This was posted 2 years 9 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] Monthly Fun Pass: Child $20, Adult $30, Family $80 - Holey Moley, B. Lucky and Sons, Archie Brothers, and Strike @ Funlab


Funlab has started a monthly subscription for VIC entertainment venues, no lock-in. It'll be a task to do all activities within a month but a single night out can save you plenty to make it worthwhile.


See the breakdown of pricing here

Under 18s ($20 per month) - Monthly Value $800~


  • Bowling - 4 Games
  • Laser Tag - 4 Games

Holey Moley

  • 9 Hole Mini Golf - 4 Rounds

Archie Brothers

  • Bowling - 4 Games
  • Arcade - 4 Hours

B Lucky and Sons

  • Arcade - 4 Hours

Adult ($30 per month) - Monthly Value $1200~


  • Bowling - 4 Games
  • Laser Tag - 4 Games
  • Escape Room - 4 Players
  • Karaoke - 1 Hour
  • Darts - 4 Hours

Holey Moley

  • 9 Hole Mini Golf - 4 Rounds
  • Karaoke - 1 Hour

Archie Brothers

  • Bowling - 4 Games
  • Arcade - 4 Hours

B Lucky and Sons

  • Arcade - 4 Hours

Family ($80 per month) - Monthly Value $3500~


  • Bowling - 16 Games
  • Laser Tag - 16 Games
  • Escape Room - 8 Players
  • Karaoke - 2 Hours
  • Darts - 8 Hours

Holey Moley

  • 9 Hole Mini Golf - 16 Rounds
  • Karaoke - 2 Hours

Archie Brothers

  • Bowling - 8 Games
  • Arcade - 8 Hours

B Lucky and Sons

  • Arcade - 16 Hours

All versions of the passes provide 10% off Mr Yum venue orders.
To redeem, simply access the Mr Yum app via the Mr Yum QR code displayed in the venue and enter the mobile number associated to your Fun Pass membership.

Enjoy a cheap night fun night out!

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Sunday-Thursday fyi everyone

    • +1

      Made the edit, well spotted!

  • +1

    Any similar deals for QLD? I'd be keen for bowling

    • -7

      its QLD ofcourse we have better sh4t here lol yes. So many more options here in Queensland.

      • +9

        Like shooting your guns into the air and burnouts in your utes? Giddy up!

          • +1

            @kungfuman: Hope you bought a jacket partner, it's been a wet ole summer! Rainshine state reporting in. Yee hawww

  • +5

    That is an awesome deal - I'm definitely getting it, even for a once-off!

    • +6

      I bought the family one and have already redeemed $300~ worth of activities within a couple days, totally recommend it, even as a night out for a group it's perfect.

      • +1

        Did you pay one month at a time when signing up? Scared to attach my card to anything that is more than a one-month subscription for this service

        • +2

          You pay one month at a time and I believe in the terms and conditions you can cancel right away and it'll last the month still!

      • +1

        Looks like it can be any family too so you can use it with parents, siblings, kids, cousins, friends.. can be different group of ppl each time you use it

        • Exactly! No real limit on who you book for, I've made even an individual booking for friends with no trouble

  • +6

    I am sorry but this deal is god awful compared to the previous iteration of the Fun Lab Fun Pass.

    It used to be $150 for 3 months of unlimited use (of 2 games a day per company).

    I would go bowling about 3 times a week, plus the video games (which got boring after a while), then holey moley with the kids on weekends.

    • Yeah I never signed up but old deal was terrific. This pales in comparison if you just wanted to bowl.

  • I'm somewhat tempted to do every activity for every eligible day of the month.

    It's a shame most would work late on those days

  • +1

    the last deal (i agree it was fantastic value) did not include Escape rooms and karaoke, darts, laser tag etc but this one does so the higher price tag may justify the extras - can anyone attest if the escape rooms are any good - it will be the main reason I sign up for it.

    • I found the escape rooms at Highpoint to be reasonably decent, not the best but most certainly not the worst (comparing against Escape Hunt (slightly better than strike), The Mystery Rooms (much better than strike), Adventure Rooms (worse than strike)).

      Probably not worth the money at full price ($36-$42pp), but with this deal, I'd absolutely say it'd be worth it, at least based off the rooms at Highpoint.

  • Crazy deal - could make great use of it if it was available in SA!

