There seems to be more stock in Bing Lee stores to C&C than The Good Guys
LG C2 55" $2,199.25
There seems to be more stock in Bing Lee stores to C&C than The Good Guys
LG C2 55" $2,199.25
Wow how did the 75 inch go so low so soon.
That's great for a new release
Where is the 75"? Isn't mentioned in this deal.
probably typo. next size is 77" right?
Yep sorry 77" $5160 for that. All the sizes are incredibly priced
Does not ship to Victoria :(
Good. I just bought a c1 last week and this makes me feel a little better about the deal 😅
:_( I did not expect C2 prices to drop so quickly…
Me too… cursing I bought the C1 🤬… should've waited
I think the original coupon deal link is broken, goes to a different link.
Wowzers! Prices for the C2 are falling so quick. C1 65" took a while to get to below $3000..
Right?! I got my C1 65 in Nov for $3100 and was stoked lol. Also, I thought the C2 had a higher RRP than the C1, which if true makes it even crazier.
LG has to sell the TVs before recession hits. 77" C2 is expected to go below $4000 market price (before any Cashback, GC offers) by Oct/Nov. Wait if you can
What’s your source of information?
@dealsforlife: I don’t think that’s fair. A lot of economic and political analysis is suggesting a recession could be on the way. We’re taking more than just economic woes caused by the Ukraine situation.
Anything is possible, and we may or may not see a recession. But there are certainly indicators that a recession could hit.
It’s the same reason that we’re seeing so many deals and offers on at the moment. Businesses are keen to sell as luck as possible to have healthy figures for the year while they can, before the reality of inflation and any other issues hit.
Lots of us spending money right now may do well to take pause and see what happens. Most won’t, however, not least because of ignorance of that warning signs. Which then leads to incredulity when others show that they have read up, hence comments like yours.
Perhaps their ad revenue has gone up significantly?
C1 is still better for gamers unfortunately. Just, but still noticeable
How so?
Missing 120hz bfi, has double the input lag with VRR engaged and has a more aggressive ABL in bright scenes.
C1 or G1 is the better gaming TV, sad but true
I was about to pull the trigger a while ago and this is what stopped me and went ahead and bought the C1 instead
@Vegeta: @naedtrax As someone who likes games but doesn’t play competitively, would I even notice this?
I’m tossing up between C1/G1/C2
I’m not able to Wall Mount it right now (and probably for the foreseeable future) so I’m leaning towards the C2. I have a PS5 and I’d like to take advantage of what it has to offer but I believe all of the above tvs will.
Any thoughts?
@che_97: TBH hard for me to say if anyone else would notice, I spend a lot of time comparing this stuff for retro and modern games so I’ve lost touched if others may notice. Give this video a watch it may help answer you questions and if the cons matter to you.
Someone is not updated
Can’t wait for Christmas. Thank you recession.
Not a great attitude. You could be out of a job by the end of the year. Good luck spending money then
…so spend that money now! Lol.
I guess the prices will be sky-high when my Pana plasma finally dies?
Decided to jump on the 65 inch C2 at HN. Additional $200 gift card and then another $300 gift card for jumping on Latitude for the whole amount.
They offered me $3k flat and free delivery.
I’ll repay it pretty much immediately.
I feel dirty tho. (profanity) HN.
You did well
Any chance you can share your receipt so other can try and replicate this?
How long will this deal last until?