First time I have seen this under $185
I don't think you need eBay plus with that coupon code
Intel Core i5-10400F CPU $183.08 Delivered @ Computer Alliance eBay

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Good call
According to benchmarks… the 12100F is faster in single and multi than the 10400F >…
Why does that site list the 12100F as "server class" ?
yeah does that for most… not sure why.. but super reliable compared to say… userbenchmark
I mean - it's still just going off a single benchmark.
A quick example being the 11400 vs the 10400:… - passmark claims that it's 40% faster, but that's quite misleading as it's really only ~10-25% faster in workstation applications, but only like 2% faster in gaming. (
I've personally just stopped trusting these types of benchmarks (unless there isn't any other choices, in which case it's a relatively large ballpark) are they're often quite misleading.
@isthisreallife22: By looking at benchmarks that show more than 1 software.
Software varies so much & taking the delta of a single software as being the delta on average is misleading at best (nothing against the people who post these, this is the fault of the sites and their presentation).
ie try skim through this video comparing the 12900k to the 5950x:
You'll see that it varies a lot, and any single software could be anywhere in the scale of "preference" - For example, taking just the 7-Zip Decompression results you could say that the 5950x is 50% better than the 12900k, but as you can see from the other softwares/games that just straight-up isn't the case elsewhere — the thing with sites like cpubenchmark is, again, it's just a single software — you don't have the benefit of being able to see the other softwares, and so you have no idea where it lands on the "preference" scale.Sorry for bad wording & lack of any semblance of structure, I'm a bit tired.
The TOPITUP code is very odd to me. It can be used on this, but not on an RTX 3060Ti also sold by Computer Alliance. Why not?
How will Batman survive? Find out tomorrow, same bat-time, same bat-channel!
Before anyone jumps on this it might be worth checking this exchange