This was posted 2 years 9 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Buy 1 Get 1 Free: Selected Oodies $109 Delivered @ The Oodie


Oodie are currently having a sale on selected styles.

Works out to be $54.50 each delivered.

Same as previous deal.

Thanks to Cloudie

Stack with Afterpay spend $50 get $30 off Refer

Thanks tajid

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$30 off first purchase for referee. $30 off next purchase for referrer.

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The Oodie
The Oodie

closed Comments

  • +2

    Does it ever get cold enough in relatively metro parts of qld to wear these?

    • +19

      Copied from last post

      Cheaper alternative - Snugget Adults Oversized Hoodie $35.00

      • +1

        Thanks WN. Might grab one for the misso

      • MIFFY!!!!!!!! Grabbed a few for the kids and the wife.

      • +1

        now only $30

    • +2

      Put the AC on.

      • +7

        AC on the lowest temp, then start up the fire place, a can of cold VB, out the beanie, take out the newly bought industrial fan, and now find that scarf from when you have visited Tas.

  • -2

    Or just buy 5XL hoodies on clearance from Amazon?

    • +9

      The same but not. They're more like throw blankets made into a hoodie.

      • +2

        Got 2 off brand for 25 bucks each on Amazon a while ago and I suspect it is exactly the same thing without the huge markup

        • -4

          Yeah, without direct comparison you got nothing. Maybe you’re right, maybe not and the expensive one is of better quality.

          • +15

            @nikoris: Feels warm, soft, premium. There's no way some polyester is worth 100 bucks, these clowns are dreaming

              • +26

                @nikoris: You sound like the guy who spent 100 bucks on a polyester blanket made for about 5 bucks in a Chinese sweatshop and gets salty when someone points out how much of a rip off that is.

                • -5

                  @[Deactivated]: I'd not spend $100 on a oozie and i would never talk about 'chinese sweatshops', guess i'm just classier

                  • @nikoris: who was it again accusing others of getting off bragging about personal attributes?

                    • -2

                      @[Deactivated]: Buying the cheapest stuff and bragging you saved money isn't a personal attribute though.
                      Other people here say they bought oozie and is really better, any comments on that?

                      • @nikoris: no, you accused me of bragging about saving money and being smarter (your words, not mine) but you then went on to call yourself classy because you don't say "chinese sweatshops"

                        • -1

                          @[Deactivated]: Yes, i dont see the problem?
                          Read the comments, i see two people saying that oodie is better

              • +2

                @nikoris: This sounds personal for you. Are you OK?

          • +1

            @nikoris: If you'd spent that time reading previous threads instead of TRYING to be smart, you'd know that any number of us have knockoffs AND "originals" and are just as happy with the cheap ones.

            • -5

              @mickeyjuiceman: Nice post, but needs MORE caps.
              Also literally under your post is a guy saying he tried the off-brands and are way worse.
              What does that tell me?
              Some people have higher standards for this product and will pay the premium to get the better one while other get the cheaper ones and 'see no difference' and they just 'saved money' etc

              I was right all along, some people cant tell better products

        • +5

          Nope, I tried to buy cheaper (around $30 each) from amazon, kogan and kmart, and none of it as good as oodie.

          • @mfu: You tried to buy them cheaper meaning you didn't buy them?

            Or you bought $30 oodie like products from 3 difference locations and tried all of them?

            • +1

              @Frayin: I bought all from 3 places.
              3 years ago I got an oodie as a gift, then later I need another one, the first one I ordered from kogan was to compare it with oodie, and got disappointed. I end up order the same from oodie.
              The other 2, I know that I will got the same level as what I got from kogan, but I like the print design, and I can use it on summer as it was too hot to use oodie on summer.
              Sorry for my bad english.

              • +1

                @mfu: No don't apologise. I was genuinely curious. I want to get these for my partner as she loves the idea of Oodies but i wasn't sure about the true quality compared to the cheaper versions.

                Responses seem very mixed.

                • +1

                  @Frayin: If you have Kmart nearby, check it instore, they probably have it. Compare to Kmart version, oddie is bigger, and bulkier.
                  For me, who is 178cm and 90kgs, Kmart version is just a little longer than my daily jacket, but the oddie version cover up my knee as well.

          • -1

            @mfu: Thank you, some people here lack common sense

  • +25

    So much money to look stupid

    • -1

      Poor(wo)man's Gucci outfit.

