• expired

Samsung Galaxy S III White 16GB Unlocked AU Stock - $747 ($709.65 w/Gift Card) DSE in Store


Seeing as Dick Smith is selling the Samsung Galaxy SIII for $747, this can be combined with the 5% off WISH gift cards available to many people including RACV members and McDonalds employees. You can also use a discount card from a Woolworths group employee for 5% off the purchase price.

Using 5% off, it comes to 0.95 x $747 = $709.65

I think that this is a great deal for AU stock in a B&M store.
This can also be combined with the TRS to get $709.65-(747/11=67.91) = $641.74.

If you combine the employee discount with 5% off gift cards, it gets even better:
0.95 x $747 = $709.65 (employee discount)
0.95 x $709.65 = $674.17 (gift cards)
TRS: $674.17 - (709.65/11=64.51) = $609.66

I'm not sure if I've made a mistake in the details of this deal or whether it's a deal in the first place. Please let me know if I should change anything.

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • Any links or details on how you get the Wish gift card for 5% off? Just take your RACV card in, purchase the WISH Cards first, and then use the cards to purchase the phone?

    • I've read about the RACV deal on OzB but I'm not a member myself.

      For McDonalds, you need to buy the cards through the online Metime portal.

      • Where did you read about an RACV deal on wishcards on Ozb? I recall RACQ, but not RACV. Please advise.

  • do woolies staff get 5% off wish card as well?

    • No. Purchases such as pre-loaded cards do not allow 5% staff discount.

    • +1

      I get the 5% wish gift cards from my work. If anyone is in Melbourne, I'll glady help get some for you. Msg me for details.
      It also works for petrol at Safeway petrol stations 5% off :)

      • How do you get that 5% off? I thought woolies staff dont get 5% off on gift cards

  • when will they get the blue in?

    • From what I've read it won't be available for at least another 2 weeks

  • woolies staff members are meant to get only 2.5% off. thought i got a 5% discount last time i think

    • I can confirm its 5% off for staff members

  • Walked into DSE at Chadstone for other things but overheard a customer negotiating a price for GSIII, he managed to get it for $730. Saw him paid before I left.

    FYI, its the store inside Chadstone mall, not the one outside.

  • +3

    Yes im not sure its worth buying it just now, price should come down in the next few weeks. $700+ is a bit overpriced.

    • +1

      The iPhone is a bit overpriced yet prices have NOT come down.

      The S3 is not overpriced if you think about it that way

        • +8

          Please justify 'build quality is much better'. I recall the ip4 antenna issue and the free casing give away

        • +1

          iPhone build quality is much better?

          FYI, iPhone is made by Samsung…
          Don't you read?


        • +5

          iSheeps can't read though…

        • +2

          Yes this SGS screams cheap. However the iPhone is far from the best looking smartphone out.

        • +2

          Whats the point of a good looking glass case when you have to hide the good looking glass case with a protective case to prevent the good looking glass case from cracking? Give me a sensible and non slip case with good grip anytime.

      • +5

        You cant compare iPhone prices, Build quality aside, Nubzy is right in the sense that iPhone has a huge fan base willing to pay the exorbitant apple tax. Since there are no other competing iOS phones Apple can charge whatever they want for their phone.

        But it is completely different for Android, there are so many Android phones and all the manufacturers are trying to undercut their competition. When a newer product comes to the market older models drop significantly. This has been the case ever since Android became mainstream. A recent example is the HTC One X, it came out at $750+ but in less than 3 months it dropped below $550. All android high end phones come out at $750+ but usually drops and stabilizes around $500 in few months , then gradually drops to around $400 before they are discontinued.

        I'm pretty sure S3 will drop to $650 in couple of months. And to $500 towards the end of the year when 2GB phones starts to roll out.

        • +1

          At the beginning of this year the S2 was still selling for 600 bucks (Oz stock) or 550 (grey import or on Ebay).

        • +1

          I was just pointing out a general trend.

          F.Y.I: I haven't been following Galaxy S2 prices, but I did a quick search and dug up this OzBargain post way back from July of last year advertising it for $473 +$50 (shipping).

