• expired

nbn 50/20 $64.95/Month, 100/20 $79.95/Month, 250/25 $99/Month for 12 Months (No Lock-in Contract, New Customers Only) @ Leaptel


Following the end of our previous EOFY offer, I am listing our new 12 month offering here. It is not quite as generous as our EOFY offer was, but we are one of the few RSPs offering a 12 month offer which provides more certainty than relying on there being a good deal available every 6 months.

The nbn offer

  • 50Mbps/20Mbps – $64.95 for first 12 months then $74.95 ongoing. - Typical evening speed 50Mbps
  • 100Mbps/20Mbps – $79.95 for first 12 months, then $89.95 ongoing - Typical evening speed 100Mbps
  • 100Mbps/40Mbps – $89.95 for first 12months then $99.95 ongoing. - Typical evening speed 100Mbps
  • 250Mbps/25Mbps – $99 for first 12 months, then $119 ongoing. - Typical evening speed 250Mbps

All the above have unlimited data.

$0 activation including for month-to-month. We do offer a 24 month option if you need a modem and don't want to pay upfront for it.

Full T&Cs at https://leaptel.com.au/nbn-july-2022-promotion-tcs/

Signup via https://leaptel.com.au/nbn-plans/.'

If you're in an Opticomm area we have different 6 month offers which can be found at https://leaptel.com.au/opticomm-plan/. We'd love to match the nbn offer but Opticomm's wholesale pricing is more expensive than nbn and we presently absorb a $99 ex gst activation charge for all new connections alongside other charges.

Speed & Service

We are with nbn directly on 121/121 nbn POIs which means guaranteed no CVC congestion as we control our own CVC and have lots of headroom.

IPoE/DHCP is our standard connection method (no vlan tagging required) and we are happy for you to BYO modem. We do support PPPoE as well should you wish to use that connection method.

All connections are CGNAT by default, however you can disable CGNAT and receive a IPv4 dynamic IP at no cost through our portal, full details at https://leaptel.com.au/faq-cgnat/.

We have points of presence in data centres in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney with peering and transit in each. You can check out our looking glass at - https://lg.leaptel.com.au/.

Our support team is located in Box Hill, Melbourne, so when you have a problem you're talking to someone local. Wait time are kept to a minimum and we support livechat and email tickets as well.

Who we are

Many of you won't know who Leaptel is. And that's fair, we've mostly been focused on providing services on the Opticomm network which has allowed us to do what we're now doing on nbn.

To keep it brief, this is who we are:

  • We are 100% Australian owned and operated.
  • We are 100% committed to providing a high quality product.
  • We are 100% dedicated to providing the best customer service possible.
  • We are 100% devoted to improving every day in everything we do.
  • We are 100% willing to own our mistakes and learn from them.

And I think our reviews back this up.

You can check out our Whirlpool Thread here.

I will happily answer any questions here as well of course.

Referral Links

Referral: random (438)

$50 credit for the referee (if they are not on a reduced pricing plan) & $50 credit for the referrer. The referee will receive a $50 credit on their third month invoice, unless they have obtained another promotion during the online application process. Once a referee has paid for their second month, the referrer will get a credit of $50 applied to their next invoice.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Credit check?

    • For month-to-month plans we do not carry out a credit check as it is not required under the TCP.

      • Awesome, thanks

  • +1

    Thanks OP, can you please confirm if Leaptel offer 1 Gig plans over HFC, and any potential deals if you do?

    • +2

      We presently do not offer 1Gbps plans on nbn. Due to the nbn CVC construct and our small size on nbn we don't have the economy of scale on individual POIs to be able to offer those plans I'm sorry to say.

  • +1

    these guys are great, I highly recommend them, have used their service previously on opticomm network.

    • Thanks for the recommendation. I would encourage you to check out our refer a friend program (https://leaptel.com.au/refer-a-friend/) if you have anyone you think might be interested in our services. That way you can get a benefit for spreading the word.

