This was posted 2 years 10 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Popcorn Chicken Bucket $10 @ KFC


$10 Popcorn Chicken Bucket is back start. Equivalent to 2 Maxi Popcorn Chicken boxes. Available in-store or via the KFC app.

Also back is the $2 Flat Bread Slider Range and the Bacon Lovers Burger - Packed with Bacon, Cheese and Baconnaise Sauce.

Mod - Comparison:

Popcorn Bucket - 5276KJ / 392g
Maxi Boxes - 3002KJ / 223g

Related Stores

KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

  • +18

    So deadly, good bye arteries.

    • If I read correctly (feel free to correct me)

      These contain an equal amount of fat (with way less saturated fat) and a higher protein content than than an average bag of chips*…

      *but ya just gonna eat 500g of popcorn chicken like it was 100g of popcorn though

      • +1

        KFC Chips (per 100g)
        Calories 310
        Fat 15g
        Protein 5g
        Carbohydrates 39g

        Popcorn Chicken
        Calories 352
        Fat 21g
        Protein 18g
        Carbohydrates 21g

        (a US source, but matches the local nutrition numbers)

        • If I were hitting the gym and just calorie counting, this would be a nothing food to fill a calorie goal and better than a bag of chips…

          KFC got bags of chip in US?

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: I did some further digging and found the local numbers:

            KFC Chips (per 100g)
            Energy 974.0kj
            Fat 9.4
            Sat. Fat 0.7
            Protein 3.9
            Carbohydrates 33.0

            Popcorn Chicken (per 100 g)
            Energy 1346.0kj
            Fat 20.4
            Sat. Fat 1.7
            Protein 19.0
            Carbohydrates 15.9


            For the equivalent calories you could eat 72g of popcorn chicken rather than 100g of chips, even then the popcorn chicken has a lot more fat and saturated fat than chips. I would say the chips come out better for your health than the popcorn chicken.

            • +1

              @greatlamp: we can share a meal deal!

            • @greatlamp: I don't see how, popcoin chicken is loaded with everything you need (protein and fat), and has less than half the carbs - the choice is obvious!!

      • +4

        Well when you compare meat with chopped potatoes, then yes… the meat should have more protein.

      • +1

        So about the same as a BBQ Meatlovers from Domino's?

  • How many piece?

  • yeee boiiiiiiiii

    edit: ermagherd just saw the bacon lover is back too, even better

  • +6

    Please…I can't eat anymore.

    • +1

      Freeze’em, reheat in oven as required.

    • +1

      username checks out

  • +1

    Time to clear out few weeks of unsold stock.

  • +15

    Bring back 9 for $9.95! And make it everyday!

    • Cheapest I think normal is the secret 4 for $6.95.

  • +1

    What's the normal price?

    • +2

      It’s not generally available in bucket size.

      But for comparison, it’s about 2 serves of maxi, so $7.95 x 2, about $16.

      Considering unit price goes down when you buy in larger quantities, it’s not a huge saving.

  • +5

    Why is this so popular? I've bought it before and you don't get much food for the money.

    • +15

      True, but it’s still enough to kill a small child

    • +6

      really? im a fat bastard and when i get it with the chips and drink survey its MORE than enough

    • +1

      I dont know if its true or not but…

      …You’ll get over 80 pieces of popcorn chicken in the bucket. It’s equivalent to two maxi popcorn chicken boxes, which would normally set you back around $15.90……

    • Considering a maxi popcorn chicken is $7.95, for an extra $2 this is a great deal!
      Couple it with the survey feedback chips & drink you have yourself a meal.

      • +5

        Maxi for $8 is a rip off though, they keep decreasing sizes. Would barely fill you up for $8z

        • +1

          Agree with the maxi being a rip off, but it is what it is I guess!

        • App says 3002 kJ for the maxi, which is filling enough, but yeah not good value. Decent with survey chips and drink to make it a meal.

    • -2

      KFC $10 POPCORN CHICKEN FOOD REVIEW - Greg's Kitchen
      150 pieces

    • You're trying to justify the decisions of someone either stoned or drunk?

  • Another simple solution to another hangover

  • +8

    I dunno what it is about KFC in particular but a $10 investment in eating a popcorn chicken bucket will give me about 7 minutes worth of enjoyment before it makes its way from entry to exit…..

    • +1

      Llf! So true!

  • So is the 5 for $5.95 still available

  • +1


  • Can anyone explain to me how the free drink and chips survey is supposed to work? I tried ages ago, I went to the website on the back of the receipt, followed the directions, then it said thanks, I closed the tab on my phone by accident, I then got distracted and totally forgot about it. Were they supposed to email me or SMS me a voucher or something, because I never got anything.

    • You will have a number at the end of the survey.. Write it in any previous receipt and you are ready to go :)) Btw, sometimes they don't even check the number

      • Oh great, the number that was on the window I didn't look properly at and closed haha

        Thanks, l'll look out for it next time.