        • +2

          it's more apple doesn't have to compete with anyone but them selfs.

        • +4

          SII was pretty much the flagship for android for a long time. The best quality built android phone, with close to the best specs. There wasn't a lot of competition to knock it off.

          There are a couple of phones out now competing for Androids top phone, the SIII won't stay up in price for too long. Right now there's the OneX, SIII, Nexus and even the SII still competing. Also the budget models are getting up there in specs and you have niche phones like the note competing.

        • You have forgotten the HTC Sensation hah?

    • +1

      plenty of stock, no lines, stay away at $700… a week we'll see $600 a month we'll see $500 where it should be. let the sheep buy now and get ripped off from profiteering companies s.

      • 500 in 6 months at best I think. But I couldn't agree more with you: let the sheep buy it first.

  • Sorry, but what's TRS?

      • +4

        try using australian google next time idiot

    • +5

      Tourist Refund Scheme: http://www.customs.gov.au/site/page4263.asp
      You get the (cost price/11) back but you need to take it with you overseas within a month's time and need to have bought it from an Australian retailer.
      It's good if you were planning to go overseas and are planning to buy something expensive.

      • +1

        Why would you include this in a OZB deal? It would apply to any item, not specifically to this phone. We may as well put the TRS refunded price in every deal from now on.

        Also, how do you get gift cards at 5% off? Do you have to be an employee?

  • +11

    Damn it…. I was trying to see the multitasking video functionality with my Boss at telstra store, someone had beamed hardcore porno into the gallery with the name Demo video and a black thumbnail. I accidentally played that full screen with sound and grabbed unwanted attention.
    BTW - good sound and smooth playback

    • ROFLMAO good sound and smooth playback. You could hear the crisp highs in the porn groove and there was no pixelation in the nipples.

  • The camera is a let down on this phone, photo's look washed out compared to other 8 megapixel camera's. Plus not worth the asking price

  • a quick question about the battery, is it built in like iPhones or you can replace it yourselves like S2?

    • +1

      Replaceable :)

  • its a wonderful phone, got myself one, though i had a one x …

    battery is replaceable and its really amazing the only thing i missed on this phone is the brightness on the screen the contrast ratio is excellent but the images just are not that sharper and vivid as on slcd2 and retina display.

    but thats not the only thing i look into a phone. how user friendly it is. … the developer support for the phone and the awesomeness xda support … love this phone to the core.

    regrets why i bought an 1x before.

    you'll love the phone once u hold it in your hands.

    • it didn't amaze me though like when i first picked up the One X. probs cause they are very similar looking/feeling phones. i think the One X just slightly is the better choice at the moment for majority but only because it's at a cheaper price point… feature wise both are very similar

  • Are there any approximate dates for blue Australian stock?

  • read the reviews, get the HTC One X instead, awesome phone!!

    • Most of them say that S3 is better. By a quite large margin.

      • A "large margin" is pushing it. I haven't found any reviews that suggest that the S3 is substantially better than the One X. Plenty are suggesting that either phone are good by current standards.

      • +2

        Battery for the S3 is 2200mAh compared to 1800mAh for the OneX, otherwise almost similar hardware specs. For $200 less I would go for the OneX myself if not for the S3 battery lasting 2x as long as HTC (PC Authority testing). Nothing pisses me off more than going home from work i couldnt use my phone so i can prolong my 15% battery capacity for emergencies.

        • +1

          plus the s3 has microSD and an arguably more advanced CPU and GPU

  • to those asking about the 5% off gift cards. Some staff unions etc. offer this, so you could also check with any that you could join.

  • If we buy with gift cards, could we get TRS back? Anyone pls confirm, bcs i will go oversea the end of the month. And around $60X for S3 sounds really good for me.

    • +1

      Short answer yes, long answer yes. Make sure you get your name on any tax invoice more than $300.

  • it saying it comes with a 16gb micro sdhc card now.

    so is that 32gb in total?

    "INCLUDES 16GB MicroSDHC Card"

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