• expired

HTC One X at Kogan $538 Shipped


Seems like a good deal.

A bit off topic but is this covered by 28degrees price protection even though it's Kogan HK? Has anyone tried it before?

I'm holding back because that multi tasking issue was a deal breaker for me. Did that get fixed or HTC still considers it a "feature"?

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closed Comments

  • +9

    yesss, the price needs to keep going down :P

  • +2

    holy moly…Price has dropped so fast for this phone =/

  • +2

    wow can't they just fix the multi tasking already?

    • +1

      custom ROM. not an option for all. But it solves the problem.

    • +2

      Super8, according to HTC they haven't broken it.. :) and ive dealt with HTC before when they say its not our problem they are absolutely hopeless… if anyone has used a HTC Mozart you would know my pain.. :P

      Anyway thanks for pointing this out … i wont be getting one of these after reading the below.. :)


      • +3

        Simple fact - only Google phones are pure Android.
        It's high time Google actually publicised this fact in the market place, else, it'll be let down by the bastardised versions.

  • -6

    $519 at Kogan (11:51PM)

    • +11

      +$19 Shipping

  • +1

    Was thinking of buying this outright and then using liveconnected as it seems much more economical. Can anybody comment on their service? I know it says Optus network but is coverage/speed different at all?

  • +7

    This is crazy cheap. Cheapest price I have found in Sin Tat Plaza (the 4-floor mobile phone plaza in Mong Kok, Hong Kong) is $4100HKD, which translates to $540AUD, and they don't even guarantee HK stock for that! (not to mention the lack of kogan warranty, as even HTC HK warranty isn't very easy to redeem from within Australia).

    Will be interesting to see further price pressure on these phones once the SGS3 enters the retail channel (should start seeing them pop up here in HK in the next couple of weeks, hopefully!)

  • +2

    i want it to be cheaper

    • +2

      I want it to be free. if only. :D

    • +10

      traceroute htc.one.x.ozbargain.com.au
      30 hops max
      1 * . * . * . *
      2 core.bargains.com
      3 i.want.it.cheaper
      4 I.want.it.to.be.free
      5 request timed out

  • +8

    This is not applicable to all, but i had a chat online to a Kogan rep and the reason i didnt buy this was because they do not provide a Tax Invoice (NO GST is paid) and as i would be using it for work i would salary sacrifice it and as far as i know you cant salary sacrifice without a Tax Invoice (happy to be corrected on that view.. :) ) even if i paid $70 more (ie mobileciti) and got a tax invoice it would work out much cheaper for me than paying discounted price.. :)

    Great price though + from me. :)

    • +3

      Let me correct myself, had a chat to HR you can salary sacrifice it but normally you get the GST back in this case you only get it before Tax but not the GST. Still worth noting that you dont get a Tax Invoice just in case you need it for business purposes. :)

      So if you can use it for work and your job lets your salary sacrifice.. damn good price!

    • +1

      And if you buy local, at least you should get a sealed phone.

      I received a phone from Kogan with a broken seal so I will not be purchasing from them again.

  • +1

    Re: price protection. Not sure about 28 Degrees, but I have a Diamond Mastercard from CBA. They only cover you if the item is purchased in a bricks and mortar store. The cheaper item has to be from a store no more than 25km away, and the price difference must be greater than $75. Pretty crap really.

  • +1

    I just bought one from kogan few weeks ago for $568!! Bugger!! The quality is pretty good though. And very fast shipping. Got the phone within days, pickup from Fedex. Quality is good as HTC is a product of Taiwan. Fast speed with the quad core. Not sure what is the issue of the multitasking, but I will have to kill all the apps I have used as they stay in background, which consumes battery I think. Check out this guide for ICS.


    Personally, I think it's a really good phone and I am more than happy to recommend it to everyone. Oh, by the way, HTC One X has a "speech to text" function for messaging, in different languages which you can choose from as well. How cool is that?

    • +1

      I believe the multi-tasking issue isnt an issue as such but a feature that HTC built into their own UI, this kills your apps that run in the background a bit too quickly, instead of waiting for memory to start getting low before it does that it does it soon after you open another app, HTC say its not an issue and they have done it to preserve battery life, some users (growing number) are starting to disagree….


