The PS Plus games for June 2022 have been leaked and they are:
- Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl (PS5/PS4)
- God Of War (2018) (PS4)
- Naruto Boruto: Shinobi Striker (PS4)
The PS Plus games for June 2022 have been leaked and they are:
If it's not confirmed, then it's not a deal. Sorry but subscriptions are one thing, speculation are another.
It’s good to get a heads up. Now I won’t be spending $69.95 on Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl.
Yeah, for sure but a line has to be drawn. If this is allowed, then there will be unconfirmed 'deals' about gamepass, PS+ Essential. PS+ Extra, PS+ Deluxe, Netflix, Prime Video, Geforce Now, Epic Games Store, Steam sales… ad infinitum. At least wait till official confirmation or have dealbot tell us what's what.
All will be revealed at 6pm AEST.
@456: Still don't agree with speculation, but if dealbot says it, so it shall be.
By the way, tu parles francais mon ami?
Yeah I gotta agree. Until confirmation but should not posted. I also hope this is wrong cause the offering is dog sh1t
what's the bargain
Why would GOW be one?
It's on the PS collection for ps5 owners, yes. Now it's for PS4 owners too.
Yeah that makes no sense. It's already part of the instant game collection and part of the new PS+ offering
If only there was significantly more PS4 users out there. Oh wait.
Surely anyone who wants to play this has done so by now….. Jesus the physical can be purchased for $9!!
I'm calling it now, the ps+ essential tier will from this point be graced with trash simply to nudge you up to the next price point….case and point games for gold
They have done it with a few titles already that were in the PS5 collection and to be honest surprised GOW hadn't been a PS+ yet when it's been cheap for so long as a PS hit when the majority of PS hits have been PS+ games.
Hopefully it means Ragnarok release date is going to be announced very very soon! 🤞
This will be the third way I'll own this game.
Cheap asses..
I don't think I'm going to renew after July. :/
You lose all games if you cancel
No, you just can't play them until you sign up again
I only played Dirt rally.
I haven't wanted any games the last 10 months, I think maybe a couple have been okay? But not even worth $50 tbh.
I don't play multiplayer, just Warzone.
Each to their own!
Ghost of Tsushima multiplayer is pretty fun.
Blah only two titles I would play persona strikers and FFVII remake rest are meh
Not really a deal?
Not confirmed
A sign of things to come now with PS Plus Deluxe just weeks away?
Monthly Xbox games are trash these days, so will PS Plus eventually
Thanks OP, Confirmed now
Lol I finally bought GOW like two weeks ago
Such a good game it’s worth paying for.
I have paid more for much worse and that hurts.
Can anyone even claim these? They are on the store and all that but it’s asking me to pay?
Been long time since played any PSPlus game. Either I already played them or either I don’t like them. Mostly don’t like them
I didn’t expect to see a Boruto game there 😂
hmm currently coming up as full price at the moment
Yeah - bizarrely GOW let me redeem regardless but couldn’t redeem the other two
I have the opposite, got the other two, but GOW says "Not available for purchase".
I guess its PS4 only, not a PS4 game you can play on PS5?
Just redeemed the second now error on the Nick game 🤦♂️
Claimed them all. No issues
Brawl just got voice acting so big plus. Also glad i never buckled and bought it heavily discounted.
Anyone else having trouble adding these to their library?
All-Stars Brawl worked fine, but God of War and Boruto both display a greyed out, unclickable "subscribe" button instead of the usual add to library button (yes i have an active ps plus sub).
Never had any issues before now.
This version works, the OP link did not for me -…
Thank you, it worked!
BOY!!! Great game