This was posted 12 years 9 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PizzaHut Med Pizza Mia $2 w/ Living Social Buy within 3 Days Use by 31 July 2012, Not Fri/Sat


Okay, here is the spiel from Living Social:

What can you get these days for $2? How about a Pizza Mia pizza from the biggest pizza chain in the world with a blend of tasty cheddar and mozzarella cheese, topped to the edge in your choice of seven flavours, with the convenience of online ordering thrown in as well? Surely not! Well we've hooked up with our good friends at Pizza Hut who are exclusively offering LivingSocialites a medium-size pizza from their delectable Mia range for just $2. Choose from seven flavour combinations perched on top of their Perfecto Base including Pepperoni, Beef, Veggie, Ham and Cheese, BBQ Bacon, Hot 'n' Spicy and Cheese. Simply place your order online and pick it up at one of Australia's 277 Pizza Hut stores. Simple, delicious and all for just a gold coin - you can't even buy the ingredients for that!

Here is their "fine print"

Maximum three per person, In addition, one voucher can be purchased as a gift • Limit of one voucher per online order. Vouchers are only redeemable on orders placed via • Valid for Pick Up and Delivery • Additional cost of $8 ($8.80 public holidays) for delivery, minimum delivery order value is $19.90 • Valid every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, excluding State Of Origin (23/5/12, 13/6/12 & 4/7/12) until July 31, 2012 • Valid at participating stores and delivery areas only • Valid for Pizza Hut Pizza Mia range – 7 varieties (excluding Chicken.) No customisation of pizza toppings will be allowed • Owing to heavy on-line traffic to the Pizza Hut website, daily redemption limits may be necessary • Not available via iPhone or Windows Mobile applications • Online redemption only • Other conditions apply


If you are going to buy this deal anyway AND you are not a member of Living Social already, I can send you a referral where both you and I get $5 for deals. 2.5 pizzas. PM me.
(Mods - happy for you to take this bit out - if someone isn't a member anyway, I think this is the only way for them to get a signup bonus - with a referral.)


I don;t eat bread or pizza. My daughter does. I will buy 3 of these, but have no idea on the relative value of these pizzas. My daughter eats little and doesn't do leftovers, so even if quite small, it'll suit her. Having said that, I would be interested in knowing how small these are…..

I have received my LS vouchers, but will be nowhere near a PH so won't use this week.

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closed Comments

  • Apparently they are 9 inch pizzas and sell for $5 or 3 for $13 or thereabouts.

    The fine print on the referral says referees must spend more than $5 for the person doing the referring to get the bonus, but I think that the person signing up for a new a/c may get $5 regardless. I must admit I do not know the ins and outs…….

    • i just pm you a few emails so i can test it out. get back to me with the url referal link asap

      • Thanks. I sent those through a few minutes ago. Sorry for the delay.
        If anyone else wants a referral, I need an email address.

  • I just went in and bought some. Apparently you have to select the flavour when you buy the voucher. Not cool really.

  • Med Pizza Mia?

    There is smaller pizza mia?

    • That is what they are saying. It is a 9" according to the PH website.

      I imagine that Mia means medimen in PH speak….. To use it twice in one sentance, maybe that is double speak.

  • Seems like an awesome deal.

    Just checking the code gets delivered instantly? I guess I'll get one tomorrow to check how good the value is.

    Its unfortunate how you have to pay before you get it, I have no idea if I'll want to go back to Pizza Hut after my first visit…

    Also I'm guessing you can cheat the maximum with multiple email addresses and maybe if needed multiple payment systems.

    • I am sure you can get more than 3. Don't forget it is 3 for you and one as a gift.

      PH may have some BS phone matching system set up. Dunno.

  • You voucher will be ready in 24 - 48 hours. Deal end in 3 days. Guess you culd buy 1 at $5 now and if you like, hit the alias emails.

    Also,note there are "participating" locations.

    • "Simply place your order online and pick it up at one of Australia's 277 Pizza Hut stores"

      • fine print

        Valid at participating stores and delivery areas only

        • (moved below after mducpham moved post this was in response to)

  • +2

    i've had pizza mia before. let's just say, if you like dough, its not a bad option.

    • I don't so I don;t eat it. the lil one will probably like it and a small size suits us.

  • +1

    How do you find out which are the participating stores, I couldn't see a list anywhere

    • just try order online and see if it lets you

    • +1

      "Simply place your order online and pick it up at one of Australia's 277 Pizza Hut stores"

  • Ah, 3 per person. I was thinking of ordering a dozen or so.

