Freebies from Epic games. As usual, available from 1am AEST.
This week’s freebie - Killing Floor 2 & Ancient Enemy.
Freebies from Epic games. As usual, available from 1am AEST.
This week’s freebie - Killing Floor 2 & Ancient Enemy.
Nah this one is probably one of the best in the Wonder Boy series, and this remake by DotEmu is fantastically animated. It was one of the first Switch "indie" type games I bought and it was excellent. Probably helped that I loved the original back in the day too but it's still a really good game and carries itself well despite the years.
Nostalgia required. It's an iffy game with a great remake.
Fundamentally the problem is it's age - levels are basic horizontal scrollers with barely any verticality. When it comes to the action theres just not much of interest
@justtoreply: Have to agree with this. This game is truly from the early "Simon's quest" era of metroidvania games, in the sense that figuring out how to advance is very much trial and error.
It's a flawed game that received a very loving remake.
The original was so much fun, and the remake has so much love poured into it. Definitely nostalgia vlaue+
I've always loved Wonder Boy in Monsterland but original The Dragons Trap was terrible.
For me the it was the opposite, Monsterland was simple and average but a fine time but Dragon's Trap was always my favourite. Fairly non-linear and more exploration, puzzles, it was more like a metroid style game.
@Kritter2069: I never got into Monsterland but loved Dragon’s Trap. The use and exploration with each form was great. And so many secret rooms to discover!
Everybody agrees that game is terrible!! Not even worth installing.
Everybody you know perhaps, or maybe moreso people who don't find fun in crunching numbers and min-maxing. Found it rather addictive personally, even without being tempted to spend a cent on it. Only uninstalled due to eating up too much attention/free time.
Turns out I already had Killing Floor 2 on Epic. When I got it on Steam I found it frustrating as you where fighting over kills with the other players.
I like Raid mode from Resident Evil Revelations 2 better.
This is one of the best remakes I've ever played - all new music and graphics without impacting gameplay, and you can switch back to classic mode on the fly. Plus its actually a brilliant game that still holds up well today, even if it's not that long.
This game was made by Dotemu( They make excellent games. Including: Street Fighter II: Champion Edition, Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, Streets Of Rage 4, Windjammers 1 & 2 and the recently released Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge just to name a few.
West one.
high "five"
Play this hell out of this on the SMS
Holy shirt. I played Wonder Boy on the Sega Master System.
Original Wonder Boy on C64 was my favourite game ever.
What?! Wonder boy was on C64? And to think i spent all my time on Archon, Gina Sisters and Wizards of Wor.
Sure was. An absolute classic that looked great for it's time.
What about Rick Dangerous?
Was one of my favorites too, played it till I finished it on C64.
I never managed to finish it. The one time I remember getting (what felt like) close, my dad cut the power to the house to work on the electrics. I was raging.
I played this is Japanese on my Game Gear. Couldn't understand it but loved it.
in my personal top 5 greatest games of all time
Already own it on Switch but this is cool to see.
My early childhood was all about wonder boy. Might have to give this a try
Played this on Xbox One and iOS, and the original on Master System (which I still own!). Keen to give this another run-through on PC!
Give me Alex Kidd instead
For those to add to the 'Ignored - Played on another platform'…
First exposed to Wonder Boy on the C64. And played "In Monsterland" at the Rollerama in Victoria (will never forget being bullied off the machine by someone else :-( ). Have played and replayed those games + Dragon's Trap in the various re-releases over the years. Already have The Dragon's Trap in the Nintendo Switch……. but I've added the Epic Store version to my collection as well.
They’re already free. You can go to the Epic Store now and add them to your account.
Have this on switch.
Great game - this is how you do remakes without killing the original gameplay
Used to love it on the Master System so will give it a go.
Wonderboy, what is the secret of your power?
Did anyone get Wonderboy dragon's trap for free?
I'm sure heaps of people claimed it. This is my first missed game since 2020 I somehow forgot to claim it even though I read this thread. Might've been reading it before it went live oops.
same here
i had this in my reminder
but just checked today, and unfortunately missed out
OMG I love that game!