This was posted 12 years 10 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

SanDisk 16GB Micro SDHC Class 6 High Speed $9.90 + Free Shipping "Back By Popular Demand"


Back by popular demand!
SanDisk 16GB microSDHC High Speed Edition with SD Adapter - $9.90 + Free Shipping

Free Shipping voucher: FREESHIP

All our products are brand new genuine products.
Items will be shipped with Australia Post from our Sydney point.
Orders are packed/shipped within 1-2 business day.
Prices includes 10% GST + Tax Invoice.
This item will come in plastic cases packaging, not the retail version.
Comes with a SD adapter in the package.
Comes with 5 years warranty.

Do contact me directly if you have issue with your purchase or product.

UPDATE 7.35pm: Thank you for all the support! 700pcs sold out as of 7.35pm, only 100pcs left to grab!

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closed Comments

  • Thanks!
    But I didn't get any tax invoice the last time. Not that I need one though

    • +3

      Hi cave,

      What is your order #, i ll get that sorted for you.
      We have changed our system last month to generate tax invoice after payment has made.


  • +1

    h2testw testing would rank mine as Class 6. What did others measure?

    • +1


      If you check the previous deal, everyone posted could get a class 6 standard.


    • +1

      same. legit, and satisfied.

      • same. legit, satisfied great price (would buy again if needed)

        • +1

          Would buy again, did buy again… oops!

    • +2

      Write speed was 7.5MB/s.

  • hey i bought this and after talking to my bro, he said it would only fit a phone (was assuming it would fit a camera) anyway i ca get a refund before u send it to me? sorry for the inconvenience

    • +1

      You can use it in a camera if you use the adapter provided.

      • -3

        what adapter?

        • +2

          It comes with an adapter that allows you to use it in regular sized SD slots.

        • +6

          Um, the one specifically mentioned in the bargain post. Reading really is underrated! :p

          Comes with a SD adapter in the package.

        • +1

          One of [these}(…) - I'm sure this retailer would stock 'em.

          Normally you get them included when buying them from a store.

          EDIT : Beaten :)

        • I'm not tech savy so don't get ur knickers in a twist!

        • +2

          Not being tech-savvy is no excuse for not reading the post completely, not googling what you don't understand, & definitely not asking the pertinent questions BEFORE buying! I would hope that you'll learn from this.

    • +8


      SD adapter is included in the package.


      • ah k then i will continue with my purchase

        • Lol I don't think you had much of a choice to begin with :P

  • +1

    great deal. i was happy with my purchase last time. service was great as well. +1 from me

  • purchased

  • Hey Francesca

    Any specials on the Extreme HD SD Class 10?

    • +1


      What capacity are you looking at?


      • i am looking for 16 or 32GB..
        please tell the price.

        • +2

          16GB:- $21.95
          32GB:- $41.95

          If you are thinking of buying more than one unit, i can do better price for combined postage.

          2x 16GB:- $42.90
          2x 32GB:- $81.90


  • great deal,
    got 2 from last time and using them in my ixus 220HS,
    cheaper than buying regular 16gb SD and class 6 is fast enough :)

  • Got one of these last time, pretty good buy.

  • Ordered 3 :-), great post. Thanks OP.

  • I bought one of these last time this deal went up. Fast shipping and the card is great. I use it in my Samsung Galaxy S2.

  • +1

    the adapter I got from previous deal was faulty, it is somehow stucked in locked mode, so I could not write to the card using the included adapter. I got a spare one so I don't really bother too much about it.

    • Me too!!! The adaptor lock moves but when computer reads the memory in the adaptor, it is saying it is locked. Ended up using another adaptor and everything is fine.

      • I had a same issue too. It would not let anything to write on the card saying it is locked. I tried the card on a different adapter, it went flawlessly. So the provided adapter was a bit dodgy.

        • +8

          Hi all,

          For any concern with the SD adapter, please send me an email with your order #.
          I will post a replacement SD adapter unit if you need one without additional charge.


      • I bought two from the previous deal, and had the same persistent issue with one of the two adapters. Sent an email through the night I received my order, asking for a replacement. This arrived promptly but was also defective. Still with only one working adapter I emailed twice asking for a replacement. I even offered to send back the two faulty ones as I can't do much with them anyway… but no reply.

