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HTC One X at Kogan $549, HTC One V $259 + $19 Shipping


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  • HTC One X has the non-user replaceable battery and no uSD card slot?

    • Yep, that's right.
      Damn, I just got this from Porta Gadgets on Wednesday for $558 + $30 and it'll probably arrive later than it would've from Kogan!

      • +6

        Why would they do that? O_o

        That's one of the main reasons why I won't get an iPhone - user replaceable battery and card slot…

        Guess I don't want a One X anymore. :(

        • it does have 32gb (26gb user available) internal storage, but if that isn't enough then one x isn't for you :p

          also with battery, do you replace/swap yours out often?

        • +9

          I prefer a replaceable battery myself, but when was the last time you had to change the battery in your phone? These batteries usually last for more than two years. But if your concerns are about having a backup battery in case of an emergency, then you can consider a portable battery pack, they are not much larger than a spare battery anyway.

          One X has 32Gigs of storage (26Gigs accessible to the user) which I believe is enough for most users. For me those two limitations are not worth paying $300 more for something like a Galaxy S III 32GB @ 889.

        • +9

          It's more the ability to swap out a bad battery, outside of warranty period. Means I can hand the phone down with just a simple battery swap and it'll be good for another 1-2 years.

        • +2

          @ryang well, that is a legit reason :) since you mentioned replacing bad battery outside of warranty period, thought "if its outside warranty period, could you open it and replace it yourself?" looked it up and..


  • -3

    Was playing with one at Vodafone and it is VERY laggy for a quad core phone…

    • +2

      I find that display phones at the shops are a lot slower for some reason, I put it down to all the people who went and played with it before you picked it up - unless you rebooted it? :)

    • +1

      It has all the carrier bloatware on it. Play with the nexus and see how good it is :)

      • +2

        If the Galaxy nexus had a SD card slot, I would have bought one already.
        Now I just have to wait for the GS3 price to drop… (or for ICS to be released for the Note)

        • +2
        • I'm sticking with the note for a while. IMO it actually has the most useful features on a phone. ie. big screen and a stylus. Couldn't care less about a quad core that wouldn't be utilised in the near future.

          ICS is out for the note, its german though, gotta read up whats working and not working

    • -2

      Don't lie.

  • +4

    They got their specs page wrong. They have One X resolution at 480 x 800, but it's actually 720 x 1280.

    • Also should it be Amoled, or is that the One S?

      • +2

        One X has a Super IPS LCD2 display.

    • Yes, thanks for pointing that out. I added links from GSM arena with correct specifications.

    • also its 8mp not 5mp camera, they've copied n pasted the V onto the X page it seems.

  • -2

    Hey Kogan
    I still want Nexus for $400 delivered at least with this new offer…..

    Put the Nexus BACK down to $399 with your $19 fee or give us 2 year warranty free(COTD).

    • +10

      Bro. Kogan's not listening.

      • he's too busy being getting in shape for more TV adverts

        • And murdering toddlers, if you go by the general sentiment on Whirlpool about him.

    • +8

      Lol, and i want a flamethrower

    • I wish i didn't use all my negs on IVI :(

  • +1

    Thanksd OP. Great deal for the One V… with the flashlight, good htc build quality and ICS

    • Doesn't almost every phone have a 'flashlight'?

      • +1

        Yes, almost every phone does, but there are (or at least used to be) exceptions like Galaxy S.

  • +9

    Warning about the OneV: The review on Engadget says that the phone lacks a digital compass (something that many low end phones usually have!) so when using Google Maps, you will not be able to tell which direction you're facing.

    • +2

      Good point chang!

      • Nice one


  • +1

    Yes, almost every phone does, but there are (or at least used to be) exceptions like Galaxy S.

    You're probably right, i must be blind, but most likely because i've only really dealth with low end android phones (My Huawei Sonic, bro's Huawei X1/ X3, and my Huawei U8300) (oddly the U8300 does have a flash light even though i only paid $30 for it)

    Apart from no digital compass I still think the One V is a decent phone for $270 seeing as it has ICS. I'm quite fond of my friends Desire HD and HTC in general, build quality is always top notch.

  • I think the One X is brilliant at this price; sure it doesn't have a removable battery or a MicroSD card slot but $300 less than the 'to-be-released' GSIII with similar specs; yeah, this is defs the phone to get right now.

  • +3

    Good price but personally the One S hits the sweet spot for me, ultra thin and screen size just right

    • So what is the One S missing compared to the One X? The 4.3 screen size appeals to me much more than 4.7, however not at the cost of something else maybe.

