The Victorian Government has announced today that from July 1, 2022, if you use the Victorian Energy Compare website to see if there are better energy deals available for you, the Government will give you $250, even if you don’t end up switching to a new provider. It’s essentially a $250 payment to every household in Victoria (with a limit of 1 payment per household) by filling out a form which takes a few minutes. (Which is why I have not marked it as a freebie).
[VIC] Get $250 Payment When You Compare Energy Provider Offers @ Victorian Energy Compare (1 Per Household)

Last edited 02/05/2022 - 09:34
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Looking to slide down to XXX
Victorians can start making 420, 69 jokes.
Victoria can offer to pay debt holders 69 cents in the dollar. Or restructure their debt to pay only on 20th April annually.
VIC just sold part of Vic roads for $9B…I'm sure that will help the debt rating
Is that for the plastic notes, or the coins?
Money doesn't grow on trees!
Our grandchildren
Sucked in, I don't have kids!
That you know of LOL
Sucked in, I don't have kids!
Joke is on you, he said grandchildren! Hahahahaha.
The grandchildren who the boomers are happily stealing from by way of property prices.
its essentially a tax on corporations well the big established ones, and a reduction in cost of living pressures for struggling families, so the net benefit is more efficient market
Giving money out to people is never efficient in an economy.. Don't kid yourself.
Incentivising higher education for a more skilled workforce and a more specialised economy seems efficient to me.
Giving money out to people is never efficient
Strange… Keynes, Rudd and Frydenberg would disagree
i believe in countries like taiwan it has been as they were too focused on saving and not spending.
also in some places as incentives to do stuff like having kids it has been somewhat favourable.i'd say it depends on the conditions on how and to whom it is given out (and taken from )
more inflation
$250 gets you a 32" TV? I'd doubt many people are after 32" TVs. Anyone who is chasing after goods with their money deserves it.
If everyone goes out and gets a better electricity deal, wouldn't that decrease inflation?
The fed govt should be giving money to ozbargain to fight inflation, rather than distilleries owned by donors.
Or the billions they gave to Aspen Health - a company very friendly to the LNP apparently.
Utilities going up so it will probably just go back to Utility suppliers. Inflation caused by external pressures. not by ppl paying more on their bills. donk
Just a small difference between giving everyone a once off payment with zero strings attached and attempting to improve someone's utility bill with an added incentive… But sure.
Just a small difference between giving everyone a once off payment with zero strings attached
But this is exactly what the VIC gov payment is: browse a site, a little paperwork and everyone gets $250. The LNP payment helps those with low income, affected by disability etc (ie on Centrelink), while this one a straight up bribe.
Here's free money to you, vote Labor!
The 2022 Victorian state election is scheduled to be held on 26 November 2022
Yeah you’re right. No one seems to question where the money is coming from when billions are given to profitable companies. But when it goes to ordinary people, that’s when we should question it.
To answer you, it’s coming from the thousands of dollars you pay tax everywhere year.No one seems to question where the money is coming from when billions are given to profitable companies
Everyone with a brain questioned where it was coming from.
The GST of course, paid by WA residents and spent with reckless abandon around the country ;-)
Classic jv, here to attack anything labor does. I hope you're also attacking the $250 from the LNP otherwise you might just be showing your bias.
Classic jv, here to attack anything labor does.
I agreed with the mask rules and the vaccination mandate, so you are wrong…
I hope you're also attacking the $250 from the LNP
Are you referring to the payment for pensioners and healthcare card holders?
The ones currently doing it hardest with all the price risers?Typical Labor supporter, thinking about yourself only before the community…
first time I've ever disagreed with you being negged.
I know you enjoyed it…
Out of our taxes they stole in the first place.
And it's absolutely not a bribe for the forgetful goldfish so close to the election after the last two years of overbearing foolishness - promise.
Out of our taxes they stole in the first place.
No, they already spent that and also borrowed a lot on top too…
This will require more taxes.
No amount of money will influence how I vote, so you got that wrong.
However, I'll make an exception this time, and if you believe in your own little naive way that it's a bribe, then I will take the money as encouragement NOT to vote for that lobster mobster guy. But I wouldn't vote for him in a fit anyway.