        • Hi KaptnKaos,

          Can you please OZB msg me your order #?
          I will look into it for you


  • Ordered!!! Planning to use it for my SGS2

  • Hi,

    Just received my order of 2x Class 10 16gb. Thanks so much.

    Got any deals on more 16gb or 32gb Class 10?


    • Hi,

      You mean the 45MB/s Class 10 Extreme SDHC Card right?


      • Don't think so. Bought some 16gb Class 10 last week? Ultra?

        Sorry I'm new to SD cards :)

        EDIT: Oh… Normal SD's i'm after?

        • I see.
          That is the new Ultra series Class 10 cards.
          What are you after, a 16gb or 32gb? How many unit.


        • +2

          Hi superklue,

          I have put 16GB/32GB Ultra SD cards on special pricing.
          16GB: $17.95 + Free Shipping
          32GB: $37.95 + Free Shipping

          You can find it on our homepage under Featured products.


  • Just bought a couple . Good deal

  • +1

    I bought from shoppingsquare, which came after 2 weeks of wait and no SD adapter.
    So a +ve for class 6, local stock and sd adapter for the same price.

  • Bought 2. Thanks OP.

  • Are these genuine Sandisk cards? I have read that a lot of the "Sandisk" cards that come without retail packaging are knock offs. Apparently the real Sandisks have some faint yellow writing beneath the capacity (16 Gb /32 GB) that becomes visible under strong illumination. Can anyone confirm this?

    • +3

      Dude, seriously…if you look nowhere else, at least check OzB before embarrassing yourself with silly questions:

      Do you think that all of these people would be voting positive on all of those deals if they were fakes?

      • Well, most people who buy memory cards have no idea if what they have bought is legit or not. Other than contacting Sandisk directly, how does one tell if a sandisk card is a fake? Since you are such a self-confessed genius, I'm sure you can inform us all how to instantly spot a knock-off.

        • Since you are such a self-confessed genius, I'm sure you can inform us all how to instantly spot a knock-off.

          Wow, I'm glad you're so easily impressed! Plus, I didn't need to pull out my jeweller's loupe or anything mate! It doesn't take a rocket surgeon…as I said, use your commonsense & look at the credentials of the seller.

          FFS, you didn't have to even leave OzB for that!!! Keep digging. ;)

    • +3


      These are genuine SanDisk cards. We sourced them from local sandisk supplier.
      You can always contact SanDisk support hotline in Australia to verify your card, they know every details to verify different type of cards.
      Plus i have sold over 5K pcs of memory cards in the past 2months locally, without any fake cards email.


  • +2

    any 32gb deals coming ?

    • +1

      Hi Steviee,

      Unfortunately SanDisk do not release any 32GB version of this.
      for Class 4 - $22.80 Free Shipping with SD Adapter
      for Class 10 - $39.80 Free Shipping with SD Adapter


      • +1

        thanks for the response i am looking at using it in a phone would i notice the difference if i got a class 4 ?

        • +2


          Of course the difference would be on the transfer/response speed.
          Class 4 has min speed of 4mb/s up to 15mb/s, where Class 10 has min speed of 10mb/s up to 30mb/s.

          It is always better to use higher class of memory cards, check your phone manufacturer to see if the phone would take a class 10 ones. Some old phones don't support.


  • bought last time.. good deal… there are issues with the adapter though

    • we have around 1%-2% RA rate on SD adapter fault from previous deals.
      Around 20-30pcs SD adapter issue, so far only get 2-3pcs return on the micro SD card itself. less than 0.1%

      I am more than happy to send you a replacement if you need one.
      Email me your order # and request for SD adapter upon 16gb micro sd high speed deal.


    • +1 for adapter issues. My comp doesn't read it, but the dslr does. comp keeps saying its write protected so maybe issues with the locking mechanism.

      • +2

        my fix from he previous offer:

        Really easy to fix. Heat up the tip of a safety pin or similar with a lighter/cooktop.

