• expired

Cubo Ai Plus Smart Baby Monitor: Wall-Mount Set $210.30 Delivered with Code @ Cubo Ai


Cheaper again for Prime Day (lowest ever according to C3x) around the same as the most recent deal.

The 3 stand model is $329.30 after discount, but I don't see value in paying almost $120 for a stand that most Youtube reviewers say is a bit flimsy.

Includes 1 year free of Cubi AI Care Premium access.

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Referral: random (33)

$20 off for referee. $30 gift card for referrer.

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closed Comments

  • Have been waiting for price to go about ATL.

    Edit: will quickly review the 3 stand. Wife wanted that.

    • Does Amazon normally price match to the the website?

  • +1

    Isn't this exactly the same as the previous deal that you linked? They also mentioned the code

    • Other one was $230 after discount I believe.

      • No it was $230 before code, so $210 after code.

        Yours is actually 30c more because it looks like the price has gone up.

        • Other deal is expired, this one is cheaper than the current Prime deal, thanks for pointing the difference out, I updated the OP. I guess 30c more will make the difference to some people 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Do you have the link to the stand review?
    I feel the wall mount is not viable unless you make your own stand.

  • +1

    have the camera, very very glad I have the stand - well worth it IMO - its solid, just add an extra strap to the cot walls (it has one, but a second helps top and bottom when cot moves)

    • Thank you.
      Don’t know if I should wait for the ATL price of $304 or just pay the $20.

      • May not reach the ATL again with how inflation is going!

  • +1

    I bought this yesterday and ended up buying the $210 version and buying the crib mount through ebay.. became $245 in total.. better than buying the 3 stand model which i dont need..

    and based on multiple reviews, the floor stand is slightly too flimsy, especially if you have carpet

  • I'm not a big fan of Jeff B., but I would not buy this anywhere else but from Amazon - their return policy is excellent. Direct or eBay may not have options as good as Amazon

    • For the $20, I hope I didn’t make the wrong decision purchasing through the website direct.

      • +1

        Nothing wrong until you need to do warranty - YMMV of course.

        I don't know what it's like now but my bub's turning 2 soon, I bought it 3 months before she was born, from Amazon. On the 13th month (of the camera), it stopped syncing. All kinds of resets does nothing - I used the companion app to contact Cubo support. After trying everything to reset it with no luck and since it's been over 12 months, their solutions were to either send it back to them to Korea for repairs, return shipping charges payable by me OR buy a refurbished unit from them at a discounted price from Korea, shipping charges payable by me (!).

        I nopped out of there and went to Amazon, got fully refunded no questions asked.

        • +1

          Ah pray I have no issues! Figured I would pay the premium to cover two kids. Currently on week 3 of first kid haha.

          • @Owgasm: Good luck mate :)

            • +1

              @moorey: Emailed last night to cancel it and confirmed cancellation.
              Will wait for some sort of cashback and then purchase on Amazon, as a promo was extended. Plus 3 2% gift cards. Should get me close to the website price.

    • I did find this on the Cubo website, if it's any consolation to those of us who purchased through the website.

      *For Australian customers - the rights described in this policy are in addition to the statutory rights to which you may be entitled under the Australian Consumer Law and other applicable Australian consumer protection laws and regulations.
      Please note there may be limitations on your right to return and obtain a refund for products, however these limits will always be subject to your statutory rights.

      It's encouraging that they at least acknowledge their obligations under ACL. I'd say 3-4 years is appropriate as "fit for purpose" should you have any issues moving forward.

      • +1

        Thanks, I'm aware of it.

        Cubo did offer to repair it (quoted "USD80 to $USD120"), not including shipping and did not offer to replace it. That repair-instead-of-replacing covers them on ACL, and ACL also says they have to have alternative solutions for the customer, and the alternate was refurbished units. Both aren't great solutions but solutions nonetheless.


        "If the Cubo camera has sustained any man-made damage; such as the use of non-original accessories or unsuitable parts, self-disassembly, structural damage, water damage, if it was accidentally broken, or it has surpassed the 1-Year Warranty period, we can provide paid repair services."

        Not syncing is not a "man-made damage" but they treated it as such / past 1 year warranty period. If you looked past their convoluted process of getting any warranty methods done, they actually state to contact Amazon for support if you purchased it from them - it's a lot simpler!

        Sorry - not trying to bash your post mate, it's Cubo's warranty I have issues with :) I paid $300 for it at the time.

        • All good, appreciate the insight and I totally agree re: Amazon and their return policies. I'm hoping I won't have to ever do anything like that!

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