      • +1

        sounds a lot like the stance Apple took originally, until IOS4.

  • +11

    Bought one last Friday evening from Kogan for $549, called in today and got the price difference refunded :) .

    • +3

      great to know they do that.. :)

      • +3

        My order wasn't fully processed when I called. Perhaps that is why they did it. Otherwise I guess I could have cancelled and reordered. But anyway, their sales rep was quite helpful and glad it worked out.

        I also used a Kogan gift card bought last year after seeing it on Ozbargain for $75 less, so altogether $105 saved thanks to Ozbargain! HTC One X for $444+ ($19 shipping) is a bargain !

  • +1

    I'm pretty sure that a price protection claim would be rejected. If the charge on your card originates outside Australia (even if it is in AUD), it would be the first thing they noticed when looking at your claim.

    Just looking through my statement, every transactions has a country code next to it.

  • +1

    how long does the delivery takes once you place an order for a mobile phone..

    • I am staying in Perth and I got in within 5 business days.

  • +1

    Is it Aussie stock?

  • -2

    The price is likely to drop again significally in 1-2 months time. Android phones always gets a hugh plunge in prices after 3-4 months. There's no point chasing for the latest and greatest.

    • +1

      the galaxy nexus and sII remained around the 500-550 mark until 2 months ago iirc…. that's a good half a year or so?

      I won't expect it to dip below $500 until new nexus or iphone 5 comes out, and even then only if they're amazing.

    • +2

      New Android phones do drop significantly after few months of release, but that has already happened to One X. It came down from $750+ to ~$500 in less than 3 months. Usually $500 mark is where price starts to stabilize for high-end phones. From there onward drop will be gradual and slow until the next generation of phones come out. So I don't think One X is going to drop significantly again (at least not in the next few months anyway).

      • I don't knowwhat the go is with negative votes on my comment.
        I agree with you it can get close to $500. Hence why I said it will still go down a bit more.
        lets say 2 months from now probably $499

  • +1

    Just got one for free on Vodafone's $29 cap.

    As I talked to the update team and pointed out the Virgin deal (For $29 Cap: $450 Credit, 2.25GB DATA, 5 months 50% off)

    They offered me a $49 cap which I only need to pay $29 per month and a S II.

    I then asked them the possibility of enter into a $29 Cap, but getting a better phone.

    They gave this phone on $29 Cap, and I took the deal. Not sure it is a good deal or not

    • How the hell? How long have you been with Vodafone and can you talk to Optus for me when my contract runs out?

      • switched from 3 to it about half year ago.

        If you call to optus's sales rep. they may or may not offer you a good deal. which I am not sure about it. I think if you can point out that there are better deals on the market, they will in some way give you a considerable deal.

        By the way, never with optus on contract before.
        And recent news says Vodafone has lost 64,000 from the beginning of this year.
        That they are now not willing to loss a single customer.

        • That cannot be said the same to 3 (although it is voda essentially)
          Family member switched from 3 to TPG with a HTC one x from DWI recently :)

          $180 call credit + 200MB data is just too little for a good phone.
          Watch out or they'll reap you out of data charges D:

      • i just went from 3 to voda, just continuing on my old $29 plan (2 months to go til contract expires). how do i get this? XD

    • +1

      IMO that is a good deal, especially if you are ok with Vodafone's network quality. You are only paying $158 more (or $6.60 per month), but in return you get $180 call credit + 200MB of data + free calls to Vodafone + local warranty (24 months??) . I don't think you can get that kind of call/data for 6.60 from anyone, not even from those cheap MVNOs.

      • +2

        IMO, $180 call + 200MB data is just not enough for me. I will be most likely go over quota especially the data.

        • +1

          I should've said its a good deal for those who are ok with that cap. Its not enough for me either but I know couple of guys who have the Galaxy S2 on that cap and somehow managing with 200MB. I guess it could be just enough for those who are almost always on WiFi and rarely use mobile data.

          Besides, 3G data is pretty much useless on Vodafail network anyway (or at least it used to be), so I wonder if you could actually use more than 200MB in a month even if you wanted to.. :P

        • I'm on $180 calls and 200MB data, wouldn't say its great value (unless you have the deal that seele00717 got). But it works fine for me, most of my contacts are on 3/Voda so calls to them are free, I don't text too much and as for data, I'm almost always on wifi.

