• expired

NordVPN: 95% Cashback for New VPN Plan Customers, No Cap @ ShopBack


Was looking at signing up with NordVPN and my Shopback plugin popped up.

Use the code SHOPBACK for even more off.

Should add, if using the Shopback browser plugin, it may appear to deactivate when navigating to the payment page (nordcheckout..), don't worry as the tracking still works. I got my tracked email within 1.5 hrs.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3591)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms(support.shopback.com.au)

Related Stores

ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU

closed Comments

  • -3

    Shop back blah!

  • What does the coupon do?

    I'm not seeing extra discounts

    • Just guessing but I would imagine orders with that coupon get forwarded to Shop Back for a manual refund.

  • So do we use the shopback code on NordVPN's checkout?

    • Go through the shopback app.

  • Has anyone not received their cashback for one of these deals?

    • Maybe send a dm to GYB if your Nord cashback hasn’t tracked?

      • It tracked for PIA but I want to get Nord and wonder if it's worth taking the risk to part ways with another $100 bucks for a while.

        • Because you enter a coupon, then you don’t have to worry about tracking, right? Nord probably forwards all orders with that coupon for the cash back.

    • +2

      Mine registered for last week when they had 90% cashback. I did it 2 years ago and received cashback also

      • Thanks mate. It gives me more confidence.

        • I take screenshots also. I have the google plugin. Nordvpn also has 30 day money back guarantee so u should be ok. I know because i got a refund when i renewed my nordvpn 3 weeks ago at 30% cashback lol

        • I got denied the cash back after the 30 days guarantee

          • @Big Sexy Unit: That's what I'm afraid of. I don't trust this non transparent business model. I don't understand why these companies don't just advertise 90%-95% off as promotions on their own websites.

            • @[Deactivated]: Ask yourself, if you owned NordVPN would you be more happy about internal marketing only or knowing you have other big companies marketing for you and getting you more signups?

              • @[Deactivated]: I really don't want to ask myself that question. I'm afraid of the answer or worse it might make me question my original perspective. 😬

    • Received Shopback confirmation within 20 minutes of ordering tonight

  • I only see 95% off.

    • +1

      It’s suppose to be 95% cashback

      • edit: Title fixed.

  • +1

    It only shows up as 95%. How do you raise it to 97%?

  • +1

    No Cap

    I does work with a Hat though…

    • +1

      Don't worry JV, some of us get your humour, have a + from me :)

  • +1

    Anybody else have issues claiming this deal? Shopback rejected my claim despite providing all evidence.

    • +1

      Next stop the ACCC.

    • +1

      @mordinhoz writes…

      Anybody else have issues claiming this deal? Shopback rejected my claim despite providing all evidence.

      If you ordered within the last 30 Days, ask for your money back from Nord.

    • Sorry to hear you had trouble with a claim here, I'm always happy to have a look at claims for you to see if I can do anything at all to help, so don't hesitate to reach out to me about it.

      I will say that when we reject claims, it often comes down to the purchase not being attributed to us by the store. This can happen for a few reasons, like if there's an ad-blocker or other chrome extension that might be interrupting the tracking. It also means that ShopBack won't receive the commission on the purchase to be able to pass on as Cashback.

      If you have any specific q's or want me to review the claim, please don't hesitate to shoot me a message.

  • Please note Indian servers are removed

    • this was surprising..do you know which VPN still supports Indian servers?

      • Windscribe does.

      • Surfshark, uses some sort of virtual server

  • for (profanity) sake I signed up for nord VPN a few days ago.

    • +1

      They have a 30 day trial. Cancel and use this offer.

      • +1

        with a new email address

        • Should have pointed that out. Thanks mate.

  • If they giving it away ,again, then is really worth anything ? Something going on .

    • +2

      They're owned by an advertising and malware company, they're more than happy to receive data AND money.

  • +8

    When using Shopback, make sure to check if it has tracked asap.
    Shopback offers a shorter period of time than Cashrewards for reporting missing cashback, and it's not uncommon for it not to track.

    My most recent cashback that didn't track was for >$50 and placed via the Shopback app. I have an email from the retailer stating the purchase was made 'In partnership with Shopback' but I reported the missing Shopback outside of the window to report (which was actually a few days before services were rendered) so Shopback didn't investigate and I've missed out on >$50.

    They stated they can't pay the cashback as they don't have evidence that the purchase was done through them, even though the click through was recorded and I sent the invoice from the retailer that displays 'in partnership with Shopback'.

    This is definitely worth considering, as many people wouldn't be interested in this without the cashback (since Nord has a terrible reputation nowadays and was purchased by an advertising and malware company).
    Nord offers a refund during the first 30 days, so keep a close eye on tracking to make sure you can get a refund ASAP if it does not track. Alternatively, go with a more trustworthy provider (I won't name any names, as then it'll look like I'm just a shill) and don't just go for whatever provider pays the most in advertising.

  • Presuming I can just sign up with a new email to be a new user. Or will shopback also check for previous nordvpn cashback (from 2 years ago,) before approving cashback, which would make starting a new account with Nord useless.

    • +1

      It has to be a new email created on NordVPN

    • Shopback doesn't care and even tell you that you need a new email with Nord but can claim it on the same account with them. When you are going through the process it provides that information. I did it recently for PIA, which in-kind of regret despite not having any issues so far.

  • I've been with Nordvpn a while and recently I've noticed a few websites like Coles and Officeworks blocking any access to their websites with the VPN on

    • Coles and the related companies have terrible web and app design. I've had so many stupid issues with them that I've never experienced with any other retailer. They really need to lift their game. I doubt it's happening to you by design.

