This option is reopened. Only 6 days left to use Discover vouchers as today. Previously same deal.
One Disover voucher for one HOYTS LUX E-VOUCHER is also available.
Click the Dine & Discover tag below to see other options.
This option is reopened. Only 6 days left to use Discover vouchers as today. Previously same deal.
One Disover voucher for one HOYTS LUX E-VOUCHER is also available.
Click the Dine & Discover tag below to see other options.
if it even makes it to cinemas
Erza miller the reverse flash đź’€
Note: it's one redemption per day.
"This customer has already redeemed voucher with this business today"
Does that mean you can't use both vouchers at the same time?
I was referring to redeeming the Discover Voucher.
Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.
Yeah the workaround is possibly using a different email address and name for each voucher. That is only if you are desperate. Otherwise just wait til next day if the deal isn't expiring
I tried. Can't use different name/email as vouchers are linked to your name and email address with ServiceNSW. I got 1 with my id and 1 with my wife's. Deal appears to run until 30/6 and so I will come back tomorrow for more.
Redeemed today, the hoyts vouchers appears to be generated in advance, rather than on day of purchase.
Expires 31 May 2025
Does Events or Reading cinemas have something similar? I don't have a Hoyts nearby,
I went to an event a few weeks ago. They said they were ale $25 off cost. We used two vouchers for 4 cinebuzz tickets and a pack of Maltese’s. Don’t know if they usually let you buy choc with discover voucher, but the girl let us use the left over credit
I really hope they do something like this too as I don't live near a Hoyts either. When the discover vouchers came out 1-2 years ago, I asked whether I could use it to buy a giftcard at events and they said no.
event cinemas is a straight "voucher for face value" as payment for a ticket.
do you know if you can claim the voucher,
at Event Cinemas, through an online booking,
for a date after 30 JUN 2022 ?
@whyisave: I think you can as long as you put the transaction through before 30/06. I haven't tried this myself though.
Does anyone know if the 'redeem for 2 tickets' option requires you to use both tickets at the same time?
If I remember correctly from last time someone said you can just use the same barcode they send you for one ticket and then next time use the same barcode again for one ticket again.
Don’t quote me but I was querying similar last time they offered and that’s what i remember
yep - i did this.
This is a good deal if you have leftover discover vouchers and need to use them before they expire next week.
I used the vouchers for Jurassic World last week and had to pay approx $15 difference for a full price LUX ticket.
Very nice. May as well buy this now before they expire!
Anyone know if you can buy two of these and use a parents voucher?
Thank you! Had so many vouchers that were going to go to waste.
I just had the vouchers arrive to me via email. It's actually one voucher with one barcode that says "redeem for 2 tickets" - so for anyone asking I think you need to use both tickets at the same time.
I mentioned this on another comment but last time someone said you could use the same barcode number in two different transactions for one ticket each
I bought this about 6 months ago, same thing, but Hoyts told me you don’t have to use both at same time and can use it for two separate sessions.
Interesting ok that's also very possible
no u can use at different times u just use the same code and pin twice
Thanks for this…just tried to book, it showed just one seat - Did this and it worked for 2 seats in the same transaction
Thx! Although question: would Top Gun be better in VMax/Xtremescreen or 4DX/D-Box?
I watched it on Xtremescrene, wasn't that great an experience tbh
Why was the screen too big for it?
Nah, screen just wasnt all that big. Was expecting a bit more for the price.
It doesn't matter as long as Tom Cruise is running in the movie
IMAX no questions asked. And it's not available QLD or NSW
Ahh great. Just bought a lux ticket with my final voucher. I thought they took away the online ordering due to government regulations, something must have changed or they want to encourage people to use them up.
The lux tickets seem to be the best deal by far to use up discovery vouchers.
Why is it the best deal?
Can I use the voucher in VIC?
Chatswood Mandarin
Chatswood Westfield
Entertainment Quarter
Green Hills
Mt Druitt
Tweed City
Warringah Mall
Wetherill Park
Thanks mate.
LUX New South Wales locations
Broadway, Chatswood Westfield, Entertainment Quarter, Green Hills, Wetherill Park
"The voucher code and pin must be entered twice to receive two (2) movie tickets."
If that's the case I would assume you can use the voucher code twice at a separate time.
That's my assumption too. Makes it very handy. I've got all 3 discover vouchers remaining so that 6 tickets to use over the next 3 years.
So if i still have 3 discovery vouchers, i can buy 3x of this movies giftcard and then use it to warch a movie with 2 of my friends (at the same time) next year/month?
yes, has 3 years expiry, but you can only redeem one discovery voucher each day
The validation is against the owner of the discovery voucher. You can redeem two discovery vouchers using your name / email combo providing one of the vouchers belongs to someone else - partner, father, etc.