    • Worthwhile in winter, and no one's going to see me if I just wear it at home.

    • +5

      All you need is a pair of UGG’s and you’re ready for the Centrelink queue.

    • If you’re buying these to look good then you’re doing it wrong.

  • +39

    I purchased one for the missus last year (blue with otters) and in my opinion it is worth the extra $$$ over cheaper alternatives due to the length, quantity, quality and softness of material. Over winter she did not require the heater to be on when working from home and is very comfy for watching movies in on the lounge.

    The colour is also brilliant and looks the same as the online photos and videos.

    Washing was a little tricky - it absorbs water heavily when hand washed and needs a lot of sun and dry air if DIY.

    Impressed by it and I think it would make a sweet gift for family and friends who would wear such attire.

    • +8

      So, which cheaper alternatives did you compare it against?

      • I have a big w one and an oodie. A wear my big w one more often as it’s not as thick but will bring out the oodie when it’s colder. There is def a thickness difference between the two. I’d say about double.

        • +2

          Alternatively buy two from Big W and out on one or two depending on condition.

    • +2

      Would have bought it for the otters.

  • +40

    Word of warning. Clicking onto their website will smash you with oodie advertising on any social media, streaming service, email platform for weeks on end. Only now it’s started to slow down for their last deal. More than any other company I have ever seen.

    • +2

      Worse than step one?

      • +2

        Far worse IMO. Besides ads from Oodie, I got ads from influencers advertising for Oodie too. Took me a while to get rid of them.

        • +2

          can confirm… their ads tracking is really strong and they last a long time.

          • +3

            @Truck-kun: At least the oodie girl is cute

          • +11

            @Truck-kun: i think i should clear up the "strong ads" its funny to hear from people who do not know the details so i feel obliged to address it. when companies run online advertising, if you interact with any of their paid ads in any way or visit the site, you get added to a list via a pixel (facebook pixel) its a tracker that tracts leads for paid advertising, each platform has its own, so google has google tag manger, fb/insta has the facebook pixel and tiktok has its own pixel.

            the heavy remarketing advertising you see is done by the marketing team of a company. so if you interact and not purchase you get hit with remarketing campaigns, because its easier to convert a customer who has already interacted with your brand it makes total sense to run remarking and usually its very profitable. however some companies run its extremely hard. usually a remarketing campaign is a 14 day interaction window for the average remarketing campaign, however i can see that 'the oodie' is running it well into the 30 days window time frame, meaning if you interacted with the brand on the 1st of April you would get hit with re marketing till the 30th of April (or longer if you continue to interact with the remarketing ads). i guess the way they see it is that since is high ticket $ item it takes longer to convert so they keep hitting you up in order to get a conversion. however i do think its over kill if a lead has not converted within 14 days its most likely not gonna convert.

            • +2

              @striker5950: Ahh thats really interesting read. Thank you!

              I would imagine having a 30 days window time is probably not a very good use of their marketing funds considering it probably will put off consumers rather than convert them or attract them into purchasing an item. I find that if I clear my cookies and browsing history - it seems to help avoid these bombardment of similar ads.

              You seem very knowledgeable of how the marketing process works. Do you happen to work in this field?

            • +2

              @striker5950: Good post.

            • +1

              @striker5950: Good info, thanks for sharing.

              Does it mean, if someone click the ad and decided to buy their product, would the ad be automatically stopped?

              I had an experience where I bought the product but yet the ad is still coming up, is this normal? Or just because that company didn't capture who has bought their product and 'stopped' the ad?


              • @BigLeviathan: it takes a while to update, even if you purchase. some brands don't filter out conversions which are customers who already bought, so you might get hit with the ad again. Also some companies run post purchase campaigns to either get you to buy again or to ask for reviews.

      • +1

        We’ll… Step one won’t be around much longer, if headlines are true

        • he unloaded at float lol 42 milli in the bag hit and run lol. stock tanked by %60 id do the same tbh company was loosing money due to expansion to US and UK where they didn't turn a profit.

        • Wait wut?

          Am I going to have to go commando for the rest of my life?

          • @EightImmortals: what do you mean, were you holding step one shares? rip

            • @striker5950: No but I like their jocks. :)

              Was reading about it on one of the stock forums and they seems to have a good debt free position with about $27 million on hand plus around 12 months worth of stock. The main complaints were 1) their women's undies campaign and 2) their push into the U.S and U.K markets. Will keep an eye on it though. Trading at 33c ATM so a huge drop from the IPO last year.