      • I'm getting error 403 so it's definitely some sort of IP or subnet block on their end

    • +1

      I just tried both Coles and Officeworks and they work fine with Nord VPN.

      • -1

        My Officeworks is back but Coles still not. The main Coles website will work but when you search for anything you get hit with the 403. I'm getting this on all Nordvpn Brisbane servers

        • +1

          Why would you use a VPN when going to Coles/Woolies?

          What happen when you use asyd/melb servi

          • @M00Cow: Because that's the point of a VPN? I get the same problem on Sydney and Melbourne servers.


            • -1


              Because that's the point of a VPN?

              Oh dear, funneling all your traffic thru an unknown 3rd party VPN actually makes your internet connection much less safe.

              • @M00Cow: Make sure you downvote all VPN deals in future then :)

                • +1

                  @JD9151: No they're useful. I subscribe to Nord and another 4. And have my own in US & Oz.

                  I'm not sure what your trying to achieve, but funneling all your traffic thru am unknown VPN makes your data unsafe
                  They (whoever they are) can not only package up all all sorts.of info about you (websites you visit, FB, Google account details, etc they can easily do a Man-In-The-Middle attack and steal your login credentials.

                  So can you trust Nord? Well they had their network compromised/hacked/infiltrated back in 2018, they realised in early 2019, but didn't disclose it for about 6mths.

                  With ubiquitous HTTPS and increasing availability of encrypted DNS queries (turn on DOT or DOH),.VPN's aren't really required to protect your privacy online. ISP's & Govt can't readily decrypt your online traffic. Cookies, invisible pozels/frames are all they really need.

                  • @M00Cow: I make sure to always use HTTPS and run NextDNS through DOT but neither of these mask your IP or stop ISPs seeing visited domains. Nord have a good track record in regards to not keeping logs based on independent audits. Ideally I would have my own but I'm not smart enough or bothered to set one up and I like having the flexibility of changing servers, etc. with Nord.

  • Paid via credit card, got a purchase confirmation text message number. Entered it in and screen went back to payment area on Nord's page. Checked my bank and there's a pending payment but no confirmation email from Nord with the email I selected. (I know the email is active because I put the wrong expiry date for my CC and they sent an email immediately. I wait and see if I get a confirmation email later I guess. (Fingers crossed)

    Total was $120.38 AUD after entering the SHOPBACK code making it $86 USD (From memory).

    • Still no activation or confirmation email from Nord. 🙄

      • My bank blocked my credit card from trying to purchase this, this morning. Made for some interesting looks when I went to pay for petrol! (I didn't get a message from my bank saying this card was blocked, even though their records said they did)

        Account info from Nord was immediate when the payment was made.

        Awaiting Shopback's site to show a pending payment.

        • +1

          Shopback activity now shows a pending $100.29

  • Losing access Indian Prime Video has been a huge bummer with Nord.

  • +1

    NordVPN is notorious when it comes to automatic renewal of your subscription. They never notify you that they'd deduct the amount. It's in their terms and conditions that once deducted no refunds are considered whatsoever (regardless of the reason). To make it worse, they don't have obvious section as 'manage subscription' so you can go and cancel beforehand. I subscribed once only to cancel before trial but for the life of me I couldn't find the 'cancel subscription' in my account. I sent an email asking to cancel etc but while waiting for response they deducted the yearly subscription.. Then when I advised that I have already requested to cancel they said 'once deducted there's no way they can refund unfortunately'. Their customer service was one of worse I've come across (you'd rather deal with robots). Do yourself a favour just don't share your card details with these sc**bags not worth the hassle (I took the amount refunded back via Google pay so in the end all resolved but NordVPN flatout refused to refund all the way to the end). It's pretty obvious that their business model is trial baits to have customers involuntarily renew their subscriptions.

    • +2

      Not to negate your experience, but it’s pretty easy to turn off auto renew in the billing section. Not hidden in any way whatsoever.

    • +1

      Weird, I actually got an email reminder notifying me that my 3 year subscription was ending next month. Luckily I checked because turns out they deduct the amount two weeks before the subscription ends. Couldn't find an option to cancel the subscription either, I just had to switch off the auto renew option which was in the billing settings.

    • Good point, reminding me to cancel the auto-renewal option.

  • I think I went through cash rewards last time. I'm due for a renewal. Could I sign up with new email through this and shopback?

  • Has anyone successfully used Nord VPN to get YouTube Premium from Argentina?

    • +1

      You can use a free VPN to do this

  • +1

    95% off this VPN? does anyone wonder why this is so cheap?

  • paid 120 got 102 back, not really 95%

    • Late reply but 10% GST ($12) and the 5% of the $120 ($7.40) seems to be what we're paying since both costs added together is $17.40. Assuming you got $102.60 back and paid $17.40

  • What is the advantage of having a VPN with India? I keep seeing it come up and I'm about to get a new VPN service. Not sure to go Nord or Shark?

    • Eh, it's just for indianies and their Bollywoods etc.

  • I bought the premium package not realising it was USD and got charged $193 AUD and tracked chasback of $102.54. How is this 95% cash back?

    Looks like I will need to cancel my order and order the basic package. Anyone know whats up with this?

    • Their terms on ShopBack state:

      Due to currency fluctuations, discrepancies may apply to the cashback amount you receive.

      It's possible this could be a conversion issue? Regardless, shoot me a message with your account info if you want me to take a closer look here, happy to check up on this.

      • Thanks, I will go through the official channels.

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