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Free Pepsi Max Taste Challenge at Home Kit Delivered from Pepsi Max


First 20,000 claims will receive a Pepsi Max Taste Challenge at Home Kit. No idea how many kits are left.

From what I could tell in a video on one side you have a coke and on other side is a Pepsi Max.

Mod 8/4 630am: Updated the deal to direct link to redeem, as the link on the home page(pepsimaxtastechallenge.com.au) is no longer present, it is unclear if these entries will be honoured however.

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Pepsi Max

closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks OP, let's see what comes through the mailbox.

    • +7

      A survey questionnaire

      • +1

        Yes it might have a QR code to a website where you input whether you preferred sample A or B, and then it will divulge which sample was which.

  • +3

    Dunno what it its but who cares the is Ozbargain and it's free (aside from all the spam will get)

    • +12

      I have xxx.ozb@ gmail.com auto loaded for this stuff

      • +2

        Yeah Probably need to do that.

        • +2

          yahoo mail allows for disposable email adds under main one
          so no need to create new email if that helps

          • @naigrabzoo: How do you do that

            • +1

              @raj76: For Gmail & Yahoo mail, you just need to add +1 to your email for a unique email that you will still receive, IE tony@gmail.com would become tony+1@gmail.com, you can do this as many times as you like by increasing the number for each unique email, tony+2@gmail.com and so on

              • @Fat-Cat: Thank you

              • +1

                @Fat-Cat: Cool trick. Though my understanding is that any mail sent to these type of spoof emails will still end up in your primary inbox… defeating the point, which is to direct spam to a different mailbox. I can see how this might be good for filtering though, but you can always filter by sender, email list etc.

  • +11

    This "Home Kit" would be a Pepsi Max Can, and another Can (which probably has Coca Cola or something). Similar to the Taste Challenges they held across prominent locations nationwide. I always ended up preferring Coca Cola :P

    No. of clicks increasing @ about 5 per second. This is soon going to be OzBargained!

    • +22

      Maximum 1 claim per person too not one per household….

      my cat is going to try this challenge too

      • +3

        Is your cat 18 years old and actually a person? :)

        • +4

          damn u got me… I don't have a cat… just some neighbour cats that run away from me ;(

        • +9

          Yes….. I'm their cat.

        • +3

          If we're talking cat years…

    • +1

      No doubt. I'm the opposite, always preferred the sugary rotting-your-teeth-instantly flavour of Pepsi.

  • +1

    Value: $8.99. Oh well, let the challenge begin!

    • +7

      I think that is the cost of the coke.

      • +2

        It's an expensive drug addiction.

  • +2

    coke wins

    • +1

      Not sure why downvoted, Coke is def better, however i'm always keen for blind taste challenges to see.

      • I've done it twice and Coke came out winner on both occasions. From memory they compare it with normal Coke. I think a fairer test will be with Coke Zero though

        • Yea that is SUPER weird, why do a with sugar drink vs a no sugar drink?

  • I'm in.

  • +10

    lol i did this challenge in America when i went in 2014
    they had a can of cold Pepsi and room temperature Coke lol
    i told them i preferred the Coke

    • +21

      You must be fun at the parties

    • +2

      They doing what coke would of wanted
      Coke is actually meant to be "enjoyed at room temperature"

      No way i am drinking it warm… but

      • -1

        Coke have never wanted that. Don't make stuff up.

  • Got it. Let's see what shows up.

    • +1

      It will be 2 small cans of cola.

  • Pinched one. Lets see what gets shipped

  • +1

    If, due to any reason whatsoever, the Promoter becomes aware after a claimant has successfully claimed a Kit that the claimant has not complied with these Terms of Participation, that claimant will have no entitlement to the Kit, even if the Promoter has announced them as a successful claimant and that claimant will be required, at the direction of the Promoter, to return, refund or otherwise make restitution of the Kit.

    Umm.. okay sure. The Terms of Participation don’t even say what’s in the kit or what you’re meant to do with it.

    I ordered one anyway, of course.

    • -1

      What's a Tiktok?

    • +4

      One can is Pepsi, the other poison.

      • +5

        Technically both are poison and so is the oxygen in the air we breathe.. 🙂

  • Does anyone know what is in the kit?

    • From what I could tell in a video on one side you have a coke and on other side is a Pepsi Max

      • I don't think they will give you a can of coke? A can of Pepsi maybe!

    • Would be a can of coke, they'll tell you to buy a can of Pepsi at full price to compare.

  • this deal going crazy, wont last long

    • +1

      Professionals like free stuff.

      • I have many good wins on here, quite enjoying my almost free Jag clothes from last year, and $299 TV from Little Birdie

  • +3

    It’ll be the blind fold they’re all wearing in the ad. Enjoy the landfill.

  • Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Wouldn't be surprised if they put pepsi in both cans

  • Hope they don't direct us to 'report a positive taste result' to their company.

  • I'm doing it for the free can of (hopefully) Coke Zero.

    • +2

      is it not called COKE NO SUGAR now?

  • Cheers

  • Got one for me & my cat ;). Thanks OP

  • Its more than 2 Coke cans guys with them valuing them at $9 each .

    • +3

      Showbags at the Easter show are worth $30 with $2 of coke and a $28 blow up hammer. So anything's possible. Hahaha could be a $9 blind fold

      • I think with it being alive from the 4th and easily firing 20 in 5 minuets it could be a data play .

    • +1

      Maybe valuation includes postage and handling charges, in addition to apportioning the costs of running the promotion.