        Anyone know the format of the number to see if I can fake one to make up for the one I lost lol

      • Another survey question:

        Has anyone used the app to order and picked up with drive thru who has used the survey code to get free chips and drink?

        If so, do apply the code in the app before finalising payment or do you arrive at the speaker, give them your online order code and then also ask for your free drink and quote your survey code? Then when you go to pick up your food, do they ask to see the receipt?

        • +1

          At the order intercom I tell them I have an app order, once confirmed I say I have a receipt reward for free chips and drink. They will ask what drink and process as normal. When you pay they will take the receipt and check the code.

          • @YOLO: Vickiolesen was kind enough to givee a survey code but I don't have a receipt to put it on. I'll have to go to KFC and remember to keep the receipt and then hang onto it!

            • @NoApostrophePlurals: I just show them a screenie on my phone of a completed survey with the validation code, been using the same one for almost 2 years now. They’ve never checked the number.

              • @MiscOzB: I don't have one of those either.
                Can you pm me with it and I promise I'll get my own after I use it lol

                All good, I'll just buy something and get a receipt.

      • I never had them check the number lol. Just write any 5 digit number

    • As long as you have an actual receipt (they don't always take them), just put any date (up to 7 day's prior), if you only have an old one, in the 1st page of the survey. Even the time, order no. etc, can be random. Only the store code, for any Australian one, needs to be correct.

      Has helped when you've forgotten, your current receipt…

    • Just do the easiest and take a screenshot at the survey end page. They don't really check for the numbers on receipt and you dont have to carry around a piece of paper.

  • I wish they bring back the $10 chicken bites. There were stock issues last year, disappeared from the menu after a few days, but available as add on briefly then totally gone.

  • Who on OzB can smash the most number of Original Recipe pieces in a sitting? I tap out around 9.

    • I tried to smash 15 wicked wings, I think I only got to 12 :)

      I actually prefer the buttermilk wings at Red Rooster now more than anything, they always come out hot and tasty.

    • +3

      When I was in high school in the 90s, there was a KFC that trialed all you can eat KFC. If anyone was in Newcastle back then, it was the KFC in Newcastle in the old bank building opposite Timezone. I think it was only around $12.95?

      Anyways, I managed to eat 14 drumsticks and two thigh pieces. I was 14-15 years at the time and you'd think I was a growing footballer. Nope, I was about 4 foot 8 and weighed about 40 kgs lol

      The all you can eat concept didn't last long, I think it did about 3 months before it was scrapped.

      • they found out that they would go broke if they kept that buffet concept lol

  • I don't have the popcorn chicken bucket at my kfc. I got $2 Sliders and the bacon lovers things

    • Same here got the sliders not the popcorn chicken.

    • Got both here

  • This plus fill up box would be a reasonably filling meal.

    • +2

      Pretty sure the fill up box is gone. They always remove the previous promo when they start a new one.

      • I guess 2 of these then

        • +1

          One of these plus survey chips and drink would be plenty.

  • "KFC doesn't give 2 large scoops"

    "KFC has instructed it's store to provide 2 large scoops as required by the promo"

    Every damn time.

  • Ohhhhh myyyy!, 2 Dz Krispy Kremes last week, pop corn chicken bucket this week. I have to start avoiding OzB, perhaps…?

    • I'm sure someone will post a bargain for anti cholesterol tablets soon.

      • +1

        they won't like that comment.
        they're undisciplined and love food that isn't good for them.
        they don't want to change, there is no need to shame them.

  • +2

    Without knowing product weights, using calories to compare serving size. It's an okay deal if you actually need a bucket load of it.

    Price Calories ∆ Price ∆ Quantity
    Regular $5.95 1,723 kJ —- —-
    Maxi $7.95 3,002 kJ +34% +74%
    Bucket $10.00 5,276 kJ +26% +76%
    • Thanks.

    • +1

      So it’s not equivalent to 2 Maxi… a bit over 700 kJ short.

      • -1

        It's equivalent to 2 Maxi's

        • So why have KFC listed the kJ values as above? Also that deal is from 5 years ago…

          Didn’t neg you btw.

          • @MiscOzB: Just received an email today which states it's 80 pieces of popcorn chicken. So yes it's still the exact same same as previous years. No idea why the Kjs amount are different


            • @brandogs: Maybe they've changed the recipe?

    • wouldnt it have been better to compare both maxi and bucket to the regular ?
      Bucket should show as Price +68% Quantity +206%

  • Omg… my doctor told me to shave few kgs… I guess I'll never complete the task… =/ Sweet Lord Jesus… Have mercy

  • Ordered, I like popcorn bucket.

  • I'd take a large chips ($5) + 3 x sliders ($2 each) for $11, or with 2 x sliders for $9.

    This is just a bucket of oil and crumb.

  • I heard something that KFC is offering free delivery on certain day of the week but I can't remember. Can someone back me up?

  • It's not the fat that kills you, it's the salt in the popcorn chicken!

    • Yep agree it's so damn salty.

  • does anyone know what date this offer ends?

  • where in the app is the pop bucket ?

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