Found these reduced at my local ALDI. Works out at 17c / pull up. I’ve found these good for my eldest as he approaches toilet training, as easy stand up changes and super absorbent even overnight.
There is a whole special buys bay full left at Bomaderry. I thought they may also reduced at other ALDI’s.
[NSW] Mamia Nappy Pants Walker Size 5 (50pk) $8.39 (RRP $13.99) @ ALDI Bomaderry

Last edited 06/05/2022 - 11:57 by 1 other user
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We found them to be terrible. I don't know what they put inside the nappies but it was kind of hard and lumpy inside some of them. We never had nappy rash until we tried some of these.
I don't think it hurts to see if they work for you though. We are trying a few cheaper nappies that you can just use when you know they aren't going to be used for a long time. If we need to change him but he's having a bath in an hour or two for example. We eventually got through our pack this way.
The waistband was not as soft or stretchy, which didn't work for our chunky baby. Eventually Huggies felt a bit tight too so we had to use Babylove which is wider for the same sizes.
Ever thought of managing the kid's weight rather than searching out ever larger nappies?
Lol! Aren't you fun. If the medical professionals were all happy with my well proportioned 97th percentile chubbs, then I don't think I need your advice. What kind of psychopath recommends depriving a baby of healthy food?
@jolee3: Dunno, never met one. However, if you equate weight management with food deprivation then I'm glad I'm not your kid. Seriously, you should think about that.
@Wardaddy: He was a baby. You think I should have taken him for a jog? How do you propose to 'manage' the weight of a non-crawling non-walking baby in any other way other than food deprivation? Seriously, you should think about that.
@jolee3: So, when anybody goes on a diet, no matter how healthy, you classify that as food deprivation. This kid is already too fat for two brands of nappies, and I hate to imagine what the rest of the family looks like. Happily, not my problem. Also, if you had any regard whatsoever for the ecology shouldn't you be using cloth nappies? Or maybe you don't want to deprive the world of your faeces filled plastic surprise packages. Mmmm, all that plastic. It's been such fun talking to you, but you needn't respond anymore. I don't really like to associate with people who think what you're doing is parenting.
@Wardaddy: I like to respond, just for fun. I love how you completely ignore the fact we're talking ABOUT A BABY and "healthy diet" is completely irrelevant FOR A BABY. He was living on formula, water and fruit/vegetable purees, how terribly unhealthy. He's now a tall healthy and active 3 year old who is well within a healthy BMI, so to assume he (and my whole family lol) is "too fat" is ridiculous. But you appear to assume many things while ignoring facts. You do realise that the percentile charts for babies are very broad right? And healthy baby weights can be hugely varied. Are you a medical professional? If you are, your colleagues would disagree with your assessment of my child as they all deemed him healthy. If not, then why would you think you know better?
If you hate everyone who parents with disposable nappies and wipes, I can only assume you have very little friends. Assumptions are fun right?
And if you consider this to be "associating"…again, I can only assume you have very little friends and associates.
I reply because your arrogance is astounding. But I'm sure I would more easily get through to a brick wall. I've had fun talking to your ego.
I don't disagree with the sentiment that a healthy diet does not equal food deprivation by the way. I just disagree with you continually trying to apply it to a 7 month old who was eating as healthy as a 7 month old could.
@jolee3: You're desperate to get the last word in aren't you. So firstly, YOU are the one that said your kid is too fat for a couple of brands of nappies, not me. I didn't assume anything, you said it. Second, nowhere did I say I hate people who use disposable nappies or wipes, you just made that up. So having dreamed that up, you go on to extrapolate that I must therefore have no friends. Do you know what "non sequitur" means? I will say that after raising two kids, we never once used a disposable nappy or wipe. The concept of leaving plastic bundles of faeces littered around the place is utterly disgusting. Cloth nappies are a lot more work, but responsible parenting IS work. Thirdly, yes I am very arrogant, but for good reason. I'm intellectually far superior to you. That's not an idle boast, according to the statistics I was measured in the top half of one percent of the population since I scored 162 in an IQ test at age 14. I now invite you to have the last word in interaction, since you are obviously so desperately in need of it.
@Wardaddy: I'm not one to turn down an invitation! That long reply would indicate I'm not the only one who wants the last word, though.
From 14 is a long time to have held onto a superiority complex for, I do hope it has made your life complete, while you have no doubt condescendingly made others miserable.
Good day Mr Smarty Pants Sir!
I haven’t used Huggies a lot but these seem to work fine for my string bean 13kg son with no rashes or leaks. I guess every kid is different. My mums group friends seem to fine them ok for their toddlers. I don’t use them full time as I mostly use cloth nappies.
I found they fell down too easily on my slim toddler and didn’t hold wee as well. On the other hand we loved the smaller sizes of these nappies with tabs.
Can't find any stock of any nappy pants around brisbane!
Been using ALDI’s nappy pants for a while and won’t go back, cheaper than half price Huggies and Babylove.
Haven’t noticed any difference compared to Babylove.
How are these compares with Huggies?