    • You can order 3 of each flavour

      • nope, you can only order 3 in total.

  • I find's web app is BROKEN for this deal:

    1. I order 3 (the deal limit)
    2. It accepts my payment (…no PayPal option!!!)

    All good so far, AFAIK… then:

    1. It then -invites- me to order one for a friend
    2. Still logged in, I -attempt- to order 1 for a mate
    3. It shows my first order on top, BUT - above that - it says I've (in my order for a mate) exceeded the limit of 3.

    OOPS… from a prev post, I may have exceeded the 1 for a mate limit (I ordered them 1 each of 3 types)

    Problem solvered… I think… :-/

    Go figure… Pizza Hut lost an order, but I'm happy to share my 3 9" inchers with a mate (eg, on a tiny home smorgasbord :-)

  • +1

    Too many caveats for me. Only one allowed per order, no chicken allowed, no change to toppings, and the clincher for me - "Owing to heavy on-line traffic to the Pizza Hut website, daily redemption limits may be necessary". The website may struggle with the raw processing power of adding too many coupons simultaneously??? Add to that "Other conditions apply". Get out of here. Good deal if you manage to get one!

  • Which are the participating stores?
    Is their store @ "79 Balaclava Road Eastwood NSW 2122" participating in this ?

    • "Simply place your order online and pick it up at one of Australia's 277 Pizza Hut stores"

  • +21

    Too many ifs and buts. Needs a law degree to decipher!! Give me the oh so straighforward Scoopon Hungry Jacks deal anyday. Or the Iprimus ditto….

    • +2

      Wasn't that hard to read, Buy mid week, can't really go wrong….

      • +2

        So you read which stores are participating? That is hard to read!

        I'm not jumping through their hoops & travelling across town to save $3 for 1 doughy Pizza at a time that will be cold when I get home! That is if there are not additional limits they can imposed on their ordering system at the time I order. Too tricky!!
        So without knowing where I can get this deal - I'm not buying.

        • +3

          same here brucefromaustralia.
          Its shame they didn't mention which stores are participating.

        • +3

          Its normal practice to have a link to a list of participating stores in this type of group buying deal. (eg Hungry Jacks Scoopon deal) No use buying & find you have to travel kms for a pizza. The nearest store could be a long way if you live in a town without a participating PH. The travel & inconvenience could easily negate the small advantage of this deal. Without knowing - this deal is a bit of a risk.

          Still, it would be grounds for a refund - usually within 5 days of buying voucher with LS.

        • +7

          Still, it would be grounds for a refund - usually within 5 days of buying voucher with LS

          Yes but is it worth the hassle ? IMHO no :-)

    • +1

      It's not even a good deal to begin with. The Mia's are fkn tiny you could feed an ant with one.

      • Yes I wonder if do they even list the weight. They certainly don't list participating locations. Last I checked, "ALDI hut": has a 500g which can be picked up any day of the week, any store, only $3 with no pre-purchase required. Perhaps more of a bargain.

        • From the info around, Mia in kilo joule count =~4,000; it might be these would scale to ~ 2/3rds your average "Pizza" size.

          HJ Whopper sandwich promo: 290 g (:Wikipedia) by comparison ; we have knowledge exactly what's on offer, but more importantly, no blind draw as in other deals gone by….noting the "Not accepted by store" "not working" lines quoted, although given these were not Pizza hut but Domino stores.

          Seeing as we are supplied a concept of money-expiring Pizza Vouchers, I wonder what this may herald. vote retracted, in give way to buyer feedback. >:]

      • My girlfriend tells me 9 inches is above average.

        • +6

          Sounds like she could be an expert in these things.

    • Think of it this way:

      • -maybe- Pizza Hut wants to attract SMART PEOPLE to their shops…

      Work It out, order, go pick-up your pizza &, just maybe, meet a SMART PERSON TO DATE there.

      It's gotta be better than the dim ones you'll meet at the local pub/bar/etc. right? ;-)

      They oughta let people read at Pizza Huts!

      (There -are- Book Cafe's in this world, but I've never seen one at a Fast Food shop before! ;-)

  • +3

    As a lover of pizza (take that any way you want) $2 per pizza was impossible to resist.

    • +2

      loving pizza and pizza hut pizzas seems mutually exclusive…

  • -5

    The $8 charge for delivery is a complete rip off. They could call a taxi and have it delivered for less than that.

