This was posted 3 years 9 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] 2 HOYTS Unrestricted E-Vouchers for $25, Valid for 3 Years (Free with 1 Dine & Discover Voucher)


If you are struggling to find something to use your Discover vouchers on, this might be worth, since they last for 3 Years and are unrestricted.
A Discover voucher can also be traded for a LUX ticket.

Dine vouchers can be used for food and drinks at HOYTS, but as with all cinema food and drink it's probably not worth it.

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closed Comments

  • Got any idea how much the booking fee is?

    • Not sure, I think it's free to claim with Discover voucher but maybe $1 when you actually book it

    • +1

      If you use it online, it's $1.50 fee for each ticket
      That's the price for NSW, idk if it's different for other states

    • +3

      You can use the voucher directly at the cinema, no booking fees.

    • +12

      I want to know how they can justify the booking fee? Surely it's far it's cheaper and faster for customers to pre-book online, not to mention the ticket is non refundable once booked. If anything, offering a discount for booking online seems more appropriate.

      • Apparently they got their online booking system built for them for free and maintained for free, the developer of that booking software only form of revenue is the online booking fee.

        • Who are the developers?

        • The on-site booking system also need to be built and most importantly constantly staffed in every cinema. I think it's a bigger cost realistically.

          But you are probably more likely to buy cinema snacks if you buy tickets at the cinema.. and that's where they make the real money

          • @Thrawn:

            But you are probably more likely to buy cinema snacks if you buy tickets at the cinema.. and that's where they make the real money

            Indeed, and in the case of blockbuster releases for the first few weeks (when movies are flagged "no free list"), 100% of ticket revenue goes to the studio.

            But that said, I wonder why many cinemas have self-serve ticket kiosks that let you bypass the snack bar anyway.

        • +4

          That's a hell of an expensive maintenance fee!

      • +1

        It annoys me too but everything at the cinemas is overpriced, especially the snacks/drinks!

  • Thanks op

  • +6

    if you're near Rouse Hill,

    the RHTC entertainment bundle is quite good, includes a ticket for reading cinema…

    • +10

      Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they were doing that bundle for about $35 before the vouchers were available.
      Now they are charging $50 (with $25 subsidised).

      Less out of pocket for customers but more in rhtc's pcoket

      • I almost was fooled but looks like you're right… Thought it was free with vouchers but looks like they sneakily worded it and are actually charging $50. Good catch

      • +1

        Thanks for this, I was reading it as free with $25 discover voucher

        • Actually I could be wrong here.. it may be $25 and no out of pocket expense. It is not clearly worded, in my opinion..

          • +5

            @mick123: We redeemed our $25 discover vouchers for this last week and it was free.

            • @flam: thank you flam, and correct, I redeemed one today also with no out of pocket expense.
              Unfortunately, I can't edit my earlier posts.

      • Oh thats tricky..

        Reads as free after using the voucher. I might ask and confirm

        • Pretty sure its free w/ voucher.

        • can u please report back?
          I am also keen to find out

      • Can I pay for my Discover Entertainment Bundle?
        No, the Discover Entertainment Bundles are only available to customers wanting to use their Discover vouchers as part of the NSW governments Dine & Discover Program.

        This line makes me think it is equivalent to the voucher, no extra cost.

        • We redeemed our discover vouchers for this last week and it was free. The email I got from the Town Centre telling me about the deal also says it’s free with the discover voucher.

      • I don't read it that way. It's $25 using the voucher. Not $25 plus the voucher.

    • Wow! Thanks for this. I know where I'm going to use my voucher now

    • +1

      Yeah I know if I head there I will use my $25 dine voucher on donuts at donut king and regret it. I might take a friend but then will really regret it having $50 of donuts to chow through

  • Sorry for the ignorant question but does buying a Hoyts Discover voucher ‘lock’ you to their regular pricing or is it simply a $25 credit you can use in combination with eg Telstra discounted rates?

    • +3

      Looks like it locks you into their pricing. But at $12.5 for an unrestricted ticket, that’s not bad (and add that you got the $25 for free…)

      • Oh $12.50 is pretty decent. Thanks!

    • Following…


  • Thanks OP. This is awesome.

  • Thanks OP, great idea!

  • Do you have to use both tickets at the same time or can I use them for two separate movies?

    • can be used separately

      • Or not, it's hard to determine

        • +3

          I asked hoyts Facebook and they replied:

          Hi, yes that's correct. You can use this voucher on two separate visits if you wish :)
          If this is an unrestricted voucher then it can be used at any time - there will be mention of surcharges for Xtremescreen, 3D & DBOX sessions.

          The terms mention punching in the voucher code and pin twice if you are redeeming two in the one transaction.

    • Just received my ticket, only one ticket for 2 admissions, so I think we have to used them at the same time

  • +2

    For those that don’t live in NSW could get Mon-Thurs tickets for $12.50 via Student edge…

    • Can I obtain this deal via online booking?