      • thanks, yes I know about the referral service but I am no longer with leaptel.

        Planning to come back though, will I be able to avail the offer on opticomm network?

        how would the referral work if I share a link here, someone signs up and I jump back on with leaptel after few days?

        • Ah… the referal is for existing customers because it provides credit on your account. So you would need an active service with us to utilise it.

          You should be eligable for the Opticomm offer on the Opticomm network even as a returning customer, just note it does differ from the nbn one.

          • @LeaptelRep: thanks for confirming, yep I know the offer for opticomm is different 👍

  • +1

    Certainly looks better than the ABB $79/m I pay for 50/20.

    Think it's time for a change

    • +5

      You may have already used your Superloop 6month discount, but if not.. they're $53.95pm first 6 month and $69.95 after https://www.superloop.com/consumer/home-broadband/nbn.html

    • I keep going to cancel ABB but forget and then it's a new month again.

      Do they charge pro rata? I shouldn't be so lazy - yes they do

      • Aussie BB will refund the difference.

        • Thanks Twix, I'm a bit confused though.

          I'm currently with AussieBB as well , can I just port over to Leaptel similar to mobile phone or do I need to sign up for plan with Leaptel and once I have activation date call AussieBB and cancel the service?

          • +1

            @Pulp Fiction: So when you order your service through us we churn the service to us, which should notify ABB that your nbn service has churned to us.
            There are some caveats on this:
            1. If you have nbn FTTP/Fixed Wireless you can choose with us to either order on a new port on the NTD or churn the existing port. If you order on one of the new ports it won't cancel the ABB connection.
            2. We always advise that you notify the losing provider that you've moved. Most providers have a term that requires you to notify them when they cancel. Most will accept a churn away request as notification, but you could leave yourself open to being liable for charges if for some reason the churn away request isn't received by them (nbn could not send it for some reason, it does happen).

            You mention a mobile phone, we unfortunately don't do mobile phone plans at this stage.

            • @LeaptelRep: Thanks for explaining the process rep,

              I used mobile churn purely as analogy as I'm not looking at new mobile service at this stage.

              As mentioned in my message earlier today I'm currently on 250/25 HFC NBN plan with ABB,

              I usually get around 270 Mbps down and was planning to go on a higher tier plan 1000/50 before seeing Leaptel's offer.

              I guess with no lock in contract and cheaper price per month I can always sign with you guys and churn back if not satisfied.

              Thanks again.

              • @Pulp Fiction: Yes the great thing about how nbn is setup is that you can just move to another provider if things aren't going well for you. Everything should be fine but if you do have any issues give our support team a chance to help you. They're all located in Australia and our wait times are very low / non-existent most of the time.

      • This has been me for 2 years

    • Hmm mine is only $69 for the same?

      • +2

        No wait. I’m on 25/10!
        No wonder it’s pretty average.
        Oh well, that’s all the guy “who basically invented the Internet in this country” said we would ever need. 😂

  • The More Telecom offer is much cheaper and is also 12 months…

    Just did a speedcheck and I'm getting 99/22 on their 100/20 plan. Paying $69.30

    • +2

      According to their website, if you happen to be a CBA customer then yes More NBN (which is partially owned by CBA) will cross subsidise your nbn service and deliver an offer that is basically at cost or below.

      If you're not a CBA customer though, their pricing is much higher than ours (and most of the market as a whole).

      • Who do you use as your CVC backhaul?

        How are your international transit links? I am currently with Superloop and till so far have 0 issues. I can 40 to 45 mbps internationally too. Would be keen to know.

        • +2

          So to be clear, we are nbn direct, which means we don't use an aggregator. So we control our CVC provisioning on the POIs ourselves.

          Backhaul from the POI is overall provided via Field Solutions Group who provide simialr services to a number of RSPs. They mostly utilise Telstra and Optus for their POI backhaul links and these days most of the metro/suburban POIs are connected via a dark fibre ring.

