• expired

[PC, Epic] Free - BioShock: The Collection @ Epic Games (27/5 - 3/6)


Second vaulted freebie from Epic games. As usual, available from 1am AEST.

Also, unlimited 25% coupons for spend over $22.99.

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  • -4


  • +15

    great series, played infinite for the first time recently and it was a very nice experience. finished it in 2 days : D

    • +3

      That's a lot of gaming in 48 hours

      • not really. beat it in 8.5 hours. divide that by 2 days, and then further by 2 (2hr sessions)

          • +67

            @T1OOO: I was just sharing my experience about the game dude, no need to be a twat.

          • @T1OOO: do you have friends

            • -6

              @froogletom: Wow no need to go viral and cancel culture me. The silent majority agree with me.

              Friends ? IRL OR online ? No to both but associated and well wishers in that they don’t wish me any specific harm.

        • +12

          I'm intrigued how people finish games so quickly and claim to enjoy them. The "play time" as a rough guide is usually well off in my experience. If I'm enjoying a game I like to stick around longer than a speed run.

          • +4

            @burns13: Bragging rights.

            • +2

              @AlexF: Does that work in the bedroom?

              • +1

                @Ulysses31: Sure.. When filled with virtual and imaginary admirers.

          • +2

            @burns13: Same. I guess it depends on how much you want to immerse yourself in the game. Some games i only rush through them in easy (e.g. Call of Duty games) while others you take your time and explore and read as much of the lore as possible (e.g. Control).

          • @burns13: play time doesn't necessarily imply enjoyment

            its perfectly normal to enjoy a quick playthrough

            i did it with bioshock, half life, portal, witcher 3 etc

            the only games that are worth a second playthrough is where story isn't too long/hectic and you can do diff builds(that matter)

            • @abctoz: Don't know why you got downvoted for saying what's perfectly reasonable i.e. one person's version of enjoyment doesn't necessarily equal another person's.

              I added a +1 to bring your neg back up haha

              • @jigna27: i'm used to it, its the internet, take everything with a huge grain of salt

                sometimes i just envision an army of bots negging me where ever i go, probably not far from the truth at times :P

          • +3

            @burns13: I usually play games slowly and explore everything (for example, I'm about 15 hours into Borderlands 3 and on chapter 8 out of 23, it's going to take me a while), but Infinite felt like it's designed to keep you moving the whole time. Dramatic music, characters yelling at you to hurry up, the experience wasn't so great for me to play my usual way so I went with rushing through it. The story is made to unfold quickly too.

            While 8 hours seems very fast, I'd still say it's not a long game if you play it naturally. I finished it in about 22 hours (including Burial at Sea).

          • @burns13: It's like watching a movie or TV series. More is not necessarily better.

            • @star-ggg: I mean if we look at the very first Assassin's Creed, that was super repetitive. Stretching it out would certainly not have made it better.

          • +1

            @burns13: It's not hard to finish a game quick when it's only 30% completed.

            If you want to collect all the items etc. To get most achievements, then it will take much longer. Some games require a few play throughs to get them.

            Everyone loves to brag but show me you achievements so I can laugh 😂🤣😂

    • +6

      BSI is one of the best of the best eye candy games ever made

      • You have a thing for Elizabeth?

        • +2

          You mean there some guy out there that doesn't?

      • BI?

    • +1

      I played Infinite last year and it was a real disappointment. It didn't come close to the first two.

      • +6

        IMO the gameplay isn't the best but the story was good, and the ending was incredible.

        These days I try to avoid games which are more like movies and try to focus on pure gameplay like Minecraft or Mount & Blade, but Infinite is one I'd still recommend for the story.

        • I didn't get the story, not sure if it's just me

          • @wintersnow911: Me neither after watching the trailer on epic, couldn't figure out who is the good and bad guys.

      • +6

        I played it maybe 7 or so years ago and loved it. At the time it was one of my favourite gaming experiences

        • +2

          Same. I played it at launch, and it was only topped for me by The Last of Us. Fantastic games.

  • +1

    So it's free for life or for a limited time?

    • +6

      free for life, you just have to redeem it within the freebie period.

      • +3

        As long as Epic games exists

        • +3

          As long as Fortnite is still a thing.

  • +15

    Might actually just stop buying any games on Steam at this rate from Epic

    • +11

      Epics plan all along. Brutal strategy though

      • +12

        Brutal for Valve. Fantastic for consumers. That's what happens sometimes though when you're the incumbent major platform and you don't evolve

        • EGS has very few features and actually limits customer choice by making games exclusive to their platform.
          In no way has EGS evolved or make itself distinct in anyway, where as steam continues to add features and improve its platform.