          As for 3g data on vodafail, it's been alright for me lately (around melbourne cbd/carlton), get a connection most times and speed isn't too bad just for maps/browsing, never bother with videos.

        • Yes, Vodafone's plan on its own with a mediocre smartphone is pretty much worthless especially compared to some of the other offerings out there (e.g Virginmobile Bigcap $29 with $450 call credit and 2.25GB of data or Liveconnected $11.99 Mobile plan with $500 call credit and 1.5GB of data). Vodafone $29 cap is only worth considering if you get a One X thrown in for free.

        • +1

          I needed more data too. So I got HTX One X for $49+10 over 12 months = $708 from vodafone. Not bad considering i get $550 credit, 1gb data, and free calls to voda and 3. Vodafone network in my area is very good.

          Outright $538 + $12 Live connected for 12 months would cost $682, but it doesn't include the Beats headphones, or the 24 month Australian warranty that came with the voda deal. Planning to sell or go on $12 live connected after my 1 year voda contract (would make it $708 + $144 = $852 over 2 years = $35.5/month).

          Call up and ask them if you're keen. Might require a bit of hassling.

        • 24 months warranty is only if you continue to stay with voda after 12 months.

        • +1

          Yep fair enough. But most faults occurs in first 12 months anyway. It was the walk-into-store warranty that i want, as many One X units having manufacturing defects, and some people go through 3 or 4 phones before getting a non-faulty one. Couldn't imagine mailing them back.

    • You must be an absolute guru.

      I spent about an hour on the phone to Vodafone today talking my way through various levels of the sales team. Ended up speaking to a senior salesperson and got the $49 plan for $39 a month, including the HTC One X (24 months). Thought it was a decent plan - came to $936 over the 24 months, and whenever the $49 plan is upgraded to match Virgin's recent deals (and yes, they will match it), I can switch across to this plan without having to extend my plan. Aside from this, I'm just happy that I don't need to pay for the phone up front, or lose features such as Voice mail that I otherwise would have had to if I signed up for liveconnected.

      • Think I may have rushed a little bit, as the newly released Voda deal for S III are quite similar to the One X. That I should be able to knock it out for free with the $29 cap lol

  • koolchamp , i just ordered mine. Expected dispatch date i got was 5th june 2012

  • Anyone knows if it comes in a sealed box and where is it made? And what about the warranty, do I claim it through Kogan?

    • One X is made in China (Either in mainland China or Taiwan). I assume it comes sealed, can confirm it when I get mine in couple of days. Warranty should be claimed through Kogan.

  • I had a preorder for a GS3 and just cancelled it to get this. Its roughly $200 cheaper and after holding one in the shops I was quite happy with it.

    Ive been put off the S3 as everoyne says its plasticy again and ive just lost interest in it after the hype has died down.

    Only issue I have with this is the battery. But ill just have to cross my fingers that ill get a good one or kogan has a decent warranty if i get a bad one.

    • The multi tasking issue doesn't bother you?

      • Its not going to be an issue for everyone. I have read mixed reviews, for some its a big annoyance while others don't mind it too much. Either way it is a fixable software issue; if HTC won't fix it then the developer community will. There is already an unofficial CM9 port for One X, if you are not afraid of rooting and installing a custom ROM, then multitasking is not going to be an issue.

      • +1

        Doesnt really effect much of what I use a phone for as I dont really multitask on a phone. Music seems to be a problem for some people while other say its fine. Thats really all I use in the background of my phone.

        If it does turn out to be a big issue ill swap over to another phone or look at putting on whatever the best rom is at the time.

        • +1

          No background music!? :(

  • Just ordered one myself - seems like a good price. I've got an ancient Nokia atm, so anything will be a step up. Will probably go on a Virgin BYO plan as the rest of the family has virgin and it's free calls to eachother.

    I got a despatch date of June 6th

  • Price is back to $559… seems this deal is over :(

  • Anyone had their's ship yet?

    • shipped on Wed; arrived today
      yay! new phone to play with over the long weekend :)

  • Anyone have any idea, can I ask tax refund when shopping at Kogan??

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