Thanks OP. Very timely.
Thanks! I've been looking for this and it's back!
2 for $25 is a good value but seems like it can't be purchased outright without a discover voucher.
yes, this deal is just for the discover voucher.
Anyone tried using 2 Discover vouchers to buy 2x vouchers?
Yes. See my comment above.
Thank you, makes sense!
Thanks 2 x Lux with parents voucher
What is lux ticket?
Hoyts version of Gold class
Do you get to sit on a more comfortable chair? the description on the website is not very clear.
Varies by venue.. but all have recliners, less crowded seating.
Variables such as bar and food service, complimentary popcorn etc
Much wider and more comfy chair and adjustable back and leg rest
Broadway LUX has maybe 32 seats per cinema and seats are spaced out in blocks of two.
1 free soft drink and and small popcorn per person
You can order extra food, alcohol and dessert and they bring it to your seat at your specified time (eg start of movie, half way etc)
Once you go LUX it’s hard to go back to standard tickets :)
@zzzman: Is it harder to bring your own snack in compare to standard seats? BTW is the movie experience much worth while compared to watching prime or netflix at home?
@htc: Just carry your own snacks in discreetly. We do that when we don’t feel like paying for overpriced chips.
It depends on the movie obviously but for big action blockbusters it’s definitely worth it. Watched Top Gun Maverick and the last James Bond at LUX and it’s a great experience and night out.
@zzzman: Agreed. It all depends on what setup you have at home and also if the movie is good enough to go to the cinema. So far only Topgun is special enough since pandemic begun
Yes reclining chairs and away from the riff raff. Ticket includes popcorn and glass of soft drink.
You can buy food and drink but it is an exorbitant rip off.
Thanks. 2 tickets for $25 with my last discover voucher left solved!!! Received confirmation email straight away and another email ticket in a few minutes later.
Omg you kidding me..I just booked one for LUX. How can I get a refund…
Finally use those darn things for something.
come on event cinemas… match this!!!
Sadly they got nothing of the same
i know… :-(
Reading cinemas doesn’t allow this vouchers?
Thanks Neoika. I have 3 vouchers, now I do not need to rush and watch a movie before the end of month.
Anyone got a link to use discovery vouchers for greater union gold class. I dont live anywhere near a Hoyts Luxe
Thank you
Might be a sensitive question but anyone caught covid going to the cinema recently? Eager to go to the cinema again but don’t want to catch covid.
I have been 4 times and nothing (very empty cinema tho, a local one and not event or hoyts)
COVID is 2019, Monkey Pox is 2022, the question is whether you can catch Monkey Pox from a chair a person with Monkey Pox was sitting on.
You're sitting in an enclosed space with other people for about 2 hours so …
Dont catch it then…
What is covid? You are So 2020 la…..
Interesting looks like NSW premier made everyone think that way. It's not over many health experts believe worse is yet to come and we are getting hit by BA4 and 5 variants which are as bad as Delta + Omicron
La la la don't complain when you catch it, let loose yourself. No hospital can take you with nurses going on strike repeatedly la good luck la
I called nsw service to ask some questions and the rep also mentioned cinemas are like virus incubators lol. If you are worried like I am , just use them 2 years later where chances are probably better
Or worse because there will be like 10 new variants
Just pick unpopular sessions pretty sure will be ok
Just wear a mask .. preferably 3M Aura 1870+.
Thanks. Elderly Parents couldn't find a good way to use the remaining vouchers this is a good option
Do I need to use this now?? Like make a booking to watch a movie now? Or can I redeem now and book another time?
If you had bothered to read the title, you'll realise this is effectively locking you into HOYTS in exchange for extending the vouchers expiry for 3 years.
It wouldn't make any sense to force people to book tickets right now and yet also say there's a 3 year expiry.
Thanks, I should’ve read it clearly. I’m at a timezone right now trying to use it before it expires, so I didn’t read it properly
Read your expiry date it's May 31st 2025 as mentioned it's not even 3 years in full
If you don't want to use the voucher this way. Use pay forward via Reptile Park
Donate and get ticket for 90 days
that's a really nice idea. though your comment is off topic. Maybe you should post this as a deal to get a wider audience?
It's not exactly 3 years expires 31/05/2025
OP pls correct title, it's 25 days short
Is Lux worth $15 more compared to paying $11 through SB?
The card payment screen shows for a split second before it goes to the voucher screen.
Does anyone know how to pay for these by credit card ??
Do think it’s possible probably a deal only for dine and discover
I was able to place the order for 2 tickets using my Dine vouchers instead of Discover. Not sure how this works, did someone else try this or everyone has already used the Dine vouchers ?
You can also use the $50 PARENTS voucher too to buy 4 tickets at one time.
Thanks for this. Gonna save for flash