• expired

Vodafone Samsung Galaxy S III 16GB $768 ($29 Plan + $35 x12 Months)

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Mod Update. Link now goes to Vodafone's plan.

Online Pricing

  • Samsung Galaxy S III 16GB — ($29 Plan + $40 Mobile) x 12 Month = $828
  • Samsung Galaxy S III 32GB — ($29 Plan + $45 Mobile) x 12 Month = $888

Coupon code 25CREDIT and 25SAVE might still be working. Also don't forget the cashback from StartHere/Buckscoop.

Instore Pricing

From anonymous source, these are the pricing matrix from the retail shops.

Therefore it might still be possible to go to a Vodafone retail store and get a SGS3 on 12 months contract for $768 total.

Original Post

Just found out from a Vodafone store that the Galaxy S III is on sale today at midday.

The cheapest plan option was a 16GB version $29 plan + $35pm over 12 months = $768! Thats even cheaper than Kogan!

The 32GB is $29 + $40 over 12 months = $828

Referral Links

Referral: random (36)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • the info is not available online or anywhere yet right?

  • wow… with Australian stock too.
    I can see kogan/mobicity lowering their prices to around 650 in the next few weeks.

  • +2

    Is the SGS3 better then the HTC OneX?

    I've been hesitant to go with the OneX due to the iphone-esque nature of it - no sdcard/removable battery!

    • Yes, of course. No doubts about it.

    • +2

      Must been discussed here many times. I think the general consensus is that YES, SGS3 is better than HTC One X. Whether it's > $150 better that's another story, as HTC One X is already $538 shipped. Comparison table on GSMArena here.

      SGS3 — MicroSDHC slot, removable battery, Samsung software, slightly bigger screen

      HTC One X — cheaper, HTC Sense, 32GB internal storage (when you compare to equivalent priced 16GB SGS3), Super LCD (not pentile AMOLED)

      • +1

        I've read good things about the pentile, see gsm arena…almost last paragraph…

        • Yeah both my Nexus phones (N1 and GN) are PenTile, but I can see great improvement of technology from N1 to GN. On Galaxy Nexus it's sharp enough for me to not to notice the missing pixels. The only problem for me was the GN's AMOLED is pretty dim, which they have fixed in SGS3.

          But I guess it's a matter of preference (like Sense vs. TouchWiz). AMOLED has great contrast, but will never be able to achieve the brightness of super LCD which make them less desirable to use outdoor under the sun.

        • but awesome to watch videos or play games with indoors :D!

        • +3

          you're an idiot

    • SGS3 has iPhone-esque MicroSIM slot!!!

      A hassle for SIM/Phone swappers…

      • +1

        SGS3 has the standard sim slot, htc one x and iphone have microsim don't they…

        • -3

          Wrong. The htc one x iPhone 4 4s sgs3 an lumina 800 all have micro sd card slots

          I can confirm that the sgs3 has a micro sd card slot.

        • +5

          SIM slot ≠ SD slot

      • Micro sim card can never be a problem.. Just go to Vodafone store and ask for one and they will be happy to give you one for free. That's what I did when I changed from S1 to Iphone 4.

        Now I can't wait get my hands on this device!

    • It is slightly better, but really not worth the premium to me. The HOX is a very well designed phone, and both cameras are pretty much on par. They are both top notch phones but build quality of the HOX is better and much cheaper too, and a better screen.

  • +2

    wow.. off to a good start! see which joker can sell for $500 and undercut everybody else…

  • Apparently $0 a month on the $60 plan at Optus.

    • But that would be a 24 month contract. 24 x $60 = $1440

      • Oh shit, just realised this was 12 month plan. Not bad if true.

  • Has anyone noticed if the SGS2 plans have dropped in price yet? Wasn't watching them close enough before hand.

    • Before-hand the sgs2 was on average of $29 monthly cap about the past 2 months or more. My friend got his on vodafone or $29/month + $5 monthly. For prepaid expect around $400 - $500. I Got my sgs2 unlocked for $400 off a mate as he disliked the size. Look back for the $400 unlocked deal on ozbargain anyway
      EDIT: Here's the link… but it'd already expired http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/70866

      • The SGS2 was $0 on the $29 monthly cap with 24 months' contract in all of April. The Nexus took its place in May. I'm expecting the Note to be the special flavour in June, we'll see.

  • Apparently on sale at midday in stores, 11pm online.

  • It took Vodafone around 2 months after release before giving this deal to the SGS2…let's see if they're faster with the SGS3 now…

  • +7

    If you are planning to not use 3G/4G capabilities on this phone, go with Vodafone!!

  • anyone knows how (or how much to) unlock vodafone phones? or do we have to wait till end of contract?

    • Root it, and unlock it for free, then flash original firmware back again…

      • +1

        as long as you get the phone with a contract plan, you can get the unlock code for free at any time from voda/3. it's only if you buy the phone pre-paid or outright from them that you have to pay for an unlock code (or alternatively, after 12 months you can get it for free). normally around $25 if you do it online through the voda website. but you can input your phone's imei number and check first.