        Touch the plastic at the lock.


        finished product:

        EDIT: Make sure it you have it set to unlock before you do that! :)

  • bought one. thanks OP.

  • +1

    Just confirming, I bought 2, so will I receive 2 adapters? Thanks
    Good price, $20 for 32GB memory.

    • +2


      Yes, 2 adapters if you buy 2.
      It comes in one adapter per unit.


      • Thanks!

  • Still waiting on first order?

    • +2


      Can you drop your order # via OZB msg.
      I will get that sorted for you immediately.


  • Is it compatible with Samsung Galaxy S2?

    • +1


      Yes, for sure :)

      • Thanks

        • Ordered one.

    • +1

      yes, have one in my s2 right now.

  • Got one of these last time

    They are good

  • -1

    Pitty no real SD cards on sale, would love a few more 16GB Ultra HD sd cards

    • +4

      Hi dewy,

      I have put 16GB/32GB Ultra SD cards on special pricing. Few of you looking for it here.
      16GB: $17.95 + Free Shipping
      32GB: $37.95 + Free Shipping


    • How is that Neg worthy?

  • Hey Rep, can you plz repeat the deal on the 64GB Mobile Micro SDXC Class 10 Memory Card, was $78 incl postage ? would love to get one plz!

    • +2


      Unfortunately i don't have many of those cards at the price listed on special.
      However for one unit i can do $79.95 for you including postage and ship by today.
      If you are happy to proceed please OZB msg me your paypal email address & i will arrange a paypal invoice right away.
      I don't think the special price at $75 will be up for the next couple of weeks, it is still under shortage based on what our supplier told us.


      • Thanks heaps !! Will do now!

      • Hi Rep, may I have your email, I'd rather send the paypal info via email plz

  • +1

    Bought one thkx for the great deals keep em coming ! :)

  • just bought one. thanks heaps.

  • Bought one. Thx

  • +2

    Best price I've ever seen! bought two. For some reason I hate OzB, so many impulse purchasing. :-D

  • great deal. do you sell MS PRO Duo adaptors for micro SDHC ?

    • Hi,

      We do not stock MS PRO Duo adaptors at the moment.
      Sorry about that, i ll put it on my list when i check with my supplier.


  • Hi Rep, what is the cheapest deal you can do on a 32GB MicroSD card (class 4 or 6 is OK)?

    • Hi,

      Class 4 - $22.80
      Class 6 - $33.80
      Class 10 - $39.80

      I only have a few units of the Class 6 ones left.


  • have come back for more , cheap as chips, a colleague bought the same card for $39, yes the price for one, he is shaking his head now, but have referred him to this site and

    thanks again

  • Thanks heaps for the offer
    I did order 2 cards.

    Your payment for order #3289 was successfully processed.

    ( - _ - )

  • Any chance on doing a competitive price to Amazon on the Compact Flash cards?

    • Hi,

      Are you after the Extreme or Extreme Pro series?


      • I'd like CF cards in 16 or 32GB. Doesn't have to be fast as I don't mind waiting for the photos to transfer off the card.

      • Extreme 32gb CF please

        • Hi,

          How many are you after?
          Can you OZB msg me, i ll see what i can offer.


  • Great price and a fantastic rep. Want to buy one even though I have no use for one :)

  • Looking to upgrade to a smart phone soon, good deal to go with it :)

  • Nice some extra storage for my S2 :)

  • Great deal, bought some last time only problem was the adapters were not good had to use sticky tape to make them work.

  • Thanks, just bought one, Its not needed but less than 10 bucks!

  • I just bought one too but am just checking Sandisk's web site and couldn't find any details about this "limited edition" micro SD card?? Is this the REAL thing? In addition, I have read the posts for last sales, apparently, quite a few guys have issue with the adaptor that came with the card. Can the Rep clarifies this please.

    • Hi mywrx,

      This is genuine stock from SanDisk.
      As for the SD adaptors issue, it could be of a slightly bad batch for the SD adaptor.
      I have checked with supplier, this batch would be another batch of adaptors., should have no issue on adaptors.
      So far received around 40 issues on SD adaptors out of 2K pcs sold. micro SD faulty ones around 3-5pcs maximum.


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