          International transit is provided by Vocus. Speeds will vary depending upon what location. I was testing last night and was getting speeds well above 100mbps (some hitting 250mbps which is my home connection speed) to London and San Jose on my home wifi via speedtest.

          You may want to read through our whirlpool thread if you'd like to know more of this sort of thing.

  • -3

    $65 for 50/20 isn't a deal tho. It's normal price.

    • It's a special on our default price of $74.95 per month.

      • Normal price elsewhere

        • I can understand you might not think its a great deal compared to some other provider offers, but it is a 12 month special on our standard pricing.

          We're also not some bargin basement nbn provider. if you have a look at our typical evening speeds, reviews and whirlpool thread you'll see we pride ourselves on being a high quality provider and have demonstrated that over the last 5+ years.

  • Looks good, what network? How is the speed connect to Asia countries.

    • +1

      We have our own network, we're a layer 2 provider. We utilise Vocus for international transit and peer directly with content in Australia through all the major peering exchanges (IX Australia, Megaport IX, Equinix IX and Edge IX).

      You can check out our looking glass at https://lg.leaptel.com.au/ to see the routes to overseas content if you know the relevant IP addresses for them.

  • I'm on the Opticomm network.
    Same deal applies? Currently with ABB

    • If you're in an Opticomm area we have different 6 month offers which can be found at https://leaptel.com.au/opticomm-plan/. We'd love to match the nbn offer but Opticomm's wholesale pricing is more expensive than nbn and we presently absorb a $99 ex gst activation charge for all new connections alongside other charges.

      • I pay $129 for ABB for the 250 plan, Leaptel offering the gig plan for that plan. Might as well swtich then. At least for the 6 months

        • Same here. Might as well try giga plan

          • @mmcs: I called ABB as principle in fairness since they've been excellent and I've never had any issues. They offered the same deal. Am now upgraded to their gig plan for the next 6 months

            • @he11bent: nice I should try it too. Thanks for the info.

        • We also offer the 250 plan for $99 for 6 months ($119 after that) on Opticomm, if you'd like to save some money rather than just get a higher speed.

          • -1

            @LeaptelRep: Appreciate the thought, and thank you. But I'll stick with ABB for now. By all accounts and reviews, you guys are doing great and definitely keep it up.
            Maybe in the future you'll get me to switch.

  • Switched over during the EOFY special. Great customer service, very active on the whirlpool forums thread also. Regularly getting 102mbps on speed tests (100/20 plan). Came from superloop who gave me billing error after billing error - took a complaint to the telecommunications ombudsman to sort it out.
    Leaptel are a breath of fresh air.

    • Am in the same boat. Looking at switching over. Mind DM me your referral code ? Thanks

      Did you get a refund for the unused days from Superloop?

      • No and you need to tell them 30 days in advance

      • No, they don't offer pro-rata refunds (which I think is BS).

  • When does this offer expire?

  • From the Perth looking glass, when I trace to which is located in Singapore, the 1st hop is Perth and 2nd hop is Sydney, resulting in a 133ms trip.
    When I trace from my Superloop connection, the first 2 hops are Perth and then it goes direct to Singapore with a result of 53ms.

    Vocus has their own Perth to Singapore cable, so is there any reason this is going via Sydney Equinix?

    • It's a good point. I've sent it off to a network engineer to have a look at.

      • We've opened a ticket with Vocus as their looking glass is showing traffic from Perth going via Sydney to get to this address in Singapore. I don't believe it's a systemic issue with Singapore traffic in general.

        • So this content pulls traffic via megaport IX in Sydney. Because Vocus uses global routing rather than local routing it means it preferences that Megaport IX link in Sydney. Unfortunately because of the combination of these 2 factors the traffic is going to route via Sydney as Vocus can't modify the global routing for this content without causing other issues.

  • How long does activation take?

    • As long as it takes nbn to provision the service. Normally within 30minutes but if there's an activation issue the SLA is within 2 busines days with nbn.

