$29.59 after 20% voucher and it should be applied before buying.
Buy it, charge it, repeat it, enjoy it: Harder better faster stronger.
$29.59 after 20% voucher and it should be applied before buying.
Buy it, charge it, repeat it, enjoy it: Harder better faster stronger.
Wow more than double profit….
Just saved me a purchase, holy shit.
Coat of iphone is about usd 500 and they sell for 1300
Very true, but Alibaba doesn’t sell a $500 iPhone I can buy 😅
You can’t get one for $500 anywhere.
Cost of this is $3 and it sells for $12. What's your point?
More confident to buy from Amazon than Alibaba
Many missing orders and basically no return policy buying from Alibaba (better buy from AliExpress at least they accept PayPal and have buyers protection)
Min order is 2 on Alibaba:(
you might need 4
hows the quality of these? Is there something better worth getting??
See above. Its usd 8 quality
Does this one blow up as well?
Only if you are lucky
HeySmoke ®
Issues reported by users for other Heymix products here include: failure, smoke, overheating, high idle temperatures, coil whine.
This has no reviews and looks to be just another case of slapping the logo on the cheapest product possible
Heymix are not certified.. but the ones I have are running fine no problem
Chances are they will run without issue. This is about risk assessment - what happens in the case of failure? Say you're not there?
Have you seen other brands with the same frequency of similar reports?
Same chance as most other cheap brands I think.. like all purchases… you get what you pay for…
@hippyhippy: Yes, and that's why you should never buy chargers that don't come from established brands. It's much better to spend ten or twenty dollars more and not have the risk of your house burning down.
Unfortunately yes, including brands like Samsung
Besides, charger failure might not only due to the charger but also the charging cable
Many people don’t aware the charging rate of the cables and use a cheap on to charge on a 65W or even 100W, and burns out the adapter / cable
yes - these cheap chargers typically dont meet requirements for isolation between 240 and low voltage side, not worth the risk of damage to your equipment or yourself
Heymix are not certified.. but the ones I have are running fine
You're also the reason for warning labels on razors.
Thanks for the warning! I might trust these cheap chargers for a few watts into headphones or watch, but not 65W into a new laptop!
Even they are rebrand of a Chinese product
If Amazon AU item description is correct, the one branded in heymix are tested against Australia standard
TBH, most cheaper appliances are OEM from china including most Kmart ones, even some ozb favourite brands like Baseus or Anker have those unbranded ones easily found in Taobao, JD or AliExpress
Regardless of whether they have been tested or not, they pose a fire risk.
Probably what you pay is what you get for
While I can’t say this adapter will pose a fire risk or not, there’s basically no reviews on this particular model as yet
Recall from memory iPhone and Samsung phones have been burned out before and people are still buying them
Maybe I am lucky but I have no issues with my 5 heymix adapters, and I am still trusting this brand
@littlesoldier: Quite probably you won't have issues. But based on reviews, they are significantly more likely to catch fire than brand name chargers. Is it really worth the risk?
Different brands choose different quality products from OEMs and have different verification processes.
If a more reputable Australian brand (including Anko) had similar issues on the scale suggested by the reviews, I think it would likely result in a product recall.
@littlesoldier: That's a lightning cable. Pretty dodgy product, imo. I wouldn't personally buy any USB chargers, cables, etc from Kmart.
It's still only one result compared to multiples of the Heymix and not even a charger.
The Heymix charger I bought was tested against Australian standards as well. That didn't stop it from catching fire.
Every time i see Heymix advertised I think of the feedback (with photos) a guy left on Amazon after his Heymix went up in smoke:
I read about this happening on ozbargain but i didn't think it would actually happen to me.
Thanks.. It amuses me, it's like a kid saying "People told me the BBQ was hot but I didn't believe them until I burnt my fingers on it"
12pm and it's nearly time for an ozbargainer to get out of bed and microwave a tub of instant noodles for breakfast, but not before posting a whinge online …
Does this charge HP laptop?
Yes and will set your house on fire at the same time.
No deal. Overpriced cheap crap.
Friends don’t let friends buy Heyfire. Terrible quality, dangerous and cheap for a reason.
Just want to know… have you bought this product and it’s happened to you?
After working in the industry and dealing with the results of these chargers, it’s not worth it. They are white labelled chargers, built to minimum cost and rebadged by phoenix companies.
It’s also a false economy. Why cheap out on a charger to plug into your $1.5k iPhone and $3k laptop? I have seen so many devices and batteries ruined by poor quality chargers. Not to mention the fire risk putting your home and possessions at risk.
Fair enough.
Wonder if we could get a teardown done.
@jlogic: Found from another Ozb deal
A full test report is here
Pretty interesting that to see so many neg on heymix, with the few neg coming from the same ozb user on all recent heymix deals, quote the same Amazon review over and over again
Not even sure the users that neg this deal has ever even use this charger or heymix charger before, but I might be the lucky one, owning 5 65w heymix charger, all going well over years and no over heating issues either.
@littlesoldier: Woah, 5 Heymix chargers. Really rolling the dice.
The example reviews are just a compilation of issues with Heymix products. Any user is free to type Heymix into Amazon and judge the reviews/overall rating for themselves or even run a simple Google search of recent charger deals to see which ones correlate with coil whine - hint: It's Heymix. All signs point to it being a low quality product with higher than usual risk of dangerous failure.
I research what I buy and there are a heap of red flags with the brand. I choose to share my opinion with Ozbargain.
Your linked report says nothing. While the charger is in spec, that's not the issue or reason for the negs. You would want a review that measures quality of output, quality of components used, engineering.
Here are some example reviews/teardowns that give an actual idea of quality of the charger:
Someone keeps stealing my charger at work, I might buy this and keep it on my desk to teach them a lesson
Someone call a regulator
Usual my Heymix chargers work great comment from me and I charge MacBook pros, iPhones and iPad pros. My house has not burnt down and we are all alive. YMMV
I drink and drive and I haven't killed anyone, yet, so it seems safe to me!
Statistics is a thing.
Sounds dangerous. Please take care.
Thank god you dont have a Heymix car charger, when the smoke comes out it could cause you to spill your beer !
Rule #1 don't (profanity) with electricity. YMMV sounds dicey af.
Couldn’t agree more.
The level of stupid on this website surprises me at times
And this is why we still see daily deals of HEYCRAP malware despite the numerous warnings from knowledgeable OzBargainers here.
Downvote as heymix are a flaming bad time
Perfect gift for my boss.
Daily OzPromo?