  • What does the Lux ticket include? There is a menu on the website,but how does it work?

    • Just a seat.

  • Combine with Optus perks for better mileage

    • +3

      How to combine??

  • +1

    so am I meant to enter the Dine&Discover voucher in the promotions field when checking out e-voucher?
    Cause that didn't work

    • Before when adding tickets I think

    • +1

      No you enter it under the Dine & Discover voucher field, click through like you are going to pay via credit card and that option will show. (well it did for me)

      • thanks that worked :)

  • +2

    Going to the cinema won't be a good experience until USA vaccinates most of the population and they begin to start releasing the blockbuster films again.

    These B rate films are turning me off HOllywood.

  • +4

    You know…I woke up this morning and I thought…I REALLY NEED AN "UNRESTRICTED E-VOUCHER".
    My dreams have now come true.

  • Can these be redeemed for daybeds?

  • +7

    Rather go to independent cinemas or Village…

    Hoyts is majority owned by China

  • Where to enter the Discover voucher ?

    • Near the end

  • Does the unrestricted cover Xtremescreen? Or is there an additional fee?

    • Fee

      • -1

        That's not unrestricted is it

        • -1

          You better email someone like ACCC to do something about it yeah?

          • @Turd: A bit aggressive yeah

            • @silenthillrocks: I mean if you think "unrestricted" or use of that word is of concern or false advertising you gotta contact ACCC or Hoyts to ammend the wording.

              This fee has existed since beginning of time. It's not new.

              • @Turd: I already knew that, was making fun of how companies make their own definition of words like unrestricted.

                • @silenthillrocks: haha yeap.

                  each person has their own interpretation of a dictionary word.

                  oh well thats why everyone always must read the small fine prints

        • +3

          The normal “restricted” vouchers and gift cards can’t be used on a public holiday or from 2pm on Saturday and Sunday. “Unrestricted” just means those limitations don’t apply. You can read the T&Cs here

  • can I use it twice? for both of my Discover vouchers?

    • +1

      Yes but one each day

  • This is awesome unfortunately I’m nowhere near a Hoyts. Is Event offering the same thing?

  • My expiry on the voucher is 30 April 2024, they jipped me 11 days on the expiry! haha…

  • if you are not buying the LUX ticket, you can have 2 with only one NSW Discover voucher. But can I go to watch movie twice with two tickets or I have to spend these two tickets once which means I must have to find another guy with me to watch the same movie?

    Also, if I reedem it online, there is a fee I need to pay. But can I avoid paying this fee by redeeming it in the cinema?

    Hope it make sense.

    Who can answer please?

    • Read the comment above from user named 'dammit'

  • if you are not buying the LUX ticket, you can have 2 with only one NSW Discover voucher. But can I go to watch movie twice with two tickets or I have to spend these two tickets once which means I must have to find another guy with me to watch the same movie?

    Also, if I reedem it online, there is a fee I need to pay. But can I avoid paying this fee by redeeming it in the cinema?

    Hope it make sense.

    Who can answer please?

  • Anyone tried to book their tickets with these 2 for 1 vouchers? Hoyts wont let me book more than 1 seat with it.

    • I think you need to enter it in twice, can you report back? Because they said these can be used individually one per time/movie so I want to double check that :)

  • great

  • fantastic to see this. thanks, helped me, was wondering how to use the vouchers, seeing this, i registered for vouchers today :) thanks OP

  • +1

    I am getting error while submitting the voucher number. Did it work smoothly for everyone?

    • Have you made it work? I am having the same issue here

      • It did. Not sure why it wasn’t working.
        One thing that I changed was I got the voucher code from service NSW app instead of logging in from my laptop. Shouldn’t have mattered though.

  • 1 voucher $25 = 1 adult,


  • +1

    Anyone having issues just trying to purchase? It just gives me an error when I try to apply my voucher code.

    And yes, the voucher is unused and I haven't made a purchase at Hoyts previously.

    • I'm having the same issue, its very frustrating. should've gone for events

    • Yep having the same issue getting some sort of error like specified voucher could not be found or something like that.

  • I thought one can buy these for $25 but guess these are only for exchanging your voucher for 2 tickets

  • I have used the dine & discover voucher to redeem the Hoyts e-voucher but I just can't apply it in the check out process, anyone has the same issue? I put the Hoyts voucher in the gift card box but it keeps showing a red x next to it and wouldn't let me proceed

    • Same, I'm having same issues as well. Not sure how to redeem the voucher

    • +1

      Click 'redeem vouchers' at the screen where you select number of tickets

      • Thanks! I used it today at the counter but now I know what to do next time

  • "This customer has already redeemed voucher with this business today"

    Have people redeemed 2x Discover vouchers with this offer?

  • Is there anything similar with event cinemas? They are the ones close to my work and home :(.

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