  • Is CGNAT used?

    If so can you opt out if needed to?

    • +3

      Try reading the post

  • +1

    Thanks. Just joined. Hopefully I get full speed at peak times. It was the main reason I left Mate. Speeds would plummet to dialup speeds.

    • You should be getting full speed, and if you're not then our support team is very accessible (minimal wait times) and happy to get to the bottom of any issue.

      • Thank you very much. Looking forward to using it soon!

      • Is there any reason I should switch from cgnat?

        • +1

          Basically, if everything is working fine in terms of accessing sites, then stay on CGNAT. If you're having issues with certain applications reporting double NAT issues then you can try switching it off.

          The reality is that as long as IPv6 takeup is not universal we have to find a way to ration out the limited amount of IPv4 addresses that exist. For most users CGNAT causes 0 issues, and alot of providers rely soley on CGNAT.

          • @LeaptelRep: Ok thanks for the explanation. My Xbox is reporting a double NAT. Rest is fine though. Can I keep CGNAT on and turn off NAT in the router?

            • +1

              @TLZ: See if the XBox actually has any issues with any content because if it isn't then there's no need to turn it off.

              If it does have issues then login to our portal and turn off CGNAT in there following the instructions here - https://leaptel.com.au/faq-cgnat/

              You will need to keep NAT on in the router because it's pretty fundamental :)

              • @LeaptelRep: Ok thanks a lot mate. You've been plenty helpful.

              • @LeaptelRep: Hi mate. Any idea why my internet keeps disconnecting? It's the 5th time it happened now and I keep rebooting the router every time to connect again.

                • @TLZ: Best you reach out to our support team so they can look into it with you as your report is too non-specific for me to be able to offer any useful advice here.

                  • @LeaptelRep: No worries thanks. I'll just let you know though even though the email says to use Dynamic IP in the router settings, I changed it to PPPoE and entered the Username and Password provided and I'm connected again. Hopefully this is it.

                    • @TLZ: Do you have ipv6 enabled in the portal? If so try turning that off. It's a trial program and it may be causing issues with your equipment.
                      DHCP should work perfectly fine and I would be surprised if that causes any issues.

                      • @LeaptelRep: Yes I enabled it. I'll try turning it off later. Thanks 😊

            • @TLZ: Turn off CG-NAT if the Xbox is reporting a double NAT. Wait like 30 minutes and reboot your router and Xbox. Some other things that CG-NAT can break access to is Plex, selected IP cameras, remote access, servers, home automation and more.

              • @Twix: Ok thanks. When I turned it off my router disconnected a while after a reboot again. So I turned on IPv6, changes to PPPoE and used my username and pass and all is good. I'm going to keep it this way.

                CGNAT was giving Amazon prime a hard time even. Couldn't play videos because it thought I was using a VPN.

                • @TLZ: Yeah it can take a while for an IPs location to update.

  • Question rep. I joined recently and service seems great, but I've got very noticeable buffering on Netflix for the first minute or so sometimes almost every time I use it, which I never had on my service at my address from Aussie and Superloop. Never hasn't resolved reasonably quickly, but got me wondering if the difference is that the other 2 have a Netflix mirror on their network and you don't?

    • +1

      Netflix content comes to us via IX Australia content caches, because we're not big enough to direct connect with Netflix ourselves just yet. But IX Australia is the largest peering exchange in Australia so I wouldn't imagine there is any issues there.

      There's a fair bit of Netflix watched in my own household on our Leaptel connection and I haven't seen this issue, so its a bit of an odd one as it would all route the same way.

      • Appreciate the quick reply. Definitely not a deal breaker given the rest of the service is indistinguishable and the pricing is sharper.

        • +1

          It's just really odd. I might pay a bit more attention when I load up Netflix tonight and see if I notice it.

  • Just signed up to your 250 plan, connected in 20min flat.

    Great speed, currently getting 269.89/25.16up

  • With Superloop at the moment and 6 months is expiring. Do I need to notify them before switching?