        • screen looks fantastic from where i stand! i wear glasses too haha

      • probably quad core processor, double storage and screen size are the major differences. screen size did it for me, can't stand being infuriated by inability to operate the phone one handed to due big screen… my hands aren't that big.

    • +1

      Sorry nani, accidentally negged u and cant revoke it :S

      • meek, no worries, mods can fix it up, not fussed :)

  • +1

    I dont think the HTC One V is anything special @ $298

    The Nexus S - 4" screen, ICS 4.0, 16gb Internal was going for $249 - 6 months ago.

    • The Nexus S - 4" screen, ICS 4.0, 16gb Internal was going for $249 - 6 months ago.

      Damn, where?

      • IT was retailing - $269-$299 (DSE, online, vodafone(locked but unlocked))
        Clearance @ $249 -

        IT pretty much discontinued now though.

  • is Kogan HTC One X made in China or Taiwan?

    • HTC is taiwanese
      but i dont know where they are made, prob taiwan as well

      doesnt really matter does it

      • +3

        obviously you have not read of the design flaws between made in china and made in taiwan model

        china is inferior with more problems

      • i agree with nubzy. have read that china stock one x are more prone to having manufacturing faults. google it and the first couple of results should have you convinced

    • -2

      Taiwan is basically China anyway puts up flame shield

      • +1

        OUCH….. flame shields wont stop the missiles aimed at you right now.. hahaha

  • I'm so tempted to buy the One X, do you think I should just hold out for the S3 though? Is the S3 so good that it actually justifies the $300 difference?

    • no its the release price otherwise a lot of reviews prefer the one X, apparently the S3 design is not very inspiring… but the S3 has a interchangeable battery and microSD :) dunno if its worth 300 more but im gonna guess eventually they'll be very close in price…

      as Obi-Wan says: Patience


      • Well the battery and sd don't really matter to me, I HATE waiting spec wise which one would be better?

        • Except for battery and SD card they are pretty much identical. Still too early to say which is better in terms of performance since reviewers have not yet got their hands on S3. But some of the early benchmarks favor One X.

        • Exchangeable battery is a huge difference… also HTC One has locked bootloader (Correct me if I'm wrong) which means you won't be able to root the device after year of use and when update stops for the device.

          My advice would be to wait like Scud70 said.

          Lets see how S3 comes out to be :)

        • +1

          To unlock Bootloader for HTC One X—
          Go to http://htcdev.com/bootloader/
          Choose 'All Other Supported Models'
          Follow steps.

      • +3

        OT: I found this amusing regarding SGS3's design:

    • I prefer the One X. The S3 only advantage is changable battery and expandable SD card. but I have not needed to change battery in my iphone for past 4 years so its no problem. and you get 25gb of dropbox storage on the HTC too. its a better design to me as well.

      • +2

        Actually the Galaxy S3 has the One X beat in almost everything except design and screen. However the price of the Galaxy line seems to remain stubbornly high (The S2 is still more expensive than the Nexus) so depending on how the S3 goes pricewise after release the One X might still present more value.

        One X: Best looking and feeling phone on the market atm (IMO), screen

        Galaxy S3: Stronger processor (Exynos vs Tegra), better audio (Wolfson DAC), better camera (One X uses the sensor in the S2), 50GB of Dropbox storage (vs 25 on One X), MicroSD slot, battery

        • +1

          S3 looks good on paper, but we are yet to see hard evidence to be certain. As for battery life, a bigger battery doesn’t always mean better battery life when different hardware is used. Perhaps Tegra 3's 5th companion core could make up for the smaller battery. Again, we have to wait and see.

          EDIT: Misread benchmark results.

        • To be honest the CPU on both would be just fine, I doubt you would notice the difference in general use. IMO phone companies need to RnD batteries more than stuffing big screens, pixels or CPUs into a phone.

          Right now the above differences to me aren't worth an extra $300 …

      • +1

        Well the S3 16gb is on preorder @ $705 from handtec- so about $125 the difference.

        The only reason you would go for the HTC would be price(saving) and maybe design.(or if you like Sense alot more than Touchwiz)

        S3 is technically much better.


        • I would not say it is much better. just a few software gimicks. processor speed difference is negligible. HTC is a better buy and IMO better looking and better quality.

  • Does anyone here own one? One of the main issue's with smart phones specially android ones is the battery life and its even scarier when its a fixed battery.

    I have read the battery life on the X can drain pretty quickly if you use it for videos, internet, calling .. well everything the phone was made for actually..lol so was wondering if anyone own's one to get a real world view of how the battery is?

