What you get:
1x 1kg Espresso Master coffee beans
1x 1kg Mocha Prince coffee beans
Whole Beans or Pre Ground
Free Delivery
Everyday price: $82.40
OzBargain price: $48.70
Mocha Prince Information
Espresso Master Information
OzBargain Deal
Buy fresh roasted Coffee Beans online at Bay Beans and save money with Free Delivery, anywhere in Australia. Your order is sent directly to James, who sends a personalised confirmation of your coffee beans purchase. He then roasts your coffee beans fresh and arranges delivery to your door. Confirmation of your coffee beans order is generally within 6 hours.
Expires 10/06/2012
Great value - this is approaching the wholesale price for 10kg+ of $23/kg (for the Espresso Master) but without having to buy so much at a time.