    • +6

      you still in Bali ?

    • +8

      Have you ever ordered pizza before?

      Have you ever had a job or even have any concept of how cheap $8 is when looking at all the costs involved with deliveries ?

      • -7

        No pizza shop that delivers to my area charges more than $5 for delivery.

        The drive is about 15c in petrol, my delivery is one of about 12-15 in the hour - that they pay about $16 in income to the driver. Add in taxes etc… and you still come nothing close to warranting an $8 per delivery charge.

        • +6

          if you think its so expensive then get off your booty and go pick it up yourself, walk the calories your about to eat of your bottom. they are not a charity, they are there to make profit - when i was a kid i worked for a pizza shop. we had scammers ringing all the time saying their pizza is cold or it has ham and im muslim etc etc etc the excuses were a joke but they didnt tell the driver when he was there and the pizzas were always half eaten (…funny thing that). and we have to send the driver back and that was 2 trips and 1 pizza wasted cost us more than the sale,(not that i cared it wasnt my business) but obviously the business needs to increase expenses to account for that. the driver also did not get paid if no orders came for delivery, seriously 1 night he sat there 4 hours and got nothing. $8 to deliver to me- it takes me more than 40 mins there and back. so his petrol and 40 mins of his time plus 10 minutes standing in the cold knocking at my door and having to put on a fake smile when i answer = cheap. doesnt matter how close you are they dont charge per distance and if its only 15c in petrol im sure 2 metres isnt hard for you to walk :)

  • how do you cancel your email account from living social? how do you know which stores will honour it?

  • +2

    not a deal to me, id be pissed bout going to a store to buy and them saying there not participating.

    total waste of time, rather a dominos pizza with coupon purchase :)

    • +3

      You've got to order your 1 pizza at a time online - so would know if store is partipating at time of order. Otherwise it will not accept your voucher.

      Still, with no list of participating stores, you don't know if you have a store near you to buy from, BEFORE you buy the voucher.

      Its a $2 risk per basic pizza (limit of 3+1 /account) to save $2.40ea.
      Not worth the hassle IMHO!

    • You can get a $2 dominos pizza?

      • Quite, but you can source a family ($3)-pizza the supermarket: def more on top (500 g) & just heat when you want. Particularly on a Friday or Sat (where the voucher stops).

        +Feedback to confirm offer can survive throughput at all p/h stores?

      • never heard of it, im guessing its the size of my hand

  • +18

    lol, love the tags..


  • I can't upvote this, a few weeks ago I went to a pub for a discount meal and got the same "not participating" crap.

  • Hopefully someone who has bought this deal can post the link to participating stores before this deal expires :) And a review of the Pizzas would be handy!
    Then we can make an informed choice.

    • ive had the veggie mia before and its very nice, i think when they had the 3 mia's for 15bux or something

    • +1

      When I get my voucher I will try.

  • Just went to my store and they said they honour these. He also said there is no limit I can get as many as I want. Interesting… :)

    • +1

      Now you just need to set up a bunch of email addresses, if you don;t already have them.

  • 8545 purchased and the number is going up so fast.

    In comparison to the HJ Scoopon deal this compares favourably due to these PH purchases being actual purcases of the deal and the lower maximum of 3 allowed vs Scoopons 99 or 10 depending on when the limit changed.

  • +1

    This pizza tastes like arse.. from what I can imagine arse tastes like anyway.

    • +10

      Admit it. You do know.

  • +7

    I did a little digging, they have 277 operating stores in Australia with 2 closed and 1 temp closed (1 in NT and 2 in SA). In NSW there are 109, QLD 71, VIC 47, WA 16, ACT 8, SA 20, TAS 7 and NT 1 and they do add up to 277! So basically, all current operating stores participate in this offer. MAMA MIA!

    • Thanks for the research. Was there any mention that some stores would not participate? Couldnt see this anywhere, so not sure why this deal has been negged for this reason by some oz bargainers.

      • -2

        They have in total 280 stores, the only 3 stores that are not participating is because 2 stores are already closed (Linden Park in SA and Sandy Bay in TAS)and 1 store is temporarily closed (Woodcroft in SA) so in my opinion this is definitely a good deal, although you have to order at least $5 for pick-up and $20 for delivery

        • +2

          Where does it say…

          you have to order at least $5 for pick-up and $20 for delivery

        • Where did you get the list of stores participating in this LivingSocial deal?