  • -1

    Im all for pepsi trying new things. Props to them for bringing out new flavours like raspberry, mango etc whereas coke is slow - we still don't have cherry sugar free in Aus and when they did bring it out like 10 years ago they used the "german formula" over the USA formula in which nobody could taste the cherry (yeah great marketing idiots).

    About a month ago we then an entire week of Aussie news websites and on tv talking about the new coke flavour "coke starlight" which tastes out of this world…only for them not to mention it's not coming out in aus. Unbelievable.

    Id rather support pepsi over coke but pepsi max is such an awful strong overpower flavour. It's awful. They need to bring out a new pepsi sugar free that tastes like pepsi

  • +4

    I used to love Coke Zero (now renamed as Coke No Sugar?)
    but since drinking Pepsi Max I feel like Max taste better
    probably because its sweeter?

    • Coke No Sugar was brought out while Coke Zero still existed, and it was noticeably sweeter than Zero, while not as sugary as full-fat Coke.

      Coke Zero then disappeared and now Coke No Sugar tastes like Coke Zero used to - like not much at all.

    • I mostly get the 1.25L Pepsi max bottles via amazon if on special like $14 s&s for 12 x 1.25l delivered. I like their scan game and won already once $100…

  • +10

    Is this going to be anything useful? No
    Do i need this? No
    Any reason to give up my information for this? No

    Did i sign up for it because: free stuff? Yes.

    Damn you ozbargain.

    • +1

      true OZB spirit here!

  • +2

    Regular coke is slightly better than regular Pepsi but Pepsi Max is way better than Diet Coke and Nu Sugar.


    • +2

      Agreed. However, I would rank Pepsi Max above regular coke as well

  • +1

    I still have a jug of wild turkey still from a previous deal that needs mixing :)

  • Merci

  • +1

    It's funny that Pepsi actually have this long running campaign comparing themselves to Coke, as if people have never tried both a Coke and Pepsi before and are purely making their purchase decision based on Coke branding.

    Pretty sure people just prefer the taste of Coke more

  • -1

    For those that are interested in what happens to their details, part of the Privacy Policy states:

    We may disclose your information to:
    • suppliers and other third parties with whom we have commercial relationships, for business, marketing, and related purposes;

    I already get too much garbage SMS and email without giving permission for more. Not for a couple softdrink cans anyway. ☺

    • +2

      Don't you have 100 dud emails and 30 numbers lol hehe ?

      • +1

        Easy to do and just give false number

  • -1

    Claim Mechanic: To claim, individuals must complete the following steps during the Claim Period:

    Locate the promotional post on TikTok and follow the prompts to the promotional website OR visit www.pepsimaxtastechallenge.com.au;
    Follow the prompts to the promotion claim page;
    Input the requested details including name, phone number, email address and residential address; and then
    Submit the fully completed claim form.
    The first twenty thousand (20,000) valid claims received will each be awarded a Pepsi Max Taste Challenge at Home Kit (“Kit”) valued at $8.99.

  • +1

    Don't forget to poke yourself in the eyes so it's a true 'blind test'!

  • Thanks OP.

  • +1

    Looks like their server is keeping up with the OzB DDoS

  • +3

    The main challenge will be to determine which cola will taste better at room/mailbox temperature.

    • Mailbox temperature haha. Awesome.

    • I prefer a bit shaken by the mailman when they chuck your package over the fence.

  • -1

    I don't think they are gonna send 2 cola cans to your mailbox, more like a 5ml cola bag so they can flip into the mailbox LOL for tasting and a questionnaire which will reveal which one is which one, just like the taste challenge they do at the stations not long ago at lease we had a tiny cups of cola >o<

    • The tiny cups come from a can though. So if they included some sort of bespoke sipping container that would make this an expensive marketing campaign just to rejig the package and machines to carbonate somehing so specific.

      Probably cheaper to just send you some cans.

  • I can taste when pepsi max is like 2 days out of date

  • +1

    Everyone knows dr pepper is the best

  • 8000+ clicks. Only 20k available. Must be close to running out if it hasn't already.

    • 8k clicks would be more than 20k claims.

  • -1

    They had this at Flinders street station in Melbourne in 2020!
    They gave me two beverages in two plastic cups and I had to tell them which one I thought was the Pepsi Max, and I got it right.
    And then they gave me a free can of Pepsi max, coke is definitely better btw.

    • Lol normally they ask which one you preferred, not to tell which is which. Perhaps they just don't want to admit defeat

  • +2

    I prefer crab juice

  • -5

    Such a waste of resources.

  • +5

    Pepsi: It'll do when Coke isn't available.

  • +1

    Coke > Pepsi but Pepsi Max > Coke No Sugar

    Don't know why they had to change Coke Zero.

    • Absolutely agree. Though also need to add Vanilla Coke > Coke > Pepsi

      • Yeah and Vanilla Coke > Pepsi Max Vanilla > Vanilla Coke No Sugar (probably the only exception to the above rule).

  • +2

    I've always found the Pepsi challenge to be a bit of a moot point in Australia. IMO over in the States the difference is WAY harder to tell whereas here they have (at least to me) extremely different flavours.

    • Do you really think there's a different Coke/Pepsi in the US compared to Australia?

      • +1

        ummm yeah big time. We use cane sugar - they use corn syrup. Fructose vs glucose. Same deal with Dr Pepper - what you can buy in Coles is the UK version made from cane whereas the US is all corn syrup, and IMO the UK one is hugely superior.

        • Interesting.

  • Is this a massive public randomised controlled trial? Nice.

  • +1

    Has anyone received a confirmation email yet?

    • They probably wont send out confirmation emails until the items are being sent out.

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