• expired

$140 (Save $10) 365-Day Prepaid Mobile Plan (Unlimited Calls & Texts, 100GB Data) @ Woolworths Mobile


Good discount off WW's $150 1 year plan for new customers (or port-out and back in), same as this deal from late April.

Makes it better value than ALDImobile super pack (no eSIM) if you don't need the extra data, or Boost Mobile $30 off $200 plan if you don't need the 5G trial, full Telstra network coverage, VoLTE, WiFi calling, international calls etc.


  • Telstra wholesale 4G network
  • eSIM capability
  • Data rollover on same plan
  • Gift/receive data
  • Monthly 10% off grocery shop
  • Up to 5% off WW GC (3% off WISH)

T&Cs (see website)

$10 discount will apply to the $150 Woolworths Mobile Long Expiry Starter Pack between 00:01am AEST 22 June 2022 and 11:59pm 5 July 2022 AEST. New Starter Pack purchases only, excludes recharges . While stocks last. Not available in conjunction with any other offer.

Remember to make use of cashback eg. Cashrewards $11/Shopback $10, and use the referral facility below.

Referral Links

Referral: random (337)

The referrer and referee will both receive a $10 WISH eGift Card. Referral codes can only be shared after 35 days of service and gift cards sent only after staying for at least 3 active months. Maximum of 10 referrals per year. Once referred customer activates on Woolworths Mobile, they must download the Woolworths Mobile App, and enter the eligible referral code within 30 days by selecting “Refer a friend” from the slide out menu.

Related Stores

Everyday Mobile
Everyday Mobile

closed Comments

  • +4

    The 10% off once a month is great. Better value than the coles flybys deals for me, which try to force you to spend more than your average.

    • +2

      Its great. My wife has a woolies credit card so she gets 10% off once a month. I'm with woolies mobile so I get 10% off once a month. You can also use an additional 10% off once a month when you order online. So we've saved 10% on basically every grocery shop for the last year.

      • Yeah I got the 10% off both online and in store this month and thought it was an error

        • +1

          If it's an error, they haven't fixed it for a while haha. Make the most of it.

          • @CeeGee: I’m a new online shopper. How do you get the 10% off a month deal?

  • +4

    I'm currently on this plan, price is great but data reliability isn't the best. Currently posting this in Melbourne CBD with 0 bars in a restaurant.

    You can usually be get $5 to $10 cashback on these, the 10% off shopping once a month combined with 4% off gift cards this will pay for itself easily.

    • +3

      How are you posting it with 0 bars? 😉

      • +1

        Maybe he got Wify

      • The 4g arrows next to the bars flashes occasionally.

        The data isn't that bad, just not as reliable as full Telstra or Optus, having to wait an extra second or two occasionally is worth the saving.

    • +12

      0 bars in a restaurant.

      That why I like RSL clubs, plenty of bars with beer on tap.

    • I’d happily pay another $50 or $100 a year for this plan to get full Telstra network, quite annoying because stacking the 10% plus 4% (currently 5% too) and the discount on unlimited delivery means it’s easily paid for itself twice over.

      If I switch to Telstra I’d sign up another woolworths plan anyway lol

    • +1

      I have the same experience. The most annoying part is it constantly drops in and out.

    • I can confirm this. Just moved from proper telstra to this telstra wholesale plan and in the melbourne CBD couldn’t even use googlemaps on my phone and texts were taking 1min each time to send. Glad i dont work in the cbd regularly

  • +3

    No Volte with woolworths mobile though if you rely on wireless calls.

    • wireless calls

      Is there a new smartphone plug-in landline functionality? 😁

    • +1

      And no visual VM

    • +1

      do you mean VoLTE or VoWiFI?

      If there is no VoLTE, you wont be able to make voice calls unless the phone is on 3G!

      EDIT: OK - I read the whirlpool link - really no VoLTE? wow!

  • I just ported from Boost to Woolies and my number is in limbo now. Its gone from Boost but still not active on Woolies.

    Woolies reckon its going to take 3-5 business days now to follow up with Telstra… Pretty poor first experience.

    • I had the same bad experience porting in porting out from WW mobile. After porting in to Woolies, I realised that I can not receive a call from anyone using the Vodafone network. So weird. I could still ring them but cant receive the call. It took more than 4 weeks to sort it out.

  • Bought!

  • +2

    Also having an E Sim option is great

  • -1


  • Do they support VoLTE and VoWiFi yet ?

    • No for VoLTE, wifi calling was "supposed" to be here by now.

      • +4

        Has been a long time coming. Only rumors that it is coming in July but no official announcement. Like many others this is a deal breaker for me until it is available.

      • Seems only by Q3 or Q4! Better not to port until then!
        Also lately network is unreliable, lot of calls going straight to voicemail etc!

  • +1

    Data is not reliable. Constantly struggling with data even 3 bars.
    Plan to switch once back to the office full time.

  • Kogan plan is better.. they are giving 500Gb.. not aware about their service

    • +1

      Damn that's good (annoying that it's just a promo)… but Vodafone 4G 😬😬
      And as for the other inclusions, cbf

    • +1

      Kogan is not too good for regional, but i main city areas, it is best. i can sometimes get 70 MBPS for data. if you don't need international calls, go KOGAN

  • How do you get the discounted Gift Cards with the plan?

  • Good discount off WW's $150 1 year plan

    7% is a good discount?

