• expired

Free Crypto Tax Report (First 500 Users) @ Koinly


Hopefully this works okay, got a notification from the Finder app.

The first 500 Finder app members who sign up using the promo code FINDER22AU will get their Koinly crypto tax report for free.

After the first 500, you can still use the code to get 30% off your Koinly crypto tax report when you sign up. Seek independent advice. T&Cs apply

  1. Go to Koinly's site and Sign up.
  2. Input your email and choose a password. Select Create an account. New users can also quickly sign up using their Coinbase or Google accounts.
  3. Select your base currency and home country from the drop-downs. Select Continue.
  4. Add your wallets and import your data by auto-syncing or uploading your transaction history.
  5. Select Free Plan to upgrade your account and enter the code FINDER22AU.

Similar to previous deals.

Source: Finder

Referral Links

Referral: random (158)

US$20 for referrer and referee.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Before anyone gets too disappointed they missed out on this one, my experience with Koinly has been terrible so far. Don't bother signing up if you use FTX. Even for free it is over-priced. They have acknowledged they have issues importing info for years now, but have still not fixed it.

    • Oh okay I imported my FTX and it seemed okay. What were the issues you’ve recently faced?

    • +1

      I trialled it for a while but liked cryptotaxcalculator better. Regardless, unless you only do basic crypto investing, you'll still have a ton of work to do. I'm so late on my tax return because I can't justify the time it takes right now, but secretly hoping the ATO learn a bit more about crypto and improve how it's taxed in the meantime.

      Binance importing is bad on all software - but it's hell of a lot better than Binance's reports.

      • +1

        Curious to know how to account for staking at Celsius?

        • Each week when the rewards come in the AUD value of the CEL or in-kind rewards would be determined and used as taxable income and as a cost-base for CGT when the rewards are finally sold. CTC handles this and Koinly will too.

          But if you're asking because withdrawals are frozen, I'm going to wait until the tax year is over to see what happens. No way I'm paying tax on rewards I can't get my hands on. I'll just quote "Not my keys, not my money", lol. Will claim the staked amounts as capital losses too if I have gains to offset.

  • +5

    Signed up. But realize instead of losing money, it says I have profit which is not true. Don’t know how it was calculated.

    • +1

      Probably it was based on what you actually sold.

    • +1

      You may need to change your cost basis - try swapping it around from FIFO to LIFO or vice-versa.

  • Finally got it, thanks op

  • Thanks been searching for days to get free!

  • +6

    Thanks OP!!! Ended up DMing a few people from the other ones that said they missed out - hopefully they see the notifications!

  • Got it niceeeeeee

  • +1

    Wow what a coicidink, literally made a Koinly account like 20 minutes ago, imported three exchanges worth of transactions then jumped on OzBargain to find some referral deals and bam free awesomeness.


  • +2

    I got one of the previous deals, but to me something fishy is going on with all these free reports every few days. I assume they have a deal with the ATO to get more people paying tax on their crypto investments

  • -2

    the code worked for all income years

    • even 20-21?

      • -2

        even 2017 and 2023

        • +1

          it didn't work for me for 20-21 only worked on 21-22 and 22-23 or maybe it's been ozbargained?

  • finally got one ty

  • Thanks OP, got it.

  • Finally after missed out several times.. got pro plan

  • Woohoo! Thanks hamza

    After missing the past few deals finally got one :))

  • Thank you! I'd been missing the promos all week and finally got this one.

  • Really needed this, only got the 30% off :(

  • VERY NICE got 21-22 and 22-23!!!! Thank you thank you thank you

    don't forget Extra Transactions are free too if you need them

    • How? From what I'm comprehending, it's for new members??

      • nah just First 500 Users that applied the code at checkout

        • I tried when this post had 250 views of the link and I didn't get it

  • Oos? Only applied 30% for me

    • Same must have expired?

  • What an awesome community - finally snagged one of these! Mucho appreciato Hamza!

  • +1

    Sold out. Only 30% remaining. Damn.

    • damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  • Applied coupon at checkout and showed $0. Went to next step, and asked for $41…? Now only shows the $41.sumthing price? iOS?

    • too slow, OOS

      • did you get in?

    • I think it just got ozbargained and reverted to 30% off so that's around $41

  • missed it again :(

  • +1

    yup, I'm too slow too. Now the site is Ozbargained :)

    • +1

      Have to be quick hey. I’m too slow too haha

  • $17.70 discount

  • Unbelievable it’s like I’m destined to miss this deal

    • destination unknown no no no no

  • +3

    Hopefully comes with a mental health plan

    • +4

      Lisa needs braces

      • Dental plan

  • Koinly shows the summary for free after you upload the csv file from the respective crypto platform. In most cases, this summary is good enough to figure out profit, losses, etc.

    • issue is converting the USD to AUD and don't think csv file can do that?

      • Swyftx data is already converted in AUD by default even before you upload to Koinly.. not sure abt other platforms.

        • Does kinky import Swyftx cvs files without issues?
          I am looking for a crypto tax reporting software.

          • +1

            @shegeloaf: Use the free version first and have a look at the summary it shows on it - then go for the paid if you need it. I think that summary is good enough to get all the numbers that you need for tax reports but I am not an accountant. Koinly is Swyft's official recommendation for tax reports so it should be fine. You don't have too many choices, going by Swyftx's recommendations. There's Koinly and the other one is CryptoTaxCalculator, I think.

      • The USD to AUD conversion ended up as 2 transactions in Koinly for me, causing confusion. If I recall, one is the USD to AUD and the other is AUD. Both as Deposits. I ended up removing the USD to AUD row.

        You may want to check yours to confirm.

        • +1

          I tried uploading csv file with fiat currency conversion rows and without them and output was exactly the same both times so I assume that this issue has been fixed.

  • F, keep missing out on this deal, my report is like $4k :((

  • +1

    O wow. Was happy to have quickly caught it, but seems I was too slow again lol

  • Yeah with all of the Koinly deals, it just seems I'm bound to not get it at all

  • It just gave me a $17 discount, what gives?
    oh, poop, oos

  • Obviously too slow! 😢

  • +3

    3 of 3 missed 😭

  • used this and didnt even take cgt discount for holding it +12 months

  • n00b here. can i generate my own tax report easily enough with a transaction report from my crypto exchange. ive exclusively bought to hold albeit over several small transactions and have staked a couple of coins. Anyone know of a good guide i can use ?

    • +1

      you can get the cvc file in excel and show all net transactions and do some minus and adding

  • Damn. Missed again. Makes me regret going out for a "while"/

  • tfw when you wake up miss the 100% off deal, grudgingly pay the 70%, and then find out there is another 100% off deal in the afternoon that you missed

    (╯° °)╯︵ ┻━┻

  • I missing it everytime..

  • Ditto! I keep missing it :(

  • Is there any other software that we can use apart from koinly in Australia?

    • Yes, plenty.

      Try them all, pay for the one you like best. But once you've chosen, you can't switch easily unless you want to redo all previous years !

      • I guess i could just transfer the loss/gain from previous years to a new account without redoing the calculations.

        • That only works if the different tax tools come up with identical results - if you have anything other than a very simple portfolio, this probably won't be the case…

          (remember the new tool still needs to calculate every transaction you've ever done, to arrive at your current state…)

  • Dammit missed today again after yesterday. Just had to be busy today…

  • Anyone's binance transactions not showing up after API with Koinly?

    • Use the CSV exports instead - the Binance API is 💩

  • New code here if you missed out and are quick, posted by the rep.

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