  • Wow I wish this was in WA for the Karrinyup venues!

  • Wow wish this was available in Sydney!

    • NSW had even better deal early last year
      $100 for 3 months, valid any day of the week

      • With this brand?

        • Yes, same parent company
          They have all of those as well in Sydney, plus SkyZone trampoline park which is now already closed down.
          Another big difference was, the Sydney promo before was unlimited

  • +1

    Im confused, so when you have a Family pass and it says 16 games of bowling i presume for that month - does mean if you have a family of 4 (2 adult & 2 kids) and go bowling and all participate in the 1 game does that means its counted as 4 games or is it counted 1 game for the family?

    • I had the same question about the number of games for escape room as it said eight players so I emailed them - here is their reply (but I am still confused) - does that mean I can bring ten people and play escape room eight times?, or in the case of bowling, bring eight people 16 times?

      Thanks for getting in touch!

      The activity allocations are set, regardless of how many people play the activity. In the case of the Family Fun Pass offering, this means that you and your family can go to an escape room at Strike bowling up to 8 times in one month.

      If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to reach out!

      • +1

        Well based on this it means, its all counted as 1 game in a family pass for the family you bring so weather that's 2 persons or 8 persons that participate, makes no difference as the allocation remains as 1 game

        • -1

          If that is true why can't we just buy the adult pass and bring the whole family? Doesn't seem to make sense to me.

          • +1

            @truetypezk: Because an adult is valid for 1 person. Not a group of people where as a family is valid for booking of multiple ppl

            • @Gavman: If it doesn't matter how many persons comes to a game, then that single person can also bring along a group for 1 game, just like the family membership. That is why I feel the family membership can't be used with unlimited number of persons in a game.

      • I really don't think they're correct. There is a per player charge normally for each activity. So if two people are bowling the charge is per person.

        Also, the individual is 4, family is 16. It makes sense that the indivual can play 4 times. For the family it would be that 4 people can play 4 games, or 2 people can play 8 games or 1 person 16 games or whatever. I'm pretty confident this is how it works.

        Escape room I'm not sure.

        I think it may be that the individual can book a 4 player escape room and take 3 other people (can they book 2 x 2 player escape rooms?).

        Or they can only book themselves 4 x escape rooms for themselves and other people would have to pay for themselves. I don't think they have 4 different ones on offer at each venue, so this doesn't make a lot of sense.

        • From my experience I believe this is the correct info, as a "game" would constitute a game per player. Makes sense when looking at the differences in activitiy numbers between family and adult

    • Yes. I'm confused. Can I buy the adult pass and use my inclusions in a single visit with different people?

      • I doubt it because they won’t let you book more than 1 adult into a game of bowling. The other would need to pay per play. Where as family would be valid for multiple people.

      • I used my games for friends in my booking and looks like others have too.

    • B. Lucky & Sons
  • Would be amazing value during school holidays

    • Yep that’s when I’m gona sign up. Hopefully they don’t jack up the prices. I’ll sign up a week before just in case.

  • With the arcades, do they include the ticket machines where you can redeem prizes?

    • +1


      19. No prize games or ticket allocation included at Archie Brothers or B. Lucky and Sons.

  • Super confusing as to exactly what constitutes 1 game

  • +1

    1) For someone who has one of these passes; what is the booking experience like?

    Is it easy enough to make bookings online for the same day via the relevant company websites, or do you generally need to book many days in advance due to availability issues?

    I'm planning a holiday to Melbourne and was thinking about getting a pass the week of travel and booking activities eg: Sunday (bowling), Monday (golf), Tuesday (arcade 1), Wednesday (arcade 2) to pad out the daily itinerary. Realistic?

    Even just for the 4 days, and then cancelling my membership, the pass would be a HUGE saving (if I am understanding this correctly!).

    2) Also, can I book multiple "activities" in the one booking? For example, the arcades include 4x 1hr per month. Can I book for 2hrs in a single booking, or does that need to be spread across 4 separate visits/days?

    Appreciate any feedback :)

    • +2

      I got one of these passes yesterday, here were my experiences:

      1) I found the online booking system really easy. I booked the arcade 5 minutes before showing up. With Holey Moley, I managed to book about 30 minutes before. However, with bowling, augmented darts and the escape rooms, I had to book these a day before as availability dwindled down pretty quickly on the actual day. This was on a Sunday, so might be different for other days.

