This was posted 2 years 9 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[XSX, XB1, PS4, PS5] Free Copy of Sniper Elite 5 at EB Games (Phone Call Req.)


Feel free to move this to competitions if you need.

Basically, if you call 1800 ELITE5 (1800 354 835), between 8:00am and 08:00 pm AEST on either Thursday or Friday, you can follow the prompts to receive a special code that can be redeemed at EB Games stores around Australia for a free copy of Sniper Elite 5. It appears that copies are scattered at random locations throughout Australia, but no doubt they’ll go quickly with all copies to be snapped up by Monday.


Confirmation it is legit:…

Promotion is finished:…

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closed Comments

  • I get Line Busy and then it hangs up. Anybody else?

    • +1

      Of course. They're not renting a 500 line SIP system for this.

  • +1

    Rings out

    • +1

      Yep got line busy 25 times, then finally got through to actually ringing, and then it just rings for a minute and hangs up

      • +9

        You rang 25 times? Geez

        Take a hint.

        • +2

          according to his twitter, OP rang though 56 times to snag his copy lol

          • +2

            @bdl: Hehe I did. I can't take a hint.

  • +8

    Will I get a free call back quoting how to save money on energy?

    • Perhaps a Nigerian prince that has millions of dollars to transfer out of the country? You could be that lucky person!

  • +8

    On gamepass, I win

    • +3

      Do you though? Can trade the physical copy in once finished. Can you do that with game pass? ;)

      • +4

        Why did I get negged? I thought it was a clever response!

        • +1

          Only the xbox fanboys negged you. I'll probably also get negged for saying that lol

          • +1

            @FDA2021: I negged you because I wanted your statement to be factual

      • +1

        i got my 2x24 months gamepass for free, so i guess i am still wining. yes it's free, not at a low turkey price.
        anyway, this is not my type of game, even it's there, i wouldn't even try it. there is always people mention gamepass, i would like to be that one this time. lol that would be fun.
        by the way i didn't neg you.

        • Nice one! You win. Well played mate.

      • Is it more fun to play with physical copy where you have to install the disc? Anyone who managed to get a copy AND has access to GamePass will most likely play via GamePass.

  • +1

    Congrats on getting a copy mate! Love to see an activation actually coming together.

    • Thank you Shannon! Really appreciate that article otherwise we wouldn't have known!

      • You don't work at EB Games? Or is that just some random dude in your Twitter profile pic wearing an EB Games sales t-shirt in an EB Games store?

        • +1

          I don't. I purchased the shirt for EB Games Starlight Foundation cause last year. I'm just a fan boy haha!

  • +4

    2nd try - got one.
    Flaming amazeballs - I never win anything!!!

    • +1

      Well done soldier

    • So what happens, do you connect to an actual person or is it a robot reading out a code?

      • +3

        Its a person. They take your details then ask where your postcode so they can point you to an EB store

  • +1

    Curious to know what your thinking was around posting this as a deal and not a comp.

    • +1

      I figured it would get more traction as a deal and then leave the ozbargain mods to decide

  • Connects then rings out rather than hearing an automated system

    • Just keep trying mate! I got my copy after 56 attempts.

  • +1

    Holy shit just picked up my PS5 copy. Thanks OP!

    • What happens when you get through?

      • +5

        Spoke with a person who took my name and postcode. She then told me a code word and said to go to an EB games close to me and say the code. The person at EB then took my name and gave me my copy

    • You're welcome soldier

  • +3

    Seems like it's only for consoles and not PCs :(

    • Correct. XB1/XSX, PS4 and PS5. Let me update the post.

    • That sucks but I guess it would have been worse if I got a free copy that I couldn't play.

  • Keep getting line busy. Maybe it's done for today haha

  • Keep getting line busy, then it rings 2 times, hangs up then I eventually get a longer ring then after a minute it hangs up. Starting to give up tbh

    • +1

      Called, got connected was asked to give my postcode, started to. Got the call hung up on me on the other end…

      • +1

        Jesus, thats rough…

        I've called a whole heap of times now, and have heard the longer ring only three times.

        • I don't event think it was the person who was speaking to me because he got cut off mid sentence

          • +1


  • How many attempts at line busy before I give up…

  • Lines been disconnected?

  • +2

    200 calls later.
    Rung three times then disconnected.
    Got an automated Avaya message once.

    Think I'll do some work now..

  • +2

    Thanks OP I got one!

  • if you feel like going to Nowra for NSW EB games that's the only copies left. As he was about to give me the code the call got ended for some reason. tried 85 times to that number.

  • 121 tries then i hear it's a generic code?

    I'm in isolation ffs! Generic code will do me no good!

    • +1

      Generic code yes but they take your first and last name. I also got my ID checked too and they linked it with my EB World account.

  • Apparently they only have 100 copies according to an advertisement for this competition this my be why keep getting busy signal

    • Can you link us to the advertisement? I only saw the Press Start post!

  • ‘This mobile has been switched off’: competition might be ended

  • +1

    20 goes, but got through. You have till Monday to collect if you make it.

  • +1

    eventually got it to ring but it just rang out…

  • +1

    Phone Frenzy

  • +1

    I've rang 100 times (stage 5 clinger) it connected once then rang out

    • i've tried 200 times with 3 connections that go unanswered

  • Got through no problem. Just wanted me to take a 700km round trip to pick it up.

    Reminded me of that Nathan For You episode with the fuel rebate.

  • I've gotten through but was cut off mid conversation when they were asking for my postcode!

  • Mosty get the engaged signal, but I've "gotten through" 6 times and it just rings out…

  • WOOT
    246 tries to win!

  • +4

    Got through, but, all copies in South Australia have been allocated.

    • Saved me some time, thanks for the heads up

  • +1

    Got through, there's one at nowra

  • +1

    Only 1 copy left in QLD, Townsville

  • +1

    Woop secured a copy here!!!

    Tried 62 times in a row.

    A friend with me then tried and rung fives times and GOT THROUGH.

  • +3

    None left in VIC - just got through

    • Can confirm, also just got through after just over 400 tries 😬

      • +1


        • +2

          What am I doing with my life…

          • +1

            @Schmatt: You helped other people. People like me who decided not to compete with other OZBers on this one. Also, help people who are still trying to get through from wasting more time.

            There is something positive out of it. +1 from me. Also, just play it on GamePass.

      • Holy hell! I mean, you got a free $80 game so well done!

        • OP, no he didn't get a copy. All gone in VIC, he was confirming he got the same message from EB CSR.

  • +2

    Too much hassle. I’ll just play it on Game Pass and be stress free instead

  • +2

    None left in SA. only WA left

  • +1

    Only 1 copy available in QLD, if you are in Townsville go for it!

  • Reckon their might be more allocation for tomorrow?

  • Tried a gazillion times. No cigar.

  • Mailbox is full

  • -4

    Anyone get a code they're unable to claim (due to lack of local stock) that they're willing to pass onto a fellow OzBargainer?

    • You think people sat there dialing a phone number to grab a code knowing they couldn’t get to EB to redeem it?

  • So was 'tripwire' everyone elses code word?

    Probably sell or swap mine for something else though

    • Nah I had ECHO. They were all different!

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