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Free Crypto Tax Report (First 100 New Users, 20% off after) @ Koinly AU


Be quick to get a free crypto tax report! The first 100 new users in Australia will get a freebie and 20% off thereafter

Referral Links

Referral: random (161)

US$20 for referrer and referee.

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closed Comments

  • Thanks OP! This will go quick like the last ones

  • Thanks op finally got one 😂

  • Thanks Koinly! Finally got it after missing out.

  • Wow thanks koinly!

  • Legend! Thanks OP!

  • Finally! Thanks Koinly

  • Thanks - super appreciated!

  • -1

    Cheers got all years covered

  • Finally, I win :-D

  • You just have to sign up or… ?

    • +2

      Yea create a free account and then apply the code at the checkout!

      • I must be having a complete blinder of a day to have missed that. Thank you :)

  • +1

    Aaand it's gone

  • It came up as $0 for me but when I went to hit pay, it came up as $200. Have I missed the boat? :(

    Such a shame as $200 is much larger than my earnings haha

    EDIT: Anyone have a free alternative?

    • Wait for another deal, these come up quite often but they go quickly!

      • Hopefully I won't miss it by a millisecond next time!

    • How large are your losses?

      • Haha nah it's just small amounts of mining, which I wasn't aware would show up as thousands of "transactions" as it pertains to tax lol

    • Yeah have made fk all out of the dogs, not paying for software of havent made a cent

  • Thanks so much, got one for my parents

  • Missed it yet again :(

  • Nooooo missed again. 3rd time T.T

  • No luck once again, just give us a decent discount and I'll bite

    • If you use Swyftx you get 30% off if that helps?

    • There’s been 6 of these free deals in the last month. Be patient and you’ll get it for nothing.

  • +1

    25 upvotes for 100 codes used. That’s a lot of lurkers!

  • If you missed the first 100, there's still 20% off for any Koinly product :)

    • +2

      Doh, thats 3 times I have missed thee by a few min.

    • +3

      I wish you had plans based on earnings. Frustrating having to spend 8x what I earnt in order to get the report haha

  • Woah code from the official Koinly account!

  • +2

    PLease re activate for another 100 users im a new user :D

  • And they say crypto has no value ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • +1

    here to post again I missed it.. damn

    • I feel ya :'(
      Missed it everytime sadly

  • Oof, how are people getting in this so quick? Did they have their wallets already pre-filled?

    • +3

      Add an ozbargain alert for koinly

  • well damn, missed it again!

  • +5

    You've gotta do better than 100 slots to please us all here on Ozbargain…

  • What is a crypto tax report?

    • +1

      If you trade or mine cryptocurrency and have made a profit or loss, you may be liable to pay tax on it in Australia. This blog article explains it in detail: https://koinly.io/guides/crypto-tax-australia/

      • How can you pay tax on a net loss? Don't think it's possible.

        • You earn money from ATO if you loss in crypto

  • dang. always missing koinly deals

  • Missed…

  • Do they support reporting on the derivatives data, i.e. futures or only spot buy/sell?

  • +1

    man i'm waiting to do my own tax report but i've missed this deal every single time it's posted. i even paid for a plan last year, but why would i pay again when i can see so many people getting it for free (who probably won't even use it…)

  • +12

    I'll see if I can get another one approved, stay tuned!

    • +1

      tuning in

      • +1

        Interested as well. Please do

    • Tunned in to channel crypto

  • -2

    People still believe in this crypto scam it seems.

    The future of money where you get hacked or rug pulled and lose it all so you need to keep this future money offline in cold storage even though I can't buy anything with it

    Wow sign me up

    • +4

      get hacked

      lol watching sky news?

      • -2

        Yeah no crypto sites have been hacked

        Best you up the dosage on your meds

        • So crypto getting hacked or crypto sites getting hacked?

    • Go to Mars and take some crypto with you, might need it.

  • Used Koinly for free and got tax statement from Binance.
    My thinking is Binance should (be forced to legally) provide the tax statement on their website.

    • My thinking is Binance should (be forced to legally) provide the tax statement on their website.

      They could only do this if you ONLY ever used Binance and nobody else. Otherwise how could Binance possibly know what your buy and sell prices were on other exchanges ?

      • +1

        He means for binance only, makes sense-
        CDC have a tax calulator

        • Right, but if you transfer a coin in to Binance, they have no way to know what price you bought that coin at - so they cannot calculate your tax obligation.
          You can see how a Binance tax calculator would basically be useless unless you never interact with anything outside of Binance.

          • @Nom: Yeah probably helps to keep track of it yourself, with a spreadsheet. No point having too much different exchanges, and binance is a trustworthy one.

            • @G-rig:

              Yeah probably helps to keep track of it yourself, with a spreadsheet.

              That's what Koinly does, hence this deal 😁

              • @Nom: Yeah handy app, guess just pay for it every year and claim the cost against tax.

                need to check the settings, saying I have capital gains.

                Ftx is another handy app to read in various platforms , not the same tax features but quick to reference

  • +2

    New code going live now!

    • Thanks think I selected the plan and entered the code, no confirmation emails or anything.
      Edit: FFS could be new users, just saw that. May have got charged will have to check).

    • Hi. I've created an account and then do I just go to one of the tax plan-eg Newbie, Hodler, Trader etc? Going into newbie which is $59 only gave me a discount of $11.80 when I enter OZBARGAIN code. Is that what I supposed to do?

  • Website is junk - hard to log in half of the time - connection issues

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