Not a bad deal, I would recommend HODLing still. However if you are eager for a GPU ASAP, this isn't a bad deal :)
Gigabyte GeForce RTX3070 VISION OC Graphics Video Card $782 ($763.60 with eBay Plus) Delivered @ eBay

Last edited 18/07/2022 - 11:50 by 1 other user
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Yeah two years and we finally under the $809RRP
I know people love to hate on gigabyte, but I grabbed this card just before eofy and the temps are great, and the card is fairly quiet (inside a fractal R7).
Personally I'd be waiting for the next gen cards, but I'm super happy with this model.
Couldn't agree more, bought my GF one and the temps are perfectly fine.
Haha tax reasons
My GF couldn't wait any longer, the 1070 was struggling in rust :')
What CPU is she running? Rust is highly CPU limited and prefers strong single threaded performance. I've got a 3070 and it's definately being bottlenecked by my5600x :(
@Torzz: Sorry, wasn't implying the 5600x is weak single threaded. Just that it is the limiting factor for me in heavy CPU demanding games like Rust.
@Canberralad92: I didn't think 3070 gets bottlenecked by 5600x. In fact it should be a perfect combo if gaming only.
@fufufu: As a general rule of thumb yes. However there are outliers (older games) that only use 1-2 threads.
@JerraJones: Far Cry 6 has low CPU utilisation while bottlenecking a GPU. Pretty sure it's a single thread thing
@fufufu: It's a good combo, sorry didn't mean to imply it is bad. Just there are some situations where the CPU can be a bottleneck in games. I'll likely be switching back over to Intel next build as they're back on track again.
Whats happened to Gigabyte? I'm constantly buying gigabyte cards - usually a decent price with a decent cooler compared to Asus etc.
No clue. I've often bought them with no issue. People here just seem to hate on them lol.
I did hear one model had essentially defective thermal pads, and they released a new revision. Not sure what else however.
From what I've heard, stores don't like Gigabyte due to their customer services, the RMA process is super strict or delays. The cards themselves are fine until it's not.
As with the thermals pads, it's only a issue for mining as they'll break down with pro-longed heat (i.e weeping oil or something over 100c)
between the psu controversy and some poor designs over the last couple generations in the low end their brand image has been kind of ruined for a lot of folks
not sure either, our household has had 3 or 4 Gigabyte GPUs in the past 10 years without issues. 3 fan designs at a great price.
Personally I've been a bit sick of Gigabyte's software of late. I've built many systems over the past 15+ years using, exclusively, Gigabyte motherboards and graphics cards. I reckon I'll give ASUS or EVGA a spin next time 'round though…
Yeah their software is awful haha. Bloated - and in the case of the mobo I just got - the fresh software wasn’t even installing or updating through their tool on windows 11 🤦♂️
A DOA Gigabyte mobo took 2 months to be returned and was returned dead. Pay extra for a brand that don't push our garbage
The worst 3070s this gen are Zotac and MSI.
I will not touch the stuff again. When the FHR devices eventually fail because of being not fully engineered to cope with the greatness of mining the RMA process is totally lacking. For shame Gigabyte!
Now that crypto is capitulating these are going continue to fall like a rock when the second hand market starts to become saturated.
Not fast enoogh - have you seen the prices still on ebay for 3060s and 3060tis?
Just trust in the process; the fact is there is much more stock than there is demand (but currently they make it seem like it isn't, so they trickle sell into the market). All it takes is persistent HODL and one seller needing to clear their inventory quickly.
I got the 3070ti version for 899 from Amazon AU just a few days ago, maybe better off sticking with it?
wait until 19 september… then you will see firesale
What happens then?
The supposed etherum 2.0 merge date.
Haven't they delayed this for AGES?
@kranoath: it is coming to an end.. well at least this time.. is higher chance to merge compare to 5 years ago
But then the pioneers will jump onto Ethereum Classic and the tremendous Ravencoin for huge mining profits and financial security and freedom, freedom, freedom forever!
Yeah I've heard that before
ETH code merge - proof of stake no longer GPU mining.
Damn. Nice.