      • What other deal offers to sell you a product (you need to pick up locally or be within a set delivery area) without telling you where it is available???

        If stores near you are not participating, the $2.40/pizza saving will be eaten up in transport costs & you will be outside delivery area. You can claim a refund, but from experience that is a pain with group buying sites!!

        Possibly you will be lucky, but a poorly executed deal without a list of participating stores. Hence the negs.

        • dunno why I can't reply to your "Where does it say…" post

          It is on the front page of pizza hut down the bottom:
          *All prices displayed online are for pick-up, minimum order value $5. Add $8 for delivery, minimum order value $20. Available at participating stores and delivery areas only. 10% surcharge applies on public holidays.

          In saying that I have not bought online from PH before so, I'm gonna try it now

        • PH have said on facebook that the $5 min does not apply to these Living Social orders.

        • UMM… this is a LivingSocial deal, you are buying from them, not PH.

          The ordering, as outlined in the deal is via a LivingSocial Voucher code in - click 'Order Now'. You will see "Got a LivingSocial Voucher Number? REDEEM".

          It is not a usual PH online purchase. The deal is for only 1 Pizza Mia pizza per order. So no further ($5) purchase is necessary or other PH conditions. In fact, you can not add toppings etc to the order, so no payment to PH when order your 1 Pizza Mia to go.

          (mducpham - you cannot reply to a post this far indented - just tack it on the bottom - which meant replying to your own post - hey it got read.)

    • Maybe 277 stores, but 277 may not be participating!
      You added them up mducpham?!!

      pick it up at one of Australia's 277 Pizza Hut stores

      By that wording, could mean only 1 store is participating!!!
      Darwin or Port Pirie would be a real bummer (unless that is home)! LOL

      • yes I did, did you?

        • +1

          Only had to count to 1!!! ;)
          (Have more interesting things top do than count PH stores!)

          Poorly worded deal.
          If available at all locations should have said "pick up at ANY one of…" rather than "pick up at one of Australia's 277 Pizza Hut stores".
          The "fine print" of "• Valid at participating stores and delivery areas only" always over rode that statement anyway.

          Poorly worded deals where the customer is left to assumes conditions (in their favour - like all 277 open stores are participating), are usually only found in the realm of the con artist! (Not saying this is anything like a con, but poorly execured)

          Without a list of participating stores, we are only guessing.

    • That's the research I was going to do, when I was criticized earlier. Thanks :)

      • Umm… You got 2'+' & no '-', pretty good. So hardly being criticised!
        You had earlier offered an opinion the T&C "Wasn't that hard to read". The fact that there are discussions, store counting 'research', & attempts to interpret those conflicting & poorly explained conditions shows it may have been a little harder to read/understand than you suggested. If you take that as criticism… others simply had different opinions.

        But counting stores does not tell us which are participating - as per the fineprint - so pretty useless 'research' - it simply confirms the number of stores in Australia.

        It says the deal is available at 'one' of them ("pick it up at one of Australia's 277 Pizza Hut stores") - now that is not easy to interpret.

        The important T&C say it is only available at participating stores - no where does it say it is available at ALL 277 Australian stores, as some have interpretted - otherwise they would simply have said available at all stores!!

        Time will tell. Probably will be widely available.
        LS should have linked to participating stores, or said available at all stores.
        But it is best not to read into a deal what is not in print.
        That has led to frustration & anger on other deals.

        • It does say on the deal though available nation wide doesn't it " Pizza Hut
          Delicious Medium-Sized Pizza from the Pizza Mia Range in Your Choice of Seven Flavours - Available Online Nationwide"

        • Good luck in Alice Springs! (No PH store.) So much for Nationwide. ;)

          'Available Online Nationwide' doesn't mean all PH stores Nationwide - only participating ones. (But you can log in Nationwide!)

          This is a LivingSocial 'Nationwide' (not PH Nationwide) deal.
          ('Nationwide' - rather than a LivingSocial deal for a particular city.)

  • The bit about participating stores might be to negate any temporary stores or mini stores located in petrol stations or some similar setup.

    • Think Living Social were trying to immitate the huge response to Scoopons HJ deal (where there was a link to a list of participating stores). They just stuffed up on this deal by not listing participating stores. Probably will be no problems, otherwise PH will cop the abuse.

  • no participating stores, any store could technically refuse!

    • In the current CCA Clubhouse deal the list of participating outlets changed after the deal was posted. Now that was confusing!

