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First post :)
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First post :)
Their RRP is a massive rip off.
Plus their website is really annoying.
I was a bit skeptical, but i looked it up. makes it much cheaper than officeworks! pos from me
(for the stuff i checked - seems to be a mixed bag)
i thoughts even after 30% it's still more expensive than cheapest price on staticice
Network Drive 3TB is cheaper then static ice
I'm after a FireWire drive for a Mac and it looks like the 3TB My Book Studio is a much better price than staticice. $299 - 30% = $209, whereas the minimum price on staticice is $275. $271 from Mega Buy on shopbot.
Unless I'm missing something, this looks like a good deal for a FireWire drive.
Gah, bought a 2TB FW my book studio last month from Amazon for just about $200. Good price for older mac users :D
WDTV Live for $105 shipped is not too bad.
I saw this at my Hardly Norman last year for $100 but that was a speical
Too bad DS model is the EOL old model, not the new one with wifi as in wdstore.
If you don't need WiFi, the EOL version is much better because it runs WDLXTV custom firmware - built-in torrent client, ssh, plugins, etc. Also $98 at JB.
3tb wd essential comes cheaper than staticice :)
Why dont they have the new 2tb portable?? Even officeworks have it
For an official store, they have a whole lot of nothing. Seems they are trying to offer a retail outlet to control price, but they need to do a bit more than pretty pictures.
Price is still not good. I'd rather get Seagate 3TB from Amazon.
site been ozbarged?
$160 for a 1TB Caviar Green internal seems a little steep in the first place.
How do you run Serviio on a My Book Live with the computer off?
Can I break open My Book Essential 3 TB and use the drive inside?
2TB internal drive for ~ $105 Sounds like a deal to me.…
yes but it's out of stock. :(
$350 for the 4TB Studio II is the cheapest I have found anywhere.. Shame the 6TB is out of stock.
I was looking at this the other day at Harvey norm $499 there.
Do you think it's a good drive, not thinking of the cheap price. A silly question, it works over your LAN/ wifi doesn't it, you don't have to have Internet access when you are at home.
they had the price on the WDtv live listed @ $299 on the front page
and you click through; it was $350.
Not that $299 price has been taken off.
seems like WD did the good old sly jack up the price; then offer a "promo deal" thing? I've lost all interest.
Do they still make the Elements SE Portable? Or is that discontinued? Or has it been Ozbargained?
at least they start giving discounts in CeBIT exhibition!!!!!
else there's really NOT worth visiting…
(although the "after discounted prices" are still EXPENSIVE,
but better than NOTHING happening in that exhibition)
ps. last year or 2, smsglobal in CeBIT gave out 150 free sms which is good,
other than that, nothing really worth seeing there.
Anyone get an email after ordering? They said I'd get an email, but I've got nothing so far
They dont even sell the VelociRaptor drives :/ only seems to stock Green
They got a pretty small selection of what WD actually has on offer and half of that is out of stock. Bugger as that would have been a useful deal otherwise
Good deal, but when I went to the WD Website to buy I was shocked at how crap it's setup.
a) They have a 3 page banner at the top advertising 2TB passbook hard drives, but the hotlink goes to the wrong product. And even when you search for the passbook drives the highest capacity available is 1TB. FAIL.
b) WD internal hard drives link only shows 1TB drives. FAIL.
c) WD Live Player shows old model with no WiFi. FAIL.
I wanted to buy all these products… but their website wont let me!
They've gone to the trouble of getting traffic to their website (the HARDEST thing to do) by promoting a special, only to stuff it all up by not having a properly functioning website that has updated pricing and range (the EASIEST thing to do).
I love WD products normally, but this has definitely left a sour taste in my mouth. Poor form indeed. A multinational company like WD (who are apparently tech savvy) and they have a piss poor website like this.
What a shocker.
fail part d) You try and leave feedback on their 'contact us' page, and it doesnt work!!
holy crap!
If nothing else you can use a couple of these prices to get an officeworks price match (well 5% off).…
However, agree that generally speaking, the selection is pretty bare bones - I wonder if that's because hundreds of other geeks found out first :)
Maybe but just looking at the selection of internal hard drives - exactly one thats out of stock - makes me think otherwise. They just dont want them sold… FAIL
Shame they don't have the new drives in AU yet… :(