When the rtx 30 series came out with all these little short pcbs on the founders edition cards i was so hoping for a SFF renaissance with clever cooling. But instead it's still just giant bricks with tonne's of little whiny fans. Maybe one day..
And the transient spikes of the 30 series cards are just icing on the cake. Ie. A 200w rated 3060ti, you better account for 400w for the GPU portion of the total draw when buying your PSU. (I know good quality PSUs can withstand this well like the SF series).
Nvidia wants to pass the responsibility of absorbing these spikes on the power supply companies. Absolutely ridiculous IMO, just design your GPUs properly.
still waiting for 3080 12gb deals
Yup $1k im jumping :)
i thought this was a 3060 ti vision for a sec :(
this is better than 3060ti bro.. take this
power supply, size, cost
Yeha the 3060ti is a 2 slot. Fits cases like a H210 while this doesn't.
It also runs hot as hell in that case though unless you undervolt it (86c solid Max temps)
Same here. One day they will have one for under $650 and know I will be in the dunny and it will sold out in 10 mins flat.
you dont ozbargain on the can?
Good point. I will do that now on.
@pinkybrain: But then when will I get my alone time with OzBargain?
The crapper is the last truly safe space for dangerous deals…
I got the 3060ti version of this card back at March for $100 less. Been great.
Nice to see prices coming down again.
7700xt is tipped to be released as soon as october. I'd rather have $800 then
Great card! Sits nicely inside my SSUPD case since I got it, very quiet and relatively quiet on load, the only downside is that I paid $999 on after launch during the shortage.
anyone want to guess/estimate
how low can these cards go
After WW3 and Covid-20 the surviving nerds safe in their basements will takeover as the new ruling class. They will try to change the mistakes of the past and make a better class of citizen and give everyone a free 3080. Remaining 3070s will be worthless.
That is my guess.
Checked their store and the 6700 xt is 650, which is a shame given the recent 600 prics
600 prics
sounds painful, are you OK?
That website looks straight out of the 90s. LOL
Also refers to Radeon cards by their previous company ATi.
damn this is the same price I paid for my 2070 super a few years back. Loving these new prices
But your 2070 super is a 3070 relative to it's time. xx70 super sits between xx70 and xx70 ti
The 2070 non super was a good $100-$200 cheaper than this. If this was a 3070ti loving these new prices would make sense
I'm not comparing performance, just comparing price :)
Me too. The price more expensive (you could get the 2070 super for this price last gen). Whereas the 3070ti still cost $900+
This is the xx70 base model and that was sub $500 at the end of it's life. The 3070 is a long way off $489. So these new prices are more expensive than turing and I'm not loving it at all.
Nvidia cut their ampere cards down $100-$500 in the USA.
That translates to an $18 price drop here? Typical I guess
It should be $559 by now
Never forget. And that deal was with free SSD.
A non super variant (which the 3070 is) should easily be that price by now. hurts me @jimmy
The 3070 should not be 8GB & it's annoying that the 3060 has a 12GB option.
Problem is the AMD 12GB is essentially frame buffer deception. It's no better than 8GB. To compare them gigabyte for gigabyte the AMD cards would also need to be 448gbps.
With AMD it's 384 gbps 12GB vs Nvidias 8GB 448gbps.
I'm more concerned about NVIDIA compared to NVIDIA, the 3060 shouldn't be +50% VRAM over the model up. I know it was a. Response to AMD, but it's odd they didn't also change the 3070.
True there's a reason though. The 12GB on the 3060 is far cheaper/slower memory. The 12GB on the 3060 actually costs nvidia far less to manufacture than the 8gb superior/modern memory on the 3060ti.
In what games are 3070s running out of RAM at 1440p?
Games that came out in 2024, Not long after purchasing my current gen RTX XX70.
Far Cry 6 with HD texture pack will require 11GB of vram.
This deal is fine though nothing exceptional by current standards. Even Pccasegear has the 3070 for $829 when not on sale.
Will this play minecraft on full graphic settings?
While mining bitcoin at the same time yes.
Minecraft seems to struggle more for CPU when trying to increase the view distance and adding more chunks to load or generate on the fly.
Down down. Prices are coming down….