This was posted 2 years 7 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

AMD Ryzen 5 5600G CPU $239 Delivered @ PCByte


Surely has to be the cheapest price don't think their has been lower.

Free shipping included.

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closed Comments

  • good for low spec gaming?

    • +8


      Do your own research, but after a few minutes looking around online, this is AMD's second best CPU with Graphics baked in (APU).

      AMD Ryzen 7 5700G (Vega 8 graphics) – 8 Core / 16 Thread & 4.6 Ghz Max Boost
      AMD Ryzen 5 5600G (Vega 7 graphics) – 6 Core / 12 Thread & 4.4Ghz Max Boost

      Look at the last chart on this page:

      We see a 14.5% difference in gaming fps performance at 1080p. Not the best benchmarking, but it gives you some idea. Check out the fps performace for the games you want to play on this chip. Research, baby.

      • +1

        but will it play Crysis?

        • +3

          Yes pair it with a GPU, it will play any game.

          • +1

            @bex000: It will run Crysis fine with just the iGPU @ 1080p + enough RAM.

    • +5

      Yes. This is a great CPU at a great price. Good find OP!

      • +1

        cheers :)

    • +1

      ive had little issues with 5700g, occasional stuttering but tri-monitor setup so not surprised, helped me a lot while waiting for gpu prices to drop

      • +2

        You got the most recent bios?

      • +1

        ram capacity and ram speed??

        • +1

          3200mhz 2x16, its fps thats stuttering in games, my fault for modding the hell out them

          • +1

            @Pugkin: is xmp (or equivalent) turned on?

    • +10

      Lots of people still prefer the ergonomics of a PC. I’m forced to use a laptop at work and I do the bare minimum on it during the day. I wait until I get home to close all my jobs off on the PC. It’s much more comfortable and having more screen real estate is a big bonus. I prefer to use the PC for researching and shopping too. I know I’m not alone in this.

      • +2

        If I wanted to do casual net surfing, I’m whipping out the iPad. But serious purchasing is going on at the desk. Edge for CR/SB on one monitor, price checking/ozbargain on another.

    • +3

      Thats true though they may come in handy for other use cases

      I opted for a 5700g apu for my PC as having 2 GPUs was handy in running Linux and windows simultaneously. I need linux for a lot of my day to day use as well as for running a home server. But for gaming and CAD, you need windows. So I run Windows in a VM and passthrough a graphics card to it allows the VM to use the card's full performance. This makes switching between them easy and keeps the home server running in the background. It also allows someone else in the house to game stream on the shield while I'm working on the PC.

    • +11

      Whilst typing up nonsense comments like this one, try to not use your laptop on your lap to minimise the risk of overheating your male fertility parts.

    • +1

      There are more uses to a desktop PC beyond gaming you know! Based on you comments, sounds like your experience is limited to mainly using a MacBook.

      The 5600g has a TDP of 65w,but you could enable Eco mode and to reduce it below 45w. You can install it in an low cost motherboard, with the stock fan. Desktops provide you flexibility. For example you could buy 32gb/64gb RAM to run multiple operating systems, beyond Windows, and virtual machines and have it running 24/7.

      • Would be great for proxmox or similar?

    • +3

      Opinions like this seem to come straight from the corporate modern consumer tech companies. Apple, samsung, microsoft et al love it when this sentiment gets embedded in the public psyche. They prefer devices to be viewed as single-purpose, for computing to be locked down and controlled via software and physical DRM and "trust"[less] tech, for people to buy products rather than components, for devices to be non-repairable, and in general for devices and products to be seen as filling unique market niches rather than general purpose interchangeable commodities.

    • Not sure why you got so many downvotes. I'm personally sticking to a PC for the foreseeable future but the trend for most people is clearly shifting towards laptops. They're powerful enough to handle most tasks now while being portable. With a good laptop docking station, you can plug 1 cable in to connect your laptop to your peripherals and multiple monitors. is a good look into how people can change their minds.

      That said, I use a MBP for work and I get pretty annoyed when I start running tests and hear it spin up its fans.

    • -1

      Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. A laptop + dock and monitor is much better value than a desktop for anyone who doesn’t need a discrete GPU.

      • -2

        Well because this is OzBargain where everything is about value for money, I have a $3k gaming PC, tablet, macbook, phone, etc - and i always go back to using the macbook pro for general use applications like internet browsing, etc.

        I even considered purchasing one of these for a second PC - but pretty much everybody who doesn't use a PC for gaming or GPU/CPU intensive tasks simply does not need one.

  • +1

    What about 5700g?

  • +1

    Price is dropping quicker than i expected. I got this for $285.37 couple months back in May.
    Great find Op. :)

  • Tempting, it is just AMD doesn't allow PCIe gen 4 with these APUs.

    • +1

      The iGPU takes up the space that the cache required for PCIe gen 4 did.