              • @EightImmortals: yes those were the reasons, however the issue was the founder sold his large share of stocks (43 million worth) which made the price of the stock tank, he did this before announcing the news about under performing sales in the Uk and USA. that's why everyone is so pissed off.

            • @striker5950: That's how you "do ya nuts" apparently.

    • +4

      ahhh biscuits.

    • Best open it incognito then.

      • Do I have to close all the other incognito windows first?

    • +6

      Don't get why more people don't use Brave browser. I literally see none of this.

    • Incognito mode for browsing their site I rkn

    • I remember reading somewhere that the founder of Oodie said it was an exercise in marketing as much as the product. I'm not commenting on the product's quality, just recalling what I think I read.

    • +2

      Use Ghostery toolbar - My advertisements are minimal now, plus its free to use

  • -2

    Even buy 1 get 3, i still shirtless during winter with tower fan on and windows open 😅.

  • +3

    there is one dude in white socks, find him

    • -2

      LOL precisely why these are marketed towards women.

  • +2

    Costco selling for less then $40 and very good quality as well.

  • +3

    Cotton on has some for $30 each. Not sure if it’s the same quality. But my kids love them and they are soft and warm.

    • If it's cotton on, it never will be. Speaking from experience.

    • My kids have the ones from cotton on, they are perfectly fine.

  • +7

    I have a huge crush on the hoodie girl called Linda

    • What are they wearing underneath? That's the real question.

      • +4

        Another Oodie?

    • +1

      is that the Asian one?

      • Yes

        • U have the asian persuasion

  • +1


  • +4

    Bloody good price. I have purchased 2 of these in the past on different occasions ($79 each delivered using YouTube review codes) - they are a great product, luxurious and very warm….great for the wimpy girls in my household who can't handle winter whilst I walk around in shorts and no shirt (my hairy back keeps me warm).

    • +31

      weird flex, but ok…

  • +3

    microplastic shedder

  • +1

    Been using mine nightly lately living in tassie. They certainly are quite warm and you'll need to take them off after a while due to over heating but it's better than being cold!

  • +3

    already getting oodie ads 💀

  • Do they deliver to Darwin?

    • +1

      Isn't it warm all year round in Darwin?

      • +1

        I hear the nights get pretty cold

  • Should this wear along with jogger pant and socks right? The upper body is probably warm, but the lower body/leg can be cold.

    • You’re not planning to wear it outside are you?

      • +1

        haha, no, just inside, for sleeping over winter. Personally, I don't want feet to be cold, so it is likely to have heater on when wearing this, don't want the cold sneak up to upper body.

  • +7

    For what its worth, I bought one just out of sheer curiosity, but also I wanted to eventually just buy something from every ad just so i could comment on their ads and tell people if its trash or not. Oodies are pretty good. I mean obviously during hot weather you wont wear one, so for melbourne thats like every other day. Having said that, its warm and im comfy all the time. On super cold days, this thing is amazing, and its long enough that I can just sit on the couch and tuck my legs into it. Essentially these are super thick blankets that you wear.

    Having said all of that, these things are probably a bit more expensive than they should be. This deal is fine though, getting two for the price of one, gift it to your missus, (profanity) idk.

    • Thanks for sharing. May I know how heavy they are? Are they light enough to be worn whole day? Do they restrict movement?

      • They do have a bit of weight to them, but you won't notice it when you're wearing it. Again, you're really buying a giant wooly hoodie. So it gonna be a bit dense I suppose.

        Personally I've worn it for an entire day without issue. It was Comfy, but admittedly it might be too big for some people, but you can just pull up the sleeves to get it out of your way. In terms of movement not really. Like I didn't find I needed to readjust a lot. You can kinda do whatever you normally would, but obviously don't go to the gym in one. Althought I will say when U wear one, you just feel like a big snow man or a marshmallow.

        Oh the other thing to mention. Idk what it is, but when I first bought one it wasn't that comfortable. After wearing it for a few days did it actually feel stretched out and nice to wear. I can't explain it, but all I kinda thought was I had broken it in.

        • Is it the wrist cuffs? Lol I find them uncomfortable and was waiting for them to stretch out.

          • @Cloudie: Yeah probably. I do remember the cuffs being kinda uncomfortable when I pulled them up. I think it also just didn't feel all too loose straight away. So wearing it a few times and washing it kinda helped.

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