• expired

100% Cashback on Boost Mobile 40GB 28-Day Prepaid SIM @ Cashrewards


100% cashback increase on 40GB 28 Day SIM cards from Boost. Offer ends 04/08/22.

Special Terms

Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate transactions. Adding more than one SIM to a transaction will result in an untracked purchase.

SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering.

Cashback is ineligible on prepaid phones, recharges, and any plans or products not specifically listed in the cashback table of rates.

You must return and click through from Cashrewards every time you make a new transaction/purchase.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3708)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile

closed Comments

  • +3

    This deal is coming again and again!

    • +3

      That's what she said!

      • +1

        I wish I could experience this and say that

  • -6

    question: read nowadays can only port mobile number every 90 days. does it mean if I want to keep the number after Boost, would have to stay extra 2 months plus using this 28 days SIM…what is the minimum total cost? If anyone know?! Thanks

    • +2

      Where did you get this info?

      • thanks guys… my mistake - i googled “ how often can port mobile Australia”. It tells me minimum 90 days (in India)

    • +5

      Yes. Where did you get this info from? I port out every 29 days 😉

      • Not any more lol

        • Source?

  • Does anyone know if boost has e-sims?

  • Anyone understand why porting from Telstra to Boost is not straightforward? Or have they fixed the need to port to anothet carrier and back to Boost?

    • I believe that's now sorted out.

  • +1

    If you bought this last month, are you still eligible to claim this one?

    • +3

      I bought a sim during the last promo and just bought another today. Both cashback tracked without issues, so should be fine!

      • Not sure if I read it from another post deal from Shopback, something said maximum of one cashback per calendar month? So if it does track, is it always eligible for cashback?

        • +3

          Hmm I'm not sure, but either way it is a new month now so should be fine

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Order one to just try their 5G.

    • -3

      This is on 4G network

    • +2

      Good choice — you won’t be disappointed. It’s right up there with Telstra speeds. In fact, I’d go so far to say they’re equivalent

      • +4

        I am currently trying out Boost for the first time and the 5G speeds are impressive. I got 920mbps down and 170 up on the weekend

      • It should be the same, Boost uses the full Telstra network. I see that Aldimobile has a $55 5G plan which is capped at 250mbit, not sure if that's universal for Telstra Wholesale.

      • +1

        Pretty sure Telstra owns Boosts, correct me if I’m wrong.

        • I don't think so.
          AFAIK Boost is still independently owned, by a group headed by Peter Adderton, who started the company 20 or so years ago, when it used the Optus network.
          Last year Boost announced a new 10-year agreement with Telstra to provide network coverage. It may be that Telstra took a stake in the company as a part of that deal, but I am not sure.
          Happy to be updated is someone has more info.

        • +1

          Boost are just an MVNO of Telstra.

  • Awesome thanks OP.

  • +1

    I keep getting 'Sorry we're having technical difficulties, please try again later'


    • +1

      same here. i ordered a sim in the previous deal a few days ago. not sure whether they are blocking becoz of that

      • Actually, just realised they don't take amex.

        Worked with another card. oops

  • +2

    Is it just me or is it showing "Up to $10 cashback" on Cashrewards?

    EDIT: Nvm, I didn't see the coupon where the 40gb is discounted to $10. Hence 100% cashback. But then the title isn't 100% correct. It should be 40GB discount to $10 with $10 cashback.

  • Thanks OP! Just in time for a relative visiting next week. Anyone knows how long they usually take to deliver?

    • +1

      From the last deal 2-3 days to WA

  • +2

    bought the previous Boost deal yesterday, https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/716114

    Am I eligible for this one today?

    • +1

      I bought a sim during the last promo and just bought another today. Both cashback tracked without issues, so should be fine!

  • 28 Day SIM
    40GB on your first 3 recharges, 20GB from 4th recharge.

    What does this mean?

    • It means you are getting a bonus data allowance for the first 3 months, after which it returns to the normal, reduced 20GB

      • Do you have to continue after 28 days?

        • Nope!

          We use as a one-off option when we're heading into areas with ineffectual Vodafone coverage.

          It's convincing is to change to Boost when our current 12mo prepaid plans end. So, perhaps this is good marketing - effectively try before you buy/commit.

  • +1

    Tracked already. Thanks OP!

  • Currently with Woolworth Mobile, can I port out to this Boost sim then port back to Woolworth Mobile so I can get the $150 long expiry sim for $140?

    • Yes

  • can you activate a year plan using these sims and just paying the difference?

  • Very bad experience with the last similar deal. Expect to never receive your sim and good luck getting your refund back

    • hey mate. I did not receive my sim from the previous deal too. How did you go about it?

      • can't do much about it, contacted them and they said they ran out of stock so either wait (another month) for the sim or buy the $2 sim and contact them again to transfer the credit over. I wanted a refund and that would also take another month after the sim gets to the warehouse. I'll consider $9 lost, if I can be bothered will dispute it through the credit card

    • I bought it yesterday and didn't get email confirmation.