      2) With the arcade, the website online only lets you book 1 hour at a time, but I’m sure you could do 2 separate bookings consecutively (for example, 4pm to 5pm and then 5pm to 6pm). The actual card they give you is loaded with 1 hour (starts from your first tap), so after an hour, you could just collect another card. Perhaps they could combine them though. There doesn’t appear to be any restrictions per day as I tried booking another escape room in the same day and it let me - although the time didn’t suit me so I didn’t proceed.

      Hope that helps!

      • +1

        Perfect, thanks for the feedback!

        I'm planning to buy one of these next week (heading to Melbourne for a holiday), so the timing of your response is excellent.

        Good tip about buying the back-to-back arcade passes, I will give that a go.

        • +1

          Glad I could help! Also your daily itinerary is realistic as on a single day with friends who also have a Fun Pass, I did bowling/darts/escape room at Strike, arcade at Archery Brothers and golf at Holey Moley in one day.

          I believe it is school holidays this week and next week so try to book in advance where possible, although, I went to the arcade yesterday after a shopping trip and booked 5 minutes before going yet again.

          • @7uk3: Thanks for sharing! Other than the escape rooms, may I know what other activities allow you to use your allowances for multiple people with just a single pass?

            • @truetypezk: No problem. I haven’t tried it, but the karaoke should be shared because it’s per room/hour. It would be a bit odd to do karaoke alone as well. I did a ‘trial’ booking with 5 people and it seemed to apply it for everyone.

              I noticed when booking other activities it allows you to book your total credits against everyone even if they don’t have a Fun Pass (up to your allowances). For example, if 2 people were going bowling at Strike and playing 2 games (so 4 games in total), you could apply 4 games to the entire booking and it lets you proceed. All my friends had Fun Passes though so I didn’t try it so can’t comment on what would happen if you got there.

              Technically it’s against T&Cs as passes aren’t supposed to be shared among friends and they’re supposed to check ID, but I never experienced that.

              OP also said in one of the comments that they booked for friends but on a a separate booking.

              • @7uk3: Sounds great, I have 2 young kids (5~ish) and the family pass seems like a huge overkill at their age. If the credits can be shared then a single adult pass seems to take care of the whole family for us.

  • +1

    Valid with 25% Victorian cashback too..maybe?

    • Probably. If it's the family one and if you can get an invoice for it, it should be fine. I've claimed aquarium membership, zoo membership and axe throwing.

    • Worked for me! Can only recommend it more now

      • Was wondering should I submit the Receipt from the Funlab (Description: Family Pass) or Tax invoice from Strike (Description: Items purchased) for the 25% rebate Victoria Entertainment program?

        • Submit the funlab family pass invoice,
          Just because the tax invoice from strike and venues show you didn't pay anything because of the funpass!

    • Yeah, claimed 25% back no problem. Just gave confirmation email which shows cost of games. Didn’t matter that with my pass there was a discounted line below. They must not be looking or care. Not worth looking. They just want people out

  • How does the arcade work hourly?
    Don't they go on credits purchased?

    • They give you a card with 1hr play on it and it can't redeem tickets. Not all games work on it i.e. claw machines

      • thanks

  • The pass gives 4 bowling games at Strike. Is this 4 games per day for a month after the pass is purchased or is it 4 games in total for the month?
    I believe the previous expired fun pass let 2 people play 2 games each for every day of the pass. Is this the same case for this new fun pass?

    • Adult pass provides you with 4 games per month at strike, another 4 at Archie brothers.

  • Can anyone clarify the following.

    For example in the Adult package it states you can do 4 4 players for an escape room if i bought the adult package can i split this across my friends (ie: we play 1 game but for 4 people?).

    Presuming you can only use it once per person and not on behalf of others, how would the family package would work? It states it is not limited to a specific number of people so could i use the 16 games on one night for 8 people for 2 games?

    Does anyone have an email to contact? Would be keen but im not going to play 16 games of bowling myself

    • +1

      There's no email but you can call concierge during business hours 1300787453

  • Has anyone used this with escape rooms? How does it work, in the adult plan can you bring 4 friends in 1 escape room?

    How does the family plan work? can you just go with a group of friends and that constitutes a family?