And to be fair, I disagree with Andrews on many things, but not what you call "overbearing foolishness". I saw that as protecting me from getting sick - and helping me to avoid infecting my friends and family as well as you, if I did. I will agree we paid a heavy price for that, but the situation could have got a hell of a lot worse than it did. Andrews did a lot of things wrong, but you will have to agree that neither he nor anyone else had a manual on how to deal with this thing.
Never said everyone would be influenced, but it obviously is because prior to nearly every election I can recall they've thrown at least a small amount of money around after long periods of none. Just as they destroyed small business, caused people to default on home loans, banned travel etc over convid, then allowed huge sporting events, politicians and actors to fly in and out at will, etc - then after all the destruction flicked a few pennies back at us for a "much-needed kick start to the economy", lol. Funny how all the restrictions ended at the same time too - just before the election, though we have just as many if not more cases than ever. All just coincidence. But it's absolutely not to influence votes right, lol.
Anyone who still thinks convid was about our health just hasn't been paying attention. e.g. The things I saw being relentlessly mocked as conspiracy theories, the same media are now publishing as news.
Everything you've said in that last paragraph is complete nonsense. The masks, lockdowns, vaccines… none of it worked. The evidence is online, nearly always taken from official, pro-mask, pro-vaccine government figures. But again, it's mocked - until it isn't, then the mockers pompously strut around like comb-up cockatoos screeching, "Trust the science, trust the science - arkkk!" Well, yeah - it would be nice if they realised they only do after their preferred propaganda outlet/politician cites the same facts 6-12 months later, from the same sources the ones they called "idiots" did.
10 million and I would vote or Biden…..
Alot of it comes from me. I paid $40k in tax last year and $30k the year before. You're welcome.
I wish I paid $40k in taxes
It's a privilege to pay tax.
Tiny small paltry amount compared to the corporate welfare Australia gives away…
Well it's via a DELWP initiative and the funding as probably part of the VEET/VEU program
Amazing! They did a similar one for $50 a while back which all went through well.
The energy comparison tool itself is actually fantastic. I did some work on it in a past life and can testify that the calculations etc are all spot on and can be trusted.
And how do you suggest we find them?
@jv: If only some of the great offers you get are posted on OzBargain, why aren't you posting the others?
Wait for the government to make a comparison tool of comparison tools and the offer of a monetary incentive to use it too? :p
I doubt that. The government site has been fantastic for me too. And I wouldn't trust a company that isn't on that site.
However I don't think anyone who received the $50 already will be eligible for another round of money for doing the exact same thing as last time.
I doubt that.
Doubt it if you like, but there are lots of offers that are not listed on the energy company websites.
@jv: You are thinking of those commercial sites that only compare those they have a deal with. The Victorian government comparison site is comprehensive. If site is not listed then it's not worth considering. This payment is an excellent idea as its reminds people to check their electricity and gas plans against the current market.
You are thinking of those commercial sites that only compare those they have a deal with.
No, i just get emails of special deals each month. More often than not, they are better than the standard offers available on the energy company's website (which are the ones you see on the governments compare site).
On the premiers site it says:
Households that have previously claimed a $50 or $250 Power Saving Bonus will be eligible for this new one-off payment when the program opens in July.
Every company is paying the government to appear on the site.
I 100% doubt it, too.
Trollmaster General is superb at introducing FUD in every deals.
He does not even back it up with any examples.However I don't think anyone who received the $50 already will be eligible
This is a new promotion.
Energy companies are required to submit all 'generally available' offers for use in this tool.
They are not 'generally available' though.
They require a separate link to see the deal.
@jv: Then the tool doesn't include them. If they aren't 'generally available' then most people wouldn't be eligible for them, so it makes sense they aren't included.
If they aren't 'generally available' then most people wouldn't be eligible for them
Anyone can have them if you ask or use the correct link…
Lots of group deals about that are better than the published offers.
Prove it.
The AU Government has energymadeeasy website for all retailers and by law they have to make data available to them for comparison. I don't know about the VIC one and haven't researched if it also includes all but if you aren't using at least the AU government one, you are losing out on savings. Regardless if this is being made for votes, by using and changing hopefully forces lower prices or at least slowing rising prices by the bigger energy companies being worn down by the companies offering better deals.