          • +24

            @CriticalImpact: Maybe I'm just old school, but it lets me play the game, that's the only feature I need. I don't care for achievements, friends lists or whatever.

            Epic is literally providing free AAA games and people are still complaining.

            • +3

              @Phoenixzeus: I'm the same honestly, Epic gives away good freebies and they have good discounts going. Don't really need much else personally.

              Plus one thing I've noticed is that the games seem to be DRM free too, I can launch them without having the Epic launcher open which is neat.

            • +1

              @Phoenixzeus: I don't have any issues with the free games, what I have issue with is proclaiming they are the saviours of gaming by providing competition then locking games into exclusivity deals which are the polar opposite of competition

        • +5

          I would argue that Epic Games model is not great for consumers in the long run. Exclusivity in any market is never a good thing, it leads to monopolies, which in turn leads to raised prices simply because there is no other option for consumers. I sincerely doubt they'll be so generous with the free games (and pricing) once enough big gaming companies have signed their exclusivity deals and customers have already gotten used to the Epic platform.

          • +2

            @Fesnyng: Except there's always other games to play. Epic is nowhere near big enough to buy exclusive rights to all games, it's just a handful of big titles (and usually only 12 months at that).

            I'm kind of fine with the PC market turning into a three horse race, Steam, Epic and Gamepass. None of them will likely take over from the others - even with years of free games from Epic, Steam is still king. Better than Valve running the whole PC gaming market.

            • @freefall101: While this might be true in some cases, they've bought games like Rocket League, stopped selling it on steam which had the knock on effect of destroying the player base.

              I don't take issue with other players and I welcome microsoft to the party but what I do take issue with is a company artifically limiting my choices because the only way they want to try to compete is to lock people into their substandard platform

              • +2

                @CriticalImpact: Except it didn't destroy the player base. The game got bigger after it went free to play and was at its biggest by the mid 2021. It has been dropping this year so far but not substantially - https://activeplayer.io/rocket-league/

                Hell, even looking at the steam stats there's 30k people playing it right now and the game can't even be purchased on Steam anymore. The game was never that massive on PC anyway, it peaked at 140k users on Steam, it peaked at over 1 million concurrent users for the game overall.

                And if you take issue with companies locking people to a platform, then you must hate everyone in gaming. Valve were the original in forcing PC gamers to use a store to play a game, it's how Steam became popular. Every console maker does it and has since day one, most game companies have had store exclusives at some point or another or at least force some kind of launcher (Rockstar, Ubisoft, Activision, they've all done it). Picking on Epic in particular when their store at least delivers a tonne of benefits to gamers in terms of free games is a bit weird.

          • +1

            @Fesnyng: Completely agree it's bad in the long run because it encourages/develops a monopoly. That's exactly what Steam was though. Even though they had legendary sales, that was to bring business away from IRL stores and physical game copies. Same thing will happen to Epic if they become a monopolistic behemoth too.

    • +1

      I was going to ask the question, "Do people buy games anymore?" Sometimes it seems I am the only exception, and I only purchase older titles when heavily discounted or bundled (I'm a low income 'collector'). Free games get hundreds of thousands of upvotes here and on Reddit; 75% off games might only get 20 upvotes.

      Veteran gamer's will already have all of these games, but this Bioshock giveaway is great for people new to PC gaming.

    • My Amazon Games library is over 400 large already.

      • +1

        Now that is an asset

      • +1

        My 'Games' folder on my comp has 760 items/games and is 8.47TB in size

  • +13

    Far out, why do I keep buying games (on multiple platforms, PC, Switch, PS5), when I can just wait to get them free from Epic??

    • +1

      I was thinking the same. There are games you want to play and there are the ones you are offered to play. At least half of the time you choose the ones you want to play and pay for it.

    • +1

      Next freebie is also not too shabby if my hunch is right.

      • +1

        What's your hunch Starsky?

        • +1

          I read somewhere Sleeping Dogs maybe?

          • +4

            @assarabbiya: That'd be a bit disappointing, it's only $4 on Steam right now and is 10 years old at this point.

            Considering the last two games, it'd be a big step backwards. It is an incredibly good, underrated game but it's been dirt cheap on a regular basis.

      • Any clues for us dealbot?

        • Sticking with the 2K publisher theme I'm going to guess something from the Mafia franchise (Mafia remastered or Mafia Trilogy)

  • claimed

  • Epic value!