    • I think PHs are all company owned, so I don't think they have an option to weasel out of it.

      • Probably, but the above CCA Clubhouse deal was for Woolworths Petrol outlets, and all the ones I tried were not participating. None in my area are. Wasted a lot of time. That is why I am cautious about this deal.
        Just an example where all are company owned, so you would expect all would participate.

  • +1

    Best tags EVER.

  • +2

    $8 delivery and a heap of small print!

    • At least you can get delivery! Can you get your $2 whopper and fries home delivered?

      • Yep. I get my mate to deliver it to me!

      • I had to pay my mate $2 & a HJ voucher - you got a better deal ;)

  • This deal is unbelievable, 30 positive votes and 7 negs. Compared to the HJ deals where there were no negs for the three HJ posted on OZB, and there were a large number of HJ stores that were not participating. It maybe the case that this PH deal is accepted at all the 277 stores, and that may explain the vague terms and conditions. Does anyone have any evidence yet which PH stores will not honor this deal? Of course it can be expected that the petrol station mini PH's will not accept this offer.

    Also, Living Social is a lot more reputable than Scoopon. Guess Burger deals are less common than Pizza deals in general.

    • +1

      The difference seems in the disclosure of participating stores (even though few HJ participated - at least we knew), but its just not clear in this poorly worded deal; that the HJ voucher was free - so risk free (although that was poorly explained by Scoopon); and there were so many vouchers available per person (99/account at times) rather than 3+1/account - that made the deal seem even better!! Plus as you say, there are always pizza deals/ cheap Tuesdays (on bigger & better pizzas).

      I notice if you click the link & select your store & click Order Now, it is already set up to accept the LS voucher. (Somebody could search for a store without that LS voucher availability.)

      If available at all major PH, they could have explained the type of store excluded, linked to a list of participating stores, or simply said if available at all stores. Much simpler than guessing, or being disappointed afterwards. I expect will be widely available. (In that deal, people doubted HJ could supply a million $2 burgers & fries. Probably didn't as so many vouchers were unused.)

      I expect you would be correct that "the petrol station mini PH's will not accept this offer", as this deal is only available through the above link, & I don't think a servo would have that ordering capability.

      My dealings with Living Social has been positive - I got a refund when wine was supposed to have been delivered, but none arrived. Not LS's fault.
      But this would have been a more popular deal if LS had put a little more thought into it. We needed to know location as well as price for this to be a great deal.

      • +1

        to be honest, i would have preferred paying PH direct to use the coupons like the HJs deal.

        If my local PH doesnt want to play, then i just walk out - easy!

        with this one, i have to buy the coupon and hope that my local PH is going to accept the vouchers. whilst i wont be buying any, im definitely not going to neg it either. like other bargains dont i feel arent for me, ill just move on

        • I would not neg this deal either, but the deal is poorly implemented - not telling us where we can pick up our pizzas.

    • +1

      The HJ's deals listed which stores the offers were available at making it easy for people to see if it was available near them. This would have more positives and likely less negatives if they did it too!

  • please beware …lane cove pizza hut sucks. its dirty, no one uses gloves. the delivery bag seems not washed for years, such a foul smell. dominos or crust better in lane cove. good deal tough. will +1

  • can someone confirm if we can just buy 1 or minimum $5 (ie 3x pizza) ??
    thinking just get 1 for my own lunch

    • +3

      This has been asked and answered on their facebook page. You can just use your voucher. No $5 minimum with the voucher.

    • +2

      This is a LivingSocial deal, you are buying from them, not PH.

      The ordering, as outlined in the deal is via a LivingSocial Voucher code in - click 'Order Now'.
      You will see "Got a LivingSocial Voucher Number? REDEEM".

      It is not a usual PH online purchase. The deal is for only 1 Pizza Mia pizza per order. So no further ($5) purchase is necessary or other PH conditions. In fact, you can not add toppings etc to the order, so no payment to PH when order your 1 Pizza Mia (except if delivered).

  • +1

    Clearly Pizza hut is trying to get some free promotion for an out of favour pizza chain with this promo.

    It does sound like a good deal and maybe they're trying to improve their pizza's but I have a feeling the Pizza Mia they are offering with this $2 deal is a sub par. Just looking at the photos on their website is a bit of a give away :)

    So in two minds whether to even bother with this one.

    I agree that the hungry jack deals that were on a while ago were pretty darn good.

  • anyone know if martin place sydney cbd PH will accept this?

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