    • show me something greater from the past. it was already a good price.

      • You can easily find the $40 starter with $20 cashback then pay extra $80 to get a long-term plan.
        Also sometimes the cashback is better and cheaper on the starter.

        • there are discounts switching monthly to 365 day?

          • +2

            @Techie4066: He’s saying you can buy the $40 starter pack (sometimes half off). When you activate it, just activate it on 365 day instead of monthly and pay the difference. This is already saving you $20. Apparently sometimes cashback is better for the 30days vs 366days but I have not seen this.

            If you already have WW mobile then you need to port in and out but you have to wait 45 days for the 10% grocery discount again. Not worth the hassle IMO.

            • @yoquierotaco: I see, thanks. It would be even better if this $150 plan dropped to $120.

  • -1

    The pyramids.

  • I got my Boost 140gb for about $14x. Hopefully it wouldn't suffer from the poor data in Melbourne CBD.
    How can telstra be that shitty in the CBD?

    • -1

      Tall buildings, reflected mobile off buildings, can easily get poor reception in certain blind spots.

      • +1

        I was on optus for years and no complains at all. That's why I'm puzzled why there would be complains from Telstra.

  • +4

    Mobile plans in Australia are a joke hey. Been recently in Italy for holiday, got a mobile plan for 10 euro/month with unlimited calls and sms and 220 GB of 4G/5G data per month. Other countries in Europe have similar offers and pricing. Here in Oz , getting 100GB of data per year for $140 is supposed to be a good deal? What do we need to do to get cheap data in this country, like in the rest of the world?

    • Wow, that is incredible - how could you even use that much data? Are their broadband plans even more overpriced than the NBN's or something?

      What do we need to do to get cheap data in this country?

      Break the Telstra-Optus-Vodafone monopoly on infrastructure I suppose.

      • +2

        Stayed there for 4 weeks, worked from remote for 2 weeks with the mobile hotspot to the laptop with a VPN to the server in Oz, I've downloaded all sorts of data, streamed movies, music, live sports, even did bloody windows updates. I really tried. At the end of the 4 weeks I barely got to half of the available data. All for 10 euros. So good, seriously.

        You are spot on, in Italy there always been a monopoly (or I should say oligopoly) of 3 main players TIM, Vodafone, Wind. Recently one new provider, Iliad, came along offering very large mobile plans for low cost, it was a massive success with million of users moving to Iliad, and now all the other 3 followed suit with competitive offers. In fact, this plan I got was from one of the big 3. We need something like this to happen here! Will it ever?

        • +1

          Which carrier and plan if you don’t mind to share? Thanks

          • +1

            @charliechao: It's called "Very Mobile". It's under Wind. You'll fine the plan on their website: https://verymobile.it/
            220 GB is the largest plan they offer, the "smaller" plans as still crazy good. (50 GB/month for 6 euros, 100 GB for 7 euros.. crazy hey)

    • +6

      How interesting. I mean, it’s not like Australia is a far bigger country with a much lower population density. The economics should be identical!

      • +1

        meh.. Not saying we need the same level of offer, but at least something in the ballpark? surely not 1/20 of data for nearly the same price..

      • +2

        No one is asking for better plans, coverage or 5G in the desert/outback! Aren't the cities populated enough? How long are we going to repeat this excuse :-)

        Network coverage is a joke everywhere, even in the middle of the city! Everyone is being taken for a ride with sh*tty NBN and spotty mobile coverage.. costlier and worse than even developing nations

    • I dunno. I thought so too when in the UK. I got heaps of GB for my pound. But it wouldnt let me tether to my laptop. It was use on device only. I dunno how they enforced it, but whatever they did worked. I couldnt find a workaround.

      • +1

        yeah I know some providers do that, in my case tethering was working perfectly

    • I pay $7.5 a month for 16 countries and 5gb. That's all I need, under 5 euro. Happy.

    • We need more population. too little population only reason I can think of.

      • Or just because of "Down Under Tax".

  • Are there any deals on recharge?

  • Does it activate when you buy? Could I buy this now and not port over until end of next month and start the 365 days then?

    • It would only activate when you do so, because it can take 15 days to arrive via delivery. Not sure when you have to activate by with this.

  • Any chance it can number share with apple watch?

  • Thanks OP. Ordered one. Porting from Catch Connect 1year plan

  • Does anyone know how the 10% off works. I used it last week, will it be available again next week when it becomes July? In other words, does it refresh every month or can you only use it every 30 days?

    Also, does anyone see it on their app? I scanned rewards as I usually do and was surprised to get offer of 10% off but don't know how to check whether it's available or not.

    I ask because I'd do a shop where I buy a couple olive oils etc if I knew for certain it would be offered. Cheers.

    • Refreshes every calendar month.

      Doesn't show on app.

  • How do you activate the referral code? it comes up with "The promo code entered is not valid, please try again with a valid promo code." when I put something like "9EEDDC" I got from the randomizer from Ozbargain

    • from my understanding you need to be using the service for 30 days, and then you can enter the code from the referrer (who is a person who has been using the service for at least 35 days)

      • Where do you enter the code though? I can only find a bit in the app which generates my own code.

  • If you have 2 services linked to the same Woolworths rewards card do you get 2x 10% discounts a month, or do you need to register it on a second card?

    • +2

      1 per card

  • Just switched from the Vodafone $150 prepaid and went from full bars to 2 bars at home.

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