    • +1

      Unlocking Vodafone phones on contract is always free. vodafone.com.au/unlock

    • +1

      Most phones on contract are unlocked, because you have to pay the contract out if you cancel = more than the cost of the phone.

  • Vodafone?
    No 4G no talk.

    • +1

      Get the phone
      Dump the SIM
      Call liveconnected

      $768 for Australian stock/warranty is the best you can get so far.

      • +4

        Call liveconnected???

        • i think a a a was making the point that you cant actually "call" live connected.

          i use LC myself though and have been very happy with them. i will probably take vodafone up on this deal (and give the plan to my sister for use in my now old and outdated SGS2 :D) and keep using LC.

        • +1

          I was.

      • Or get it on Virginmobile’s Bigcap, you'll get better cap inclusions than Live connected 11.99 plan (i.e $450 call credit + 2.25GB data + unlimited virgin to virgin calls + free voicemail + international calls) and 24 month warranty.

        • Vodafone phone + LC SIM = 828 + ($11.99 x 24 + $20) = $1135
        • Virgin mobile = $49 x 24 = $1176 (just $41 more , but you get more cap inclusions and 12 additional months of warranty)

        P.S : LC and VM both use Optus network, so no difference in coverage / network speeds.

    • Great info. Thanks.

    • Clicked on post twice :(

    • Access blocked by work. RATS!

    • Might be missing something but doesn't that say $49 plan for 12 months = $25 handset repayments monthly? The Vodafone website shows monthly repayments for this plan as $30. So it's cheaper in store? Also, will any Vodafone stores have blue stock today?

  • it's on Optus website as well now

  • +1

    I see (16gb) $29 + $40 per month online (total 12 month cost of $828)? Am I looking at the wrong page?

    • -2

      no, your eyes deceive you, look again and the truth will set you free, or at $768 will set you free

      • the link from the op has now linked to the sg3, before it wasn't , i was looking at the link the another user provided which had the $35 per month - >

        Mod: Removed username
        Please add to the first post:


        http://i.imgur.com/Vsgkp.png <<—- shows $35 per month

        • So if you buy outright it is $799 for an Australian stock 16gb :D?

        • -1

          Can someone post the price matrix for iPhone 4S, i am looking for one , thanks

  • +1

    The good thing about android phones is the value declines quickly, just wait for a month or two, the price of S3 would drop significantly.

    • +1

      Agreed - as opposed to Apple's own products which maintain value.

      • +3

        thats precisely why i go for android phones. consumer electronics always drop in prices, no matter how well you dress up a 386, it will still be a 386. why would anyone pay a i7 price for a 386 is beyond my comprehension.

        you would pay a high price for a old piece of rock that has a historical value. for a consumer electronic that is going to be obsolete in the few years… why bother?

        tell me that you can still sell your ipod1 or iphone2 at high values?


        if someone tells me they buy an apple product because they like the UI or design, i'm fine with that.. but maintain value.. you gotta be smoking something, and i want some of that! lol.

      • I do like the way iPhones hold value. sold a 16gb 3G for $280 on ebay a few weeks ago and its a few years old.

  • The link says this info is incorrect…
    16gb = $828, not $768.

    • Argh. What a bummer.

      16GB = ($29 plan + $40 mobile) x 12 = $828

      It does have double the data inclusion at 400MB.

      HOWEVER — people have not mentioned Buckscoop also rebates $100 on Vodafone plans, which makes the whole thing $728 with a 12 month plan with 400MB/month. Corresponding rebate on StartHere is much poorer.

      • Burnt once, shame on you. Burnt twice, shame on me. I've lost faith in these money-back companies, since the horrible Moneyback Co stiffed me last year.

        • care to share your experience? I am considering using the likes of buckscoop..
          (so does it mean we can get the S3 for under $700 using the $100 rebate?)

        • I was paid $200 cashback from BuckScoop on a Voda contract like this (signed up in December when the cashback was higher). It took 4 months to receive the money. I was expecting that so overall I think it was a great deal. There's a few proviso's with Buckscoop though - it's never a sure thing and you risk not getting the deal if you use any coupons or talk to any sales staff about the status of your order (apparently it's possible for them to remove the BuckScoop affiliation and take the commission themselves).

      • Nope. Double the data inclusion is only on 24 mths plans. Its a pity how the price is not reflecting original poster for the 12 mths plans.

      • +1

        From the screenshot of the pricing matrix which was posted, you might be able to get the cheaper price in store. Definitely worth asking them. Usually online is cheaper though, so not sure what's going on.

      • Scotty, How do you claim the $100 from Buckscoop? Can you be more details, pls?