    • No, Also better to do it straight after as sometimes it can slow things down if the ISP cancels the connection before the new ISP has put in a churn notice.

      • +2

        Yes just make sure you do confirm with the losing provider that they have cancelled the service. I know it can be annoying to have to spend time down the line but it protects you from the prospct of any billing errors.

  • The referral system linking has now been fixed, for anyone already a member go add your details to the referral system.

    • I will advise that this is not what the refer a friend program is setup to do. As per our T&Cs: https://leaptel.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Leaptel-Re…
      "13. You must not advertise, market or publicly list your referral details in any manner. Should you do so any Reward obtained from your code will be voided including any associated account credits."

      I would highly recommend you don't publicly list your referal details.

  • Hi OP, currently with superloop. Looking to changeover. How swift is the changeover. My switchover from tpg to superloop was a nightmare largely due to tpg. Had no internet for 3days

    • they are pretty good, it should be straight forward, normally you will get a call once you filled the online form/plan.

      Had dealt with them, if am not wrong they operate from Ringwood (Vic) office.

      mind you, you have to set up your router/modem again (user name /password supplied by them).

      • Sounds like you have been with us for some time. We do things a little differently now.
        The signup process is 100% through an online form that qualifies your address and walks you end to end through the process (including payment). Our team then checks the order and hits a button which processes the order itself. So no more phone call to check standard signups. We will call if there's something we are concerned about.

        We also utilise IPoE now so no username/password required (although you can still utilise PPPoE if you prefer). If you want to switch from PPPoE to IPoE there is a toggle in our service portal under your service.

        Cutover times are generally minutes, and certinly not days, unless nbn stuffs something up. The biggest issue we still see is service transfers getting stuck half way through with nbn, where the service will have transferred from the losing RSP but the order won't have completed for the gaining RSP. Leaving the customer with no internet for a period of time while nbn identifies and resolves the issue.

  • Been with Leaptel for one week. Everything is good and running. The service is excellent and the churning process was very smooth and I wouldn't notice a breaking of internet during the switch (I don't have to change anything in my router as my previous RSP is also using IPoE). I recommend Leaptel highly and will certainly give my referrals to my friends who are looking for a good RSP.

    • Great to hear that its been so smooth for you :) Thanks for recommending us.

      • Hi mate. My upload speeds are almost 0 now after yesterday's maintenance. What happened? Also is it normal my service provider shows up as 'X Integration' in Speed test?

        • X Integration is the infrastructure company of LeapTel. They both are owned by Matt.

        • Hi TLZ,

          We didn't have any maintenance ourselves, but nbn might have done some on your connection. If something isn't right the best bet is to speak to our support team so they can troubleshoot it with you and if necessairy raise a fault to nbn.

  • Is there anything for loyalty customers? Ive been with leaptel since Feb 2018

    • Hi Wau2,

      We should definitly be able to do something for you. Speak to our support team and they will sort you out.

  • hey Rep just want to check if I'm able to upgrade the speed during the period if say I were to start with 50/20? I'm a single person household and do wfh but I don't really stream a lot or download tons (some netflix, prime etc), maybe some games on steam/ps5, but that's most likely the extent of my uses. Currently on 100/20 but I'm sort of half sure 50/20 would probably be more than enough, just want to see if that option's available if I feel 50/20 isn't quick enough?

    • Hi Velleyy,
      The best approach is to start with the lowest plan you think will work for you and upgrade. We will honour the discount on your plan as you upgrade for the period remaining. Eg. You signup with 50/20 with $10 off for 12 months and then move to 100/20, you can take that $10 off for 12 months with you as you move.

      What you can't do is take your discount with you when you downgrade so that's why I encourage people to start on a lower plan.

  • Hi guys, has anyone received any referrals from the previous deal?

    Have received my third bill (as has my referees) and still nothing.

    Good service besides that (but all my HFC providers are for my connection).


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