      Click history was registered in CR but has not turned up on my rewards list either.

  • Sorry, we are unable process your order. Please try again later.
    Wonder anyone manage to order successfully?

    • Purchased successfully 12:10pm just now. Received order-confirmation email from Boost immediately after.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, worked all good and tracked immediately. I also took advantage of the previous cashback offer a couple of weeks ago and both have tracked

  • Hopefully they deliver.

  • Is there a minimum days I need to be stay on this sim before I can port out

    • +1

      Wouldn’t think so, you’ve fulfilled your commitment with the upfront purchase.

  • Looks good will order.

  • Can't be assed but I need a new spam number as one expires in 3 months. 95 days wait is to long even the Optus prepaid was 90 days.

  • Tempting for Telstra 5G..

  • What does new customers only mean??? Can you just create new account??? with new email but same ID??

  • they need a mobile number ?

  • Anyone having issues with multiple orders? I managed to order 2 sims ok, but when trying to order a 3rd, it says "Unable to complete transaction, please try again later". I tried a different credit card but still the same issue?

    • yes i think they are blocking based on delivery address. i ordered 2 sims in previous deal and now whatever email/credit card/contact i use the transaction fails. maybe the rep should make it clear what the limit is and stop wasting people's time

      • Very strange…I managed to order a few more last night with same delivery address but I used different emails and different phone numbers (from other family members). Agree, Cashrewards rep needs to clarify restrictions on multiple orders for future promotions.

        • So whats the deal?? can u use the same ID to register a new account??

  • Do u get your data rolled over if you go to $200 sim plan after this 28 days recharge?

  • -1

    Damn….I just got the $9 cash back deal the other day. Lost $1 there :(

  • I just bought one…not that I really need but it's effectively free.

  • I notice with the boost plans, you get a higher data cap on the first order but subsequent recharges they reduce your data allowance. Damn shifty. It nearly makes me want to stay with Woolies mobile. I do wonder if the Boost coverage with the retail Telstra coverage is actually much better then the wholesale coverage in the areas I go to.

  • If I already activated my boost number from the previous deal, will I still be considered as new customer if I buy this one? Is it possible to get both cashback?

  • Damn. I bought 4 sims yesterday with no cashback. 😧

  • +1

    I'm a bit stuck. I clicked through CR, my transaction didn't track, I waited 7 days then hit the "send a claim" button, at the end of that it just displays an error message saying that I can't submit and to go to the help centre. Trying to contact support just directions you back to the send a claim button. I can't actually talk to a person or get this to track. What do I do?

    • +2

      Maybe reach out to TA via dm with your order number?

  • A couple of other people have asked up the page but there's been no responses…

    How do they class a "New" customer ?, is it if you get a new number?, or use a new email address?, or is it based on ID?

    Cheers :)

    • -1

      Don't expect me to know :/

      • lol, it was directed at anyone who may know.. I figured there would be quite a few people on OzB that hop from sim to sim month to month…

  • Bough SIM. Tracked instantly. Thanks OP.

  • If I don't activate the SIM within 30 days of ordering, will I be ineligible for the cashback?

    • +2

      SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering.

      I’m sure they just write this stuff to amuse themselves

      • +2

        It was not enforced in the past exp, but makes sense to add it as cashback providers need to help Telcos to generate new customers that continue to pay for the service, not one-off purchase without continuity.

  • Anyone getting their order shipped? Ordered one week ago but still getting no email from Boost.

    • Mine arrived Thurs

      Came by "domestic letter with tracking"
      ( first time ever had this method)

      Weird that it wouldn't let me post to Post Box !

  • Question for Boost regulars; how swift are they are porting out a number to another provider?

  • +1

    Posting my experience with this deal:
    Ordered 2/8, delivered 4/8, activated 10/8
    Currently on Boost 12-mnth plan that expires in Oct.
    Aiming to use the offer sim in a second phone to supplement data on main plan before Oct.
    Activated offer sim using different email to main plan, but same name, address, D-of-B, licence. Nominated "get new number".
    Created password to go with new email, for new Account.
    Activated without any hassles.
    Main phone still connects to current Boost account for data balance. Spare phone connects to new Boost account using new email/pwd login.
    Hope this is useful to others.

  • +1

    Cannot activate. after ID is verified, i put in email address and home address, then click next and get the following error :

    Something went wrong
    We’re unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later.

    tried different emails, phones, computers, vpn, same message. 30 days is coming up on the 19 august

    Has anyone solved it ?

  • So I bought this a month ago but haven't activated it. It says in the conditions
    [quote]"SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering."[/quote]

    however on my SIM card packaging it says expiry is in May 2024.

    Which one is correct?

    • +1

      Both are correct. To be eligible for 100% cashback you must activate within 30 days of ordering. To activate the SIM card it must be before May 2024 as that's when it expires.

      • Hmm OK. I got the cashback recorded within a week so that's all good or will it be declined if i don't activate the SIM within 30 days?

        • -1

          Likely declined if not activated

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