        • Sign up for a Buckscoop account then click through the cashback link before purchasing from Vodafone: http://www.buckscoop.com.au/cashback/vodafone-mobile-handset…

        • Thanks, but when I did that I saw no indication that I was referred by Buckscoop and that Buckscoop will honour the $100 cashback.

        • There's no indication when you order. You can only check later in the BuckScoop tracking. If you follow the BuckScoop instructions it should work although Voda take 4 months to pay. It worked for me anyway.

  • how much data do you get on this plan?? its a pretty good deal if it has a decent allowance. 12 month plan is good too.

    • +1

      On the $29 + 20 deal, you get 400mb for the first 12 months, then 200mb for the last 12 months.

      The low data allowance is one of the reasons that I'm holding off on getting this. You can purchase data packs for $5 a month though.

      • If you sign up for 24months contract, try speaking to the upgrades team and tell them the Virgin deal which has 2.25GB data. They gave me double data for 24 months not 12

  • Damnit. Noone is offering the 64GB model. :(

    • +3

      It's not released anywhere in the world. In a few weeks they say.

      • Yaay! Thanks for that. :)

      • +1

        then add another 64gb microSD card :D!

        • +4

          Already got that. 128GB of juicy storage on a phone. How could that possibly be wrong? :)

  • +2

    Coupon SAVE10 for existing customers. http://www.vodafone.com.au/personal/plans/existing-customer/…

    From site: Connect an additional postpaid service to your account to receive 10% off the access fees (excludes bundle and combo plans). Offer applies to the monthly access fees only & will be applied as a credit to the applicable service's bill.

    So that's an ongoing thing, on the $29 dollar 12 month plan it should come to a saving of $2.90 x 12 = $34.80

    So the total cost would end at $828 - $34.80 = $793.20

  • +1

    some people reporting buying from DSE for $747 outright

  • +6

    Just got this from a retail vodafone dealer, $35/m for the phone, $29 cap. 12 months. Got it in my hands now :)

    • +1

      Almost got it during the lunch break, was offerred double data for any body may have interest in this. FYI, I can also finish my current contract almost 4 months earlier, which saves another $220 (currently on $59 for my iphone 4)

    • If I can get that deal with double data I will get it I think. 200mb data is piss poor. 400mb is low but reasonable. Some people say double data is only for 24 months though, which I do not want.

      • Yup it says so on their website

      • Well, I was told in person.

        • There's your problem; A person was involved.

      • You can try to negotiate for more data allowance. Ask them to make it 24 months else you switch to Virgin

  • No blue ones in store, and no accessories, such as covers, either. Bit disappointed as I would have paid good money for a cover, but now will wait until blue confirmed available and then get discount cover from ebay. Funny how the marketing at the VF store all showed blue phones with the brushed metal look but some marketing genius decided that they would make a billion iphone clone coloured ones before making the ones that look the best (and therefore end up photographed in brochures).
    Have to say, surprised at how cheap they are on the VF plans. Effectively a handset for about $300.

    • Please tell me how you calculated this so I can persuade my wife…

      • -1

        probably more for me than everyone.
        I want unlimited vf to vf calls (wife on vf as well) and 1gb data, so the $49 plan over 12 months was the one I would go for. The phone is $25 a month on that plan.

        Also, the VF guy told me that the handset was $10 a month on a 24 month plan, so only $240, but I don't want to be locked in for 2yrs. The $39 plan is $15 a month, so $360, with extra data.

        I would use 1gb a month as I travel and tether my laptop to phone. No point going for 200mb a month as I would blow it every time, even with wifi at home.

  • Bargain, if not just for the option of having a fair priced 12 month contract, well done Vodaphone!

  • -1

    I checked a couple of vodafone dealers and they were ready to give me $29+$35 in a 24 month contract… seems preety Good deal but was wondering if vodafone will allow me to exit early on my 12 month plan like it does in the 24mnth plan?? Would be q decent deal with if so!!

    • +2

      look above, ntranced is on $29 + $35 and only a 12 month contract. thats what we should be aiming for with the 400mb data.

  • -2

    Why buy this, when it isn't 4G compatible? You'll be kicking yourself a few months later when 4G variant releases.

    • It will depend on whether you want 4G and get dual core S4, or HSPDA+ with quad core Exynos. Some can't live without 4G, while for others NextG is enough.

    • nm

    • 3G is just fine for me, and wifi is everywhere now. I still dont know if the galaxy s3 is worth it though, the HTC is a very nice phone too.

  • Can the 10% off for existing pospaid customers be somehow used in retail store ?

    • Yes, it's automatically applied if you already have an in-contract (not month-to-month) service on your billing account.

  • +1

    so can you use the $25 off coupon as well as buckscoop? or will that invalidate the $100 from buckscoop?

    • Yes. Those $25 coupon codes were given to the affiliates to help them to promote Vodafone's offers. They should still be able to earn commission after applying the coupon. That means Online + $25 coupon + Buckscoop would probably be the cheapest way to buy a Vodafone-branded, Australian stock SGS3.

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