  • +3

    Bought this on steam sale 2 years ago for $20 and still haven't played it .. =(

    • +1

      same boat, but I got a lot of hours in BSI during lockdowns, made some difference when you can't leave your house but can fire up a game and walk around in an (anti)utopian cloud city

      • I ended up downloading League of Legends after watching a documentary about it and wasting all my hours on THAT ..

        Even tho it is "selling" under the same name (Bioshock: The Collection) .. I don't see all the DLC listed on Epic's version (vs SteamStore).

        I haven't installed this and wonder if it has all those DLC's

  • Had this on PS Plus and now EGS. But had already played all 3…. Highly recommend!!

    Especially Bioshock Infinite.

  • +4

    "Would you kindly click the Get button?"
    "Would you kindly + this deal?"
    "A man chooses, a salve obeys."

    • +5

      salve, lol

      • d'oh!
        obvs should be slave. lol

  • That's huge!

  • Loving all the free Epic Games. My favourite of the 3 Bioshock games would be BioShock Infinite. The only thing I hate about Epic Games is the cumbersome way you can only uninstall a game through the Epic Launcher. Not through Add or Remove programs in Windows.

    • You can just delete the game directory if you like. It then shows as not installed in the launcher. Much easier than going through Windows.

    • +1

      Is it ready that much of an issue?

      It easy to uninstall using the launcher and lets face it you're not needing to do that very often anyway.

  • +40

    From r/GameDeals

    Here are some improvements and fixes for the three games:


    Bioshock 2:

    Bioshock Infinite:

    Skip intro videos:

    1. Go to the configuration files location.
    2. Open XEngine.ini.
    3. Locate section [FullScreenMovie] and comment out these lines by putting a semicolon (;) at the beginning of each:

      Save the file as read-only to prevent the tweak from randomly reverting.

    Improved FOV slider (expands the range on the FOV slider):

    1. Go to the configuration files location.
    2. Open XUserOptions.ini.
    3. Locate line MaxUserFOVOffsetPercent=15.000000 and change its value to 100 for maximum variability. This value is in percent and not degrees. See table below for precise field of view values. Start the game and set your field of view via slider in the menu.
    Maximum FoV by slider MaxUserFOVOffsetPercent value
    85 21.43
    90 28.57
    95 35.71
    100 42.86
    105 50.00
    110 57.14
    120 60.00

    Disable aim-assist:

    • Go to the configuration files location.
    • Open XUserOptions.ini.
    • Change bAimAssist and DefaultbAimAssist to false
    • Save your changes and make XUserOptions.ini read only.

    GUI scaling:

    • Go to the configuration files located in "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\BioShock Infinite\XGame\Config"
    • Open XUI.ini.
    • Locate lines MaxResolutionUpScale=0.0 and change value to something between 0.0 and 1.0.
    • Is Bioshock 2 Remastered fixed? I remember the game would randomly crash and exit the game (on PC). I had to manually save the game regularly since I got sent back to the start of the level with the random crashes

    • PS4 buttons on a PC port? O_o

      • +1

        in case you're using a playstation controller on your Windows computer.

        Would be less confusing. =P

  • +3

    Are you kidding me! I just bought this collection from Fanatical for $15 2 days ago for Steam.
    Man… EPIC WHY!!

    • Get a refund through steam? Or can you not because its through Fanatical ?

      • -1

        You can only get the refund if you bought through Steam.

        • +1

          Yeah figured as much, thought since its a key redeem there may be a way to refund but that makes sense.

        • +2

          Whoever negged this can you please explain.
          Steam definitely does not refund you if you bought a key elsewhere

          • @FireRunner: yes, and what makes it worse is that a game can be on sale through many official resellers but only discounted a tiny bit if buying direct via Steam
            as in the reason why people don't buy direct from steam

    • I bought it a couple of years ago, lol.

  • wow classic games, dont know if ill replay them but will definately grab a copy for my kid(s) :D

    • +6


      How is the quantity indeterminate?

      • +5

        1 now, more later not sure

        • Better make twenty accounts filled with freebies since the number of kids is unknown

          • @FireRunner: I am hoping Epic will have family sharing like Steam by then :D

      • +1

        For the kids they dont know about

        • +1

          he's my brother from another mother

      • maybe they're in a quantum state of existence?

  • +2

    This is sick. Such an awesome title to be free.

    Thanks EPIC.

  • +

  • +2

    Nice. Although I've still never played any game I've acquired off Epic.

    • +1

      Haha, still haven’t downloaded the Epic launcher yet. With my current Steam backlog it may never happen

  • +3

    Huh, was just expecting the base games, but this includes the single player DLCs!!

  • Bioshock seems to be playable on MacOS in steam, but doesnt seems to be available in EpicGames? Does anyone know whether it works on Mac?

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