- Down firing 13.5” Driver
- 1200W RMS
- Pinnacle of SVS Cylinder Subwoofers
thanks OP gonna use this on my 7am train commute to wake everyone up
Ue Boom XXXL
How does it compare with a Genelec 7360?
The Genelec 7360 is a 10” and the PC4000 is a 13.5” therefore the SVS will deliver better results. Slightly different aesthetics
here for the comments
That thing is a WMD!
I recently started enjoying geeking out where I use a Tone Generator with my sub https://www.szynalski.com/tone-generator/
It's amazing that at the lower end you hear absolutely nothing but the sub is pumping and you can feel, hear and see where it interacts with the house and you can specifically make certain items vibrate…
I don't have this sub, I have a cheaper yet still good sub.
Yeah but I only want a sub that's 110cm tall
I'm not sure why these arent as popular as their cube subwoofers. Besides looks…
Definitely an apple of subwoofer, by looking at the price :|
no, not quite…. U are actually getting an absolute monster of a sub for the price. Not overpriced garbage like with apple.
Yeah nah. SVS hardly gouges prices by name.
I understand that this product is definitely not targeted at someone like me, but I honestly have to spit take at a price tag like that. It better cause internal organ bleeding and provide instant sonic-induced orgasms.
god dammit, i want one of these but im not ready to grab one yet.. Im getting the B&W 702 S2 soon to replace my 705s and am kinda hoping i can get away with no sub. A divorce would be on the cards if i bought both at once :)
But damn that is a hell of a price
Have you heard the difference between a sub and no sub? I'd suggest going to a hifi store to compare. For me personally I'd always go with a sub instead of floor standing speakers. From your comment it seems like this might be too much sub for you, but even a smaller sub does wonders for a more visceral sound experience.
I had a sub, but recently the amp on it died. I have already replaced the amp plate once (bout 10 years ago), i may just end up doing that again. I definately intend to get a new sub eventually, but first i want a decent set of floor stand speakers. My 705s are doing great and sound amazing, but theyre going to be far more suited to surround speakers. The 705s need a sub far more than the 702s will tho, so i should get away with no sub for a year or 2 if i upgrade.
Cool, just making sure you have all the info. I have floodstanding speakers and I'd swap them out for my standmounts before I'd give up my sub.
@DanielP2: 702s are amazing and one of my favourite floor standing speakers. Certainly need a good amount of time to run in though !!!
@WCHIFI: just waiting for them to come back down to Black Friday / Boxing Day 2020 sale price. It never happened in 2021 :)
Hi OP, Can you do any good deal for SVS PB1000 PRO?
Wow. This looks like a part of the SpaceX rocket