20% off Eligible Items
Minimum spend: $30
Maximum discount: $300
Maximum transactions: 5
Maximum discounted items: 10
Full list of Eligible Items:
Have fun!
20% off Eligible Items
Minimum spend: $30
Maximum discount: $300
Maximum transactions: 5
Maximum discounted items: 10
Full list of Eligible Items:
Have fun!
It doesn't seem to work on anything in that category
If you contact eBay customer support, they’ll argue the code doesn’t appear in the secondary heading of the listing so it doesn’t qualify, despite it appearing in the search results of the promotion.
I don’t think eBay has ‘eligible’ employees working in customer support.
All customer support are outsource to India, those staffs have no knowledge of Australia. I was not able to explain why “davidjones.com“ is NOT an US site. The funny thing is, there is no way to make a complaint. They suggest to talk to next agent. They cover each other and don't do things. Excellent working culture.
Take them to VCAT/QCAT. Probably needs to be something of significant value, unless you just want to make a point to ebay.
More items, code didn't work under toys
Eligible items from eligible categories from eligible stores. Ridiculous.
Amazing how Ebay has gone downhill over the last 3 years.
Hence why I use Amazon heaps more these days. Sometimes purely for the customer service. Mind you sometimes Amazon prices are just awesome!
I'm the same, had to ditch my ebay plus because I was just getting no value out of it. Have had so much value from Amazon Prime over the years and any issues ive had with a product Amazon have basically thrown my money back at me immediately.
I am in a similar place. I only came across this deal because of this: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/694168.
Amazon is actually having discounted prices across this brand, but they do exclude batteries, while eBay discounts are across the whole brand offering.
The sad thing is that a "deal price" of today is actually just the normal price of 1 year ago: https://au.camelcamelcamel.com/product/B07J3PBL23
and local delivery by Amazon is mostly within 48 hours
Yeah, eBay is just a shadow of its former self to us OzBargainers. We were all more excited and discussed more in each eBay deal in the past, but now a day most of us just ignore eBay deals here.
Why? Because they no longer offer 20% sitewide discounts? Talk about entitled..
Not so much because it’s not site wide but becuase it’s so hard to find out and browse what is on special. Sitewide is nice because it’s easy. If they flagged items that fit the coupons in the regular search results in a very obvious way, that would be helpful. As is, it sucks.
As above, when I see an Ebay post these days my initial reaction is to wonder what obscure products meet the eligibility criteria for their promotion. Not to mention the highly and repeatedly publicised examples of price jacking in parallel to such offers which negates a good part of any benefit (which the ACCC should take action on).
I'm sure I'm not alone judging by the comments but my 'engagement' with the Ebay brand will continue to go downhill while their current strategy is continued. If they brought back transparency in offers, consistency (i.e. not price jacking) and some more visible benefits to Ebay plus then I'd be interested.
@timbo83: Price jacking has almost always occurred during any eBay sale, and it's usually the same big tech resellers (futu, etc.).
I guarentee you that even if the eligible products were obvious, the majority would still complain that it isn't sitewide.
@magic8ballgag: I'm sure there will be always some that complain, but I think it is a fair complaint in current circumstances.
Despite username checkout
Speaking of which, eBay has stopped selling all e-gift cards, including it’s eBay ones
off shore the ebay gift to prezzee and shopback etc.
Eligible items from eligible categories from eligible stores.
Eligible items from eligible categories from eligible stores to be purchased by an eligible person at an eligible time with an eligible intention ….
Here's a great pick up- Street Fighter Arcade Machine for $682.95. Comes down to $546.36.
Just be aware that this does not appear to come with the 1up arcade SF2 riser.
Save20a code don't work for me
It was in teh list of eligble items. On the page it has
Buy It Now price:
AU $682.95
-AU $50.00Discount amount:
Your price:
AU $632.95
Enter code at checkout to redeem. Hurry, your voucher expires 13/04/2022. Terms and conditions apply.
I'd send the buyer an email and say the code isn't working
What is this, an arcade cab for ants?
For the big ant. Only fits one person
arcade1up for $550?
no way!!!! way too expensive!
Does anyone know how often Bing Lee have a 20% off on eBay sale? I'm holding out for it as I need to buy a new fridge.
Amazon is where it's at (profanity) ebay.
Barely tbh
Thanks OP. (genuinely)
Took me about 30 minutes surfing 4 of the eligible stores and found an item cheaper on Amazon AU.
I member 20% off listed stores with an easy to use search function. SSD deals for days!
Now if I search for some random product at the right time and the moon is in the right phase and my neighbour had chicken roast for tea, I might get 10% off something I don't need that shows up in the "You might be interested in…" section.
eBay died ~2019. It started with Plus.
Is it just me or have they removed the search function for this promo?
Typical Ebay crap.
You click on their own link of eligible items "Bedding & Mattresses" and it takes you to Handbags.
They can't even get their links right these days. Unprofessional hacks.
Not sure why the hate for eBay, they provide good competition. Find a better price on Amazon, buy it there, simple.
The hate is (at least from me) mostly due to excessive price jacking, difficult to navigate offers (i.e.: it's very hard to tell what is / isn't in the sale, as evidenced by many comments here) and terrible customer support. Also the fact that many things such as vouchers or free returns conveniently seem to always break due to a 'technical error' meaning you have to go through support (which then also doesn't work very well).
Care to share a few examples of price jacking in this instance?
Have to say, the jacking isn't as bad as usual on this sale, but the fact that some items listed as elegible simply are not doesn't help eBay's case.
@BarneyKB: Where's the evidence of price increase for those items? The sale history shows that the current price has been lower, but also has been the same.
@magic8ballgag: Probably correlation with previous sales, idk. The last one I linked is very clear.
Of course, the stores are setting their prices, not ebay, so if / how much they jack the prices will vary.
@BarneyKB: I don't think it's fair to label it excessive if it's only a seller or two.
Regardless, pricing for these items (especially those offered by SparesBox) are still the cheapest available.
@magic8ballgag: Even if it's the cheapest available, it's still misleading customers about how much of a saving they are getting. As I said, the jacking isn't too bad on this particular sale.
Ebay does however have a history of sellers jacking the prices on their items. Here is a list I started on from a recent sale: https://i.imgur.com/xPZdAFH.png
All I'm actually saying is that eBay as a package isn't worth the time for me, whether it be price jacking, 'technical errors', bad website design, etc.
@magic8ballgag: Also I should have posted this lol https://i.imgur.com/UCyifHi.png
none of those strikethrough prices have had any sales for those items.
(this is from the 'full list of elegible items' in the op)
IMO these eBay 'sales' are more and more becoming promotions to get you to browse a list of jacked / ineligible items and hope you find something you want to buy even though the sale doesn't work. Not worth the time tbh.
Nobody knows eBay is just the shortened name of what they originally called the site, eBaitnSwitch.
Thanks OP. Found some rear brake pads for our car from sparesbox Ebay. Saved $22 compared to if bought off sparesbox site themselves due to postage not included.
Like most of yous, I find eBay leaves a lot to be desired these days.
However, I did find a heater core for my car for $135 delivered to my door. Not bad since they usually retail for around $165+. Now all I have to do is pay for the labor & looking forward to having heat in my car again.
Nintendo Switch listed under the search but code didn't work