Can confirm that the energy made easy website directs all Vic based customers to use the Vic Energy Compare website
Site may have changed, but why does it ask for a past bill, does it try to get more accurate calculations? I found that it didn't use data from the bill itself but only the manual entries of people, types of usage, drying, heating etc to work out the best deal. Still very helpful site to get the supply and kwh charges, and then manually work out the best deal - always will be within the first 3-4 offers
From memory (going way back here!) it grabs the daily usage from the bill, and uses the questionnaire to 'shape the curve' of usage. It also can be used to automatically add your current rates to compare current and new plans.
Maybe, but they don't have energy bills to pay anyway.
It must be, if they are charging them for streetlights hence making them visit energy compare website to find a cheaper price.
Username checks out!
I wonder if it is an election year :)
Is that another one or if you have received last year not eligible for this one?
you are eligible for both according to press release
looks like you can set up a reminder on the compare website
website got ozbargained
nek minnit: Vic gov gives away a free year of Binge/Kayo/Flash
I can believe that the Fed gov will give away free year of Murdoch media if re-elected to have informed citizens.
I think informed is the wrong word here.
@Mechz: I am sure the media will call them out for using the wrong word when they announce the idea.
Thanks reminder set.
That's &$#!ing ridiculous. What a &$#!ing waste of taxpayer's money.
Better than using to put car parks in marginal electorates or women's change rooms in clubs with no womens teams. Or just holding onto the money and not buy vaccines / medicine that people need on PBS.
Better than
pretending to give away money when you will get taxed more to pay for it is not better…
from a purely selfish perspective the less rich you are, the better it is. It's effectively redistributing $250 from people who are getting taxed more to people who are getting taxed less.
@BarneyKB: It is the same $250, regardless of your taxation rate.
The effect of the payment probably depends on the recipient's income level though, in that I will certainly appreciate the money and what I can do with that extra, whilst someone on a high income level probably won't appreciate it as much.@GG57: Person A earns enough that they are in the top tax bracket of 45%.
Person B earns below the minimum tax threshold.
In order to fund the $250 payment, the government allocates $250 of taxpayer's money to each person who takes the survey. Let's assume the tax doesn't get increased, it's just taken out of the existing tax income.
Therefore, for any given $556 person A earned above the maximum tax threshold, $250 was taken as tax. $250 was given back to them for doing the form. Effectively, person A didn't pay tax on $556 of their income.
Person B didn't earn any taxable income. They still received the $250 payment.
It's not a direct comparison but this is how marginal tax brackets work to redistribute wealth, but usually the assistance is through services rather than a payment.
@BarneyKB: Happy to be corrected, but Person A doesn't pay tax at a rate of 45% on their total income.
@GG57: Correct, that's why I specified that it was at money they received above the maximum tax rate.
To put it another way, if persons A and B were the only people in Australia, person A would effectively be directly paying person B's $250.
Whenever you have a fixed (i.e.: not percentage based on income) payment or service to taxpayers, effectively the people paying a higher percentage of tax will be paying for the service for those paying a lower tax bracket.
Also to be clear I'm not criticising this, that's just how tax works.
…if persons A and B were the only people in Australia…
In this case, there wouldn't be $250 in the government coffers to pay both person A and person B.
from a purely selfish perspective the less rich you are, the better it is.
You could be a rich Tennis player paying tax in Monte-Carlo though and claiming this…
using to put car parks in marginal electorates
when did the state opposition put in new car parks?
Did I talk about state government / opposition? I am just talking about politicians in power in general. I am party agnostic, right is right and wrong is wrong.
Like the leader we paid to be on holidays when half the state is on fire. Then comes back and awkwardly have to pat people on the back and grab people's hands for hand shakes when they expressed they didn't want to shake theirs. When it comes to regular public servants (hospital staff) need to defer leave because of code brown. I will leave you to name the person, the party, the time and the place.
$250 is small change vs my annual tax bill and a lot less for the majority on OzB making $250k.
By your statement looks like you got an axe or few to grind.
I wonder where the money is coming from?