Please dont make the mistake of thinking this is the BDB and smart grinder in one package. It's far worse.
    The coffee is still decent but it's only ever decent at best. It's never good coffee

    • What's the difference? Can't you use the Oracle like a dbd, using a separate grinder? Having the option of in built for convenience but also can go manual on the weekends.

      • The milk frother is inferior in the oracle. But you probably can get the same if you go manual grinder and use the machine as a BDB from the coffee side.
        But I would really just save the money and buy the BDB

  • What are the differences between the Oracle Semi Automatic vs. the Oracle Espresso

    • +1

      Looking at both models - unless I am wrong, they are both the same machine. The model numbers (bar the letters to represent their colours) are the same. I guess it’s just how they wrote it on their website.

      • thank you, mate

  • +1

    The Breville Coffee machine was nothing but trouble for me. I left a ticket with the issue at their website and they didn't respond to it (over a month now). From this experience, I couldn't recommend anyone to buy from Breville.

    • I left a ticket on the Breville website for a dent in the tray and they sent me a new one no charge.

      • -1

        This sounds more like the Breville experience.

        I like Breville so much I invested a heap of my SMSF in them.

    • I contacted them when I lost my blackflush cleaning disc. They sent me a replacement free of charge.

  • Have the Oracle Touch, no ragrets, it's a great machine, although not all the bells and whistles it'll make excellent coffee and well worth the investment.

  • -3

    I love great coffee but I really can’t be bothered due to kids and Job. I really don’t need another thing to maintain so I just run star bucks pods with a good ol latissima machine. Can’t wait to get to this stage though.

    • The oracle is no more work than a pod machine.

      To make coffee: I make myself 2 espressos in about the same time I boil the jug for my wife's tea.
      Maintenance: I think it's wanted a clean or filter change maybe 4 times over the last several years.

  • I have a nespresso currently which only just scratches my coffee itch of a morning. I'm pretty lazy when it comes to coffee also, I just put milk in my coffee then nuke it so not even frothing. I'm considering a Breville of some description but not sure if this or a dual boiler with external grinder is the best bet. Budget limit would be this machine but would prefer to spend more like the 1k mark. Basically after something non-fuss with quick cleanup.

    • Can I suggest the sunbeam barista max as a great entry level espresso machine. It’s an all in one grinder / boiler, so is good for bench space. 58mm portafilter makes cafe strength coffee too.

  • This is the 1800w model which is different than the 2400W model which currently cost 2700$!

    • what's the difference between 1800w and 2400w? They both say they maintain 15 bar pressure

      • +1

        Probably takes longer time to heat up, 2400w is 33% more powerful that 1800w on paper. But there may be other improvements and revisions. If you look at previous sales it has always been the Black Sesame model, much suggests it is the “lesser” model, possibly.

    • It might be old/wrong specs on TGG site as other retailers mention 2400W for same colour.

  • +2

    Was going to purchase this a couple weeks back with the 15% click frenzy and gift card deal. Decided against it as I want the ability to tamp the grinds myself which apparently this doesn't allow. Will wait for the dual boiler in black to dazzle.

    • Good idea, the Oracle (auto tamp) and the newer Barista Impress (assisted tamp) don’t make it easy to weigh coffee grounds, the integrated grinder aren’t designed for single dose neither. Basically a lot of guess work.

      • +1

        I gotta admit the single dose filter doesn't produce as good a result. a mate says he has the same problem with his manual machine though - we concluded single filters just aren't a good design??

        So I make 2 coffees at a time, I don't see the problem.

        I'm never going to weigh grounds. I've found if I buy the same beans I don't even have to adjust the grind. It just makes identical coffees continually.

    • Good decision, you won't regret this

  • +2

    I've got mine today for anyone confusing about the 1800w vs 2400w on the TGG website, I could see on the bottom of machine it says 2000w-2400w. So should be typo/wrong specs on TGG website.

  •…. I have heat exchange coffee machine Diadema and Mazzer mini grinder at home. They serve me well in the past ten years. It is a single boiler machine and the body is full stainless steel very heavy and you can’t push it with one hand. Very durable and make great coffees, only serves two times in the past decade. My neighbour and my friends have similar machines after they saw mine. The coffee machine and grinder really look nice and coffee smell great at kitchen. Website for reference and more choices for coffee machine.

  • Has anyone used before? They are selling EUREKA MIGNON SPECIALITA for around $600 which is pretty good considering local stock.

    Just wondering whether to go through the hassle of buying from overseas or go local.

    • They are legit local shop, but the EUREKA MIGNON SPECIALITA is not $600.. rather the Silenzio model without LCD screen or fancy stuff.
      Edit: The SPECIALITA black is available from JettBlack for $689 or from kbean for $679

      • Thanks - i searched on google and didn't click into the link. I bought from overseas!

        • You should receive it in around 5 working days. They will provide you with Aust adaptor, but I cut the plug and connected flat side entry Aus plug.

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