I know it is ridiculous to hate drivers based on what car they are driving, but I really have a thing with BMW X series drivers.
I know for sure it isn't a jealousy thing, because I don't have the same sentiment towards other luxury brands like Mercedes or Audi etc.
I don't know what it is about them, but BMW X series drivers seem:
- entitled
- never give "thank you" waves
- aggressive
- don't indicate
- change lanes constantly
- always cut the queue to front of lane in traffic light, that ends after the light
So every time I see a BMW I have this natural instinct to not extend courtesy to them on the road (such as not making room for them into traffic, when they are coming out of petrol stations etc, because I know they aren't gonna give me that thank-you wave).
Is this just me? Or does anyone else have like a "pet-peeve" brand of cars you really hate on the road?
p.s. I'm a Tesla driver btw lol
Stinger is povo mate, get a real car.