      • AMD didn't do that for Microsoft or Sony so it's certainly possible.

  • +1

    Any positive full size ATX B550 mobo recommendations for this please ? Seen lot of bios flashing and software issues in my pursuit of 1 . Came on a A520 and i not a techs rear end .

    • +1

      IMO the best possible one is the ASUS TUF gaming B550 plus wifi 220 on scorptec atm

  • Doing a budget build for the kids for Christmas. Do I grab this now or wait?

    • +1

      If you don't need or want a GPU this is a good bet.

      Otherwise Intel 12th Gen probably a better buy, particularly when 13th comes out and prices drop.

      Lower end models usually come afterwards anyway.

      • When is this next gen hardware coming out?

        • Expect it inside a few months

        • AMD Zen 4 mid September, Intel 13th gen probably sometime in October — at least according to leaks (no official announcements from either)

      • I've got a spare RX580 from an upgrade I did on my PC a while back. Was tempted to go 12th gen Intel for the kids build, but I'd like to stick to AMD if I could, so if I have my mobo or CPU die I can steal parts off the kids to avoid downtime (I work from home and live in the country, so can't pickup parts same day easily).

        • I’m in a similar position re kids’ computer. I’m just waiting a few months until the next generation of Intel+AMD CPUs come out in the expectation that I’ll be able to pick up second hand parts cheaper.

  • Can the iGPU be turned off and the CPU used with a dedicated GPU?

    • -1

      Yes, but if so, you might want to aim for ones without iGPU because of PCIe gen 4 support.

      • At this price it's considerable as a backup GPU, if you already have a B450.

        • -1

          A B450 without a CPU hanging around? B450's expansion slots, other than the PCIe x16 (which is AMD microcode blocked to at most PCIe gen 3) are PCIe gen 2.

          Is getting 5600G now mostly a fomo? I just feel that as PC users, we should try to move forward, rather than bargain hunting non stop. I sure hope the next PC I get can at least match my M1 Mac Mini on CPU front, rather than lagging behind (and that's not even my fastest Mac). B450 means I cannot put USB 3.2 gen 2x2 or Thunderbolt expansion to the computer. The PCIe gen 3 SSD + PCIe gen 2 SSD combo setup is also not that great in 2022.

          Even if you want to go PCIe gen 3 with this APU, you want to aim for B550 preferably. I/O chocking on Apple world for low end M1 is one thing, I/O chocking a PC makes no sense. Apple hasn't bothered with PCIe gen 2 for years.

        • -1

          Backup GPU, gosh, that's such a nice spin for AMD. It's due to Intel chucking in weak embedded GPU for years that AMD gets away with this. From what Apple has shown, it should be obvious to realise that lack of competition in PC market means we lose out on a lot of things.

          Intel can do PCIe gen 5 with embedded GPU capable of 4x4K 60Hz (yes, gaming still sucks on those) so if you want to numb your brain to cut AMD plenty of slack, that's fine. With B450, 4K/60Hz support won't be there, but I guess 4K/60Hz is still overkill for most people (or is it?).

          People needing a cheap PC, sure, go for it. But let's not hype this as something that's so great.

        • +1

          As someone who owns an AMD system with B450 board, my advice is please don't get B450 in 2022. You or your family members are worth getting at least B550. I regret getting B450 because my other weaker Intel system was able to get USB 3.2 gen 2x2 expansion where my B450 cannot.

          However, if it is super dirt cheap (like less than $100) and this PC is just a pure toy, then I guess it is still okay.

          • +1

            @netsurfer: Good B450's with all Ryzen generations support go for as little as $50, I've gotten a spare for $43 delivered brand new.

  • +2

    Tempted, but I'm not convinced I'd see much of a performance boost over my 3600, asides from compiling times maybe.

    • You might be able to sell your 3600 for almost as much on eBay.

      • Losing the ability to run PCIe gen 4 SSDs and PCIe gen 4 GPU in the process and surely someone with 3600 would have a GPU. The CPU processing upgrade is minor and not worthwhile.

        Might as well wait for the next gen CPUs from AMD. AMD and Intel really need to move forward faster.

        • Man i have gen 4 pcie on my b550m plus with r5 3600 and it makes like no difference to anything

    • upgraded from 3600 to 5600G, I can notice that the PC is more snappy but I still find the upgrade unnecessary as I end up gaming more on my PS5 anyway.

  • The AMD Ryzen 5 5600 is a very good CPU (after owning one for 9 months). The cores are very fast and I had no problem overclocking them all to 4.4 GHz with reduced voltage. If you rarely use programs massively multithreaded programs, these are the CPUs to get for those with a modest budget.

  • +1

    one of these in those asrock mini pc nuc style boxes would great

    what a beast

  • $269 on site now, showing as sold out.

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