Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Price Increase to $3.50

10 News has reported that the price for a Bunnings' sausage sizzle will increase from $2.50 to be $3.50, apparently in response to fundraising community groups feeling the pressure of the cost of materials.

Acknowledging that these are run by community groups, which need the funds, but also that:

  • they are staffed by volunteers
  • the cost of ingredients (i.e. sausage, bread, onion, sauce, mustard) hasn't increased significantly (to my knowledge)
  • they will now need to manage a lot more change than previously

Your thoughts?
Would you still partake? If so, would you drop from two to only one?

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse


          • @Misha Bakunin: Dunno. Probably. If the charity can set the price they’ll generally set it to maximise the fundraising. Difficult thing with Bunnings is that they set the price.

            Better for Bunnings to have low prices and people working them during early and late opening hours. Not so great for the charities.

  • +1

    $3 is the most I would even consider paying for something that was not even a good deal for $2.50. I get that it's for charity of course… sometimes the charity does not interest me…

    Ikea has $1 hot dogs…

    So yeah no more bunnings ones for me. Not that I got them often anyway….

    • Is IKEA a charity?

      • +1

        Nope that's why i would pay more at bunnings,
        but not $3.50…

  • +4

    $3.50 for a cheap sausage in some bread? Geez pass

  • To be honest I don't mind the price increase. But, most of the charities use the worst quality sausages and bread and I doubt that will change. I very rarely bought them and always regret it.

  • +1

    Right. So they're "feeling the pressure of the cost of materials" … which meant they were still making money … but they increase by $1. Not that I'd get one anyway, but 50 cents should have been enough. $1 is a high enough jump that fewer people will buy one.

  • +1

    Organised/been on a few Bunning's Sizzle fests for local Kinder. Generally Coles/WW will give a voucher/credit to the sum of $50 - $100, meat please give a discount on the sausages. Bread usually donated from the likes of Bakers/Brumbys free.Generally after the other costs we have a $1K - $2K profit (summer time you make more, winter is the lowest). Having said that I will continue to buy a sausage in bread at bunnings on the weekends when I'm there, $3.5, its going to a charity/local community so more than happy to and there is just something about the sausages, I am yet to recreate the smell/flavor at home…

  • I wouldn't pay the previous price I definitely won't pay the markup.
    Unless I'm drinking I literally won't touch a cheap sausage these days.

  • +1

    how early is too early for a bunnings snag

    i always go early on saturday mornings to beat the rush, but feels odd having one at 9:30am lol

    • That's not too early, I mean breakfast can be sausage and toast and this is very similar.

      • i like your style, i will now chomp down on my 9:30am snags with pride

    • +1

      We once hosted a BBQ at a popular Bunnings.. we started late about 9AM and no joke had several complaints from tradies who were expecting their morning snack!

  • i wasn't aware there was a set price. I'm sure I've been charged more.

  • 3.50 isnt a logical figure. I’d always get 2 or 4 with $5/$10 note and there wont be any balance pay or coins that ends up in my wallet. With 3.50 its not going to work. So I think it’ll be a hard pass for me

    • Just buy $35 worth, no coins returned

  • +1

    They weren't worth $2.50 so upping the price will hurt takings rather than enhance them. Last sizzle I ran ( not at Bunnings) we charged $2 each or $5 for 3. Sold loads.

  • I think the cheapish price of the snag was half the appeal! At $3.50 a pop, it's getting a bit pricey for a snack. Think I would rather just donate a few bucks for the community groups.

    I was under the impression most organisations/charities had the goods donated to them for sale?

    I just buy them for my kids anyway - they realistically shouldn't be having poor quality saturated fat giblets anyway. Maybe having bbq corn would sell more 😉

  • -1

    Bit of a rip…. charity or not.

    Been there done that fund raising with the NT Motorcycle Association for various charities years ago, and never felt guilty earning for my club. Generous portions, and bread with spread!

    To support the community groups I feel $2.00 is fair…. I will buy 2.

    At $3.50…pass big time out of principle, and other groups will get my funds.

    Inflation has not caused this price increase…greed has.

    If they really need/ want to earn their funds, sell these at thesed prices in Government building car parks…. they are full of over-paid employees.

    • That would be really dumb, wouldn't it.

      Think about it for a minute.

      • Why…exactly?

        • Government offices …… weekends …… 🤔

          • @jackspratt: Charity Sausage fund raisers are not restricted to week ends, and many Government depts are functioning on week ends. Think about that.

  • Stopped being able to excuse the indulgence when they shot up above the $1.50 mark.. It's been a pretty dry decade :/

  • +2

    Our local swim club has to buy its own ingredients, which generally means it needs to be donated by members. Volunteers have to spend a lot of time to help on the stand. While $3.50 may not be "good value", but it is necessary to make it worth the effort.

  • +2

    I would still buy a sausage sizzle for $3.50.
    Firstly, I would have to be hungry, and the smell of the fresh sausages and onions would have to be ready when I wanted one.
    The last time I had one for $2.50, the slice of bread was a tad stale but it could be because it was a cold day and the sausage was dry and over cooked and kept in a mini esky box.
    I only wish they had my fave Eta barbecue sauce.
    Now if everything was perfect, a nice juicy fat sausage with hot onions and in a bread roll and not a slice of bread, then I would happily pay more for it.
    Just like a beef kebab or a banh mi, I would pay more for it if it was awesome!

  • Sausage sizzle is synonymous with Bunnings. They want to see a BBQ happening at every store.

    Unfortunately there's very little profit for clubs at some of the smaller stores (clubs don't pick which stores they host BBQs). Think about it… 3-4 people spending a day volunteering for $300-500.. I'm sure there are more profitable events a club could host with that type of people power.

    Raising the price makes a difference to those clubs.

  • If the price of Bunning's sausage sizzle is important to you, you need new priorities.

    • +1

      But what is your opinion:

      Would you still partake? If so, would you drop from two to only one?

      I didn't ask for your opinion on the choices of others.

      • -1

        I don't partake to begin with. The sausage sizzle isn't supposed to be a delicacy that people go out of their way for. They serve them at kids sports games or other community events as a basic foodstuff to earn a few bucks.

        I can't for the life of me figure out why some people actually plan their day around getting a sausage sizzle. It's like booking a plane ticket just to eat the airline food.

        Not to say that sizzles aren't delicious, but if you're that fond of them then why not just cook them yourself? You could do it 100x better than Bunnings as others have said they use the cheapest and most basic ingredients.

        Honestly if the $2 sizzle is the highlight of your day you need to find a hobby or some friends.

        • +1

          To summarise:

          I don't partake…

          That was all that was required.

          • @GG57: Really? There are pages of other posts just as long or longer than mine.

            • +1

              @SlavOz: Perhaps if you had partaken in the discussion on 13 July when the post was created, your expanded thoughts may have been relevant.
              Everyone else has moved on.

              • @GG57: :(

              • @GG57: I think he was in the penalty box for a while, hence the delay.

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