    • At this stage battery drains quickly. 12 hrs max you would get out of it with reasonable use. However, htc know about this issue and an update is coming out soon.

  • Any word yet on when the S3 is being released? also is there another game changing phone coming out by the end of july?

    • +1

      LG Optimus LTE2 is another phone worth looking into. It won't be released by end of July, but has a Quad core processor with 2GB of RAM (the first phone to have 2GB of RAM).

      • +2

        2GB?!!! I am so out of date. My last desktop pc in office only had 512 mb

      • According to Engadget:

        The detailed specs reveal this version ships with a 4.7-inch True HD IPS LCD, and while many of its specs (8MP camera, 1.5GHz dual-core CPU) are identical to its predecessor, it weighs in at an extra 10g, likely owing to the larger 2,150mAh battery. As mentioned previously it also has support for wireless charging and, naturally, the Optimus UI 3.0 detailed earlier. There's still no word on when we'll see this one outside of Korea

        So it's not quad core, only dual core.

        • That is little disappointing, but then again HTC One XL/AT&T One X pack a dual core S4, which according to most reviews is as good (if not better) than a Tegra 3 in daily use. IMO 2GB of RAM would be more helpful than 2 extra cores for the next couple of years.

        • Yea i'm a bit disappointed, it'd be cool if it had a quad core. But I have to agree that more ram is the most important thing cause I find that most apps can't multi task well due to the limited amount of RAM in the devices, even the higher end ones. Considering how much ram the browser chews up if you try and chuck in facebook chat, google talk and a word processor you have constant loading putting strain on the phone when it could just cache all that in RAM and run a lot happier. I imagine having more ram + only dual core would be best for battery life =)

        • Yes, I cant run more than one memory intensive app at a time on my Galaxy S1 (512MB) on ICS; for example it is almost impossible to keep skype in the background and load up few web pages. I have also started experiencing some apps being killed even on my 1GB tablet (doesn’t happen very often, but it does from time to time), which leads me to believe 1GB of RAM is not going to be enough in 6~12 months from now. I was almost set on buying the OneX despite its obvious shortcomings, but the more I read about it the more issues I find with it; battery issues, some weird display problems, serious multitasking limitations, the least keep getting bigger. Now I’m having second thoughts. Perhaps I'm better off getting a cheap dual core 1GB phone (i.e Galaxy Nexus) and save some money.

        • I was the same. Tossing up between galaxy nexus, galaxy s2, galaxy s3, and one x.

          First two are older phones. Both are really similar in specs and prices are around $400 and $480. I would've gone for the nexus if i was strapped for cash because its amazing for the price.
          S3 is the best on the list (except on 'looks'), but its the most expensive at 800 and unlikely to get to a decent price for a few months, and i didn't want to wait that long. One X was 580 and near equivalent to S3, but with some shortcomings.

          Finally i decided on One X because of the screen (so much better than galaxy nexus!!) and looks. Best deal was from Vodafone (good reception for me) on $49+10 for 12 months then planning on moving to $11 live connected afterwards which will come to $840 over 2 years (200 more than nexus).

          This way, i got the One X from Taiwan (better build quality). Display problems, battery issues and multitasking limitations will disappear with upcoming updates and/or the increasing availability of custom roms. There will be 'issues' with every phone, wait for the s3 to come out into the wild and face the music. So far the One X is amazing. Cant recommend it enough.

  • +1

    HTC One V is cheaper here, remember to factor in about $35 shipping:


  • +4

    wonder how much one s would cost

  • I was initially tempted by this phone it looks amazing. Has a great Camera and very slick.
    But mixed reviews and a few minor flaws have really put me off it.

    No Memory Card Slot
    Laggy Response (may be fixed with updates)
    Poor Battery life with no option to carry a second one
    No Digital Compass (so most GPS software will have dramas at low speeds)
    Issues with WiFi

    I have decided to wait for the Helstra SG3 (LTE/4G version)

    • It has a digital compass: http://www.htc.com/au/smartphones/htc-one-x/#specs

      Laggy response? Maybe the model you tried was faulty, from my hands-on experience and heaps of reviews, the phone is lag-free.

    • You'll be waiting close to a year for that to arrive in Australia.

  • The V looks like a awesome budget phone similar specs to my HTC Desire HD
    but with a better camera & better battery life
    Really great reviews for a phone under $300

    • Looks the same as a nexus one to me but without the useful track ball and without a compass.

  • Hanging out the for One XL with 4G from Telstra, thanks for post though!

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