    Thanks for the help!

    • +1

      I've got the adult pass. I booked for myself and 3 friends at an escape room and it used my allocation of 4 players for the month

      • thanks so much for the reply! I wonder if the family plan works like that too

      • Seems the adult pass is enough for a family of 4 if it works like that. If you happen to need more allowance then just buy another pass rather than committing to a family pass from the start.

        • When it comes to all of the other activities, you can't book more than 1 player on the adult pass

          • @clownfish: Ah I see. Thanks for the explanation.

          • @clownfish: I have bought the membership and tested it out (I bought 1A+1C for our family of 2A+2C to use over the school holidays). You can pretty much do anything you want with a single membership. The only restriction is that you can only use child membership for kids, while adult membership can be used for anyone. I have already been to all places with almost every activity, yet nobody has the slightest interest in how many funpasses I used to make the bookings.

            Some places like the arcades and Holey Moley didn't even bother to take a look at my booking, just asked me how many I have booked and gave me the cards/tokens,

  • +1

    Used this yesterday. Bit tricky to use 2 adult passes as they need seperate bookings, but seemingly adding 2 adults on the 1 booking looks like it will charge for one adult. Escape room booking was only for 1 adult, not per room, but calling concierge was very helpful and they’re looking to fix this on their site, and arranged it with the store for the right number. B Lucky and Sons we made a 1 hour booking and they gave us a 2 hour pass and $30 card

    • I booked with two passes for the same booking. Maybe they changed this

  • Is the pass effective from purchase date, or can a date be selected?

    • Purchase date

  • What about Monday queen's birthday? Public holidays excluded?

    • Doesn’t say not applicable on public holidays, so you can book on those days. No restrictions for school holidays either. Just excludes Friday and Saturday.

  • Fun Pass Mr Yum 10% off food and drink, does anyone know how I redeem it? Do I add my member number when I order? I can put through orders for the group not just me

    • Honestly I've had no luck applying my funpass in my visits, adding my funpass number as a promo code didn't work and going to the bar directly didn't work.

      • +1

        I managed to apply it yesterday. When Mr. Yum asks you for your mobile number, enter the one associated with your Fun Pass. The 10% discount was shown at the payment stage.

        • +1

          Thank you so much for the response! I'll add these instructions to the post, appreciate the help

          • +1

            @BenjiBenj: No problem. I found the information at the bottom of this website in case you want to quote something -

            “To redeem, simply access the Mr Yum app via the Mr Yum QR code displayed in venue and enter the mobile number associated to your Fun Pass membership.”

  • Does anyone know if you can use the 1 hour arcade pass on a different day than your booking? Or does it expire the same day if unredeemed? I made a booking already but may have to stay back at work that day and now probably won't be able to get there until less than an hour before it closes. I'm thinking of just picking up the pass but coming back the next day to use it so I don't end up wasting some of the time.

    • Sorry for late reply but they're very chill letting you grab the card no matter how late and I was told about the cards lasting 12 months if unredeemed by an Archie brothers employee!

      • Archie bros didn't even bother to look at/up my booking. Just asked me how many did I book and pulled the cards out of a cabinet behind and handed them to me.

        • Yea they're happy to give! Even offering extra cards

  • Can I buy this pass for NSW? I had one before but it timed out during COVID would like to get another - though t&c’s we’re better before. Website says VIC only, despite partner websites in NSW advertising the pass.

  • +2

    Changes in terms and conditions effective Tuesday 15 November making the passes cost more and include less:
    The activities will change, you will get fewer of them, and they will no longer allow bookings before 3pm on Sundays.
    Worse value all around.

    • +1

      The inclusions changed for a funpass purchased before 15/11 when they were still advertising the old inclusions on their website. I've never had any subscription type service change mid billing cycle before, it's always been until the end of that billing cycle. Seems like a bait and switch.

      • Yeah, I subscribed for a month back in June I think and did a LOT with the kids in the school holidays. Was just looking at signing up for another month, but without the escape rooms now, I don’t think we’d get the value out of it.

        • There's also a new extra condition that you can only book 4 activity allocations at a time now (e.g. 2 games of bowling for 2 people), and not use say 12 allocations for a whole family or group of friends in one booking. And previously you could make multiple bookings for the same date but now they reserve the right to cancel extra bookings for the same date.

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