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MyUS - USA Package Forwarder - 20% off Your First Shipment with Referral (Limited Time Offer)


MyUS is a USA package forwarder that has been around for a long time. I have found them to be one of the cheapest and more reliable package forwarders. I have shipped a couple of packages with them in the last couple of weeks. Do note now though that due to COVID, international shipping costs are quite high. One of myUS biggest advantages is that they charge only by the actual parcel weight, and not by size, like most of the others do (limitations apply).

Mod: Use referral system below.

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Referral: random (22)

20% discount for the referred member, $15 credit for the referrer.

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  • Story I used shipitto.me and i had credit. they took it. $65 usd. i logged it and they said after a couple years we take all your credits.

    • +1

      Reading their reviews should make you shudder if your foolish enough to engage them.

  • Thanks, been looking for a new mail forwarder.

  • +1

    I used these guys a month a go - shipping a tent from rei.com to their base in Florida then on to Melbourne.
    Tracking stopped at customs and I got an email from my.us 'sorry your package is lost' that's it - no next steps etc etc. I had to scrap to get them to refund it (minus their fee of course) and their service is terrible. Read up on other people who have had the same experience, it's a common experience. Wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.

    • +2

      Additionally their package estimation is wildly off. I used the specific dimensions and weight from rei.com. Their final charge was another $50us over their quote.

    • Similar here, final cost was way more than anticipated, I closed my account immediately and put it down to a bad experience.

    • Agree that their service is pretty bad - if you have any issues it's almost impossible getting anyone to actually care.

      But I've used these guys a few times over the years and never had any problems with reliability. I always make sure to get enough insurance cover for my items, and also almost always use DHL as the carrier (they seem to come out as the best value). So if it gets lost/delayed, in theory I should just have to deal with DHL (who presumably would be more professional/helpful than MyUS).

      Cost is a different matter though - after adding up all the fees and taxes, it always ends up a bit more than I expect. (Yes, they add GST for packages shipped to Australia.) But at the end of the day, I get my package safely and quickly every time.

  • +3

    i wouldn’t recommend unless absolutely necessary. Used once, overpackaged to overcharge. Thanks and bye.

  • Yeah especially with expensive items you really run the risk of losing visibility or getting rejected because forms weren't submitted correctly.

  • Stay away from these thieves. Some of my packages delivered to their warehouse were never found. All incoming packages are opened and quantities are reported by their warehouse workers. Bad luck for you if they put some items in their pocket and report a quantity lower than you ordered. You have an option to "inspect" the package again (cost US$7) which will mostly confirm that lesser quantity. At least with Shipito and others you have option to ship the package as is.

  • +1

    Their shipping costs have gone up considerably recently, and they've had issues with their inventory system. Use if absolutely necessary.

  • +2

    Avoid. Avoid. For God's sake, avoid.

    Absolutely terrible service in all aspects.

    I purchased about $300 of Pop Vinyl collectibles (12 items I think).

    Shipping was a massive $250, and that's after all their fake first parcel promotions.

    • Repackaging, which was almost certainly unnecessary, was terribly done, and they used a box that was thin, structurally weak, and far too big, and with only two pieces of twisted up pieces of brown paper as padding

    • Every single one of the collectibles packaging had melted. Even the ones in hard cases, or additional cardboard boxes. Melted. We live in South West Queensland and I've never had a Pop or its packaging melt, ever, and I've got almost 500 of them. So they are basically worthless now, but also can't be displayed as the actual boxes had also deformed and don't sit remotely square.

    • Their customer support took ages, and then told us they don't cover manufacturer packaging of a product

    • After some back and forth, they offered us a free year of premium, or one off 30% discount on the shipping of the next item. Yeah, like I'm using their scam of a service again

    • After requesting escalation, and explaining that they had actually ruined the items they were meant to be transporting at exorbitant cost, their "management" said we could have both a one year premium and one off discount. They flat out refused any refund or compensation at the start and remained like that.

    These guys are the worst.

    (Yes I'm still not over it. $550 out of pocket is not the OzB way).

  • +1

    Wow, interesting to see so many negative experiences. I would have used them over 100 times (for business) and have had 2 or 3 bad experiences. I tried a few other companies and usually within a shipment or two, I find that they are worse than MyUS or more expensive, and I end up back at MyUS.

    Some tips:
    * Shipping prices since COVID are really high, so make sure what you are purchasing is worth it to get from the US. However I have found MyUS to be cheaper than the others.

    • MyUS offer insurance. If you ship once or twice a year, it's probably a good idea to take it up. I don't as I think it's expensive and am willing to take the risk. Out of the 100 or so shipments I have sent, I can't remember losing one. But once I had a $4000 shipment with Fedex get lost which wasn't a good feeling. As I didn't pay MyUS insurance, I couldn't do anything with them. But I put pressure on Fedex and a month or so later, the package was found and delivered.

    • In the old days, they would repackage/combine shipments, and then charge you once they had done that. ie. You didn't know how much you would be charged until after they shipped it. Now days, they simply weigh the parcels as they receive them into your suite and when you submit a ship request they add the parcel weights up, so you can see upfront how much your package will cost. This is good in terms of transparency as you need to agree to the charge before you submit it. You can also often see the weight of packages from US merchants to myUS on the USPS website and you can see that the weight is the same. On the downside, after they repackage multiple packages, the actual weight of the combined package is usually less (as they get rid of some boxes) so you are paying for a higher weight (weight of combined packages) than what they actually ship.

    • GST: If you are a business, you can enter an ABN in the settings and then you won't be charged GST. It doesn't really help businesses though as you would claim back the GST anyway.

    • Business membership: They have a business membership for $10 a month (or free if you spent over $500 in shipping in the last month). This includes free photos automatically of all incoming packages. There is also no change fee to change between this membership and the free membership. If you use myUS occasionally, setup the free membership. When you actually decide to do some USA shopping, purchase 1 month of business membership for $10 rather than the standard $7 premium membership. Ship your combined packages within the 30 days, and then downgrade back to the free membership.

  • i used to use them with the 1 year premium offers they used to do. shipping was always ended up more than what you thought you were going to pay when you submitted the ship request. usually a dollar or so. once it was $10 and i asked to see an itemised invoice for it. they then offered to refund me the difference "just this once."

    i've also heard that other ozbargainers were getting charged another year of premium even though they cancelled it. seems nothing but removing your card from their system would stop it.

    and oh my goodness the spam. even after you close your account, they still spam you.

    haven't had a parcel forwarded from the US/UK recently but i'd be going back to reship.com. not a lot of choice with their shipping methods but no stuff around and sneaky charges from them either.

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